Termini Ology

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  • 8/12/2019 Termini Ology



    x8tUU(P8ltxxx)-lmI ndian stcatda-urd


    ( Fourth Reprint MAY 1995 )

    UBC 001.4:621.315.1



  • 8/12/2019 Termini Ology




    SRN s. 8.MtmnwPIWRCNAWYAUAU BTDG1:3,ISIslw u. K. Pmw- _ CtiOdMsmlR.Rmmmaanha



    NEW DELHI 110002

  • 8/12/2019 Termini Ology


    Smut Y. s. VX?8cAmwruM, ET&l5,ISI .=tw(~=h)(w) DitworGcncr4IsI(~~)

    Power Installation and Maintenance Sectional Committee, ETDC 20Chairmm

    Sam K. s. scmMRmAnYAm MyKIm State Elccwicity Born& BangaloreAlah&uM.ARmou Tan&l Nadu Electricity Board, MadrasSuuB.kN~~~~mut(&mm&)hrA.Avmuuubr v. 0. BA?AT Engineera India Ltd, New DelhiGovmmatt dMabarashtratiRL.~~(AhtHwv.afh= d&IRIIU.IC.JAYAMMAN ianaud8Ltd, Bomb8ylhptK.LBor (dun-) ?ssr Ekck suppy .cow-t-lLtd,8mtActtA~(Alrarlr)

    hN.N.QtMM ORTW&ILV.CUAUBU ckwan~~ofWat [email protected]~Ahfmt0)

    Tb mea ofElcctmty Undemkiogs of India,

    NewDdbiDmn7DmwToa(HED-1) (Afmdw&W- Kemh $. UBRAMAM nr (AUnu*) mteEktricity Board, Trivatuhtm8nIK.K.GmrA J rodumlscd,BuodpSSIWADAITA (UoaJI) -_SRRXR.T.- IMabua&tr8 State Elcctricih Bomd, BombwSmu M. G. KAMAT Tata Cotuultin~ Engineax, iJorttb& -&rat U. G.$BARYAAknutn )&UV.A.Sl&UAQZZF~-) Gamd Public Worh Department, New DdbiZ%= . T=iff_f~~*,~~~TheBomb lcctnc supply and rmspart uoda-

    &EBID.M.VATCEU(AU~UCI) &IUfRAYthNDRUNSqL.E.D%lt~(-) Ihgimehng Conatntction Corporation Ltd, BobySltuLCSAmBRsnuP.8.sA-(dunnd,) Delhi Electric Supply Undataking, Delhi&lusAwtn-SStttORkarnrrrTOTtISCEtU GovammatofPttqjabELBcrmul[rrwror(rllaark) (cmtthtfrdoJ tpag8 15)2

  • 8/12/2019 Termini Ology


    l8:188s (Partxxx)-IOnZdl St&d



    0.1 This IndianStandard ( Part XXX ) was adoPted by the IadiurStandmds Institution on 11 J une 1971, after the draft fina%ed by theEkctrotechnical Standards Sectional Committee in consultation with thePower Inrtsllrtion and .Maintcnancc S&owl Committee hul beenqqrovai by the Electrotechnical Division Council.03This standard (PartXXX) cmm deiinithmsoftennarelatingtooverhead transmission and distribution J oke&al eaerly.9.B. I$s;dT$rd is one of the series of ndirn Standa& on ekctrotcchr&.0.4 This andard largely follows IEC Pub 50 ( 25 ) ( 1965 ) * Oeoarrion,trrnsmirioa and distribution of electrical energy , brwght out by Inter-n8tional Electrotechni,cal Commission, IEC.

    1. SCOPE1.1 Thir standa+ .( Part XXX) covers definitions of terms applicable tooverhead ctuurmaron and distribution of electrical energy.1.2 This standard does not cover terms relating to underground cable networks.2.GENEMLTBRMS2.1 Traauuds&oa of Elacbial W-The conveying of ekctricalenergy in bulk, generally over a long distance for further distribution.2.2 Distr&4on of Elect&al m - The conveying of electricalenergy to point8 of consumption.2.3 Power System- A system comprising installations of generators,transformers, switchgear, lines, acccssorics and structures used for thegeneration, convetion, transformation, transmission and distribution ofelectrical energy.


