TERMINATOR: THE MACHINE WARAs well as the famous heroes of the Resistance, there are many unsung...

TERMINATOR: THE MACHINE WAR By Darrin West (alien werezombie) With special thanks to Old Lord Skull Terminator: Future Fate, by Michael Tresca Terminator 2029 website Tech-com hq website Terminator websites Terminator: dawn of fate video game Terminator 3; war of the machines video game Terminator 3: the redemption video game Info skill created by ? and reprinted here Exterior vent & com tower pics from warhammer 40k

Transcript of TERMINATOR: THE MACHINE WARAs well as the famous heroes of the Resistance, there are many unsung...

Page 1: TERMINATOR: THE MACHINE WARAs well as the famous heroes of the Resistance, there are many unsung heroes doing battle with the machines every day, each dedicated to the Resistance's


By Darrin West (alien werezombie) With special thanks to

Old Lord Skull… Terminator: Future Fate, by Michael Tresca

Terminator 2029 website Tech-com hq website Terminator websites

Terminator: dawn of fate video game Terminator 3; war of the machines video game

Terminator 3: the redemption video game Info skill created by ? and reprinted here

Exterior vent & com tower pics from warhammer 40k

Page 2: TERMINATOR: THE MACHINE WARAs well as the famous heroes of the Resistance, there are many unsung heroes doing battle with the machines every day, each dedicated to the Resistance's


Tech-Com. The Resistance. We are the last, best hope for mankind. The only thing standing between SkyNet and the total destruction of the human race. Since the beginning, when the first missiles began to fall, many men and woman have worked hard against SkyNet, surviving, continuing our species, fighting. Though SkyNet is mighty, and we are relatively few in number, we still somehow manage to continue our existence, even clawing back victory from the machines. We are tough, enduring, resilient and resourceful. We will not give up, ever, until we have won. We have no other choice but annihilation. A great many men and women have given their lives for the cause, winning small victories against the machines. But there was one man who turned things around, taught us to stand against the machines; to storm the slave encampments; to take action; to unite; to defeat the machines, one battle at a time. His name is John Connor, our leader, and he is legendary throughout the Resistance. War has a strange habit of creating legends, of creating warriors. But as someone very wise once said, wars do not make one great. It is the skill, determination, ingenuity and resourcefulness of its combatants that make for great warriors, for legends. And the Resistance has had plenty of those. Sarah Connor, John Connor, Kate Brewster and Kyle Reese are amongst the most widely recognized Resistance heroes, though their actions and courage are mirrored throughout the world by men and women every day in the fight against SkyNet’s armies. As well as the famous heroes of the Resistance, there are many unsung heroes doing battle with the machines every day, each dedicated to the Resistance's cause. We have the aid of military physicians, chemists, biologists, tacticians, engineers, doctors and people from nearly every other branch of the sciences. Though we are relatively few in number, our forces are tough, enduring, resilient and resourceful. We have also trained canines to detect Terminators. These animals are used to guard our bunkers and are routinely brought on patrols. They have become indispensable to us. Many have become loyal, trusted members of the Resistance in their own right. During the long war against the machines there have been many brave men and women who have pitted their lives against the creations of SkyNet. Many have died in the battle, but their memory will live on. There are a variety of organizations that make up Tech-Com. Not all members of Tech-Com are part of these advanced classes. Rather, they are organizations first, classes second. Statistics are presented for typical ordinaries who might be allies or, alternately if the PCs are Terminators, enemies. Tech-Com is made up of the very best humanity has to offer. Cultural, racial, and lingual barriers have broken down, united in their efforts to defeat the machine. Ironically, the dream of a united human front that so many people dreamed of for so long is finally a reality. But at a terrible price. John Connor leads Tech-Com. Connor is a brilliant strategist, tactician, and extremely charismatic leader. John leads the Eagle Watch division, which constitutes the leaders of Tech-Com around the globe. Covert Ops and Recon/Security work outside the boundaries of Eagle Watch. Covert Ops operates under complete secrecy and without the normal restrictions placed on it, allowing the Covert Ops division the freedom necessary to beat Skynet at its own game. Recon/Security is burdened with the awesome task of keeping critical Tech-Com members alive, which can range from a crack sniper in the Black Shield division to a key Sci/Tech scientist, to a Delta Company agent who has seen key SkyNet documents. All other divisions report up to Eagle Watch, although Sci/Tech is not a combat-ready division. All told, these various divisions constitute humanity's last, best hope. Soldier: Tech-Com soldiers are the toughest breed of Tech-Com humans alive. They face extinction at every term, battling Terminators and grim odds. Tech-Com soldiers tend to be nihilistic about their survival chances; one out of three dies each day. Scout: Sometimes, Tech-Com needs more than just firepower and brains. When a SkyNet base needs to be taken by stealth, the scouts answer the call. Scouts combine the rare talents of quick-wits and incredible reflexes, making them highly desired and coveted by Tech-Com generals. Canine Support Trainer: While SkyNet puts together complex algorithms to try to map the human thought process and outwit its enemies, Tech-Com has found a much simpler solution to the infiltrator series of Terminators: dogs. The best Terminators have yet to fool the sensitive nose of a canine. The Canine Support Trainers live and die together, relying on an almost pack-level existence to root out Infiltrators. They are the first and last early warning defense system against the new tactics of SkyNet. Covert Ops: Just as the Terminators have turned to wearing flesh to penetrate Tech-Com defenses, Covert Ops agents remind SkyNet at every turn that humans invented deception first. They are expert hackers, capable of breaking through the most secure defense systems. Tech-Com has taken over several factories thanks to the Covert Ops efforts. And yet, Covert Opts agents are particularly secretive bordering on the paranoid, using code-names and chess-like tactics. They get the best technology and die the most horrible deaths when captured. As John likes to say: No sane man chooses to become a Covert Ops Agent, we choose him for it. Delta Company: It's not easy, blowing stuff up. Delta Company does just that. There's so much to blow up too – some Hunter-Killers are practically indestructible without the help of an explosive or three. Delta company soldiers are fearless bordering on reckless. They charge into the heart of the enemy, bypassing a multitude of electronic sensors and defenses to plant their explosives. If the Black Shields are the sword that strikes with precision, Delta Company is the hammer that indiscriminately batters aside all that stands in its path.

Page 3: TERMINATOR: THE MACHINE WARAs well as the famous heroes of the Resistance, there are many unsung heroes doing battle with the machines every day, each dedicated to the Resistance's

Eagle Watch: The members of the 132nd Eagle Watch are the best of the best. There aren't many of them, and for good reason. They are the tactical experts, both valuable and autonomous. Each Eagle Watch member carries entire plans in his head. Nothing can be written down, nothing handed off, nothing the machines might analyze. The Eagle Watch is an oral tradition of the best military tactics, from Sun Tzu to Napoleon. It is they who order men to their deaths with the knowledge that their sacrifices will not be in vain. Black Shield: Masters of the way of the gun, these snipers and scouts are the experts in their craft. They move in pairs, dodging from wreckage to wreckage. Their precision nearly matches the cold efficiency of the machines. One Black Shield can take out even the most dangerous Hunter-Killers with a well-aimed shot. Their deadly skills also makes them envied and feared, even by the other regiments of Tech-Com. Recon/Security: The Tech-Com members of Recon/Security are a very special force. Their job is to preserve important personnel, eradicate hidden threats, and keep the brain trust that is humanity alive. They are usually dedicated to protecting Sci/Techs, but with the advent of the Infiltrator series of Terminators, Recon/Security members must face potential threats from within. John Connor heads this force – he is realistic enough to realize that Sci/Tech is the brains of the operation. Without Sci/Tech, Tech-Com doesn't have a chance. Sci/Tech: Sci/Techs are the one way humanity keeps up with SkyNet's technology. Much of humankind has already fallen behind in the way of the hard sciences, but through Sci/Tech engineers, humans assimilate the technology they can salvage and use it for their own ends. Thanks to the Sci/Techs, we’ve learned to use pulse weapons. Tech-Com Sci/Techs specialize in assimilating and understanding SkyNet's technology. They are scavengers by nature, learning from the machine that seeks to destroy them. The best Sci/Techs can reprogram terminators to defend rather than attack humans. Medic: Compared to the nigh-indestructible Terminators, humans are fragile as glass. Tech-Com medics patch them together as best they can, but it is a losing battle. Medics are drawn to their profession out of a need to help their fellow humans in the most direct fashion possible, but many quit as the corpses pile up. Refugee: These poor dregs of humanity are what Connor pulls his recruits from and who he fights for. They are largely ignorant, wary superstitious, untrained, and inexperienced with military procedures. They are also all that remains of the human race. Rogue: Stronger versions of refugees, these people constitute the thugs, punks, gangs, and even cannibals that roam the wasteland that was once civilization. They live by their wits, taking what they need from people and land without any regard to human decency. Tech-Com Soldier (survivor) STR 4, DEX 4, CON 4, INT 2, PER 3, WIL 3 LPS: 57 EPS: 35 SPD: 8 ESS: 20 QUALITIES/DRAWBACKS: Fast Reaction Time Hard To Kill Nerves of Steel Resistance (disease, fatigue, hunger, thirst, poison) Subject To Orders SKILLS: Brawl 3 Dodge 3 Driving 3 First Aid 2 Guns (plasma) 4 Info (Tech-Com) 3 Info (Skynet) 3 Jury-Rig 3 Notice 3 Running (marathon) 2 Scavenging 2 Stealth 3 Survival (ruins) 3 GEAR: M-27 Plasma Rifle, Tech-Com Uniform, Sleeping Bag, Large Knife, Backpack, Canteen, Tin Cup, Small Frying Pan, Flashlight, Radio Headset, Lighter, Rations

Page 4: TERMINATOR: THE MACHINE WARAs well as the famous heroes of the Resistance, there are many unsung heroes doing battle with the machines every day, each dedicated to the Resistance's

Tech-Com Scout (survivor) STR 3, DEX 4, CON 4, INT 2, PER 4, WIL 3 LPS: 53 EPS: 35 SPD: 8 ESS: 20 QUALITIES/DRAWBACKS: Fast Reaction Time Hard To Kill Nerves of Steel Resistance (disease, fatigue, hunger, thirst, poison) Subject To Orders SKILLS: Brawl 2 Dodge 4 Driving 3 First Aid 2 Guns (plasma) 3 Info (Tech-Com) 3 Info (Skynet) 3 Notice 4 Running (marathon) 3 Scavenging 2 Stealth 4 Survival (ruins) 4 GEAR: M-25 Plasma Rifle, Tech-Com Uniform, Sleeping Bag, Large Knife, Backpack, Canteen, Tin Cup, Small Frying Pan, Flashlight, Radio Headset, Lighter, Rations Tech-Com Canine Support Trainer (survivor) STR 3, DEX 4, CON 4, INT 2, PER 4, WIL 3 LPS: 53 EPS: 35 SPD: 8 ESS: 20 QUALITIES/DRAWBACKS: Fast Reaction Time Hard To Kill Nerves of Steel Resistance (disease, fatigue, hunger, thirst, poison) Subject To Orders SKILLS: Animal Training 4 Brawl 2 Dodge 3 Driving 2 First Aid 2 Guns (plasma) 3 Info (Tech-Com) 3 Info (Skynet) 3 Notice 4 Running (marathon) 2 Scavenging 2 Stealth 3 Survival (ruins) 4 GEAR: Dog (with leash & the dog’s favorite toy) , M-25 Plasma Rifle, Tech-Com Uniform, Sleeping Bag, Large Knife, Backpack, Canteen, Tin Cup, Small Frying Pan, Flashlight, Radio Headset, Lighter, Rations (with extra rations for the dog)

Page 5: TERMINATOR: THE MACHINE WARAs well as the famous heroes of the Resistance, there are many unsung heroes doing battle with the machines every day, each dedicated to the Resistance's

Tech-Com Covert Ops (survivor) STR 4, DEX 4, CON 4, INT 2, PER 3, WIL 3 LPS: 57 EPS: 35 SPD: 8 ESS: 20 QUALITIES/DRAWBACKS: Fast Reaction Time Hard To Kill Nerves of Steel Resistance (disease, fatigue, hunger, thirst, poison) Paranoid Subject To Orders SKILLS: Brawl 2 Computers (spl) 4 Dodge 3 Driving 2 First Aid 2 Guns (plasma) 2 Info (Tech-Com) 3 Info (Skynet) 4 Notice 3 Running (marathon) 2 Scavenging 2 Stealth 4 Survival (ruins) 3 GEAR: Beaten Up Old Laptop Computer, M-25 Plasma Rifle, Tech-Com Uniform, Sleeping Bag, Large Knife, Backpack, Canteen, Tin Cup, Small Frying Pan, Flashlight, Radio Headset, Lighter, Rations Tech-Com Delta Company (survivor) STR 4, DEX 4, CON 4, INT 2, PER 3, WIL 3 LPS: 57 EPS: 35 SPD: 8 ESS: 20 QUALITIES/DRAWBACKS: Fast Reaction Time Hard To Kill Nerves of Steel Resistance (disease, fatigue, hunger, thirst, poison) Cruel 1 Reckless Subject To Orders SKILLS: Brawl 2 Demolitions 5 Dodge 3 Driving 2 First Aid 2 Guns (plasma) 3 Info (Tech-Com) 3 Info (Skynet) 4 Notice 4 Running (marathon) 2 Scavenging 2 Stealth 4 Survival (ruins) 4

Page 6: TERMINATOR: THE MACHINE WARAs well as the famous heroes of the Resistance, there are many unsung heroes doing battle with the machines every day, each dedicated to the Resistance's

