Terms and Conditions Transport Budapest

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Transcript of Terms and Conditions Transport Budapest

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Terms and Conditions of Travelling

You enter into a contractual relationship with BKV Ltd. when you begin yourtrip, board a vehicle or cross the painted line at metro and some HÉV(suburban railway) stations without the necessity of signing any separateagreement. Customers are entitled to travel within the scope of this contract,and they assume the obligation to pay the required fare to BudapestTransport Ltd.

Passengers are obliged to avoid behaviour which may endanger the safety oftraffic. Passengers are kindly requested to avoid damage to vehicles,passenger service establishments or equipment and to avoid behaviour whichdisturbs other passengers' convenience or peace.

Those who wish to use the public transport services of Budapest TransportLtd. must obtain a ticket that can be validated and which is valid for the lineused, or must possess a valid pass, travel card or a certificate for free travelbefore boarding.

Use of Tickets and Passes

Single tickets, transfer tickets, discount coupon tickets and metrotickets must be validated before starting your journey, before crossing theplatform gate if you travel by the Budapest Metro system, and when usingother vehicles, tickets must be validated immediately after boarding.Validated tickets are not transferable. Tickets must be retained until the endof your journey and shown to inspectors on request.If you need to change vehicles in mid-journey due to a service cancellation, atechnical problem or track closure, you may continue your journey using thealready validated ticket, but must validate the other end of the ticket.Single tickets, transfer tickets, discount coupon tickets, Budapest Cards,one-day travel cards, three-day travel cards, seven-day travel cards or travelcards for families are valid on the entire length of bus, trolley-bus, tram andmetro lines as well as on the Millennium Underground and the cogwheelrailway (with various restrictions on time of use), but on HÉV (suburbanrailway) lines they are only valid as far as the administrative boundary ofBudapest. Metro tickets can be used for travel on metro lines and on theMillennium Underground.

Photo passes consist of a card with a photograph and a pass valid for a givenperiod of time and they together entitle passengers to travel. Adults mustpurchase a general card for full price passes, senior citizens (up to the age of65) and pensioners must obtain a pensioner's card for pensioners' passes atthe ticket office. Students must place their student's pass in the same walletas their valid student card. Pass owners should write their card number on the pass legibly in ink.Students must write their student card number on their student pass legibly inink, 'BEB' (Budapest unified passes) passes may be used with the traditionalBKV card and BKV pensioner's card, student's card or Volán BKSZCertificate for Employees that can be obtained at Volán Zrt. ticket offices.

Every Budapest all-line pass is valid on the entire length of trolley bus, tramand metro lines, as well as on the Millennium Underground and the cogwheelrailway on the entire length of the line, but on bus lines only to the first stopafter crossing the administrative boundary of Budapest and on HÉV(suburban railway) lines to the last stop within the administrative boundary.

With the exception of HÉV (suburban railway) passes, all passes are valid tothe first stop after crossing the administrative boundary of Budapest. Thosewho travel with passes that are valid only within the administrative boundaryof Budapest must validate a single ticket if they intend to travel through the

HÉV (suburban railway) ticket officesoutside BudapestTicket offices by districtsTicket offices open throughout theyearTicket vending machines

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administrative boundary of Budapest or must possess a conurbation pass.

Conurbation passes are valid on all conurbation bus lines outside theadministrative boundary of Budapest, and their combined version is valid tothe inner terminus of one line indicated on the pass as well.

Local bus passes are valid within the administrative boundaries of oneconurbation town.

A local (distance based) fare system is in force beyond the administrativeboundary of Budapest.

Budapest unified passes ('BEB passes') are valid on the vehicles of BKVLtd. on the entire length of tram, trolley-bus and metro lines, as well as on theMillennium Underground Railway and the cogwheel railway, on bus lines tothe first stop outside the administrative boundary of Budapest and on HÉV(suburban railway) lines to the last stop within the administrative boundary ofBudapest, on certain MÁV (Hungarian Railways) lines and VOLÁNBUSZconurbation bus lines within the administrative boundary of Budapest, if thenumber of the travel card is written on the passenger's pass legibly in inkwithout any correction. Passes are valid only in conjunction with photo travelcards. Full price Budapest unified passes are also valid with VOLÁN travelcards.

On HÉV (suburban railway) lines single tickets, transfer tickets, discountcoupon tickets and Budapest all-line passes are valid only within theadministrative boundary of Budapest. HÉV (suburban railway) tickets andpasses must be purchased at HÉV (suburban railway) ticket offices. You areallowed to board vehicles only in the possession of a valid pass or a ticketentitling you to travel.

- When crossing the administrative boundary of BudapestPassengers who possess a ticket or a pass that is valid only within theadministrative boundaries of Budapest must purchase an additional ticket atthe ticket office. If the ticket window at the station where you would like toboard is closed, you must purchase a ticket from the ticket inspector at thefirst point of inspection.

