Term Paper Charamae

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  • 8/2/2019 Term Paper Charamae


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    The Last Days Theory

    Impartial Fulfillment for This Course Requirement



    CARASIG, Charamae Elisha L.


    Professor Eman Nolasco

    March 22, 2012

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    Power. Influence. One-world government. The Few and the Chosen. Like an

    action movie, only a group of people with excellent martial arts skills will end up having

    their triumph. Like a chick flick movie, those girls who are rich and pretty are the

    popular students in their school. That is how the way I see it nowadays. The

    continents that has been divided of time, beliefs, culture, color and race will be ruled

    under one government consists of the Elite statesman or group of people.

    The Elite- the few with the highest rank and most influential people in the world

    and they came from the best nations. These people are members of a secret group or

    fraternity. Just imagine how the world would be if these people will take over us. The

    Big, the Best and the Powerful is taking over almost the whole space of a newspaper

    discussing how they best their nation is, how good is their economy and how better they

    will become in the future. But what is their agenda? And how come they want to keep it

    a secret?

    Secret society like Freemasonry and Illuminati, to name a few, became a

    trending topic (as what a twitter addict will describe them). But there is more to it. Whoknows what these fraternities are capable of doing. And the people involved here are

    the people we always see on the news making headlines. Whats more shocking is that

    sometimes the people we think will do less are the most powerful or has the highest

    rank in a specific secret organization.

    I am a Christian. I believe in God and that one day the world we came to know

    will be all gone. Light will defeat the darkness. What is the connection? I have been

    listening to our preacher and he is talking about the Last Days and one of the hints or

    clues that we are near the END is the taking over of the power elites to the world.

    Religion and Politics. And who are these allegedly power elites? Who could they be but

    the members of these two powerhouse societies. They were never in the same page

    but the manifestations of the second coming of the King are clearly seen in the current

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    events. And the taking-over of these Elites is one of the hints. What Im saying is that I

    think the future of Geopolitics will be its end and will be the beginning of the end of the


    This paper will discuss on how this secret group of elite is slowly taking literally

    over the world, their aims or agenda and why they should keep it a secret. If they are

    hidden but why is that the world know of them. They are in public now but what they are

    planning or what they talked about on these secret meetings is still confidential.

    They will RUN THE WORLD. It happened before, it will happen again. It is not

    the question of who (the current events show WHO these people are. It will be

    discussed further) or when (for it is happening now as the world goes to sleep, these

    ELITE GROUP never did) but. HOW and WHY.

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    As above, so below.

    As within, so without.

    Everything will end. This world is like a story that has its own finale. It could be

    bad or good. It is how it will end that makes the whole story more interesting. And also

    the characters involved and how they have finished everything.

    World politics will have its very own conclusion. I believe that when the Elites

    ruled the world, it will be the doomsday not just for geopolitics but of the world. I will cite

    reason why I think such event will take place. I would like to start by discussing round a

    little background about the New World Order from where my idea came from.

    New World Order

    A conspiracy theory explains an event as being the result of an alleged

    plot by a covert group or organization or, more broadly, the idea that important

    political, social or economic events are the products of secret plots that are

    largely unknown to the general public. (Wikipedia.com)

    It is THE event resulted by the manipulation or a planned outcome of the few rich

    people around the world and for them to rule the world under their supervision or their

    government is what New World Order means.

    The term New World Orderor NWOrefers to the emergence of

    a totalitarian one-world government. (Wikipedia.com)

    Significant events that happen in world politics and the international economy is

    allegedly orchestrated by the secretive society or organization or group of influential and

    powerful people in the world. They are known and famous people that came from

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    different parts of the world. And they all unite for one cause- to be a part of the

    totalitarian one-world government. Most of these people are the one that governed

    countries. Some are artists like singers, dancers and even actors and actresses.

    Out of many conspiracy theories that are included in the NWO, I believed some

    of the most significant of them which shows the future of world politics are;

    Freemasonry and Illuminati. I focused on these two conspiracy theories because

    these are the most famous organization that is known to us. It became well known that

    not only the academes know about the members and the stories behind the said

    secretive society but also common people and this is because of the personalities we

    see every day whether on television, newspaper, the internet and even on the songs we

    listen to.