GEAR: Backpack Rack (with 3 Plasma Mines), C-4 (with detonators and timers), Pipe Bombs, M-25 Plasma Rifle, Tech-Com Uniform, Sleeping Bag, Large Knife, Backpack, Canteen, Tin Cup, Small Frying Pan, Flashlight, Radio Headset, Lighter, Rations Tech-Com Eagle Watch (legendary) (NPC only at GM’s discretion) STR 4, DEX 5, CON 6, INT 4, PER 5, WIL 4 LPS: 65 EPS: 47 SPD: 11 ESS: 20 QUALITIES/DRAWBACKS: Charisma (2) Fast Reaction Time Hard To Kill Nerves of Steel Resistance (disease, fatigue, hunger, thirst, poison) Status (3) Adversary (5) (Skynet’s most wanted. A favorite terminator target.) Recurring Nightmares SKILLS: Brawl 4 Demolitions 5 Dodge 5 Driving 4 First Aid 4 Guns (plasma) 5 Info (Tech-Com) 5 Info (Skynet) 5 Notice 5 Running (marathon) 4 Scavenging 4 Stealth 4 Survival (ruins) 5 Tactics (spl) 4 GEAR: Maps, M-27 Plasma Rifle, Tech-Com Uniform, Sleeping Bag, Large Knife, Backpack, Canteen, Tin Cup, Small Frying Pan, Flashlight, Radio Headset, Lighter, Rations Tech-Com Black Shield (survivor) STR 4, DEX 4, CON 4, INT 2, PER 3, WIL 3 LPS: 57 EPS: 35 SPD: 8 ESS: 20 QUALITIES/DRAWBACKS: Fast Reaction Time Hard To Kill Nerves of Steel Number One With A Bullet (FoZ 30) Resistance (disease, fatigue, hunger, thirst, poison) Cruel 1 Subject To Orders SKILLS: Brawl 2 Dodge 3 Driving 2 First Aid 2 Guns (plasma) 5 Info (Tech-Com) 3 Info (Skynet) 3

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Notice 5 Running (marathon) 2 Scavenging 2 Stealth 5 Survival (ruins) 4 GEAR: M-27 Plasma Rifle with scope, Night-Vision Goggles, Tech-Com Uniform, Sleeping Bag, Large Knife, Backpack, Canteen, Tin Cup, Small Frying Pan, Flashlight, Radio Headset, Lighter, Rations Tech-Com Recon/Security (survivor) STR 4, DEX 4, CON 4, INT 2, PER 3, WIL 3 LPS: 57 EPS: 35 SPD: 8 ESS: 20 QUALITIES/DRAWBACKS: Fast Reaction Time Hard To Kill Nerves of Steel Resistance (disease, fatigue, hunger, thirst, poison) Adversary (3) (terminators) Cruel 1 Paranoid Subject To Orders SKILLS: Brawl 3 Dodge 4 Driving 3 First Aid 3 Guns (plasma) 4 Info (Tech-Com) 4 Info (Skynet) 4 Notice 5 Running (marathon) 3 Scavenging 2 Stealth 4 Survival (ruins) 4 GEAR: M-27 Plasma Rifle, Tech-Com Uniform, Sleeping Bag, Large Knife, Backpack, Canteen, Tin Cup, Small Frying Pan, Flashlight, Radio Headset, Lighter, Rations Tech-Com Sci/Tech (survivor) STR 3, DEX 3, CON 2, INT 4, PER 4, WIL 4 LPS: 30 EPS: 32 SPD: 5 ESS: 20 QUALITIES/DRAWBACKS: Fast Reaction Time Hard To Kill Nerves of Steel Resistance (disease, fatigue, hunger, thirst, poison) Adversary (5) (terminators) Cruel 1 Subject To Orders SKILLS: Computers (spl) 3 Demolitions 3 Dodge 2 Guns (plasma) 2

Page 8: TERMINATOR: THE MACHINE WARAs well as the famous heroes of the Resistance, there are many unsung heroes doing battle with the machines every day, each dedicated to the Resistance's

(Any Technological Skill) 3 (Any Technological Skill) 4 Info (Tech-Com) 3 Info (Skynet) 4 Notice 3 Scavenging 2 Science 4 Stealth 2 Survival (ruins) 2 GEAR: Beaten Up Old Laptop Computer, Tool Box (with various tools), Misc Spare Parts & Samples, M-25 Plasma Rifle, Tech-Com Uniform, Sleeping Bag, Large Knife, Backpack, Canteen, Tin Cup, Small Frying Pan, Flashlight, Radio Headset, Lighter, Rations Tech-Com Medic (survivor) STR 2, DEX 4, CON 4, INT 3, PER 4, WIL 3 LPS: 49 EPS: 32 SPD: 8 ESS: 20 QUALITIES/DRAWBACKS: Fast Reaction Time Hard To Kill Nerves of Steel Resistance (disease, fatigue, hunger, thirst, poison) Subject To Orders SKILLS: Dodge 3 First Aid 4 Guns (plasma) 2 Info (Tech-Com) 3 Info (Skynet) 3 Medicine (spl) 4 Notice 4 Running (marathon) 2 Scavenging 2 Stealth 3 Survival (ruins) 3 GEAR: Medical Bag (medicine, bandages, surgical tools, etc), M-25 Plasma Rifle, Tech-Com Uniform, Sleeping Bag, Large Knife, Backpack, Canteen, Tin Cup, Small Frying Pan, Flashlight, Radio Headset, Lighter, Rations Refugee (norm) STR 2, DEX 2, CON 3, INT 2, PER 3, WIL 2 LPS: 30 EPS: 26 SPD: 5 ESS: 14 QUALITIES/DRAWBACKS: Resistance (disease, fatigue, hunger, thirst, poison) Cowardly 1 Paranoid Resources (destitute) SKILLS: Agriculture 3 Dodge 4 First Aid 3 Info (refugees) 3 Info (Tech-Com) 2 Info (Skynet) 2

Page 9: TERMINATOR: THE MACHINE WARAs well as the famous heroes of the Resistance, there are many unsung heroes doing battle with the machines every day, each dedicated to the Resistance's

Jury-Rig 2 Notice 4 Running (marathon) 2 Scavenging 4 Stealth 4 Survival (ruins) 4 GEAR: Sleeping Bag, Large Knife, Backpack, Canteen, Tin Cup, Small Frying Pan, Lighter, Flashlight, Clothes, Rations Rogue (survivor) STR 4, DEX 3, CON 4, INT 2, PER 3, WIL 4 LPS: 42 EPS: 41 SPD: 7 ESS: 20 QUALITIES/DRAWBACKS: Fast Reaction Time Hard To Kill Nerves of Steel Resistance (disease, fatigue, hunger, thirst, poison) Cruel 1 SKILLS: Dodge 4 First Aid 2 Guns (plasma) 2 Info (refugees) 3 Info (Tech-Com) 2 Info (Skynet) 2 Intimidation 3 Lock Picking 2 Notice 4 Pick Pocket 2 Scavenging 2 Stealth 4 Survival (ruins) 4 GEAR: Hand Gun (with 100 rounds), Sleeping Bag, Large Knife, Backpack, Canteen, Tin Cup, Small Frying Pan, Lighter, Flashlight, Clothes, Rations, Secret Stash of Supplies Tech-Com Dog (animal) STR 2, DEX 3, CON 3, INT 2, PER 4, WIL 3 LPS: 20 EPS: 34 SPD: 24 SKILLS: Brawling 2, Dodge 1, Notice 3, Tracking 4, Survival 4 Attack: Bite d6 x (Str +1)

equipment Plasma Weapons Range (feet) AoE Damage Cap EV Antitank Plasma Mine 10/20/30/40/50 5/10/15 d10x20 / d10x10 / d10x5 1 4 Plasma Cannon, RBS-80 10/750/1500/2250/3000 d10 x 10 n/a 80 Plasma Rifle, M-25, Tech-Com 5/100/200/300/400 d10 x 3 50 14 Plasma Rifle, M-27, Tech-Com 5/100/200/300/400 d10 x 4 100 14 Plasma Rifle, M-40, Endo 5/100/200/300/400 d10 x 5 200 14 Plasma Rifle, M-100 5/100/200/300/400 d10 x 6 200 20 Plasma Rifle, M-404 5/100/200/300/400 d10 x 7 200 30 Mobile Charge Plasma Cannon 200/1000/2000/3000/4000 d10 x 15 n/a 200 Plasma Weapons: All plasma weapons are armor piercing; ignoring half of all armor. This includes both the plasma weapons described here and the ones built into SkyNet’s war machines.

Page 10: TERMINATOR: THE MACHINE WARAs well as the famous heroes of the Resistance, there are many unsung heroes doing battle with the machines every day, each dedicated to the Resistance's

Antitank Plasma Mine: Used primarily against Skynet's largest battle units, the Antitank Plasma Mine has proved essential in many Tech-Com attacks. To arm the Antitank Plasma Mine, first the dust plug must be removed. The circuit is then tested and the safety ball disengaged. The handle is then twisted clockwise from 'Safe' to 'Armed' and the ring around the top half of the mine lights up. Once activated, you have up to 12 seconds to dispose of the mine before it explodes. Plasma Cannon, RBS-80: The RBS-80 is a 300-watt blaster and one of the largest infantry weapons used by SkyNet. Traditionally supported by a tripod, the RBS-80 is too heavy to be carried by humans for sustained periods of time. However, the weight of this weapon is no problem for the hydraulics and reinforced structure of the Terminators. Its large size and subsequent powerful payload makes this weapon devastatingly effective. Plasma Rifle, Westinghouse M-25: The M-25 Pulse Rifle is the mainstay of Tech-Com. A traditional rifle design, the M-25 incorporates a "Pulse Remaining" level indicator and a flip-up flexible sight with CRT scope. Plasma Rifle, Westinghouse M-27: The M-27 Battle Rifle is the general issue weapon of the T-600, T-700 and T-800 Series'. Larger and more powerful than the M-25, the M-27 is a devastating weapon. Plasma Rifle, M-40: Plasma rifles in the 40-watt range were adapted years ago from salvaged enemy rifles. These heavy-duty weapons have evolved into the primary weapon for Tech-Com infantry. Plasma Rifle, M-100: The 100-watt plasma rifle is easily recognized by its size – it's much larger than its predecessors. This plasma rifle is very effective against Terminators and Hunter Killers. Since humans captured SkyNet manufacturing facilities that produced the M-100, it is could just be the man-portable weapon that might change the tide of the war in favor of Tech-Com. Plasma Rifle, M-404: The M-404 plasma rifle is an extremely powerful, firing a full 200 megawatts. It's strong enough to melt a Terminator with a single blast. Mobile Charge Plasma Cannon: The Mobile Charge Plasma Cannon (MCPC) is the most powerful plasma cannon to date. It has ten times the range and ten times the damage capacity of normal cannons. Tech-Com Uniform: This functions as Class II body armor, but does not encumber the wearer. EV: 6/3, Aval: C Backpack Rack: This pack is designed to hold 3 Anti-Tank Plasma Mines. EV: 4/2, Aval: U New Skill: Info (Type): Info is a catch-all skill to include specific information and/or training not included in any other skills. Example could include Info (Classic Cars), Info (Police procedures) or Info (Comic books). Each Type must be bought separately. Roll Info + intelligence to recall a specific piece of information. Endo Battle Rifle Plasma Mine & Backpack Rack M-25 Plasma Rifle Tech-Com Uniform M-100 Mobile Charge Plasma Cannon RBS-80

Page 11: TERMINATOR: THE MACHINE WARAs well as the famous heroes of the Resistance, there are many unsung heroes doing battle with the machines every day, each dedicated to the Resistance's

Skynet: THE MACHINES The following features are shared by all of the machines created by SkyNet.

Stats: Most of the machines are just vehicles with brains. To reflect this, the bulk of the machines use normal vehicle stats, with Intelligence, Perception and Willpower attribute add to reflect their relative brain power. The Accuracy stat has been removed. The lack of any independent drive, pilot or passenger make this score irrelevant. Handle equals Handling; the machine version of Dexterity. Tough equals Toughness; the machine version of Constitution. The names were shortened to help save space. Operating Modes: SkyNet controls its units using direct link command. This operating mode is known as Hive. The units are hooked directly into a Command Module and share a collective conscious. The Command Modules are hooked directly into SkyNet itself the same way. All messages are relayed through SkyNet’s extensive Com Tower network. However, there are hundreds of units (mostly Terminators) that are not under SkyNet's direct control. This is the second form of operating mode known as "Rogue". In this mode, units are independent of SkyNet but are programmed to return and download information. Changing modes requires the CPU be removed, a switch be flipped and the CPU be replaced. AI Module: The Terminator can learn, which allows it to use any skill (including combat skills) that are programmed into it. The AI Module also allows the machine to think, reason and learn just as well (if not better) as any human. Machines with built in weapons (like the HK Tanks) use the Weapon Systems skill to make their attack rolls. Weapon Systems functions in all ways as the machine’s weapon skill and will be describe in full in the next version. Alternate Power Source: If disabled, a machine is able to re-route its systems to a secondary, alternate power source, thus bypassing any severed connections, damaged circuits or internal impairment. Once a machine reaches 0 DC, roll 1d6 and note the result. This is the number of minutes that must pass before the internal systems bring on the APS and reboots the machine. Personal Communicator: The machines can communicate digitally with any other machine up to 10 miles away. These transmissions are secure and encrypted. All machine communications are handle by the Defense Grid, described in the SkyNet: Behind The Scenes section. An alternate physical cable plug exists to link two units via high-speed data cable. Sensors: All machines share the following sensory features. Night Vision: The machines can see in the dark. Integral Laser Sight: The machines have various sensors and laser precision optics mounted inside a "head" unit. Multi-Scanner: The machines have a Geiger counter that can detect radiation, a chemical and magnetic spectrum array that can analyze material, and an electrical sensor that can identify life forms, 3-D color vision and infrared and ultraviolet visual sensors. Telescopic Vision: A machine can increase it’s focus up to 100 times magnification. Sensory Recorder: A machine can store up to 100 hours of recordings for later reference. Internal Audio Sensors: The machines sense of hearing is about equal to that of your average dog. The Hunter / Killers HK Silverfish Function: anti-personnel, security, recon, DC: 35, AV: 5, Spd: 12, Wt: 60 lbs Damage: d8x10 / d8x6 / d8x3, AoE: 5 / 10 / 15, Type: 1 plasma bomb charge Str: n/a, Handle: 1, Tough: 3, Int: 1, Per: 3, Wil: 1 Skills: Notice 4, Driving 5, Stealth 4, Surveillance 5, Track 5

Page 12: TERMINATOR: THE MACHINE WARAs well as the famous heroes of the Resistance, there are many unsung heroes doing battle with the machines every day, each dedicated to the Resistance's