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    4 &Immbi-Au amemblqe ofei pmentt onr;e_lace inehtdiugr Sdmtdam-A subetath w&h id&

    $3 e Smbm@aa - A substation ina which arc led oneormo~linerutedforco~~betweentwoormorcne~.3.4 -doa Sue-A rubstation u&d for feeding a distri-bution network.3.3 RtvL- A substation in which all the apparatus is housed in oneweatherproof metal enclosure.3SPllcbgc(U~)~~- A substatioa inwhich the switchgear,the busbars and the transfmm are all contained in a single robust metalenclosure.3.7 Mobile Gpktrdon - A substation permanently mounted on one ormore vehicle%3.8 Tm Sebstati~- A substation comprisiig individualitems of equipment which can be readily moved into position Cx temporaryuse.33 Link-Box- A box installed underground with a removable covercontaining removable links for the connection or isolation of sexvicecircuits.3.10 D&rib&ion Pillar- A totally enclosed structure or cubiclecontaining bus-bars connected to incoming and outgoing distributionfecdcn controlled ,through links or fuses.


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    j~~ SSwitchbopor~oC8rwitchbrYrepuPtcdfiom~~ing8witchbysbyp8rtitiaak3al3cb rol~-Aroominwhichcontroiboard8arc~.3.14 W-Ark tkclrk oopdoctQ &at8avea888commonamnec-tionfbronepolarityorphasc ofscveml circuita Two or more b-bars,which serve rll polaritkorphasuofthecircuits,arcalso collectivelycaucd8Bus.Bus-bnaredistinguishedfmm Conncctitm-bars (aborefkrredtoas bw-amnections ), which Mtcr-conmxt dcviccsinthc sameckuitorconnect the circuit to the bus-bars.

    3.15 Akk &m-B8rm-IllsMWmsarcvay~ r+lcd with two ormorcschofbus-bar8,8IT8qed~v8rioust#. n&n bus+rs h t$atpa&x&ar~fbusbuswhacharcpropoedtokcnerg=ddunng$16 Te lkra - AuxiEuy bus-bats B by a circuit-bra&ertothemainbars. Anycircuitcanktra&kcd tothetransffxbrvsbymeans of an isolator so that the circuit can b&controlled by a circuit-breakerconn&ngthetran&rhntothemainbanduri Y pckds whenthe circuit-beaker normaily controlling that circuit b out o commission.3.17 lkmerve m - A second set of bus-bars to which each circuit, withits own circuit-breaker, can be a+nn=t+b mm d buS=barsckctionisolatol?L3.18 T---A covered channel in w&h cabIcs arc iaid to protectthem against external mc&8nical cfkts.3.19 Tube (P@e) (aCr) -Tube, pipe or duct through which cablesarc drawn to protect them qipin8t external mechanical efkcta or tofkcilitate the clwsing ofobataclu.aNExwONUCl Netwek-_An individual ckct+l 8ystem in which all the con-ductors and apparatus arc itttavs~&&496biUtorhrrfblsymtem~- -AEyStem OfdiShibu-tion in which alI the conmu&gdtvianan conmxkd so 86 tohavethesamenominalvoltagcappkdto~43kk6of m - A syatcm of distribution in whichthtCOtBSummpdeviccrtOkSUWpliedUC90- thatthcyaIfcarrytheuraecllnmL


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    4.4 bobted Kemtd syaem- A system which has no intentionalconnection to earth except &rough indicating, measuring, or protectivedevices of very high impedance.43 Ear&cd NeuM Symtem -A system in which the neutral is con-nected to earth, either solidly, or through a resistance or reactance of valuelow enough to reduce materially transient oscillations and to give a currentsuB&nt for select& earth fault protection.4.6 Remnt &rtbed system -A system earthed through a reactor.the reactance being of such a value that during a single line-to-earth fault,the power-frequency inductive current passed by this reactor essentiallvneutralizes the power-frequency capacitive component of the earth-faultcurrent.

