TERRAIN ANALYSIS APPLIED TO THE SITING OF ANCIENT SEAPORT ASHKELON, ISRAEL 2015 Paper No. 7-3: Geological Society of America, North-Central Section Meeting, Madison, WI BACKGROUND METHODOLOGY DISCUSSION OBJECTIVES HISTORY & ARCHAEOLOGY TERRAIN ANALYSIS VIEWSHED ANALYSIS Port of Entry Line of Sight Mallory J. Kinczyk, Stephen O. Moshier, Daniel M. Master, & James A. Clark Wheaton College, 501 College Avenue, Wheaton, IL 60187 Mallory Kinczyk Wheaton College 630-442-9283 mjkinczyk@gmail .com Dr. Stephen Moshier Wheaton College Geology Dept. (630)752-5856 stephen [email protected] Dr. Daniel Master Wheaton College, Archaeology Dept. (630)752-5277 daniel [email protected] Dr. James Clark Wheaton College, Geology Dept. (630)752-5163 james [email protected] Contacts GEOLOGY Slope & Slope Variability Slope Variability (SV) was used to determine the overall topographic roughness. Maximum and minimum values of a 3x3 cell neighborhood were used to obtain the slope variability value at each cell location (Figure 6). SV = Slope max – Slope min Topographic Position Index (TPI) Combining both large and small neighborhood TPI values is useful to identify the nature of identified landforms (Figure 9). For example, a small neighborhood high value combined with a large neighborhood low value reveals a local ridge or hill in a large valley 3 . The Kurkar ridges are clearly defined in the TPI map as upper slopes and the areas identified in the Slope Variability analysis as rough terrain have widely varying landform classifications. Topographic Position Index is used to identify landforms by comparing the elevation of a cell to the mean of the surrounding neighborhood. An index number is assigned to each cell with positive values, indicating the cell is above the neighborhood average, and negative values, indicating the cell is below neighborhood average. Large or small neighborhoods should be determined based upon the characteristics of the region being analyzed 9 . An Iso Cluster Unsupervised Classification was used to resolve slope variability values into three integer ranges based on a 10x10 cell neighborhood (Figure 7). Regional slope variation was identified using majority statistics of a 30x30 cell neighborhood (Figure 8). A suite of geomorphometry routines were used to identify regional topographical features that may show the location of Ashkelon as unique. The ASTER 30-m Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) was used to perform the analysis. 0 20 40 10 Kilometers The topographic and visibility studies conducted display several important conclusions that contribute to the understanding of the settlement of Ashkelon: 1) The slope variability study reveals that Ashkelon is nested at the edge of a region of greater slope variability (or rough terrain). These regions of rough terrain surround the city to the east and south. This likely limited access to the city to the coast and in from the wadi located approximately 7 km due south. 2) Further, the analysis demonstrates a working theory that the common route inland was established running due south of Ashkelon and in along the wadi (Figure 10) 6 . 3) The port of entry visibility study reveals that observation points along the coast trend towards higher visibility to the north of Ashkelon and lower visibility to the south. 0 20 40 10 Kilometers ³ 0 20 40 10 Kilometers 0 5 10 2.5 K Km A series of low, parallel ridges, known as kurkar, run along the coastal plain of Israel (Figure 4). The ridges are built of cross-bedded, aeolian-sandstone, belonging to the Pleistocene Heffer Formation (Figure 3) that accumulated along the Levant coast with quartz-dominated clastics derived from the Nile littoral cell. Tell Ashkelon is an ancient seaport situated along the Pleshet Plain of the central Israel coast, between the Mediterranean shoreline and the Judean foothills (Shefela). The city was established as a trading post between Egypt and Byblos (c. 2650 BC). Canaanites fortified the site and enclosed the Mediterranean shoreline with a 2-km, semi-circular, earthen rampart (c. 1825 BC). Subsequent cultures occupied Ashkelon from the Bronze Age through the medieval period. The location of Tell Askhelon may be attributed to the localized topographic high composed of kurkar sandstone exposed in cliffs along the beach. To obtain an understanding of the geological and topographical influences impacting the settlement of Ashkelon various geomorphometry and visibility routines were applied to the coastal plain of Israel. It has been proposed that the establishment of Tell Ashkelon as a port city was due to a natural topographic high (the North Tell), making the location an ideal landmark to seafarers. Interpretation of soil borings at the site suggest that the original elevation of the North Tell was 20 meters above sea level 5 . The modern elevation of the North Tell is 25 meters above sea level. The visibility study was limited to seaward analysis due to the influence of urbanization on the ASTER DEM elevations. A