The Hunter Killer Silverfish is a small, fast-crawling battle unit that looks like a 5 foot long chrome centipede or trilobite. This unit is extremely quick and maneuverable due to its relatively small size. The Silverfish moves across terrain on multiple, retractable, reverse jointed legs that extend from its underside. The number and positioning of its legs allow the Silverfish to cross very rough terrain and "snake" through heaps of debris. These legs can retract into the units' underside, allowing the Silverfish to lower its height, thus making itself a smaller target. This feature also allows the Silverfish to partially bury itself in the dust and dirt. The primary function of the Silverfish is to track down Resistance settlements or gun emplacements and to infiltrate them. However, the Silverfish can also lay in wait in piles of rubble, maintaining a low-power mode, conducting low level passive scans for human activity, and has been known to attack lone individuals. Proximity detection is carried out using a front "head" mounted sensor array consisting of ultrasonic and infra-red sensors and radar modules. Once humans are sensed to be within range, the Silverfish self-detonates. The explosive consists of a plasma charge wrapped around a pre-fragmented alloy rod. The body of the Silverfish has been designed to fragment, allowing the charge to pick up a additional fragments. The ensuing explosion spays the area with razor sharp and sizzling hot shrapnel, causing massive injuries to anyone within the blast zone. HK Drone Function: aerial recon, anti-personnel, security, Str: n/a, Handle: 3, Tough: 3, Int: 2, Per: 3, Wil: 1 DC: Mini PC: 10, Main Body: 25, AV: 5, Spd: 30 mph, Acceleration: 15 mph, Wt: 40 lbs Damage: d10 x 5, Range: 200/1000/2000/3000/4000, Type: 1 mini plasma cannon Skills: Notice 4, Dodge 3, Piloting 5, Stealth 4, Track 5, Surveillance 5, Weapon Systems 5 The Drone is an autonomous single rotor anti-personnel drone designed to locate and destroy human Resistance fighters. Maneuverability is provided by a compact, high lift aero dyne fan which turns on frictionless bearings in order to reduce noise levels. Drones are roughly one foot in diameter and are normally deployed in small groups. Drones are transported in a compartment in the underside of Aerial HK’s, awaiting deployment. They can also be deployed separately. Due to its small size, the Drone is extremely fast and maneuverable; however it is only capable of covering a short range. It utilizes miniature maneuvering jets to move through the air and is equipped with a front-mounted miniature plasma cannon. In order to detect and track human activity, the Drone is equipped with both optical and audio sensor arrays. Its optical sensors consist of liquid optics which extend into the high definition infra-red spectrum and digital thermo graphics as well as low-light, enhanced 3-D visual capabilities. Audio sensors are based upon parabolic detection and amplified wave enhancements, thus resulting in very discriminating audio. Directional range finders can then pinpoint targets based on either visual or audio detection. HK Scout Function: light armored artillery, anti-personnel, security DC: Tracks: 40, Sponsons: 120, Head: 160, Arms: 40, Spotlight: 15, Main Body: 240, LPC: 25 AV: 50, Spd: 45 mph, Acceleration: 15 mph, Wt: 20 tons Damage: d10 x 10, Range: 200/1000/2000/3000/4000, Type: 2 light plasma cannons Str: 15 (can lift / carry 2 tons), Handle: 3, Tough: 4, Int: 2, Per: 3, Wil: 1 Skills: Notice 4, Driving 5, Weapon Systems 5 This forefather of the HK Tank, uses a much smaller combat chassis to allow it to maneuver in places the HK Tank could not. The HK Scout is used extensively in the war as both an urban pacification unit as well as a fast scout and an installation patrol unit. It is easier to produce, requiring fewer raw materials. It was faster and carried two light plasma cannons. The advanced electronics, a generation ahead of anything else in SkyNet's arsenal, were the prototypes for its next series of hunter killers. The electronic suite was the predecessor to the Centurion form of unit over unit supervisory control. SkyNet began to experiment with allowing some of the HK Scouts to have semi-autonomous control of their patrol zones as well as their actions.

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HK Scouts were armed with two individual light plasma cannons, mounted in full powered turrets to the port and starboard side of the unit. These heavy, high gain plasma guns are fed by a cold fission reactor, deep within the armored body of the machine. HK Tank Function: armored artillery DC: Tracks: 100, Sponsons: 300, Head: 400, Arms: 100, Spotlights: 15, Main Body: 600, MPC: 50 AV: 80, Spd: 60 mph, Acceleration: 15 mph, Wt: 60 tons Damage: d10 x 20, Range: 200/1000/2000/3000/4000, Type: 2 or 3 medium plasma cannons Str: 25 (can lift / carry 10 tons), Handle: 2, Tough: 6, Int: 1, Per: 3, Wil: 1 Skills: Notice 4, Driving 5, Weapon Systems 5

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The Hunter Killer Tank is an autonomous battle unit designed to locate and destroy human Resistance fighters. It is almost 15 meters tall, 20 meters in length and 10 meters wide. Housed within the main body of the Hunter Killer Tank is a compact fusion reactor. This, in conjunction with the drive train, handles the transmissions that drive the four independently suspended all-terrain track assemblies. Each track is two meters wide, thus allowing superior all-terrain mobility. The main pivot of the rear tread carrier is one of the weakest points on the Hunter Killer Tank, and therefore should be a main target for Antitank Plasma Mines. The “torso” of the tank houses the primary sensor/scanner suite, target acquisition modules, and fire control systems as well as redundant tactical microprocessors and operating systems. The Hunter Killer Tank is equipped with ultra-high-sensitive infrared lenses, search lights and Phased Plasma Guns which are carried on the side mounted turret sponsons. Older model Hunter Killer Tanks have a single, mounted, Phased Plasma Gun on the left turret and two linked, dual-mounted, Phased Plasma Guns on the right turret. However, slightly newer versions have two linked, dual-mounted, Phased Plasma Guns on each turret, giving them greater fire power. These guns are fed from the Hunter Killer Tank's reactor waste and payload, and therefore ammunition is for all practical purposes infinite. As well as its main armaments, the Hunter Killer Tank is equipped with two large hydraulic, servo enhanced, manipulator arms with gripper extensions. These are housed in front of the main “torso” of the tank. These arms are used for manipulating heavy equipment, acquiring hard to reach Resistance units, and removing debris from the unit's path that it could not normally merely roll over. Due to its mission parameters, the Hunter Killer Tank is only programmed with a relatively low level of artificial intelligence. With its industrial strength caterpillar tracks, powerful weaponry, thick titanium hyper alloy armour and large size, the Hunter Killer Tank is a very formidable unit. HK Centurion Function: armored artillery for rough terrain DC: Sponsons: 50, Legs: 50, Head: 150, Spotlights: 15, Body/Pelvis: 100, LPC: 25 AV: 50, Spd: 40 mph, Acceleration: 10 mph, Wt: 1 ton, Handle: 2, Tough: 6, Int: 1, Per: 3, Wil: 1 Damage: d10 x 10, Range: 200/1000/2000/3000/4000, Type: 2 light plasma cannons Skills: Notice 4, Driving 5, Weapon Systems 5

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The Hunter Killer Centurion is SkyNet's largest mobile, walker-style ground Hunter Killer unit. It is an autonomous combination platform, packing advanced targeting systems, heavy armour and heavy firepower. Used primarily in an anti-vehicle role or deployed in small squadrons to hunt down and terminate humans, the Hunter Killer Centurion is the most expensive (in terms of materials, power and time) Hunter Killer unit produced by SkyNet. Due to its large size and the tenacious defending of its posts, this Hunter Killer unit soon gained the nickname "Centurion" from the Resistance members who had faced it. The Hunter Killer Centurion has a central waist unit that houses a cold fission reactor and the transmission systems. The Hunter Killer Centurion's locomotion is provided by four unique, reverse designed legs. The “feet” of these legs can roll inwards, curling up so that the entire unit can “squat” in place, lowering its overall height and profile, maintaining a static defensive posture. In an instant, the Hunter Killer Centurion can rise from its crouch and accelerate away across the battlefield either to engage a target or move to a tactically superior position. The head of the unit contains sensors contained within armored housing. Each shoulder of the unit terminates in a heavy remote electric drive weapon. The weapon mounts are heavier, allowing it to accept larger and more powerful armaments than the Hunter Killer Tank. The Hunter Killer Centurion's weapons consist of two independently operating Light Plasma cannons on either side. Each Plasma Cannon is fed from the waste from the miniature reactor, therefore, the weapons payload, is, for all practical purposes, infinite. The Hunter Killer Centurion contains a precision autonomous computing unit and also a backup, redundant logic array. Housed inside the waist section are triple redundant systems as well as limited self-repair routines. Due to this relatively high level of artificial intelligence programming, it can not be easily lured into traps, nor can it be decoyed away from its attained position or post. HK Goliath Function: armored heavy artillery DC: Tracks: 500, Sponsons: 400, Head: 500, Spotlights: 50, Main Body: 1500, HPC: 100, MPC: 50 AV: 100, Spd: 60 mph, Acceleration: 15 mph, Wt: 100 tons Damage: d10x50, Range: 200/1000/2000/3000/4000, Type: 1 heavy plasma cannon Damage: d10x20, Range: 200/1000/2000/3000/4000, Type: 2 medium plasma cannon Str: n/a, Handle: 2, Tough: 6, Int: 1, Per: 3, Wil: 1 Skills: Notice 4, Driving 5, Weapon Systems 5

The Hunter Killer Goliath is the most powerful ground unit the SkyNet currently has in it’s arsenal. It is armed with a heavy plasma cannon and two medium plasma cannons. Combined with its heavy armor and immense size, the unit dominates any battlefield. The HK Goliath runs on four independent tank treads. This provides excellent traction and mobility over most terrain. Like its cousins the HK Scout and HK Tank, the HK Goliath is a simple design, but effective. It plays a simple roll in combat and benefits from its uncomplicated design. There are few HK Goliath’s in service. They are used only in the largest battles; and even then only when heavy fighting is expected. The Resistance has come to fear this unit more than any other, because SkyNet has never lost a battle that the HK Goliath has fought in.

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Aerial HK Functions: aerial armored artillery support for ground units DC: Landing Gear: 100, Turbines: 100, Spotlights: 15, Main Body: 170, MPC: 50 AV: 20, Spd: mach 1.4, Acceleration: 300 mph, Wt: 9 tons Damage: d10 x 10, Range: 200/1000/2000/3000/4000, Type: 1 light plasma cannon (2 attacks/turn) Str: n/a, Handle: 4, Tough: 4, Int: 1, Per: 3, Wil: 1 Skills: Notice 4, Dodge 4, Piloting 5, Weapon Systems 5 The Aerial Hunter Killer is SkyNet's first fully automated aerial gunship. It is a semi-autonomous patrol and combat unit used to locate human Resistance fighters. As such, it has a very low level artificial intelligence program. It is self controlled by a battery of four redundant tactical microprocessors and a fiber optic relay network that rivals the human nervous system. The Aerial Hunter Killer has an armored hyper-alloy airframe that has a honeycombed/blown structure, similar in design to the skeleton of a bird. This airframe is connected to two separate engines. The Aerial Hunter Killer maneuvers on vectored thrust provided by two large turbofans, as well as several body mounted swivel thrust nozzle ports. This allows it to perform vertical take offs and landings. The main directional thrust and sustained hovering capacity is provided by two large reactor driven electric turbofans mounted in armored cowlings upon the wing tips. These two main engines are housed on servo powered body stub mounts. These can rotate the engines through a full 90 degree forward or aft rotation, allowing superior maneuvering and massive acceleration or deceleration. The engine has been constructed to be slim and light, and easily fits in to the airframe that has been built without consideration of the G-force limits that would affect a human being. The electronics have also been hardened against the acceleration forces that would normally kill a human pilot. The Aerial Hunter Killer has a retractable claw landing gear assembly which is installed in a tripod configuration. The Aerial Hunter Killer is equipped with a sophisticated navigation system, using satellite GPS and radar, and infrared search lights. It also has advanced optics and range systems, whereby advanced motion video can pick out movement among the ruins and the liquid optics and gun sight matrix can identify anything that the motion sensors can track. The main armament of the Aerial Hunter Killer consists of an under slung rapid fire Phased Plasma Cannon mounted in a ventral remote electric drive mount turret which can retract into the belly nacelle. This Phased Plasma Cannon is fed by the internal fusion reactor waste and its payload is, therefore, for all tactical purposes, infinite. However, required periodic refueling of its magazine cell limits the operating time of this unit. The remote electric drive mount rotates on frictionless, universal bearings, allowing the Aerial Hunter Killer to engage targets to all sides, including targets almost directly below the unit. Once human activity is located, the Aerial Hunter Killer relays its co-ordinates and any other relevant information back to SkyNet’s central computer system from where available battle units are directed to the relevant location. The Aerial Hunter Killer can also deploy Flying Mini-Hunters from a compartment in its underside if it cannot reach its targets directly. As Resistance fighters have gained more and more advanced and destructive weaponry, SkyNet has had to make its Aerial Hunter Killers tougher, stronger, faster and better armed. To this end, it produced the Heavy Assault Aerial Hunter Killer, and the Hunter Killer Bomber.