    NOTE -With resonant earthing of a system, the net curma t in the fault ir limted to~tdt an cxtatt that ~II arcing fault in air would be self-extinguishing.4.7 System with Solidly Eutktd Neutral-X system with one ormore tra+formers or generators having the neutral point(s) earthed insuch a way that the voltage drop along the connection to earth is negligiblecompared with the nominal voltage of the system under all possibleoperating conditions.4.8 BET& Reto?n v -A system in which one of the conduct&s isreplaced by earth.4.9 Radial C&a&- A line emanating from a source of supply andtcrminat&g at a point to be supplied which, together with any other pointsto be supplied by the line, do not have a supply available to them in morethan one direction.4.10 ILdkl Network - A network or part of a network which is whollyor mhinly compo8cd ofrdal circuits.4.11 Radially Operated Network- A radial network, or a networkconstructed as a ringed or a meshed network, but operated in such a waythat the points to be supplied are not supplied in more than one directioncontinuously, but the alternative supply is only connected by closingswitching devices which are normally open. \4.12 Memhed Network- A network or part of a network which is whollyor mainly ~posed of ring circuits all or most of which emanate from andterminate at di&ent sources of supply, or any more complex system ofmultiple ring circuits with multiple supply sources.43 -ted Nehrork - A meshed network in which all of theswitching devices are normally closed so that all or most of the points to besupplied are each supplied from more than one source of supplycontinuously.


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    l6:1663(Ffmraxx)-l37l6~~-bhXimlmtvcrtiddi8tanCC,ina~0futovzrheodline,bctwcenaconductorandthestra&htlinepass& through the two pointsof support of the conductor.6.9 B Vim -Vibration, generally of small amplitude, ofthe conducton of overhead lines, which can be suppressed by means ofWpropriate tip=.6.l6 Ceuk&~ - Oscillations, generally of iargc amplitude, ofthe conductors.of lines which may result, for cxampk, f+om theSudden.brcakhq away ofce or from stron6 winds.6.11 AWdp& (?-drr+ar; Bw&le W-A number of solidor stranded conductok held apart by spacers and donnnccted in parallel.6.12 Dable I); XWm --A multiple conductorwith two soW or strulded conductors.6.13 w B-A multiple umductor with three solid or8tr8ndedamdWWs.6.14 %r&-W&e - A conductor which is earthed and which is normallysituated above the phase conductors.6.151 W-Method of fixing a conductor to support wherebyforcuexcrtedbyachspan8rcindepcnduitly transmitted to the point of8u8chmeN.6.16 m (rcma - A piece of metal designed to secure a conduc-tortoaninsLJ ltQTortoasupport.

    - A tnqedti clamp which allows the conductor to6.16 WQunp-Aclampdc+ncdto take up the line of heuuuiucturwhenan@8rdispIacanentofachainofinsulatorsoccurs, as intheauof8bralm6c0ftheconductor.W Jmpu-A short-S-mCUlRtd~d~dtCtSiCline.~~&kt-Adevicc6&iniqto@her,mcch&allycmd&ctrkaUy,&vt,kqthsofalinc unnktor.+llJ q++A6tnerictennfamydeviceundtosupportthc~adtheamductoPsCtfanovcrhcadlin~(i.Z#wtiw-A~upportlocat~dwithinartr&htpc%tiondgWourseofthe~


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    xsm8 5(Paraxx)-19716.29 Amgle Support-A suppoit placed at a point where the ljnechanges in ho+ntaI direction sufficiently to require a special conssvuctlonto prevent overturning due to the resultant pull of the conductors.6.24 An or Sapport; ction Support- A support in the run of aline designed to provide against longitudinal load.6.25 Termhal Support - An anchor placed at the end of a line. i6.26 Tower - A support which may be made of any material, comprisinga body which is normally four-sited, with cross-arms.6.27 Lattice TowePylan - A tower made up of a number of membersforming a Iattice structure.6.211 Tower Bady -The vertical structure of a tower.6.29 Pole- A support with one end inserted in the ground, eitherdirectly or by means of a separate base. It usually cobprises a singlemember.6.36 Portal Structmre A support consisting of vertical poles whoseupper parts are connected by a cross-arm.6.31 6t~y(Guy)- A rod or wire in mechanical _tension attached to asupport to prevent overturning.