viewshed study was conducted to determine the farthest distance at which a person at sea may observe coastal kurkar landforms along the shoreline. The viewshed was calculated from each coastal observer point to the horizon. Offset from sea level due to position of sea observer to coastal observer point (~4m) was not accounted for. The viewshed from the North Tell encompasses approximately 443 km 2 of seaward visibility. Observation points along the coast ~19 km to the south of Ashkelon have an average of 288 km 2 of seaward visibility and observation points to the north have an average of 451 km 2 of seaward visibility. These findings suggest that the immediate vicinity of Tell Ashkelon is at the crux of a shift from the sandy southern coast to the exposed kurkar ridges along the shoreline to the north. Figure 4 – Map of kurkar ridges and Holocene sand dunes, Israel coastal plain. 8 Figure 1 – Chronology of Ashkelon 9 Figure 3 – Stratigraphy of the Pleistocene Heffer Formation, that includes aeolean sandstones of the kurkar ridges of the coastal plain, Israel. 1 Figure 5 – Slope Figure 6 – Slope Variability Figure 7 – Iso Cluster Unsupervised Classification The ridges have been variously interpreted as representing coastal transverse dunes modified from back beach foredunes during Pleistocene marine incursions 10 or longitudinal dunes maintained by coastal winds during dry periods 2,7 . Applying sequence stratigraphic concepts to the distribution and chronostratigraphy of the ridges and associated deposits, Mauz et al. (2013) interpreted the parallel ridges as offlapping, aeolian-beach-ridge complexes representing downstepping 5th order falling stage system tracts (FSST), mostly deposited during the last interglacial/glacial cycle. Preliminary luminescence dating of the sandstone indicates deposition shortly after 75 ka (pers. comm. N. Porat, 2012), which would place the dune deposits in the Giv ‘at Olga Member of the Heffer Formation. Figure 8 – Regional Slope Variability Figure 10 – Landform Classification using TPI Figure 11 – Seaward Visibility from Coastal Observer Points Viewshed from 1.5km south of rampart Viewshed from North Tell Viewshed from coastal observer points North Tell observer point (25 m elevation) 1.5 km south of rampart (25 m elevation) Coastal observer points (varying elevation) Legend 0 10 20 5 Kilometers Figure 12 – Proposed Travel Routes of the Middle Bronze Age 6 Study Area ³ Figure 2 – Study Area 1 Gvirtzman, G., Martinotti, G.M., and Moshkovitz, S., 1997, Stratigraphy of the Plio-Pleistocene sequence of the Mediterranean coastal belt of Israel and its implications for the evolution of the Nile cone, in Van Couvering, J.A. (ed.), The Pleistocene boundary and the beginning of the Quaternary: Cambridge University Press, p. 156–168. 2 Gvirtzman, G., Netser, M., Katzav, E., 1998, Last glacial stage to Holocene kurkar ridges, hamra soils and dune fields in the coastal belt of central Israel: Israel Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 47, p. 29–46. 3 Jenness, J., 2007, Topographic position index, an ArcView 3.X tool for analyzing the shape of a landscape. Poster Presentation. 4 Mauz, B., Hijma, M.P., Amorosi, A., Porat, N., Galili, E., Bloemendal, J., 2013, Aeolian beach ridges and their significance for climate and sea level: Concept and insight from the Levant coast (East Mediterranean): Earth-Science Reviews, v. 121, p. 31–54. 5 Moshier, S., Master, D., Lepori, J., Wheatley, D., Felker, B., LaVigne, E., 2011, Geological foundations of ancient seaport Ashkelon, Israel Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 5, p. 292 6 Pierce, G. and Master, D., 2015, Ashkelon as a maritime gateway and central place,” in Ashkelon 5: The Land behind Ashkelon. ed. Y. Huster. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, p. 109-123. 7 Sivan, D., Gvirtzman, G., Sass, E., 1999, Quaternary stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Galilee coastal plain, Israel: Quaternary Research, v. 51, p. 280–294. 8 Tsoar, H., 2000, Geomorphology and paleogeography of sand dunes that have formed kurkar ridges in there costal plain of Israel: Isr. J Earth Sci., v. 49, p. 189-196. 9 Weiss, A., 2001, Topographic Position Index and Landform Analysis. The Nature Conservancy. Poster Presentation. 10 Yaalon, D. H. and Laronne, J., 1971, Internal structures in eolianites and paleowinds, Mediterranean coast, Israel: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 41, p. 1059-1064. Special thanks to the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon Figure 9 – Landform Classification 9 References While Ashkelon may have been a gateway city linking a terrestrial hinterland with maritime trade, this study makes it clearer that the maritime linkages were far more important to the placement of the site than any terrestrial connections. This emphasizes its role as a transhipment stop on the route from Egypt to Lebanon as the initial purpose rather than as an outlet from markets to the south and east.