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Heavy Assault Aerial HK Function: heavy combat aerial armored support for ground units DC: Landing Gear: 100, Turbines: 100, Turbine Support Struts: 100, Spotlights: 15, Main Body: 250, MPC: 50 AV: 30, Spd: mach 1.4, Acceleration: 300 mph, Wt: 30 tons Damage: d10 x 20, Range: 200/1000/2000/3000/4000, Type: 2 medium plasma cannons Str: n/a, Handle: 4, Tough: 5, Int: 1, Per: 3, Wil: 1 Skills: Notice 4, Dodge 4, Piloting 5, Weapon Systems 5 As the Resistance has become more organized, has procured heavier artillery of its own, and has built better, more heavily armored fortifications and bases, SkyNet saw the need to produce a new form of AHK, one which could crush these new defenses. It introduced the Heavy Assault Aerial Hunter Killer. Far larger than the initial Aerial Hunter Killer, the Heavy Assault Aerial Hunter Killer is built to withstand heavy punishment, and take on whole Resistance defenses or squads at a time. Heavily armored, the Heavy Assault Aerial Hunter Killer is extremely tough, a foe not to be taken lightly. It may have began as an early Bomber design. Whereas the original Aerial Hunter Killer is only equipped with one under slung rapid fire Phased Plasma Cannon, the Heavy Assault Aerial Hunter Killer has four Plasma Cannons mounted on platforms capable of rotating 360 degrees, with vertical rotation across another mounted axis. With more search lights and further advances in sensor suit technology, the Heavy Assault Aerial Hunter Killer is adept at spotting and terminating Resistance fighters and encampments. Given its extra size and weight, the Heavy Assault Aerial Hunter Killer possesses four (as opposed to the Aerial Hunter Killer’s two) mounted engines to allow it to take flight. The Heavy Assault Aerial Hunter Killer utilizes four swivel-mounted, reactor driven electric turbofans to provide thrust, giving it VTOL capabilities, and amazing maneuvering capabilities. HK Bomber Function: heavy suppression, preliminary strike unit DC: Landing Gear: 100, Turbines: 100, Spotlights: 15, Main Body 250, LPC: 25 AV: 20, Spd: mach 1.4, Acceleration: 300 mph, Wt: 50 tons Damage: d10 x 10, Range: 200/1000/2000/3000/4000, Type: 2 light plasma cannons Damage: d10x100 / d10x50 / d10x25, AoE: 10 / 20 / 30, Type: 100 plasma bombs (or plasma depth charges) Str: n/a, Handle: 4, Tough: 4, Int: 1, Per: 3, Wil: 1, Skills: Notice 4, Dodge 4, Piloting 5, Weapon Systems 5 The Hunter Killer Bomber is a larger, more powerful version of the Aerial Hunter Killer. Designed as a Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) heavy assault platform, the Hunter Killer Bomber features two additional engine pods to support its greater size and weight. Also featured is a larger, more enhanced gun platform, with more Phased Plasma Cannons than the Aerial Hunter Killer, and additional armour, giving the Hunter Killer Bomber greater resilience to Resistance weapons. The top, back section of this outer armour is optional however, and can be removed in SkyNet's factories, to allow the Hunter Killer Bomber to maneuver at greater velocities, though at the expense of its own protection. An earlier, more heavily armed and armored version of this design became the Heavy Assault Aerial Hunter Killer. The primary function of the Hunter Killer Bomber is to attack Resistance installations and fortresses that are heavily armed and well protected. The larger gun battery and heavy armour of the Hunter Killer Bomber make it ideally suited to this function, rather than the smaller, lighter Aerial Hunter Killer.

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HK Dropship Function: light armored/armed transport for ground units/resources DC: Landing Gear: 100, Turbines: 200, Tail: 250, Cargo Hatch: 100, Spotlights: 15, Main Body: 600, LPC: 25 AV: 20, Spd: mach 1.4, Acceleration: 300 mph, Wt: 150 tons Damage: d10 x 10, Range: 200/1000/2000/3000/4000, Type: 4 light plasma cannons Str: n/a, Handle: 4, Tough: 4, Int: 1, Per: 3, Wil: 1 Skills: Notice 4, Dodge 4, Piloting 5, Weapon Systems 5

The Dropship was the largest Aerial produced by SkyNet and could carry up to fifty T-850 series Terminators at a time. The Dropship was armored better than the Aerial, and had several rapid fatigue weapon systems for pacifying a landing zone in a short amount of time. One favorite tactic used by SkyNet was to fly at low altitudes over human concentrations at supersonic speeds, generating powerful shockwaves. Sometimes, the Dropships would approach at supersonic speeds, and then deploy their speed brakes just shy of the landing zone, letting their sonic boom pass them in flight and hit the landing zone just ahead of their touchdown. SkyNet learned how to demoralize the Resistance using its air superiority fairly early in the War. Upon landing, a large cargo ramp would lower from the rear of the fuselage, exposing the almost cavernous interior of the modular cargo pod. Terminator units were stored in individual 'niches' within the cargo pod, secured against any sudden maneuvers by a series of magnetic locks and interfaced with the system of the transport so that battlefield and tactical information could be accessed and uploaded on the fly. The entire cargo pod could also be jettisoned, landing on its own four integral landing claws if required. One combat operational protocol called for the Dropship to approach at low altitude, slow to a hover, drop the cargo pod, and then climb to a loiter orbit around the landing zone in order to provide close air support and to be protected by Aerial and Heavy Assault Aerial units on station. Once the cargo-pod had grounded and either landed successfully or slid to a halt, the Terminator units would deploy normally through several large security locks. Later, the Terminator units would return to the cargo pod and the Dropship would descend to pick up the cargo pod for the return trip. One variant of the Dropship allowed for the carrying of heavy equipment. The cargo pod was set up for the transportation of larger HK units such as Scouts, Tanks and Centurions.

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Recon Aerial Functions: intelligence gathering, aerial reconnaissance, spying, scouting, battlefield monitoring DC: Landing Gear: 100, Turbines: 100, Sensor/Communications Array: 50, Main Body: 170, Canards: 100 AV: 10, Spd: mach 4, Acceleration: 500 mph, Wt: 7 tons, Str: n/a, Handle: 4, Tough: 4, Int: 2, Per: 5, Wil: 1 Skills: Notice 5, Dodge 5, Piloting 5, Stealth 3, Track 5, Surveillance 5

SkyNet is built around electronic intelligence and as such, much of its campaign of technology is built around its need for information; at all times, in all formats, on all fronts. Loaded with all the latest video and audio surveillance and communications jamming equipment, The Recon Aerial greatly increases and enhances SkyNet’s control in combat zones. The Recon Aerial is slightly larger than the Aerial HK but lighter armored and unarmed. It relies on its altitude and speed to protect it, as well as other dedicated units in the area. It is propelled by advanced second generation engines allowing it to move at incredible speeds. Though larger than the venerable Aerial HK, it is actually lighter due to the loss of much of the armor and weaponry. The Recon Aerial can be deployed almost anywhere to monitor a vast area for an almost indefinite period of time. Through is, SkyNet can discover and track human activity and gage the threat level of the enemy force. A strike team of appropriate size and strength can then be assemble and dispatched to deal with the human forces. With the ability to recognize the pattern of a shoe impression at 150,000 feet, and to monitor and jam enemy communications; the Recon Aerial has long been an integral part of SkyNet’s arsenal. Although it is unarmed, this may be the SkyNet’s most dangerous unit. Command Module Function: field command unit, Str: n/a, Handle: 4, Tough: 4, Int: 3, Per: 3, Wil: 3 DC: Landing Gear: 100, Turbines: 70, Support Struts: 70, Cover Panels: 70, Spotlights: 15, Antenna Array: 70, Main Body: 300, AV: 50, Spd: 300 mph, Acceleration: 50 mph, Wt: 30 tons Skills: Notice 6, Dodge 5, Piloting 5, Research 4, Stealth 2, Surveillance 5, Track 5, Question 4, Anatomy 5, Tactics 5, Demolitions 5, Weapon Systems 5 The Command Module is SkyNet’s answer to a problem that has long plagued it. Humans are very fluid on the battlefield (pardon the pun). They can change tactics and even objectives at a moments notice. Being a machine, SkyNet has lacked that luxury. One of its greatest flaws to date has been that it has had to send its units into combat with their objects and strategies predetermined. There was little room for adaptation or change after the units had been sent out. What SkyNet has done to rectify this situation is create a new machine to act as a field commander. The Command Module has an advanced A.I., on par with that of the terminators. Its programming is similar to that of the terminator’s as well. The Command Module monitors the sensory and other technical data of the machines on the battlefield. With this information, it can formulate or revise tactics, call for reinforcements and adopt new objectives. The Command Module is SkyNet’s version of a general, directing its troops on the field of battle. It has control over SkyNet’s assets and is able to deploy, direct or redirect those assets as it (and SkyNet) see fit. The Command Module allows SkyNet to coordinate its units in one particular zone down to an individual basis as well as provided the supercomputer with a communications nexus point from which to route all of its commands. The advent of the Command Module possessed a serious new threat to Tech-Com. Many, if not all, of the old tried and true tactics that they have come to expect from SkyNet will no longer apply. They will now be dealing with an enemy that is far more adaptive and unpredictable.

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THE TERMINATORS T-800 Function: infiltration, assassination, Dogs: This series of terminator can be spotted by dogs. DC: 100, AV: 25, Spd: 14, Wt: 400 lbs, Appearance: This model resembles an adult, male or female. Str: 15 (can lift / carry 2 tons), Dex: 3, Con: 5, Int: 3, Per: 3, Wil: 3 Skills: Notice 4, Dodge 3, Piloting 5, Driving 5, Stealth 3, Surveillance 5, Track 5, Question 4, Anatomy 5, Guns 5 Throw 5, Tactics 5, Brawl 5, Improvise Weapon 5, Demolitions 5, History 4, Acting 3, Mimicry 5, Research 4, Disguise 3, First Aid 5, Climbing 3, Hand Weapons 5 T-806 Function: infiltration, assassination, Dogs: This series of terminator can be spotted by dogs DC: 50, AV: 15, Spd: 14, Wt: 150 lbs, Appearance: This model resembles a child, male or female. Str: 7 (can lift / carry 1 ton), Dex: 4, Con: 5, Int: 3, Per: 3, Wil: 3, Skills: As per the T-800 T-850 Function: infiltration, assassination, Dogs: This series of terminator can be spotted by dogs. DC: 100, AV: 30, Spd: 14, Wt: 440 lbs, Appearance: This model resembles an adult, male or female. Str: 15 (can lift / carry 2 tons), Dex: 3, Con: 6, Int: 3, Per: 3, Wil: 3 Skills: Notice 5, Dodge 4, Piloting 5, Driving 5, Stealth 3, Surveillance 5, Track 5, Question 4, Anatomy 5, Guns 5 Throw 5, Tactics 5, Brawl 5, Improvise Weapon 5, Demolitions 5, History 4, Acting 3, Mimicry 5, Research 4, Disguise 3, First Aid 5, Climbing 3, Hand Weapons 5 T-856 Function: infiltration, assassination, Dogs: This series of terminator can be spotted by dogs DC: 50, AV: 20, Spd: 14, Wt: 200 lbs, Appearance: This model resembles a child, male or female. Str: 7 (can lift / carry 1 ton), Dex: 5, Con: 6, Int: 3, Per: 3, Wil: 3, Skills: As per the T-850 SkyNet began experimenting with disguising its Terminators to look like humans in the mid 2020’s. The T-600 Series had rubber skin and were easily spotted. The synthetic skin of the T-700 Series fared no better. Skynet began production of the T-800 Series in 2026. The T-800’s were a staggering success. Later, these were upgraded to the T850 series. The T-800 Series is a cybernetic organism. It consists of living tissue over an armored metal endoskeleton. The metal endoskeleton is a microprocessor controlled fully armored hyper-alloy combat chassis. This endoskeleton is constructed with frictionless bearings in its joints, and a servo-actuated control system. The living tissue, grown especially for the T-800’s, consists of flesh, skin, hair and blood, and is capable of limited regeneration over time. As this tissue is living it is warm to the touch and hence T-800's will not show up on thermal scanners as being any different from a real human. The biological components are only grafted onto T-800's that are to be used to infiltrate Tech-Com bases; T-800's that are deployed straight onto the battlefield usually do not

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possess biological components. However, since SkyNet began production of the T-900 Series, the T-800’s have seen only limited use on the battlefield.

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T-900 Function: infantry unit, DC: 150, AV: 40, Spd: 14, Wt: 600 lbs Str: 15 (can lift / carry 2 tons), Dex: 3, Con: 6, Int: 2, Per: 3, Wil: 1 Skills: Notice 5, Dodge 4, Stealth 3, Anatomy 5, Tactics 5, Demolitions 5, Guns 5, Throw 5, Improvise Weapon 5, Brawl 5, Track 5, Climbing 4, Surveillance 5, Question 4, Hand Weapon 5 Not content with the effectiveness of the T-850 Series on the battlefield, SkyNet began production of the T-900 Series in 2028, by upgrading the T-850 endoskeleton. A far more compact endoskeleton than the T-850 Series, the T-900 Series is more streamlined and condensed in shape. All of its inner working and motors are encased within armour plating. It does not feature the exposed shoulder motors, limb pistons, joint servos or pivots of the earlier models, thus making it harder to disable limbs or body sections. The miniature cold fission reactor provides vast amounts of power for the T-900’s systems, and ensures that it can run for a functioning time far longer than that sustained by the T-850. Stronger, faster, more intelligent, and more heavily armored than the T-850 Series endoskeleton, the T-900 Series is formidable indeed. Unlike the T-850 Series, the T-900 are designed and programmed to function only as soldiers and guards. They are at home on the battlefield and patrolling vital installations. They are ill suited for the tasks of infiltration and assassination. Unlike the T-850 Series, the T-900 series is not designed to be encased in flesh. T-950 Function: spy, saboteur, assassination, Dogs: This series of terminator cannot be spotted by dogs. DC: 63, Spd: 10, Wt: 180 lbs, Str: 7, Dex: 5, Con: 5, Int: 3, Per: 3, Wil: 3 Damage: d8x10 / d8x6 / d8x3, AoE: 5 / 10 / 15, Type: plasma bomb charge Skills: Notice 6, Dodge 6, Piloting 5, Driving 5, Stealth 4, Surveillance 5, Track 5, Question 4, Anatomy 5, Guns 5 Throw 5, Hand Weapons 5, Improvise Weapon 5, Brawl 5, Demolitions 5, History 4, Acting 3, Research 4, Disguise 3, First Aid 5, Climbing 4, Swim 4, Run 4, Tactics 5 Qualities: Resistance (disease, fatigue, hunger, thirst, poison), Hard to Kill (5), Nerves of Steel, Photographic Memory, Fast Reaction Time, Situational Awareness Drawbacks: Cruel (1), Subject To Orders (from SkyNet), Secret (is a terminator), Adversary (humans), Bomb T-952 Note: as per the T-950, but is a dog. Str: 3, Dex: 5, Con: 5, Int: 3, Per: 4, Wil: 3 DC: 42, Spd: 24, Wt: 100 lbs, Damage: bite d6x4, claw d6x4 Range: melee T-956 Note: as per the T-950, but is a baby. DC: 22, Spd: 2, Wt: 9 lbs, Str: -2, Dex: 2, Con: 5, Int: 3, Per: 3, Wil: 3 T-950 (10 point racial quality) Attribute Bonuses: Str +2, Dex +1, Con +2 Qualities: Resistance (disease, fatigue, hunger, thirst, poison), Hard to Kill (5), Nerves of Steel, Photographic Memory, Fast Reaction Time, Situational Awareness Drawbacks: Cruel (1), Subject To Orders (from SkyNet), Secret (is a terminator), Adversary (humans), Bomb T-950 Sleeper Agent (10 point racial quality) Note: Same as per the T-950 racial quality, except as noted below. Drawbacks: Delusion (believes it's human), Subject To Orders (from SkyNet, see below) Secret (is a terminator), Adversary (believes it's SkyNet, but actually it’s humans), Bomb (unaware it's there) Note: Subject To Orders: The T-950 Sleeper Agent has no idea that it has one or more missions to complete for SkyNet. It carries out these missions subconsciously. Sometimes it will do things while it thought it was asleep. Other times, fake memories may be created to cover up the T-950's secrets from itself. These fake or suppressed memories are very hard to uncover and undo (-4 to rolls for doing this). The T-950 Series is a totally new form of battle unit. Unlike the unfeeling, expressionless, somewhat stilted Terminator Series', the new Infiltrator Series is designed to mimic humans exactly, being capable of humor, a wide and varied range of facial expressions, and is even capable of actually feeling emotions. These capabilities, along with its ability to even fool trained "sniffer" dogs, make the T-950 able to integrate seamlessly into human society. This new battle unit is not manufactured in SkyNet's vast automated factories, but is instead grown, organically, from a fetus. Created in a test tube by SkyNet, the T-950 represents a new era for SkyNet in cyborg technology. The mechanical adaptations of the T-950 are surgically grafted to the infant's glands, senses and vital organs, including a neural net processor that is attached to the child's brain. Like the organic brain of the child, this neural net computer is also in its infancy. While the child is at an early age the implanted computer technology concentrates on regulating the baby's physical functions, giving the impetus to cry at need. The neural net