    631.1 Bore S&y - Where there is no space available to locate a stay,bow stay shall be employed. This consists of a stay wire, turn buckleor stay tightener, stay clamped anchor plate, stay rod, strain insulator ifnecessary and brace with 5 km diameter pulley at one end and clamp atthe other end. The stay wire shall be clamped to the pole onthe to andthe other end to a stay rod embedded in the concrkte cement hn CL ionnear the pole fbundation, the stay wire beii pased over the-p ley of thebrace. The brace shall be clamped in the middle of the po e. Either aturn buckle at the top of the stay wire or stay tightener at the bottom isintroduced for tightening stay wire.Nom-StmbindatonshdlbcdhacuedreMxadOh. COWCbCemartpdG

    6.SL t F& S@y - For overco *3

    any obstruction, such as rood or somestructure, fly stay shall be provid .the to Tbc stay wir e dx be damped toP of the pole carrying conductors at one end and the other end to thetop o another pole of the desired height with the turn buckle near the flypole. The fly pole shall bc buried in the ground crossing the obstructiontoaminimumdethofl*ZminthewnemaanersspdccPrryingconductors. The ypoleshallbeprovidedwitha8tayintheordinqfway.



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    lsr 168s(putxxx)-197l6313 Bi rd Guard I s a device provided on the cross arm to preventbirds sitting on the cross arm coming in contact with linewise.

    6.32 h--A rigid member in mechanical compression attached to aSupport to prevent overturning.633 Bracket - A member projecting from one side of a support of whikhit is a part or from a wall to which it w directly &xl, and which supportsone or several conducton of an overhead line.6.34 Tmnswnwe @port - A transverse member projecting on bothsides of a support or joining two uprights, to which the insulatorrr areattached.6. Faandation - A stnxture set in the ground provided as the base ofa tower and to fix it in the ground.6.36 St&e (of Tower) - A metal part sealed into the foundationconcrete to which a lower leg is 6xed.637 Spar - A member fixed in the ground to support a wooden poleclear of all contact with the ground.6.38 Fin InmaWor -An insulator consisting of a single piece of porce-lain or of two or more porcelain corntogether and intended to he mounted rigi nents permanently connectedJoan insulator ly on a supporting spcture byin pass* up imidc the insulator. Unless otherwse stated,thistcrmex udesthcmsulatorpin.6-e &saMor-Insulator designed for suspension bymeansof8narticulattddcvice+ \6.46 Teadom Iad8toe ~An4nsuiator which tnansmia the line condufitor tension to an overhead line support.6.41 kqnm&n W-AniiMllator(insuIatorrtring)whichdoesnot transmit the c&k line-conductor tension, but merely support8 theweight of&e -ductor.6.42 Cap akd pt W - An insulator unit having- a cap at; oneend and a pin at the other end where the cap of one insulator inconjunctionwiththepio.of~~rLusedtoprovider~blejointbetween them.6.43 W String -A chain of m innalators flexibly connectedtier*6.44 FMnga -The portions of an insulator provided for making amechanical connection to it.6.45 NRkg-Ametairingplacedat the ends ofan insulator, orof au insulator striug, and having a metallic co~ection o the onductoror to the support, to form the terminal pointa of the 8rc if the iusulator9ashea over, and to l~gurc a better voltage distribution.6.46~InIma&~-Aninsulat0r %P* edfotinsulatingreonduc-tor.at.thcpointwhcreitmthroughaw .


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    BenR- s.17TraaAr 5.16

    Bus-hn, mia 3.15a

    ygfDeubk 6.3Si le 6.2Rad 4.9.

    Cl i$$+om 6.18Combto? 5.6arraqanat 6.6

    Neutral 6.18iziiE?Y 5Jo_..~shped 4.9str8ndal5.8

    Vilndm 6.9cooed RotlaB63D

    rpbr& 3.4Lbubkdmaitlime6.Siiz%F 6J2


    itwtdiatiaa 2.4I

    Feed point 4.19

    Foundation 6.95


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    IIsiolbw Qodoccor 5.11


    JJ ointConductc~.20J umper 6.19

    KKii 3.5

    L~~hT~$n$.27Ime& of a rpm 6.j

    Branch 5.3Condoctor 5.6Distribution $.2$u;Tt6.3Ovcrhead6.1suvia 5.4Silo circuit 6.2Tr- 5.2