2015 Paper No. 7-3: Geological Society of America, North-Central Section Meeting, Madison, WI






Port of Entry Line of Sight

Mallory J. Kinczyk, Stephen O. Moshier, Daniel M. Master, & James A. Clark Wheaton College, 501 College Avenue, Wheaton, IL 60187

Mallory KinczykWheaton College

[email protected]

Dr. Stephen MoshierWheaton College Geology Dept.

(630)[email protected]

Dr. Daniel MasterWheaton College, Archaeology Dept.

(630)[email protected]

Dr. James ClarkWheaton College, Geology Dept.

(630)[email protected]



Slope & Slope Variability

Slope Variability (SV) was used to determine the overall topographic roughness. Maximum and minimum values of a 3x3 cell neighborhood were used to obtain the slope variability value at each cell location (Figure 6).

SV = Slope max – Slope min

Topographic Position Index (TPI)

Combining both large and smallneighborhood TPI values is useful toidentify the nature of identifiedlandforms (Figure 9). For example, asmall neighborhood high valuecombined with a largeneighborhood low value reveals alocal ridge or hill in a large valley3.

The Kurkar ridges are clearlydefined in the TPI map as upperslopes and the areas identified inthe Slope Variability analysis asrough terrain have widely varyinglandform classifications.

Topographic Position Index is used to identify landforms by comparing the elevation of a cell to the meanof the surrounding neighborhood. An index number is assigned to each cell with positive values, indicatingthe cell is above the neighborhood average, and negative values, indicating the cell is below neighborhoodaverage. Large or small neighborhoods should be determined based upon the characteristicsof the region being analyzed9.

An Iso Cluster Unsupervised Classification was used to resolve slope variability values into three integer ranges based on a 10x10 cell neighborhood (Figure 7).

Regional slope variation was identified using majority statistics of a 30x30 cell neighborhood (Figure 8).

A suite of geomorphometryroutines were used to identify regional topographical features that may show the location of Ashkelon as unique. The ASTER 30-m Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) was used to perform the analysis.

0 20 4010 Kilometers

The topographic and visibility studies conducted display several important conclusions thatcontribute to the understanding of the settlement of Ashkelon:

1) The slope variability study reveals that Ashkelon is nested at theedge of a region of greater slope variability (or rough terrain).These regions of rough terrain surround the city to the east andsouth. This likely limited access to the city to the coast and in fromthe wadi located approximately 7 km due south.

2) Further, the analysis demonstrates a working theory that thecommon route inland was established running due south ofAshkelon and in along the wadi (Figure 10)6.

3) The port of entry visibility study reveals that observation pointsalong the coast trend towards higher visibility to the north ofAshkelon and lower visibility to the south.

0 20 4010 Kilometers


0 20 4010 Kilometers

0 5 102.5 KilometersKm

A series of low, parallel ridges, known as kurkar, run along the coastal plainof Israel (Figure 4). The ridges are built of cross-bedded, aeolian-sandstone,belonging to the Pleistocene Heffer Formation (Figure 3) that accumulatedalong the Levant coast with quartz-dominated clastics derived from the Nilelittoral cell.

Tell Ashkelon is an ancient seaportsituated along the Pleshet Plain of thecentral Israel coast, between theMediterranean shoreline and theJudean foothills (Shefela). The city wasestablished as a trading post betweenEgypt and Byblos (c. 2650 BC).Canaanites fortified the site andenclosed the Mediterranean shorelinewith a 2-km, semi-circular, earthenrampart (c. 1825 BC).

Subsequent cultures occupiedAshkelon from the Bronze Age throughthe medieval period. The location ofTell Askhelon may be attributed to thelocalized topographic high composed ofkurkar sandstone exposed in cliffsalong the beach.

To obtain an understanding of the geological andtopographical influences impacting the settlement of Ashkelonvarious geomorphometry and visibility routines were appliedto the coastal plain of Israel.

It has been proposed that the establishment of Tell Ashkelon as a port city was due to a naturaltopographic high (the North Tell), making the location an ideal landmark to seafarers. Interpretationof soil borings at the site suggest that the original elevation of the North Tell was 20 meters abovesea level5. The modern elevation of the North Tell is 25 meters above sea level. The visibility studywas limited to seaward analysis due to the influence of urbanization on the ASTER DEM elevations.

A viewshed study was conducted to determine thefarthest distance at which a person at sea may observecoastal kurkar landforms along the shoreline. Theviewshed was calculated from each coastal observerpoint to the horizon. Offset from sea level due toposition of sea observer to coastal observer point(~4m) was not accounted for.