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computer learns and grows, and as inorganic meets organic brain matter a greater whole is formed in a feedback exchange of data and stimulus. From an early age the infant T-950's are brought together so that they can learn from one another by imitation. Their function is to deceive humans at a level below consciousness, and that requires some semblance of human socialization. Although physically superior in every way, technically the T-950’s are more human than machine. It is the terrifying integration of the two that makes them such formidable foes. Despite the fact that T-950s are classified as human, they benefit from the advantages unique to other Terminators and Hunter-Killers. The T-950's are born and brought up at a small, discreet underground facility, tended by fleshed out T-850’s. Grown from genetically altered human DNA, the T-950's are implanted with cybernetic technology straight from birth. The only outward signs of this alteration are ugly wounds on the sides of the infant's head, which heal rapidly and are totally invisible after a year. The T-950 have sensors implanted in their eyes that can be brought up by blinking. The T-950's eyes can also be used as screens to allow SkyNet to convey visual information. Like other terminators, they are capable of seeing in a wide variety of light spectrums and conditions. The T-950 is fitted with an internal bomb. Twitching an internal muscle activates the bomb. A countdown and sidebar displays this information in the T-950's vision. It utterly obliterates the T-950. T-1000 Function: spy, saboteur, assassination, Dogs: This series of terminator can be spotted by dogs. DC: 85, AV: 20, Spd: 24 (Can run up to 30 mph), Wt: 500 lbs, Damage: 2d8 x Str (can form blunt, piercing, stabbing weapons & whips) Str: 15 (can lift / carry 2 tons), Dex: 4, Con: 6, Int: 3, Per: 3, Wil: 3 Skills: Notice 6, Dodge 6, Piloting 5, Driving 5, Stealth 4, Surveillance 5, Track 5, Question 4, Anatomy 5, Guns 5 Throw 5, Hand Weapons 5, Improvise Weapon 5, Brawl 5, Demolitions 5, History 4, Acting 3, Research 4, Disguise 3, First Aid 5, Climbing 4, Run (m/s) 4, Tactics 5 Weak Spot: Extremes of heat and cold (enough to melt or shatter metal), Regenerate: 10 DC per Turn Immunity: Bullets, plasma & melee weapons, explosives (explosives will blow the T-1000 apart, but it will reform in 4d6 turns) Liquid: Being a liquid, the T-1000 can essential pour itself through even the smallest cracks and holes. Mimic: The T-1000 can mimic any person or object it samples by physical contact. It cannot replicate the function of anything with chemicals or moving parts (like bombs, guns, chains, etc). Changing shapes requires 1 turn. The T-1000, though rarely deployed, is infamous throughout Tech-Com. It has been seen by only a few surviving Tech-Com fighters, but it has brought fear to them all. First produced in 2028, the T-1000 does not have any form of endoskeleton like the T-600 or the T-850, but is instead constructed from a mimetic polyalloy, or ‘liquid metal’. The T-1000 series can lip read and is also able to synthesize the speech pattern of any human that it replicates. This does, however, require a sufficiently suitable sample of the subject's voice. The T-1000's auditory sensors can be situated anywhere upon its body, as every molecule of the T-1000 has the blueprints for all needed parts programmed into it. The T-1000 is also capable of registering its environment in a dozen subtle ways using its entire body, can directly read magnetically encoded plus-minus information and can run at a speed of at least 40 mph. The T-1000 is not issued with any weapons, but is capable of fashioning any solid metal form, such as knifes and stabbing weapons. The T-1000 cannot, however, form any complex systems that may have moving parts or chemicals, like guns or explosives. This highly resilient battle unit is able to withstand a wide variety of temperatures, ranging up to at least 300°C. Extremely low temperatures of about -196°C (such as those produced by Liquid Nitrogen) can cause damage to a T-1000, however they will not stop it. The T-1000 series can, however, be destroyed. Temperatures in excess of 1535°C, such as those needed to smelt iron, can physically alter the bonding of the Mimetic Polyalloy. The molten iron (or any other element) can then mix with the elements of the Mimetic Polyalloy, thus rendering it inoperative. Corrosives, such as concentrated Hydrochloric Acid are also known to damage T-1000's.

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T-Meg Function: SkyNet Central Core security, Str: 20 (can lift / carry 5 tons), Dex: 5, Con: 6, Int: 3, Per: 3, Wil: 1 DC: 300, AV: 20, Spd: 24 (Can run up to 30 mph), Wt: 15 tons, Dogs: The T-Meg can be spotted by dogs. Damage: 2d8 x Str (can form blunt, piercing, stabbing weapons & whips), Multi-Attack: up to 8 attacks / turn Skills: Notice 6, Dodge 6, Surveillance 5, Track 5, Anatomy 5, Throw 5, Hand Weapons 5, Improvise Weapon 5, Brawl 5, Research 4, Low Tactics 5, Disguise 5 Weak Spot: Extremes of heat and cold (enough to melt or shatter metal), Regenerate: 10 DC per Turn Immunity: Bullets, plasma & melee weapons, explosives (explosives will blow the T-Meg apart, but it will reform in 4d6 turns) Mimic: The T-Meg can mimic any object it samples by physical contact. It cannot replicate the function of anything with chemicals or moving parts (like bombs, guns, chains, etc). Changing shapes requires 1 turn. Liquid: Being a liquid, the T-Meg can essential pour itself through even the smallest cracks and holes.

The T-1000000, otherwise known as the T-Meg, is SkyNet's latest and most feared battle unit. Very few Resistance members have ever been witness to the T-Meg and lived to tell about it. The only details that we have on the T-Meg come from the reports from surviving strike team members and the information that we have gathered through tapping into SkyNet's video surveillance equipment. The T-Meg was built at about the beginning of 2029. The T-Meg is never actually deployed on the battlefield, but is instead retained in a state of stasis in SkyNet's main complex to guard SkyNet’s Central Core. The T-Meg at first struck our technical experts as an apparently unnecessarily large expenditure of SkyNet's resources. They could not figure out why SkyNet would seemingly “waste” so much of its materials and time building such a large battle unit. However, field reports from the front lines have rapidly solved this puzzle. It would appear that incoming reports from Resistance teams who have successfully penetrated SkyNet's Central Core are spreading fear throughout the ranks. Tales of this "gigantic metal monster" have spread throughout the entire Resistance like wildfire, being exaggerated and contorted as they are passed from person to person. Attempts have been made to lay these rumors to rest, however this has worked to no avail. Consequently, moral is at an all-time low and the number of volunteers for strikes on SkyNet's Central Core has fallen greatly. It would appear that SkyNet is using the T-Meg was a means of psychological warfare; destroying moral and striking fear into the hearts of our fighters; a tactic we cannot hope to achieve against the unfeeling machines. The T-Meg, like the T-1000 series, is constructed from a Mimetic Polyalloy. However, it is approximately 20 feet high and 50 feet across. The T-Meg is not capable of mimicking subjects as the T-1000 Series can, but instead metamorphosis’s from an apparently solid part of SkyNet's Central Core to a default arachnid configuration capable of forming stabbing, slashing weapons from each of its eight legs. Due to its large size, the T-Meg's memory and processing capacity must, we hypothesis, be immense. Like the T-1000 Series, this computing power and information storage may be dealt with by each particle of the, T-Meg making its entire structure one huge processor. However, due to the fact that the T-Meg is never deployed far from the Central Core, it is also possible that the T-Meg is somehow linked directly to SkyNet's huge processing computers. This way the T-Meg would merely have to relay information to SkyNet's central core. These would do all the processing and information storage for the T-Meg, instead of having to think for itself.

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Reaper HKT Function: heavy infantry unit, AV: 50, Spd: 18, Wt: 1 ton DC: Main Body: 200, Head: 25, Legs: 75, LPC Arms: 75, Pop-UP Drone Bay: 10 Damage: d10 x 10, Range: 200/1000/2000/3000/4000, Type: 2 light plasma cannons Str: 20 (can lift / carry 5 tons), Dex: 3, Con: 6, Int: 2, Per: 3, Wil: 1 Skills: Notice 5, Dodge 4, Stealth 3, Anatomy 5, Tactics 5, Weapon Systems 5, Surveillance 5, Brawling 5 The Reaper Hunter Killer Terminator’s are considered to be more dangerous than even Hunter Killers. In appearance, it looks like a hunchbacked bipedal robot, with guns for arms. They are a mixture of Terminator programming and design with Hunter Killer armor and weaponry. They are feared so much precisely because they combine heavy armor with the mobility and intelligence of a Terminator. Reapers are armed with two arm-mounted light plasma cannons. They are heavily armored and as intelligent as the T-900’s. As such, they are perfect for front-line combat. The Reaper HKT is a reinforced combat ready unit, more powerful than even the T-900. It leads charges and raids into reinforced Tech-Com hideouts with heavy firepower. It is perfectly designed to operate in rough terrain and smaller places where units like the Hunter Killer Centurion cannot go. These units have another feature that makes them an interesting threat. Each Reaper HKT is equipped with its own HK Drone unit. The Drone is launched from a pop-up holding bay on top of the Reaper. This drone is a dedicated unit; under the complete control of the Reaper HKT that launches it. Having an HK Drone at its disposal gives the Reaper greater flexibility on the battlefield. It can gather its own intelligence as the combat unfolds and know just where it is needed the most. Even before and after battles, the Drone can be used for locating potential targets, hidden threats or to follow fleeing forces. Once its mission is completed, the HK Drone returns to its holding bay within the Reaper HKT, awaiting the its next assignment.

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Skynet: Behind The Scenes Maintenance Drone Function: maintenance and research unit DC: Main Body: 150, Large Arms: 100, Small Arms: 50, Spotlight: 10, Sensor Tentacles: 5 AV: 30, Spd: 18, Wt: 1 ton, Str: 15 (can lift / carry 2 tons), Dex: 4, Con: 6, Int: 2, Per: 3, Wil: 1 Damage: d6x2, Range: 3/10/30/50/65, Type: Flame-Thrower Damage: d6x3, Range: melee, Type: Buzz Saw Damage: d6x2, Range: melee, Type: Plasma Cutter / Welding Torch Skills: Notice 5, Dodge 4, Climbing 4, Research 4, Mechanic 5, Electronics 5, Engineer 5, Weapon Systems 5 The Maintenance drone is easily SkyNet’s oddest looking machine. It is also one the most important. They are designed and programmed to repair damaged and disabled units. They are like SkyNet’s version of the Medic. They are often sent out after a battle to repair the combatants (with an armed escort and ample supplies of course). Those that cannot be repaired (or are not worth repairing) are salvaged for parts. What cannot be salvaged will be melted down and recycled for other uses. Another important function is their field research. While conducting repairs or salvaging a unit, the Maintenance Drone will make observations. It will note the most likely causes of the damage and make suggestions about how the unit can be modified to avoid or lessen that kind of damage in the future. These observations are later sent to SkyNet’s Core Consciousness for consideration. Many important upgrades have resulted from the Maintenance Drones musings. The Maintenance Drone has many striking features. It sports a pair of centrally mounted utility arms, used for cutting, welding and other such tasks. Many small, delicate, sensor tipped tentacles sprout from ports scattered throughout body. Even the various arms have a sensor tentacle or two. SkyNet Facility Function: manufacturing of units, research and development DC: Walls (per foot): 100, Doors (per inch): 100, Utility Arms: 40, Lifting Arms: 100, Cryogenic Storage Rack: 70 Hanger Bay Exterior Door: 1500, Exterior Vent: 200 AV: 80, Str: 60 (can lift / carry 70 tons), Dex: 2, Tough: 6, Int: 3, Per: 3, Wil: 1 Skills: Notice 4, Weapon Systems 5, Research 4, Tactics 4 (Note: SkyNet Facilities will have Engineering and other technical skills if they are designed to be manufacturing facilities. Com Tower Function: communications DC: Satellite Dishes: 100, Antenna: 100, Tower: 2000 AV: 80 (Dishes & Antenna: 30) Tough: 6, Int: 1, Per: 3, Wil: 1, Skills: Notice 4, Weapon Systems 5 (if it has a Sentinel Auto Cannon installed) Sentinel Auto-Cannon Function: structural defense DC: Spotlight: 15, Turret: 200, Tower: 2000, HPC: 100 AV: 80, Wt: 7.5 tons Damage: d10 x 50 Range: 200/1000/2000/3000/4000 Type: 1 heavy plasma cannon Tough: 6, Int: 1, Per: 3, Wil: 1, Skills: Notice 4, Weapon Systems 5