    Freemasonry is one of the oldest and largest organizations in the world, an

    organization whose members share common beliefs, knowledge, specific moral and

    spiritual values. Is it a secret society? No, freemasons wear rings, jackets, hats with the

    square and compass (as their symbol), websites and even have Masonic license platesand bumper stickers in their cars. If they are a secret society they would not wear or

    show symbolic accessories so they are not secretive as some people think of them.

    No one actually knows how the Freemasonry

    really started or how it is formed. The language and

    symbols used in the fraternitys rituals come from the

    era of the Middle Ages. The oldest document that

    makes reference to Masons is the Regius Poem,

    printed about 1390. In 1717, four lodges in London

    formed the first Grand Lodge of England, and records

    from that point on are more complete.

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    Goose and Gridiron,

    where the Grand Lodge of England was founded

    Within thirty years, the fraternity had spread throughout Europe and the

    American Colonies. Freemasonry became very popular in colonial America. George

    Washington was a Mason; Benjamin Franklin served as the head of the fraternity inPennsylvania, as did Paul Revere and Joseph Warren in Massachusetts. Other well-

    known Masons involved with the founding of America included John Hancock, John

    Sullivan, Lafayette, Baron Fredrick von Stuben, Nathanael Greene, and John Paul

    Jones. Another Mason, Chief Justice John Marshall, shaped the Supreme Court into its

    present form.

    These famous personalities were known for their ideologies, beliefs and their

    influences in their respective fields of expertise. These people helped shape and mold

    the world. The elites as people would name them. The best in what they do. Whether

    they from the government or people who has great influence in their states economy.

    We can say that the world become what it is now specially the current state of

    geopolitics because of some of the world-renown and influential and powerful


    They are going to use the organization to make their plans happen which is to

    have a one-world government. This idea is base on their belief that the "Masonic God"

    because of their belief that the "Great Architect of the Universe" has tasked the United

    States with the future establishment of the "Kingdom of God on Earth" a Masonic

    world government with New Jerusalem as its capital city and the Third Temple as its

    holiest site the primarily utopian New World Order presided over by a

    Masonic Messiah.

    Aside from political leaders, economic leaders, too have a big role in the future of

    geopolitics. Two of the worlds largest international banking dynasties namely

    Rothchilds and the Rockefellar family are both Masonic families. Their combined wealth

    is incalculable. As the leading economic leaders they have great influence in the

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    shaping of future politics not only on their country but of the world. And because they

    are Masons, they have the duty to do the shaping-up the Mason way.

    Due to lack of resources and references (which I admit is my fault), I cannot write

    in this term paper who are the famous masons of today that would be a part of their

    Divine destiny. But to the famous and influential people I have cited, we can conclude

    that their country would not be the same if not of these men. Same goes to the world.

    The future of world politics will be the revealing of the highest ranked mason who

    will be the Masonic God or the president of the totalitarian government. And their

    realization of their goals which are still not known to nonmembers. But one thing is

    clear, as we can observe in their profession and life status, they will rule the world as if it

    is the only mission of their whole existence. Base on Masonrys principle, I dont think

    they would eradicate those who are not Masons. They would influence nonmembers to

    join them but they would be in a situation that they will feel that there is a need of


    So picture this: if a countrys leader belongs to the Mason brotherhood, Masonry

    will help that country no matter what. When it comes to war, it is an advantage not onlybecause Masonic countries will help that country but also Masons are known for

    intelligent masons who can help in strategies. It will be like a battle of one vs. many or a

    nonmember country vs the Masonry. The organization can also help in a way that when

    a favor asked by a member to help a certain undeveloped or third world countries, it will

    surely be done.

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    Historically the name refers to the Bavarian

    Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on

    May 1, 1776. In more modern contexts the name refers to a

    purported conspiratorial organization which is alleged to

    mastermind events and control world affairs

    through governments and corporations to establish a New

    World Order. (Wikipedia.com)

    The Illuminati is the opposite of Freemasonry. Though they have some same

    beliefs of taking over the world. I think, base on the books I read, Illuminati is more

    aggressive when in comes to their ideologies. Dan Browns book Angels and Demons

    was made into a movie and it showed how Illuminati really started and how they act

    towards their critics. It was really bloody.

    Illuminati becomes a trend when famous celebrities like Lady Gaga, Jay Z and

    wife Beyonce, Kanye West, Oprah and many others. This paper is about politics not pop

    culture. But because these personalities are the one we always want to see on TV we

    become attach to them and their behavior and how they act that we unknowinglypractice the acts of Illuminatus. The organization is not just accepting members from the

    political and economic field but also those they think can influence specially the youth.