The viewshed from the North Tell encompassesapproximately 443 km2 of seaward visibility.Observation points along the coast ~19 km to the southof Ashkelon have an average of 288 km2 of seawardvisibility and observation points to the north have anaverage of 451 km2 of seaward visibility. Thesefindings suggest that the immediate vicinity of TellAshkelon is at the crux of a shift from the sandysouthern coast to the exposed kurkar ridges along theshoreline to the north.

Figure 4 – Map of kurkar ridges and Holocene sand dunes, Israel coastal plain.8

Figure 1 – Chronology of Ashkelon9

Figure 3 – Stratigraphy of the Pleistocene Heffer Formation, that includes aeolean sandstones of the kurkar ridges of the coastal plain, Israel.1

Figure 5 – Slope Figure 6 – Slope Variability

Figure 7 – Iso Cluster Unsupervised Classification

The ridges have been variously interpreted asrepresenting coastal transverse dunes modified from backbeach foredunes during Pleistocene marine incursions10 orlongitudinal dunes maintained by coastal winds during dryperiods2,7. Applying sequence stratigraphic concepts to thedistribution and chronostratigraphy of the ridges andassociated deposits, Mauz et al. (2013) interpreted theparallel ridges as offlapping, aeolian-beach-ridgecomplexes representing downstepping 5th order fallingstage system tracts (FSST), mostly deposited during the lastinterglacial/glacial cycle.

Preliminary luminescence dating of the sandstoneindicates deposition shortly after 75 ka (pers. comm. N.Porat, 2012), which would place the dune deposits in theGiv ‘at Olga Member of the Heffer Formation.

Figure 8 – Regional Slope Variability

Figure 10 – Landform Classification using TPI

Figure 11 – Seaward Visibility from Coastal Observer Points

Viewshed from 1.5km south of rampart

Viewshed from North Tell

Viewshed from coastal observer points

North Tell observer point (25 m elevation)

1.5 km south of rampart (25 m elevation)

Coastal observer points (varying elevation)


0 10 205 Kilometers

Figure 12 – Proposed Travel Routes of the Middle Bronze Age6

Study Area


Figure 2 – Study Area

1Gvirtzman, G., Martinotti, G.M., and Moshkovitz, S., 1997, Stratigraphy of the Plio-Pleistocene sequence of the Mediterranean coastal belt of Israel and its implications for the evolution of the Nile cone, in Van Couvering, J.A. (ed.), The Pleistocene boundary and the beginning of the Quaternary: Cambridge University Press, p. 156–168.2Gvirtzman, G., Netser, M., Katzav, E., 1998, Last glacial stage to Holocene kurkar ridges, hamra soils and dune fields in the coastal belt of central Israel: Israel Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 47, p. 29–46.3Jenness, J., 2007, Topographic position index, an ArcView 3.X tool for analyzing the shape of a landscape. Poster Presentation.4Mauz, B., Hijma, M.P., Amorosi, A., Porat, N., Galili, E., Bloemendal, J., 2013, Aeolian beach ridges and their significance for climate and sea level: Concept and insight from the Levant coast (East Mediterranean): Earth-Science Reviews, v. 121, p. 31–54.5Moshier, S., Master, D., Lepori, J., Wheatley, D., Felker, B., LaVigne, E., 2011, Geological foundations of ancient seaport Ashkelon, Israel Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 5, p. 2926Pierce, G. and Master, D., 2015, Ashkelon as a maritime gateway and central place,” in Ashkelon 5: The Land behind Ashkelon. ed. Y. Huster. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, p. 109-123.7Sivan, D., Gvirtzman, G., Sass, E., 1999, Quaternary stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Galilee coastal plain, Israel: Quaternary Research, v. 51, p. 280–294.8Tsoar, H., 2000, Geomorphology and paleogeography of sand dunes that have formed kurkar ridges in there costal plain of Israel: Isr. J Earth Sci., v. 49, p. 189-196.9Weiss, A., 2001, Topographic Position Index and Landform Analysis. The Nature Conservancy. Poster Presentation.10Yaalon, D. H. and Laronne, J., 1971, Internal structures in eolianites and paleowinds, Mediterranean coast, Israel: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 41, p. 1059-1064.

Special thanks to the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon

Figure 9 – Landform Classification9


While Ashkelon may have been a gateway city linking a terrestrial hinterland with maritime trade,this study makes it clearer that the maritime linkages were far more important to the placement ofthe site than any terrestrial connections. This emphasizes its role as a transhipment stop on the routefrom Egypt to Lebanon as the initial purpose rather than as an outlet from markets to the south andeast.