- When boarding a vehicle outside Budapest:Passengers who would like to travel to areas that are inside theadministrative boundaries of Budapest but do not have a pass valid forsections of lines inside the administrative boundary must also buy a ticket thatis valid for the section of the line inside the administrative boundary. Apassenger boarding a train at a station where the ticket office is closed, mustpurchase a ticket at the first point of inspection (including the fare for thesection inside Budapest), naming the place of boarding.

Only tickets may be purchased on board vehicles. Passes may only bepurchased at the ticket offices. Where there are platform gates or a paintedline on HÉV stations and the validation of the tickets is possible, you areallowed to enter the area of the station only with a validated ticket or a validpass. If there is no platform gate or ticket validation is not possible at theplatform gate, you must validate your ticket immediately after boarding byusing one of the validating machines available.

For travel on sections of HÉV (suburban railway) lines outside theadministrative boundary of Budapest a HÉV ticket must be purchased. Thefares are distance-based. Tickets or passes valid for the entire length of theline may also be purchased.

The ticket is valid for a one-way uninterrupted journey on the day of purchase.HÉV (suburban railway) student tickets - like student passes - are valid onlyin conjunction with a validated student card. When purchasing a reducedprice ticket, you must show the certificate that entitles you to the pricediscount and that must also be shown during ticket controls.

HÉV return tickets are valid for one return journey (uninterrupted in eachdirection) until 24:00 hrs on the third day following the purchase.

HÉV (suburban railway) passes are valid between the two stationsindicated on the monthly pass. The price of HÉV passes is defined on thebasis of fare zones. Reduced price passes for students can be used only fortravel between the residence and the place of the educational institute.Passes and student cards must be shown for inspection on request. BKVLtd. issues a separate certificate that indicates the section of the line uponwhich the student is permitted to travel with a reduced price pass. The validityof this certificate is extended at the request of the student in accordance withthe validity of the student card (school year; semester). When buying a

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student pass for HÉV (suburban railway) you must show your student card orthe certificate to the cashier.


Each passenger is permitted to carry 2 pieces of luggage free of charge, thesizes of which must not exceed 40x50x80 cm. or 20x20x200 cm. and whichmust not obstruct entry to or exit from the vehicle. one sledge, one pair ofskis, one wrapped sapling tree, or a pram are also permitted to carry.It is not permitted to board vehicles with objects which may cause accident ordamage. Bicycles may be transported only on the HÉV (suburban railway)lines and on the cogwheel railway, by validating another ticket, and boardingat the sign painted on the platform.

Transportation of Animals

A dog (regardless of its size) may be transported on the vehicles on conditionof the purchase of a full-price ticket or pass for the dog for the given distance;single tickets or discount coupon tickets are also valid on the entire length ofHÉV (suburban railway) lines, too. You may purchase a full-price monthlypass for your dog. Passes must be used in conjunction with a general cardand "EB" must be written in the place reserved for the photo,. Police dogs,help dogs for the disabled and guide dogs for the blind may travel free ofcharge. Only one dog may be transported in each vehicle (train) and must beon a lead, wear a muzzle and be in a clean condition. Other pets (cats, ferrets, etc.) may be transported free of charge in acontainer of a size which does not exceed that of permitted hand luggage andwhich ensures that the animal cannot soil the vehicle or the clothing orbelongings of other passengers.

Other terms and conditions

In order to ensure travel safety it is forbidden to get on or off a vehicle afterthe starting signal, and the doors must not be obstructed while they areclosing.

It is forbidden to listen to radios or other sound equipment within the vehiclesor within the areas of metro and HÉV stations at a volume that may disturbother passengers.

On vehicles and within the area of Metro, HÉV, and cogwheel railwaystations it is forbidden:

To get on or off a vehicle after the "doors are closing" signal , after theBKV signal or after the bellto obstruct the closing or opening of the doorsto lean out of the windows or give, take or throw out objects throughthemto smoketo carry ice cream, or to eat and drinkto roller skate, to skateboard, to ride a bicycleto begto sell goods or place advertisements without permissionto operate emergency buttons without a valid reasonto open up validating machinesto transport flammable liquids (petrol, gas oil, heating oil, etc.),explosives, or a butane gas canister which exceeds 5 kg.to behave in a scandalous or impolite mannerto transport dogs without a muzzleto disturb traffic or other passengers.

In order to protect public health, persons with infectious diseases are notpermitted to travel in the vehicles.Children under the age of 6 years and persons with a mobility disability maytravel only with an escort.Backpacks should be carried in hand to avoid injuring other passengers.Passengers are required to refrain from soiling vehicles and other areas ofthe transport facilities.