    Link-box 3.9 MMain bun-bars 3.15MahO ted network 4.13Mcshswork 4.12Mobile substation 3.7Multiple conductor 6.11

    NNetwork 4.1m&cd 4.12

    N-t-1EzzE%=l 4.1sRMWppcmtcd4.11

    ~t&arekMrical quipmau2.6Overhad line 6.1P

    agy& 4 1P+r,Dist+tion3.10E sd 6F 6.42Pilx 3.19p&t, Feed 4.19Pok 6.29Portal rtructure 6.30Power system 2.3Protection, Angle of 6.7

    Rwy-opcratcd Network 4.11

    circuit4.9network 4.10Rucrve bars 3.17Raotmnt earthed 8ystem 4.6z rvrt-, Earth 4.SszY?hopcratcd network 4.16Ringed network 4.15

    8xtal conductor 5.10Scrics system of distribution 4.3Scrvicc sine 5.4Shapal conductor 5.9Shunt syam ofdistribution 4.2Sioglc circuit line 6.2sli h-damp6.17S&l conductor 5.7Spn 6.4kngtb of6.5


  • 8/12/2019 Termini Ology


    UUnit at- 9.6V

    Vhatioa, Chdwtor 6.9W

    WLU Earth6.14


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    (-.hm2)Rbn*rJirySItURN.SXll &~N~kvc&id% Bmlda, Amy Ha

    LT-COL 5. P. NANLADnT.C.Smmn (Al- &ovSIlUP.A.SUNDAMM csnmen dKcr8l8hdi8nEolpacaigA#wci8tioo.C8lcutt8SNUD.P~YUXIISRJSB(-)Snu K. JBx.A~ Covcmmrat-ofTd Nadusnu Y. s. v-nwrAMn#Dhctor(Elatedt) DirccmCal*IsI (Ex-&io Manba)

    sau R. c. BAJPAIDcplltyDirator(Ekctectl).18f


  • 8/12/2019 Termini Ology


    Maru& l&&m, B;;$chadurShah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 116002T&phorb& %$+a- 31. .331 13 76 Tefagmmsz\ (commoflRsQIonsl OffTcst:Central : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Afar Marg,

    I331 00 31NEW DELHI 110602 331-13 76i,*Eastam : 1/r 4 c. 1. T. .&hem0 VII M, v. I. 8. Road, 36 24 99Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700064Nortnam : SC0 445-446, Sec@r 36-C,CHANDIGARH 100036

    Southern : C. I. T. Campus, MADRAS 600113tW*rn : Mqnakalaya, E9 MIDC, Marol, Andheri ( East ),BOMBAY 400093

    Nkrg, Kbnpura I 26348st S@&e, Bangalore Tumkur Road 3: $ sz @a%forri CWlex; h@loor. Bhadbhada R?ad,~l. T. Nagar,

    I 3848 66QPAL a2003 .:ploi No. 82183, Lewis Road BHUBANESHWAR 76100263/6. Ward No. 29, R-Q. Qart#@Road, th Byelane,GUWAHATI 781003 .-6-8-5&Z L. N. Gupta Marg ( Nampalty Station Road ),HYDERABAD 600001

    R14 Yudhister Marg. C Schema. JAlPUR 302006117/418 B Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUW&&OO6Patliitra industrial Estate, PATNA 80OOt3 8 23 06T.C. No. *4/1421. Unimitv P.O.. Pa&yamTRIVANDRUM 696936 te210416 21 17&+&&n Oifices ( With Sale Point ):Pushpanjali. first Floor, 205-A West High Caurt &ad, 2 6171Shankar Nagar Square. NA(3PUR 440010Institution of Engineers ( India ) Building, 1332 Shiaji Nagar, 6 24 36

    PUNE 411006Joa Offrol, in C8ku?W 4~ at 8tryi. Calcutta 700072 ChomiW Appfoah. P. 0. Prinoop 7 0 00

    fBsbs Offico n Bombayk,:+ aJov@ltyChrmbors,Grant had, 86 6626Bombav 4oooo7fSalesOffice in Bsngalore is &,unity Building. Nsrerimharsjr Square, 22 36 71Bangalore 560002Reprography Uni C, BXS, New- Delhi, J ndla