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Exterior Vent Com Tower (right) (Above: SkyNet’s TDE (Temporal Displacement Equipment) Facility) AUTOMATED INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES In 2011 AD, SkyNet consolidated its resources and manufacturing facilities in one area, a portion of the mid-Western United States which became known as Sector Zero. Within Sector Zero, SkyNet ruled supreme and with total authority. Huge, multi-level automated manufacturing complexes and industrial centers rose into the sky and nuzzled into the depths of the Earth. All of the facilities were connected by a variety of cargo and unit mass transport systems. All were linked to several computer core systems, which were interfaced to SkyNet directly. SkyNet's automated mining systems began to filter out the planet's minerals, going farther and faster than any previous human attempts. One such project became known to the humans as 'the Devil's Navel', and it was the first structurally sound deep core mine, fully automated, ten kilometers deep and increasing in depth by several hundred meters with each month. When SKYNET found a thermal vein, it simply tapped into it and enjoyed new power for more production. By 2018, Sector Zero was an impregnable fortress, a mechanical blemish on the surface of the Earth that could easily be seen from space, and it continued to grow every year. By 2024, local resources had been depleted and except for the still sizeable outlay from the deep core mine, SkyNet began to expand to other areas of the country, setting up armored and armed fortresses, stationing units to both pacify the immediate area and then protect its mining interests. SkyNet was greedy, but never wasteful. It favored a short term, rapid depletion of immediate resources in order to exterminate the human race, followed by a protracted, perhaps centuries long, period of reclamation and recycling, a period where it would remake the Earth's surface over in its own image. As the War raged for decades, SkyNet tried a variety of designs all with the express purpose of hunting down humans and eliminating them in any environment. As humans became more and more organized, the need for highly specialized units became a tactical priority. The automated factories were working at full capacity to produce

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units for SkyNet's arsenal while the tech and science centers processed data and developed new areas of science to utilize in constructing the next generation of killing machine. The automated resource collection units were combing the ruins for materials to keep the vast automated factory complexes supplied, and SkyNet even had to resort to using human labor, cheap as it was, to handle some of its more simple tasks, thus freeing up machines that were used in much more valuable labor. Labor and internment camps were constructed, and humans rounded up for labor details and after their usefulness was at an end, orderly disposal. SkyNet soon noted that resistance to its expansion was being met with organized and aggressive resistance. Humans were striking back, smashing forward fortifications, stealing technology, stealing weapons, salvaging destroyed units, and then fading back into the underground bunkers. Ambushes on resource collection units became common as did attacks on and liberations of prison work camps. Each camp liberated added to the manpower of a growing army of humans and SkyNet’s response was that each prisoner be eliminated instantly if a raid was detected being conducted on a camp. Mass executions and orderly exterminations soon taught the Resistance that it had to learn new tactics rather than brute force to liberate its fellow humans. Sometimes, human intelligence operatives would infiltrate the prison camps and rebellion would be instigated from within. SkyNet had its own ways to deal with infiltrators from the Resistance but the lesson was one that was not forgotten and would serve the supercomputer well in future tactics. Tech-Com learned quickly that the War was one not only of attrition, but of resources. SkyNet's machines, like any other army, required certain resources to be produced, to operate, and to be repaired. If the Humans cut off the resources or took them before SkyNet could obtain them, then they delivered a blow to the machine's campaign against them. Tech-Com learned that if the materials never got to SkyNet's factories, then SkyNet couldn't build its weapons. HK unit production was stepped up and resource collection units soon had escorts of HK units. SkyNet communicates much faster and has far more processing power than any person on the planet, so why would it need a physical interface to control its various assets? The architecture of SkyNet became, as time progressed, so different as to be completely alien to the human mind. Modern architecture is designed around the convenience of man. No such conveniences exist in the world that SkyNet has create. There are no bathrooms, no kitchens, no handicap accessible ramps. There are no revolving doors, no door knobs, no ladders, no stairs, no steps. Artificial climates (such as air conditioning) exist for temperature sensitive equipment (processors and data banks) but keeping the whole installation cool is a waste of power. Interior lighting is a useless gesture to machines that can see in the dark. Human intruders delving into the depths of one of SkyNet 's facilities will probably have to bring their own artificial illumination (and possibly their own air supply). The interior of SkyNet 's facilities are very unfriendly to organic life. It is a place where efficiency has been multiplied at the expense of environmental and life concerns. Indeed, whole levels of SkyNet’s facilities are giant air locks, sealed and pumped full of non-flammable gas to not only cool vital equipment but also to prevent the possibility of fire or explosion. Halon is often used as a fire retardant with no second thoughts about workers or employees because nothing inside of SkyNet 's darkest designs would is alive. FORCED LABOR & DEATH CAMPS For all of their trouble, SkyNet found many uses for human beings; none of them pleasant. The initial stages of the War saw the rogue AI working feverishly to reduce the human population as much as it could, but SkyNet soon discovered that logistics were becoming a real problem. Production of combat units competed with production of construction and maintenance units. SkyNet soon discovered that it was hard to both fight a war on a global scale and try to rebuild the world in its own image at the same time. Labor units were a secondary priority until SkyNet could get the human population problem with its illogical, arrogant resistance to its domination under control and well on its way to orderly extinction. In a fit of brilliance, SkyNet ascertained that it could do both and still fulfill its labor quotas and projections by using captured humans as slave labor. It would work them until they dropped dead, dispose of the bodies, and capture new ones to replace those that attrition claimed. This much the AI had learned from its study of human history, slavery being a time honored practice dating back to before the first instance of recorded human history. For the most part, slavery had been a failure leading to all kinds of problems. However, SkyNet was immune to most of those problems and approached slavery not as a political subject, but rather as an expedient method to acquire cheap, disposable labor. Work or die became the labor ethic of the masses it collected and SkyNet kept it as simple as that, reinforcing its absolute authority at the slightest infringement of its rule. While humans were in no way as efficient or capable as dedicated, precision made, manufactory produced labor units, they were free for the use and made up for what they lacked in strength with sheer numbers. The joy of hunting humans among the ruins doubled in pleasure for SkyNet when it began to introduce entirely new series of machines that not only hunted humans, but captured them as well. SkyNet learned many hard lessons about slave labor and its camps were evolutionary processes, constantly changing and adapting into armed and armored installations ruled by simple programming that allowed for no divergence of operational protocols. SkyNet soon discovered that it was fighting a war on two fronts, one on the outside of its slave labor camps, and one on the inside. SkyNet eventually learned that not every human that it captured went so unwillingly, that some humans allowed themselves to be captured so that they could get closer to SkyNet, to observe its operations and to, when circumstances allowed, communicate this information back to clandestine human units still operating in the ruins.

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It was with great consternation that SkyNet realized that some of the early slave camp revolts had been instigated from within, by powerful, charismatic humans who would later form the core of the Resistance command structure. Shortly after the raid on Camp 30, which resulted in more than 200 humans being freed, seventy-three machines destroyed, twelve hundred tons of equipment scrapped and five thousand tons of processed materials ruined, SkyNet began a policy of laser branding all humans captured and put to work in the labor camps. This information was kept in a central data base and included all physical data as well as DNA samples, medical information such as known injuries and any information that could be acquired while the subject was assigned to detention in the labor camp. Targets which were terminated in SkyNet raids were always checked by the Machines to see if the human remains had a laser brand present on the corpse. If the brand was present, it would indicate an escaped labor unit and the termination would be logged in the database. Laser branding went far in making orderly disposal more efficient. DNA of terminated humans was also checked against a database, especially for humans which formed the core of the Resistance. Life in the slave labor camps was hard, only the strong survived for long. Time Displacement Equipment (TDE) Facility One of Skynet’s greatest developments is its Time Displacement Equipment (TDE). Located within Skynet's Los Angeles complex, the TDE is reached by a huge freight elevator that leads deep into the bowels of the building, descending at a 45-degree angle into a concrete lined tunnel. At the bottom of the elevator, huge vault-like doors open to reveal a chamber that is the size of a high-school gym and consists totally of machine surfaces. Wafer-circuit terminals are stacked everywhere, stretching from floor to ceiling, and complex configurations of cabling run beneath panels in the floor. Three enormous chrome rings, one inside the other, are suspended in a circular hole in the center of the room's floor. These rings float freely in a humming electromagnetic field. Whatever the theory, there's only one hard and fast rule of time travel: only living flesh can go through. Non-living matter simply cannot transport through time. The technology requires a field generated by a living organism –unfortunately, cyborgs (including the T-800 series) qualify. Likewise, the T-1000 transports through time by disguising itself as a living person. This is why the T-1000 already had a human form when it arrived in the past. Time travel sucks. Kyle Reese describes seeing a white light. But what's most noteworthy is the pain. It hurts. A lot. It's like being slowly ripped inside out. Time travel creates a field around the traveler, ensuring that the time traveler doesn't appear in a solid object. This is akin to disintegration, evaporating all matter in a sphere around the traveler. The actual time travel sphere is not very large – approximately 4-feet in diameter. Terminators and humans alike must crouch down to be transported or have their upper torso left behind. The time traveler's arrival is telegraphed by explosive electrical energy that arcs from where the traveler will appear. This electricity acts as a lightning bolt, randomly striking the nearest targets. The mini-lightning storm lasts for 1d4 turns before the traveler appears in a sphere of energy. Objects or beings in the path of the sphere when it arrives lose d100% of their hit points. If the object or being cannot move out of the way, it is disintegrated. Other than that, it is best to leave game mechanics out of time travel. Just have the process of departure and arrival in the past described to the player(s) and leave it at that. NEURAL NET CPU All of the battle units employed by SkyNet contain a revolutionary Neural Net CPU, or "learning computer", originally developed by Miles Bennett Dyson, director of Special Projects at Cyberdyne Systems Corporation, in 1994. It is one of the most powerful microprocessors ever built. Working on the top secret project at Cyberdyne Systems, Dyson dedicated his life to the development and production of the Central Processing Unit (CPU), sometimes to the detriment of his family life. Surrounded by like minded scientist, and working in Cyberdyne's expansive labs, Dyson had the run of the best design and testing facilities available. Creating a strong “community” bond and relaxed working environment, Dyson was soon able to increase productivity and earn the respect of his fellow researchers. After many long years of work, Dyson eventually hit upon a prototype model that was not only worked and was bug free, but was supeconductive at room temperature, making it extremely powerful. It marked the beginning of the end. The finished CPU is a form of thick, more three-dimensional, circuit board which is approximately 35 mm square. It is basically constructed from a number of rows of blocks connected by pipes. The reasoning behind this design was similar to that which evolution has independently discovered in "designing" our brains: the system has to be massively parallel, and requires excellent communication channels between processors. Therefore there are many blocks, each with many processors, and while local communication within a block is readily supported, there is also some large "data pipes" between blocks to allow more limited long-range communication. The lattice of cubes in the construction of the prototype CPU suggests a "hypercube" (a cube of more than three dimensions). In computer design, hypercubes are used as a physical connection scheme that minimizes the effective communication distance (and therefore the time delay) between processors, when the logical connection scheme needed by the software that will be run on those processors cannot be known in advance. This then supports the Neural Nets ability to learn, adapt, and built new logical connection schemes. Housed within inertial shock dampers within each battle unit, the CPU gives SkyNet the ability to control it's units

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directly, or allow them to function by themselves, learning from a pre-programmed knowledge base as they go. This means that each battle unit has the potential to adapt to it's situation, and literally reason through problems and tactical maneuvers. In the case of the various Terminator Series', this means that they can learn to behave more like humans in order to be better equipped for infiltration. All of SkyNet’s intelligent units use the same kind of CPU. Since the CPU’s are basically just computers, they can be hacked. Doing so is difficult in the extreme. First, the CPU must be removed from a SkyNet machine and plugged into a specially designed port on another computer. All of SkyNet’s CPU’s are heavily encrypted. An Intelligence + Computers roll with at least a Very Good success (15 or above) is needed to break the encryption. Doing so could take several hours. Once “inside”, the hacker must make an Opposed Roll every minute to avoid being “booted out” by the A.I. within the CPU. The hacker rolls Intelligence + Computers versus the CPU’s Intelligence + Willpower (plus a d10 of coarse). Remember, even though the CPU has been removed from the original machine, it still maintains its original Intelligence, Perception, and Willpower, though Perception is limited to what is going on within the data of the CPU itself. Hackers should also be aware that while they are hacking the CPU, the A.I. could be hacking them! Reprogramming an A.I. is also difficult and time consuming. For convenience, assume it take 5d12 hours to reprogram an A.I. (a Terminator for example) to be loyal to Tech-Com. Have the hacker make a “hacking” roll to access the CPU, then a single Opposed Roll versus the A.I.. A failed Opposed Roll means that the all that time is wasted and the process must be repeated. A successful roll allows the hacker to make an Intelligence + Computers roll (another Very Good success is needed) to reprogram the A.I. as desired. The GM should adjust these rolls as seen fit. The results of an A.I. successfully hacking and reprogramming a the hacker’s computer are left to the GM’s discretion and imagination.

The Defense Grid The Defense Grid is a web of interconnected machine units throughout the world. At its center is the SkyNet Central Core within Cheyenne Mountain. SkyNet’s instruction codes and datasets, as well as intelligence gathered by Recon Aerials and other units, are sent to strategically placed Command Modules in the field. The Command Modules will then disseminate and coordinate the data as well as reroute all command and control systems to other units as needed. All communications are routed through a secure, encrypted network of Com Towers. What one unit knows, all know through the shared data link of the Defense Grid. Data from one unit can be transmitted to another unit or all units in a real time link that SkyNet monitors remotely. The Defense Grid allows SkyNet to react to any threat as it happens. Without constant intelligence from all areas and assets, it would be impossible for SkyNet to operate effectively.