Supplementary Terms and Conditions of Travel on HÉV (suburbanrailway) lines

In addition to the information contained in the General Terms and Conditionsof Travel: It is permitted to transport an object of a size not exceeding

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100x100x200 cm. on to the platform where it is indicated by a pictogram, andif the correct fare is paid for it. The fare is the price of a full-price ticket.Luggage exceeding the aforementioned size cannot be transported under anycircumstances. Bicycles may be transported only in carriages where it is indicated on theplatform, on the entire length of the line, and by the validation of a singleticket. A maximum of 4 bicycles may be transported in a carriage.

Supplementary Terms and Conditions of Travel on the Metro Passengers use escalators at their own risk. Hold on to the moving rubberhandrail band continuously after stepping onto the escalator, minding yourhands.Travel on the right-hand side of the escalator and leave the left-hand sidefree for passengers in a hurry to pass you. Small children should be carried.Dogs must be carried. Large dogs must use the stationary, back-up escalator(if it is possible), after the traffic control staff who are on duty have beeninformed. Bicycles must not be transported on the metro.

In addition, it is forbidden:

to enter the safety zone before the arrival of metro trains,to operate the emergency brake of the escalator or the emergencybuttons on the platforms without a valid reason,to sit or jump on the escalator or travel on it in the opposite directionto its movement,rest hand luggage on the rubber handrail.

BKV Ltd's controllers are empowered to remove passengers from thevehicles and to fine them if they do not observe the Terms and Conditions ofTravel.

Persons travelling in our vehicles are kindly requested to observe our Termsand Conditions of Travel.

Persons using any of the public transportation services of BKV Ltd. mustpossess a pre-purchased ticket, a valid pass, a travel card or a certificate forfree travel, valid for the service they use.BKV Ltd. is entitled to claim to the price of its services.

Controllers are identified by their badges bearing their photograph and anumber, which they must wear (on the left-hand side of the chest) in a clearlyvisible position on their outer garments, and by the armband that they mustwear on their left upper arm. Controllers may wear uniform or plain clothes.

Ticket inspectors of HÉV (suburban railway) lines must wear a uniform, abadge and carry a bag while conducting the validation and inspection oftickets.

Controllers are entitled to check the validity of tickets and passes anywherewithin the area of BKV Ltd. premises and vehicles at anytime during travel.

Passengers are liable to be fined if :

they travel without a ticket, with an invalid or invalidated ticket, aninvalid pass or travel card, or make use of a price reduction illegallythey fail to observe the Terms and Conditions of Travel

A late payment charge will be made to those who fail to pay their fine within30 days

Security guards may assist controllers during entrance inspections.Passengers who do not possess a validated ticket or a valid pass (or areunwilling or unable to produce it for inspection) or those who are not willing topresent their personal documents certifying that they are entitled to travel freeof charge, may be asked by the controller to purchase a ticket or a pass. Ifthe passenger refuses to do so, the controllers and security guards areentitled to obstruct the passenger's entry to the station. Controllers are entitled to check the validity of passengers' tickets and passesuntil the passenger completes his/her trip by exiting through the platformgates or leaving the metro station premises. Those who cannot prove theirright to use our services at the station exit will be fined.

Controllers may work in groups during inspections at surface junctions. Theymay check the validity of passengers' tickets and passes or other travel cardsthat entitle passengers to travel, before the departure of the vehicle.

If a passenger travels without a validated ticket, a valid pass or other travel

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card, the fine may be paid on the spot. If the passenger does not wish, or isunable to take advantage of that opportunity, they may ask for time to pay. Inthis case the passenger must present his/her personal identifying documentsto the BKV Ltd. controller and their personal data will be recorded.Passengers must confirm their personal details and their willingness to havethem recorded by the application of their signature. This initiates the finingprocedure. The controller will present the passengers with a post officepaying in slip on which the base amount of the fine is indicated. If thepassenger is able to present a pass personalized by a photo and valid on theday of fining at BKV Ltd. Customer Service Office within 8 days, and pays anadministration charge, BKV Ltd. will consider the case settled.

If passengers who violate rules set out in the Terms and Conditions of Travelfail to co-operate with the controller during the fining procedure (they areneither willing to pay the fine on the spot, nor to present their personaldocuments), the controller is entitled to request police assistance in theidentification of the passenger. (Based on the regulation of the GeneralAssembly of the Municipality nr. 86/2005. (XII.16), §5(7) paragraph)

BKV Ltd. records the passenger's data at the time of initiation of the case;these data are deleted when the passenger settles the outstanding fine.Passengers failing to settle their account within 30 days will receive ademand for payment including a late payment supplementary charge. Furtherfailure to settle this account will result in BKV Ltd. taking steps to prosecutethe debtor and collect the fine. Based on the non-appealable decision of thecourt, distraint proceedings shall be implemented to recover the debt.

Based on the regulations of the Hungarian Civil Code. Section 328-330 BKVLtd. reserves the right to empower a third party to collect the expired rightfulclaims.

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