    Their main goal is to create a one world government with a slavery class to

    support them. Illuminati members want to reduce the global population to 500 million

    and lower the standards of living in all civilized nations.

    The effects of this one world government are becoming more and more apparent. We

    see the pooling of nations via the United Nations. For example, the European Union, the

    upcoming North American Union, and the Asian Union and African Union are all coming

    to fruition through a shrewd design to divide and rule. Presidents of countries are picked

    months in advance. Citizens are made to believe that they have voting power, when in

    fact democracy is just an illusion.

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    All major global affairs are allegedly carefully planned and thought out by these

    Illuminati members. World events that most people see as chance or coincidence are

    actually a deliberate plan to dis-empower people and gain more control. Some claim

    that a few examples of this are: the 911 terrorist attacks (which were a false flag

    operation designed to pass the patriot act among other things) and also the Indonesian

    tidal wave, hurricane Katrina, and the recent Haiti earthquakes were all caused by

    HAARP technology invented by Tesla. (The High Frequency Active Auroral Research

    Program (HAARP) is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by theU.S. Air

    Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research

    Projects Agency) Nikola Tesla is a known Illuminatus.

    According to what I have read, Plans for America: Make every person totally

    dependent of the government by:

    1) Creating a pseudo-fuel shortage and food shortage.

    2) Confiscate all guns.

    3) Calling for "Helter Skelter" (All trucks, trains, planes, and ships, except Military, will

    stop. An army of some 200,000 white prisoners and motorcycle gang members will

    create mass insanity in the streets by bombing church buildings, raping, murdering, andother fear tactics.)

    4) Declaring Martial Law. Activate the National Guard to keep order, after the public

    cries out for any kind of help. There will be one policeman to every 5 people. Once this

    "National Emergency" is declared, it will never be cancelled.

    All countries except America will be sent against Israel for oil. The use of neutron

    bombs allows destruction of people while leaving all buildings, natural resources, and

    croplands intact. When the war is over, the world is to be ruled from Jerusalem.

    In addition:

    *90% of the population of the US supposedly is to die in the 1st half hour of


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    3,000 missiles are to hit the US within the first hour.

    Most industrial cities are to be destroyed.

    *Russian missiles placed in major US Lakes and Rivers (up to ten Nuclear

    Warheads/Missile); put there with American Government knowledge and


    To date, approximately 90% of the Conspiracy plan has been fulfilled on schedule.

    What would the future of the world politics if these society will rule the world?

    Unlike the Masons, they believe in humanity but Illuminati seemed to be destroying

    mankind. They would want ONLY them the only future of this world. If this happens, it is

    definitely the end not just of geopolitics (because no other political parties will stop

    them, they know that if they dare to, they, too will end) but of the world. And this is

    where the prophecies of the Prophets will be seen. They said that when the world is

    ruled by the elites, it is the first event of the soon coming of the Lord. Then the world will

    definitely end!

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    One world. It doesnt always mean peace. Sometimes it means society, secrecy

    and something only the elites can do. I have cited the future of the world politics and

    also a bonus, of the world.

    Many great leaders and very powerful men have tried in the past to bring the

    entire world under the control of one governing body. All of these attempts have been

    unsuccessful so far, but during our present time it is becoming more achievable.

    Organizations such as the Illuminati, Freemasons, Skull and Bones society have been

    in positions of power for hundreds of years, the process of globalism and international

    governing organizations are gaining power. In the present time period, opportunities for

    a one world government to come into power are now in place. Using slow and

    progressive techniques a one word government could form without the people of the

    world even noticing until it was in place.

    Is it better the government be one? Will there be unity among the people? Will

    war be prevented? Or is it the other side? Of course, no one really knows the whole

    agenda of these two organizations. All we know is that they exist and they have a planto conquer the Earth. But who will win this battle? That is for the future to be decided.

    Much knowledge is available and understood about Illuminati and Freemasonry

    members, however the vast majority of the population is completely unaware of what is

    going on. There is a war between good versus evil, between tyranny and suppression

    verses individual freedom. Awareness is needed on a massive scale in order for good to

    prevail in this final war of the worlds.

    "Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have."Richard Salant, former president of CBS News.

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