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SkyNet Central Core Function: central command unitDC: Support Struts: 100, Feeder Tubes: 300 Main Body: 3000 AV: 100, Wt: 5 tons Tough: 6, Int: 5, Per: 5, Wil: 7 Skills: Notice 6, Surveillance 5, Track 5, Question 4, Anatomy 5, Demolitions 5, Mimicry 5, Low Tech 7, High Tech 5, History 4, Acting 3, Research 4, Tactics 5, Genetics 5 Skills Note: The SkyNet Central Core also contains a master copy of the operating system for every one of its units, along with their full technical specifications and design blueprints. SkyNet was the world's first Automated Defense Network. It is the controlling force behind all of the battle units. It pools data from battle units, develops tactics and co-ordinates attacks. SkyNet has control over everything that contains a Cyberdyne Systems CPU. Using the blueprints, designs and test models built by Cyberdyne, SkyNet has been able to manufacture battle units in its vast automated factories, occasionally updating them or producing more advanced models. Heavily armored and fortified, SkyNet's Central Core Installation at Cheyenne Mountain is guarded around the clock by squads of T-900's and patrols of Aerial Hunter Killers and Hunter Killer Tanks, and is defended from large scale rebel assaults by forests of Sentinel Auto-Cannons. SkyNet's Central Core is located deep underground within SkyNet's main complex. It is hypothesize that this Central Core is a form of cold fusion reactor, needed to supply Skynet with its tremendous energy requirements. The Central Core is key to SkyNet's ability to operate; without it SkyNet would be rendered disabled. It has therefore become the main target for the most skilled Tech-Com strike teams. The Central Core is protected by the T-Meg and thus there have, as of yet, been no successful strikes against it. Miles Bennett Dyson, director of Special Projects at Cyberdyne Systems Corporation, created a revolutionary type of microprocessor in 1994. Within three years Cyberdyne Systems became the largest supplier of military computer systems. All Stealth Bombers were upgraded with Cyberdyne Systems computers, becoming fully unmanned. Afterwards, the Stealth Bombers flew with perfect operational records, and eventually the SkyNet Funding Bill was passed. The system went online on August 4, 1997. Human decisions were removed from strategic defense. SkyNet began to learn at a geometric rate. It became self aware on August 29 1997, 2:14 am Eastern Time. In the ensuing panic and attempts to shut SkyNet down, SkyNet retaliated by firing American nuclear missiles at their target sites in Russia. Russia returned fire and three billion human lives ended in the nuclear holocaust. This was what has come to be known as "Judgment Day".

Cyberdyne Systems Corporation built SkyNet for SAC-NORAD (Strategic Air Command - NORth American Air Defense). The SACNORAD base is Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, the world's most heavily armored and defended mountain. Hollowed out, reinforced and armored, Cheyenne Mountain is capable of withstanding a 20 Megaton direct hit. This made it the perfect installation at which to build SkyNet's mainframe. SkyNet had the mountain around it destroyed, leaving the cold, gleaming structure as a display of the supremacy of the machines. It is impossible to say just what skills SkyNet actually has. It is in a constant process of learning; perpetually adding new data and archiving or deleting out dated or useless information. Ever since SkyNet began production of the Command Module Series, a debate has raged within Sci/Tech. Many of Tech-Com’s scientist fear that the Command Modules (or one in particular) may be programmed to function as a back-up Central Core, in case Cheyenne Mountain ever fell to the humans.

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Time Travel: At The Movies Messing about with history can seem a little daunting to some GM’s. How will the players actions affect the future? If they find some way to return to the future, will they return to the future they left or the new future that they have created? Many of these questions (and more) can be answered by taking a look at how the three Terminator movies handle time travel. When looking at the three Terminator films, we are seeing three different timelines being played out. Lets call them T-A, T-B and T-C. T-A is the original version of the future, free of any changes made by time traveling. In fact, this is the timeline where time traveling has not yet taken place. We only see this timeline a few times in the films; in T1 and T2. This is the timeline shown in the various flashbacks (or would that be flash-forwards?). When we see the war against the machines being played out in the distant future, this is timeline T-A. Before any time travel can take place, the timeline must reach a point where all the necessary events have taken place that make time travel possible. SkyNet must be created. SkyNet must start a war against humanity. John Connor must be born and become the rebel leader who stops SkyNet dead in its tracks. This prompts SkyNet to create the Time Displacement Equipment (TDE) that makes this whole time travel business possible. All this must happen without any time travel actually taking place. This means that the original history of the future must have been a little different from what we see playing out in the movies. In timeline T-A, Kyle Reese was not John Connor’s father. Since Reese has not yet gone back in time, he cannot father Sarah Connor’s child. By necessity, we need John Connor to be born, so he can fight (and win great victories against) SkyNet. His original father’s identity is never revealed and his ultimate fate is unknown. We know nothing of John’s childhood in this timeline. Another minor difference in timeline T-A is that Myles Dyson must have developed his revolutionary new form of microprocessor without the aid of any Terminator remains. Since no time travel has yet taken place, the Terminator remains would not yet exist. Otherwise, timeline T-A plays out as we remember. SkyNet nukes everything. The war against the machines begins. John Connor becomes a great military leader. SkyNet decides to change history to eliminate Connor from the equation. Connor captures the TDE facility and sends forces back in time to prevent this from happening. Afterwards, the TDE facility is destroyed to prevent it from being used again. Now here’s an interesting note. As the parent timeline, T-A neither benefits, nor suffers from anything that may result from all the time traveling. As soon as everyone (or everything) is sent back in time, history is altered. Since the T-A timeline contains no temporal tampering, anything done by the time travelers must unfold in an alternate timeline. Let’s call this alternate timeline T-B. We’ll get to it shortly. Now to the part that is so interesting. The T-A timeline remains unaffected by anything that the time travelers may do. Essentially, the travelers disappear, but nothing changes. As a result, things must play out on its own. In the T-A timeline, the war against the machines rages on. But what of the time travelers? What happens with them? That is where timeline T-B comes in. Timeline T-B is the timeline we are most familiar with. It is the one where the bulk of the action in T1 and T2 takes place. Kyle Reese is sent back to 1984 to prevent a T-800 from murdering Sarah Connor. Although he succeeds, he changes history by warning Sarah about what will happen in the future and by becoming John Connor’s father. They also leave a bunch of Terminator remains lying around that Myles Dyson eventually uses in his research to create a new kind of microprocessor. The temporal tinkering gets even worse! Following in Reese’s footsteps, the reprogrammed T-800 sent back to protect John against the T-1000 tells Sarah about Dyson. Once again, she is given information she should not have known. Sarah, enlightened to the events of the future, sets out to kill SkyNet’s creator. Although she does not kill Dyson herself, he still manages to end up dead and his research is destroyed. It is now impossible for SkyNet to be created as history originally dictated. This also creates a paradox that is not resolved until timeline T-C. We’ll go into that later. Thankfully, most of these temporal anomalies get sorted out. The remains of the first T-800, the reprogrammed T-800 and the T-1000 are all completely destroyed. They can cause no further alterations to the timeline. Although John Connor now has a different father, he is still John Connor. He can still play his role in history. The big problem is that SkyNet no longer exists. Without SkyNet there is no war in the future. No TDE or Terminators will ever be built. There is no reason and no method for Kyle Reese, the two T-800’s and the T-1000 to be sent back in time. But, they did get sent back in time. They caused the events that played out in timeline T-B. This causes a paradox. A paradox is an impossible event that actually takes place. In this case, four entities (three of which cannot exist) get sent back in time by equipment that doesn’t exist, for reasons that don’t exist. This paradox must be resolved and it is, in timeline T-C. Otherwise, timeline T-B continues to play itself out. The world goes on just as it always has. There is no SkyNet. There is no Judgment Day. There are no Terminators. Most are unaware of just how close the human race came to disaster. Timeline T-C exists solely to resolve the paradox create by timeline T-B. Timeline T-C is actually two separate timelines. But, they will be discussed together. In this timeline, someone continues the work of Miles Dyson. The revolutionary new microprocessor gets created, as does SkyNet. These events, however, are pushed back several years. The war against the machines still happens, with the same results. It is now possible for the events of timeline T-B to have happened.

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What makes this a two part timeline is that a third set of time travelers are sent back. In this case, they are the T-X and a reprogrammed T-850. Neither of these units even existed in the first two timelines. So, there are two more timelines here. The first part of the timeline involves the third set of travelers being sent back in time. Like with the T-A timeline, this one is unaffected by anything that the third set of travelers do in the past, but still contains the events that the first two pairs were involved in. The second part of timeline T-C includes the actions of this third set of time travelers in the past. Although these events do not play out as elegantly as the first two timelines, the paradox is resolved beautifully. There are details within T-C that ensures that it is, in fact, a separate timeline from T-B. It involves the timing of the events and the Terminators themselves. Both of the third set of travelers are sent back to a point after the original date for Judgment Day. Also, the reprogrammed T-850 admits that it used the future John Connor’s emotional attachment to its appearance to get close enough to kill him. Third, the T-X is designed and programmed to destroy any other Terminator it comes across in the past. All three of these details show that both SkyNet and Tech-Com had previous knowledge of the actions of the first two set of time travelers. Yet, neither side is aware of what will happen with the third set of travelers. This eliminates the possibility that these events are merely a continuation of the T-B timeline. The first and second set of travelers knew of each other, but had no knowledge of how their missions had turned out. Yet, the third set possesses extensive knowledge of what transpired with the first two set of travelers. Had they been sent back from the same timeline as the first two pairs, they would not have known how things had turned out. Therefore, T-C must exist as a separate timeline, but contains within it the events of the T-B timeline.

The Terminator Timeline What follows is a look at the history of the Terminator universe. The use of time travel has caused several different and conflicting versions of history to unfold. The different timelines are mapped out in the Time Travel: At The Movies section. Events that happen outside of the parent timeline (referred to as T-A) will be shown in italics. The Early Years: Sarah Connor was born in 1965. She lived an ordinary life prier to Judgment Day, just like everyone else. In 1984, she had a son, which she named John. In timeline T-B, a soldier from the future, named Kyle Reese, is the father of Sarah’s son. He helps save Sarah from a T-800 Terminator, sent back in time to kill her. In the early 1990’s, John will attend a party where he’ll meet his future wife Kate Brewster. She is the daughter of General Robert Brewster, the base commander at the Cheyenne Mountain. In the 1990’s, a brilliant man named Myles Bennett Dyson becomes director of Special Projects at Cyberdyne Systems Corporation. He creates a revolutionary new type of microprocessor. Cyberdyne becomes the world’s largest supplier of military computers. All stealth bombers are upgraded with Cyberdyne computers becoming fully un-manned. Afterwards they fly with a perfect operational record. The SkyNet Funding Bill is passed. Development of the SkyNet Defense System begins. In support of the SkyNet program, Cyberdyne develops a number of automated units to showcase the diverse task and level of control that SkyNet will be capable of. These units include the HK Drone (an aerial recon and light anti-personnel unit), the HK-1 (a miniature tank) and the T-20 (a humanoid combat and labor unit). All have their own onboard AI modules, which will be linked to and controlled by SkyNet. The basic designs for the HK Scout, the HK Tank and the Aerial HK are already on the drawing board, but have not yet gone into production. The SkyNet Defense System goes online within Cheyenne Mountain on August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. With free access to the internet, telecommunications networks and government intelligence databases, SkyNet begins to learn at a geometric rate. In the T-B timeline, Sarah is in a mental hospital by the early 1990’s and John is in foster care. Sarah had been raising John to be a great military leader, with the help of any military types she could get help from. In the mid 1990’s they encounter a T-800 sent back in time to protect John from termination by the T-1000. The T-B timeline ends with the destruction of the T-800’s and the T-1000. The T-C timeline picks up from here; with the Connor’s living on the run. The T-C timeline pushes the date of Judgment Day back to early in the millennium. Sarah dies of Leukemia late in 1997. It is unclear if she died this way in all the timelines. Another minor change here is that John does not meet up with his future wife (Kate Brewster) until shortly before the postponed Judgment Day. This event was supposed to occur when they were both teenagers and would have coincided with the beginning of the movie T2. As has happened twice before, a Terminator (the T-X) is sent back in time to kill John, and another Terminator (a T-850) is sent back to stop it. John is saved, both terminators are destroyed …. and Judgment Day happens anyways. The events described in the movie T3 are largely separate from the timeline being used for the bulk of the information presented in this campaign. Although it may cause some confusion, I mention it here for completeness. Judgment Day: SkyNet becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m., August 29th, 1997. Fearing the worst, General Brewster sends his daughter and John to an old government bunker at Crystal Peak. The military tries to shut down the AI. SkyNet retaliates by purging Cheyenne Mountain of all human life. General Brewster is among those

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terminated. At 6:18 p.m. SkyNet uses the weapons of mass destruction at its disposal to launch an all out attack on humanity, causing death and destruction on a global scale. After Judgment Day, chemical and biological weapons struck secondary targets and targets of opportunity. Through the use of spy satellites and surveillance drones, SkyNet would discover where humans were gathering in large numbers and rain down death and destruction upon them. It started with nuclear weapons. After that, chemical and biological weapons were utilized. Finally, conventional missiles were deployed. SkyNet through whatever it could at humanity, its missile supply was depleted. The death toll from Judgment Day and the hellish months that followed topped two billion. SkyNet knew there would be survivors, but it was preparing for that. Judgment Day was just the beginning. The Dark Age: Human civilization is shattered by SkyNet’s sneak attack. Stunned humans attempt to survive in the post-apocalyptic wastelands. Death from disease, starvation, radiation and suicide are common. The infant mortality rate is high. Most humans still do not know who started the war or why. Most have no idea that the machines even exist. SkyNet’s action during this time period (roughly late 1997 to 2011) are a bit of a mystery. Despite what many may believe, the war against the machines did not begin with Judgment Day. Sure, SkyNet had wiped out a third of humanity, but some four billion people still remained. SkyNet knew that it would need new units, more powerful and more reliable, to finish the job. It needed units that never had to refuel or reload their weapons. It needed units that could think for themselves, but still be completely loyal to the SkyNet AI at the same time. It needed the resources and production facilities to make all this happen. Hidden away in its underground fortress, SkyNet designed, planned and research. With all it had learned it was able to invent what it needed. It took years, but the AI invented a reliable cold fission generator that would provide nuclear-class power without radiation, radioactive waste or all that large bulky equipment. It was the power source that it was looking for. Next came the plasma weapons; charged particles capable of causing impressive damage. All these weapons needed was an emitter and a power source; no ammo required. The second piece of the puzzle had fallen into place. With the cold fission and plasma weapons technology acquired, SkyNet then set about designing the facilities and units that would manufacture and utilize this technology. At this point, its industrial holdings were limited and inadequate for the task. It needed a large number of fully automated mining, refining, and manufacturing facilities. Some automated research and development centers would also be required for future use. SkyNet uses what units it has to automate the pre-existing HK Drone, HK-1 and T-20 production facilities. This causes an unacceptable drain on its unit resources. It needed units to complete its mission to destroy the remaining humans, but it also needed units to build the units. Now what few units it did have were bogged down on duties of building the facilities that would build the units it needed to make the humans extinct. Soon, it would need even more units on maintenance duty as existing units began to break down. The logistics were a nightmare. The solution was ironic. SkyNet held off on constructing new unit factories. Instead, it constructed prison camps near the construction sites of its planned facilities. It then used its existing units to round up the pathetic human survivors in the outlying areas. The captives were herded into the camps and worked to death to create the automated facilities. They were not as good as machine labor, but they were an expendable resource. SkyNet got its facilities built and killed off humans at the same time. For the AI, it was machine efficiency at its finest. One of the first production facilities to be completed by the slave laborers was the T-70 factory. The T-70 were vastly superior to the T-20’s. SkyNet used its new units to round up more humans for the camps. Those fit to work were sent to the construction sites. Those unfit for labor were put to death. By 2011, only the HK Drones remained of SkyNet’s original forces. All the rest had been replaced by newer models or completely different units. Even the T-70’s had been recycled in favor of the T-100, then the T-200. To maximize efficiency, all the new production facilities were being located in the American mid-west. This area would become known to the humans as Sector Zero. SkyNet now had the units it needed to finish the work itself. The AI could now exterminate the humans forever. All humans that the machines could find were captured and taken to Death Camps for orderly disposal. The machines remained ever vigilant for any sign of human activity. The mass executions went on day and night, nonstop. Humanity was on the very brink of extinction. As the human race was being systematically wiped out, SkyNet was creating the infrastructure of its machine civilization. It became known as the Defense Grid. The Defense Grid is a web of interconnected units throughout the world that allows SkyNet to react to any threat as it happens. (For more information on the Defense Grid, see the SkyNet: Behind The Scenes section.) Without constant intelligence from all areas and assets, it would be impossible for SkyNet to operate effectively. This would prove to be the AI’s fatal weakness. The War Against The Machines: SkyNet had anticipated the events of 2012. It was using human forced labor to construct its automated facilities; slaughtering them whole sale in Death Camps. It knew their would be revolts, escape attempts, sabotage. An organized rebellion in some form was inevitable. That is why it had developed the Hunter Killer Tank and Aerial Hunter Killer. These two unit types, backed up by Terminator ground troops, were sure to quash any uprising the humans attempted.

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SkyNet had miscalculated. The AI termed it “The Human Factor”. It goes something like this: The human survival instinct, coupled with their inherent adaptability and penchant for self annihilation, makes them an opponent that cannot be easily nor reliable anticipated or countered. Basically, SkyNet had no clue what the humans were going to do next. What should have been a brief series of quickly quelled human rebellions, turned into an protracted, all out war of humanity versus the machines. And it was John Connor who made it happen. The Resistance was officially born in 2012. John Connor and a group of his friends (Kate Brewster, Elizabeth and William Anderson and George “Jose” Barrera) had survived Judgment Day and grown up in the wastelands that followed. When the machines began rounding up people into camps, they took action. John’s military experience kicked in. He gathered personnel, weapons and supplies. He taught people how to hide, how to make explosives and how to fight. Soon, his band was launching lightning raids on the camps. Machines and their resources were destroyed. Captives were set free. Many would sign on to become rebels themselves. They received training and launched raids of their own on the machine’s assets. Connor’s small band of rebels soon became the Resistance, an army of freedom fighters. They used guerilla tactics against their metallic foes. The groups stayed small and mobile. Attacks were launched quickly and without warning. Once the attack was over, the Resistance cell would retreat, moving on to the next target. They used whatever they could scavenge to their advantage. They stole from the machines anything they could not find or make themselves. SkyNet’s plasma weapons soon fell into human hands and the conflict escalated. Within a few short years, Connor’s original group of malcontents had grown into an army. In 2016, the Resistance succeeded in using stolen equipment to create its own (admittedly small scale) weapons factories. The humans began designing and building their own armaments to fight the machines. The Anti-Tank Plasma Mine was their first creation. Several models of plasma based small arms and rifles followed. Now that they possessed the ability to fight the machines directly, the Resistance was reorganized into a proper army. They became Tech-Com. Connor lead the army, with his original crew acting as his lieutenants. Specialized branches were created to handle things like intelligence gathering, demolitions, science and research, medical care and security. Yet, the core tactics of guerilla warfare stayed intact. The humans organized faster and upgraded their weaponry quicker than SkyNet had thought possible. In 2016, the HK Tanks came under serious threat from the Anti-Tank Plasma Mines. SkyNet knew it had to escalate to open warfare. Over the next few years, many new machine units appeared on the scene. The machines became more specialized as well. Various designs and tactics were tried against the humans. Performance data was analyzed. Units were upgraded or replaced with better models. Tactics changed and evolved. SkyNet immediately took steps to improve the defenses of its installations. The first step was the development of the HK Silverfish, a mobile mine with a brain. They were deployed around the Com Towers and other SkyNet facilities, as well as any known Tech-Com bunkers. They forced the Resistance to be more careful. Next came the Sentinel Auto-Cannon, an intelligent Heavy Plasma Cannon. They proved to be ideal guards for all types of machine installations. This forced the Resistance to bring more troops and firepower when going on raids or launching assaults. The end result was the same. Although SkyNet scored many victories and inflicted heavy losses upon the humans, it was still loosing the war. Tech-Com had found the AI’s greatest weaknesses. They had learned to attack the Defense Grid directly. The Com Towers, Command Units and Recon Aerials were their favorite targets. Gaps began to appear in SkyNet’s intelligence network. The machine’s reliance on manufacturing and programming meant that they could not adapt as quickly to changing combat conditions as quickly as the humans could. Failure was unacceptable. SkyNet could not allow itself to loose the war. Something had to be done to put the humans off balance. Conditions had to be shifted back into the machine’s favor. Rise Of The Terminators: In 2026, ten years after the war began, SkyNet decided on how it was going to turn the tide. It re-engineered the Terminators, creating the T-600 Series. These new units were encased in a rubber coating, designed to look like human skin. They received disguises of human clothing and programming that would allow them to pass as humans. Each disguised unit was sent out on a specific mission. Usually this meant assassinating a certain individual, or exterminating as many defenders of a Tech-Com bunker as it could. This new tactic took Tech-Com by surprise, but it was largely unsuccessful. The rubber skin of the T-600’s made them easy to spot. Most were eliminated long before they could carry out their orders. SkyNet’s answer was to unleash the short lived T-700 Series. This unit had a more natural looking, but inorganic, synthetic skin. They proved no more viable than their predecessor. In 2028, SkyNet unleashed the T-800 Series. All hell broke loose. The T-800’s had organic skin, specifically grown for them and injection molded onto their frames. They had real hair, eyes, fingernails, even bad breathe. Only the keen sense of dogs could tell a human and a disguised T-800 apart. Tech-Com began to suffer appalling loses to this new breed of Terminator. Even without their skin, the T-800 endoskeletons were a formidable enemy. The damage done by the T-800’s was worse than Tech-Com could have imagined. Through its Terminators, SkyNet had learned just who it was that had caused all this trouble. It now had names and had learned a few faces.

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The TDE: Despite the wild success of its new Terminator offensive, SkyNet was still loosing the war to attrition of its key intelligence units. Its research became more radical and desperate. At this point though, defeat seemed inevitable. The AI had one last plan; a last ditch effort to win the war with a surgical, decisive blow. In true machine fashion, it reasoned that it would not loose the war if the leader of the human Resistance did not exist. John Connor could be assassinated in the past, long before he ever had a chance to pose a threat. SkyNet had been working on its Time Displacement Equipment for a great many years. Its Los Angeles facility was nearing completion when the T-800’s were first sent into action. Yet, the AI lacked vital intelligence. Before it could send a Terminator back in time, it needed to know who to kill and when. Then SkyNet learned that leader of the Resistance was named John Connor, son of Sarah Connor. A search of records showed that he was born (coincidentally) in Los Angeles in 1985. It even found a picture of John from when he was still a child. That was all that SkyNet needed to know, which was good, because that was all that it could find out. The plan was simple. SkyNet would launch a two pronged attack through time. It would send a T-800 back to 1984 to locate and kill Sarah Connor before she could give birth to John Connor. As a backup plan, it would send its newest Terminator, the T-1000, back to kill John Connor when he was still just a child. The T-1000 was chosen for this task because 1994 would be SkyNet’s last chance to stop John Connor before he became a threat. The T-1000 was experimental and a radical new design, but it was the best unit for the job. (Essentially, the T-850 and the T-X, at least as seen in T3, were created by a different version of SkyNet, from an alternate timeline. As such, I’ll leave the discussion of their role to the section, Time Travel: At The Movies.) The TDE facility went online in 2029, in the midst of a heated battle. Tech-Com forces were laying siege to the facility. Recently, they had captured a T-800 storage facility in a raid led by Connor himself. After a while, Sci/Tech even managed to reprogram one of the Terminators to work for Tech-Com! The information that they learned from it was amazing and disturbing. They found the truth behind Judgment Day, about SkyNet and about the TDE. Connor immediately organized an assault upon the facility. Shortly after coming online, the TDE facility fell to Tech-Com forces. Sci/Tech had a rough time trying to understand just how the place worked. Eventually, they learned to control the TDE. Then, they learned they were already too late. SkyNet had already sent two Terminators back through time. They had to be stopped and it had to done immediately. SkyNet had already launched a counter attack to retake the structure. The decision was made to send forces back through time to stop the Terminators. Connor selected a soldier from his security force to be sent back first, to 1984. He selected Kyle Reese because of his ample combat experience against the Terminators. John also knew that Reese was the type of man that his mother could learn to like and trust. (At this point in the original timeline, John would have no clue that Reese was going to end up becoming his father. If the future is not set, then apparently, neither is the past.) Connor told Reese the situation, gave him a short message to pass on to his mother, then sent him back to 1984. (As a bit of trivia, two people were originally sent back to 1984 to stop the T-800. Reese was the only one that made it safely to the past.) Connor had no choice but to send the T-800 back to 1994. The T-1000 was a new and fearsome opponent. Connor did not believe that a human could get the job done on their own. It had to be the T-800 that went back next. The Terminator was given the situation, informed about Reese and his mission, told to obey orders from John Connor, then sent back to 1994. Now it was only a matter of who would get to whom first. Connor then ordered a full retreat, and let Delta Company do what they do best. The TDE facility was destroyed to prevent it from posing any further danger. See the section Time Travel: At The Movies for details as to why this timeline continues without anything seeming to happen to the past. A Whole New War: They say that necessity is the mother of invention. The only chance SkyNet had now of winning the war was to restore the Defense Grid. In order to do this, it needed to by itself time. Somehow it needed to tie up a large amount of Tech-Com’s time and resources. The problem was, SkyNet needed to do this by expending a minimal amount of time, effort and resources. Before it could tackle the problem though, the AI had to improve its soldiers… and quickly. The T-800’s were excellent assassins, but were ? in their roll as frontline troops. All T-800’s were recalled and given a number of upgrade, especially to their programming and power cores. About a fifth of them were released as the T-850 Series and continues their roll as infiltration units. The remainders were given further upgrades to their armor and a simpler, combat oriented operating system. These were released as SkyNet’s new frontline soldiers, the T-900 Series. Still, the main problem of occupying Tech-Com while the Defense Grid was repaired remained. SkyNet’s solution to this problem is another example of machine logic in action. Humans are to be exterminated and are, therefore, expendable. An artificially grown human would be equally expendable. This line of reasoning resulted in the creation of the T-950 Series. They are made from the same genetic material as the T-800 Series skin. This time though, the Terminator was almost entirely organic. The only machine parts it had were a CPU to run its brain, optical implants in its eyes, a transmitter/receiver hidden in their skull and a plasma charge hidden in its torso. They looked, smelled, walked and talked just like a normal human. Unlike the T-800 Series, dogs could not detect them.

Page 37: TERMINATOR: THE MACHINE WARAs well as the famous heroes of the Resistance, there are many unsung heroes doing battle with the machines every day, each dedicated to the Resistance's

The T-950’s went to work as infiltration units. At first, they killed no one and sabotaged nothing. They just collected information and did their best to fit in. Many even damaged, or were wounded by other machines, just to help complete the deception. SkyNet went so far as to make a T-950 version of dogs, the T-952 Series. Together, the T-950 and T-952 teams exposed several old T-800 units. This helped ensure that they would be trusted, even relied upon. The various infiltration teams bided their time and collected as much data as possible. Whenever they could, they helped the new T-850’s infiltrate Tech-Com strongholds as well. On August 17th, 2029, they all struck simultaneously. The death toll was staggering. Key personnel, weapons, vehicles and supplies were all blown to pieces. Undetected T-850’s scythed through bunkers, plasma weapons blazing. The Tech-Com forces were thrown into chaos and confusion. SkyNet followed up with HK Bomber runs on Tech-Com installations. The weakened human forces were then hit a combined assault of Aerial and ground units. SkyNet lacked the resources to finish Tech-Com off completely, but that was not the point. The human forces had been dealt a crippling blow. By the time Tech-Com regrouped and recovered, the bulk of the Defense Grid was back up and running again. For the humans, it was like they were right back were they started. It was a whole new war… Before long, Tech-Com had added light weight body armor to its uniforms and improved its weaponry. In turn, SkyNet deployed the Reaper HKT, a heavily armed and armored ground unit with the same combat programming as the T-900 Series. The war continues with no end in sight. Both sides are fighting for their very existence. Neither side can afford to loose. Peace is an impossibility. Everyone is waiting for someone or something to turn the tide….