Term 4 Week 02 18th October 2017 - Wedderburn College · 2017-10-19 · No reward without effort...

No reward without effort Page 1 PO Box 20 15-29 Hospital Street Wedderburn Victoria 3518 Tel No. (03) 5494 3011 e-mail: [email protected] website: www.wedderburn-college.vic.edu.au Term 4 Week 02 18th October 2017 The Newsletter is designed to offer an information service to the parents of Wedderburn College students and local people interested in Education. Deadline for newsletter articles is STRICTLY 9am Tuesday via email address above. FROM THE PRINCIPALS DESK I wish to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am a recently retired principal with over 45 years experience with the Department of Education. My work since coming to Bendigo has involved eight years as principal at each of Golden Square and Eaglehawk North primary schools and seven years in a senior manager role with the region at the Bendigo office. At the Regional Directors request, I have joined the staff at Wedderburn College for this term to provide support and guidance in specific school management and improvement work. The day to day operational leadership will continue to be guided by Acting Assistant Principal, Richard Dougall and the College leadership team. I also wish to welcome to the College Rebecca Pickles who has come across from Maryborough Education Centre. Rebecca is working in the senior years Science-Maths area. Also welcome to Amanda Amidzovski who is employed as an Education Support staff member providing specific student support. Jess Higgins has moved into the year 6 area for this term and Sharon Polkinghorne will be supporting the Grades 3/4 and 5/6 Literacy Program. Welcome also to the new students who have commenced from the start of this term. Theres somewhat of a revolving door at the moment. I look forward to working with staff, students, council and parents during this term. I encourage those within the community who may look for support in resolving concerns to make time to meet with me. Mr Ron Payne, Principal ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL REPORT SITE INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS The site infrastructure works are progressing quickly. The rear retaining walls are almost complete and look fantastic. They have tidied up the bank behind Block A. It will provide a clean slate to do some planting and new landscaping to beautify the area. The new drain in the Library quadrangle is also well underway and again will provide some scope to do some soft landscaping here. New concrete paths are being laid to make the journey from the disabled parking by the KLC through to the BER and the new lift smooth and all-weather proof. DATELINE Tuesdays - Playgroup from 9:00am to 10:30am October Mon-Sat 9th-21st Years 9/10/11 Indonesian Trip Thurs 19th Primary Kanga Cricket Mon 23rd SSV Athletics (Melbourne – Albert Park) Wed 25th Year 12 Last Day and Dinner Thurs 26th Year 7 Immunisation, 9:30-10:30am Mon-Tues 30th-31st Dental Treatment Week November Wed 1st NCD Clay Target and Bowls (Boort) Thurs-Fri 2nd-3rd Scholastic Book Fair 9:00am-2:30pm Wed-Fri 1st-3rd Dental Treatment Week Wed-Tues 1st-21st Year 12 VCAA/VCE Examination Period Tues 7th Melbourne Cup Day-Holiday Thurs 9th Prep Late Stay Grade 1 Sleepover Fri 10th Mothers Club concert Mon 13th School Council Finance Wed 15th Possible 9/10 Outdoor Ed Coastal Camp Mon 20th Finance Committee and School Council Fri-Thurs 17th-23rd Year 11 Unit 2 Exam period Wed–Fri 22nd-24th Year 9/10 Outdoor Ed Camp Coastal Fri-Thurs 24th-30th Year 12 Step UpMon-Wed 27th-29th Gr 3/4 Queenscliff Camp Dec Fri 1st Year 12 Step UpYear 11 students last day Fri-Mon 1st-4th Glasses for Kids Program Mon-Wed Year 10 into 11 Step UpTues-Wed 5th-6th Year 8 Fed Uni Camp Mon 11th Finance Committee and School Council Tues 19th Wedderburn College Awards Night Fri 22nd Last Day Term 4 dismissal at 2:30pm

Transcript of Term 4 Week 02 18th October 2017 - Wedderburn College · 2017-10-19 · No reward without effort...

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PO Box 20 15-29 Hospital Street Wedderburn Victoria 3518 Tel No. (03) 5494 3011 e-mail: [email protected] website: www.wedderburn-college.vic.edu.au

Term 4 Week 02 18th October 2017

The Newsletter is designed to offer an information service to the parents of Wedderburn College students and local people interested in Education. Deadline for newsletter articles is STRICTLY 9am Tuesday via email address above.

FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK I wish to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am a recently retired principal with over 45 years experience with the Department of Education. My work since coming to Bendigo has involved eight years as principal at each of Golden Square and Eaglehawk North primary schools and seven years in a senior manager role with the region at the Bendigo office. At the Regional Director’s request, I have joined the staff at Wedderburn College for this term to provide support and guidance in specific school management and improvement work. The day to day operational leadership will continue to be guided by Acting Assistant Principal, Richard Dougall and the College leadership team. I also wish to welcome to the College Rebecca Pickles who has come across from Maryborough Education Centre. Rebecca is working in the senior years Science-Maths area. Also welcome to Amanda Amidzovski who is employed as an Education Support staff member providing specific student support. Jess Higgins has moved into the year 6 area for this term and Sharon Polkinghorne will be supporting the Grades 3/4 and 5/6 Literacy Program. Welcome also to the new students who have commenced from the start of this term. There’s somewhat of a revolving door at the moment. I look forward to working with staff, students, council and parents during this term. I encourage those within the community who may look for support in resolving concerns to make time to meet with me. Mr Ron Payne, Principal

ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL REPORT SITE INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS The site infrastructure works are progressing quickly. The rear retaining walls are almost complete and look fantastic. They have tidied up the bank behind Block A. It will provide a clean slate to do some planting and new landscaping to beautify the area. The new drain in the Library quadrangle is also well underway and again will provide some scope to do some soft landscaping here. New concrete paths are being laid to make the journey from the disabled parking by the KLC through to the BER and the new lift smooth and all-weather proof.


Tuesdays - Playgroup from 9:00am to 10:30am October Mon-Sat 9th-21st Years 9/10/11 Indonesian Trip Thurs 19th Primary Kanga Cricket Mon 23rd SSV Athletics (Melbourne – Albert Park) Wed 25th Year 12 Last Day and Dinner Thurs 26th Year 7 Immunisation, 9:30-10:30am Mon-Tues 30th-31st Dental Treatment Week November Wed 1st NCD Clay Target and Bowls (Boort) Thurs-Fri 2nd-3rd Scholastic Book Fair 9:00am-2:30pm Wed-Fri 1st-3rd Dental Treatment Week Wed-Tues 1st-21st Year 12 VCAA/VCE Examination Period Tues 7th Melbourne Cup Day-Holiday Thurs 9th Prep Late Stay Grade 1 Sleepover Fri 10th Mothers Club concert Mon 13th School Council Finance Wed 15th Possible 9/10 Outdoor Ed Coastal Camp Mon 20th Finance Committee and School Council Fri-Thurs 17th-23rd Year 11 Unit 2 Exam period Wed–Fri 22nd-24th Year 9/10 Outdoor Ed Camp Coastal Fri-Thurs 24th-30th Year 12 ‘Step Up’ Mon-Wed 27th-29th Gr 3/4 Queenscliff Camp Dec Fri 1st Year 12 ‘Step Up’ Year 11 students last day Fri-Mon 1st-4th Glasses for Kids Program Mon-Wed Year 10 into 11 “Step Up” Tues-Wed 5th-6th Year 8 Fed Uni Camp Mon 11th Finance Committee and School Council Tues 19th Wedderburn College Awards Night Fri 22nd Last Day Term 4 dismissal at 2:30pm

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MOBILE DEVICE POLICY At the September School Council meeting a new mobile device policy was ratified by School Council. Please see the policy in full at the rear of the newsletter. This will be rolled out this term.

INDONESIAN TRIP The Indonesian trip students are having an amazing time and seeing some fantastic sights, including Orangutans and planting trees for reforesting. Check out our Facebook page for plenty of photos and videos of the students’ adventures.

SCHOOL FOR STUDENT LEADERSHIP Blake Villani has headed down to the Snowy River camp, near Malo in Gippsland, for Term 4 to the School for Student Leadership. This is a great opportunity for Blake to make new connections with a variety of schools from around Victoria. In particular Blake is teamed up with Hoppers Crossing. Over the term Blake will learn to surf, go on hiking expeditions and work on a community engagement project to implement on his return.

Richard Dougall, Acting Assistant Principal PREP/1 This Term in Inquiry, we are investigating Mini beasts. We were so lucky it rained last week because it encouraged the snails to come out. We were also lucky that Kerry came to school early on Friday morning and collected lots of snails for us to observe. Armed with gloves and petri dishes, we watched these creatures slide over our desks. In Reading, we discovered they don’t have teeth to chew and at writing time we drew and labelled the parts of a snail. In Maths we used 2D shapes to make a snail and then used the playdough to make 3D shapes to form a snail.

Mrs Tanya Chalmers, Classroom Teacher GRADE 1/2 We hope everyone had a relaxing holiday as we begin our last term for the year!! Just a reminder that this term all students need to wear a hat when outside. Please make sure hats are named as they all look the same.

In Maths we are learning about division and fractions so let your child cut their sandwiches in halves or quarters! During Inquiry we will be looking at life cycles and will be hopefully finding our green thumbs to grow some plants.

Our grade two camp was so much fun! Our 8 grade twos showed their adventurous, fun and independent qualities to make the most of the experience. Some have written a recount of what they remember. A big thank you to Trina for joining in the fun for the two days! Grade ones will be having their sleep over next month and notes will be going out this week.

Mrs McKenzie, Classroom Teacher

Student Comment on the Excursion:

On Thursday all of the Grade 2s and Mrs Mac got on the bus ready to go to Roses Gap camp. Firstly we stopped off at Stawell for recess where I slipped on the bridge and my camera smashed. Next we got back on the bus. When we got to Roses Gap we got into the cabins and set up our beds. I slept on the bottom and Emily slept at the top of the bunk beds. Then we walked to the Beehive Falls to see the waterfall, we also saw a big cave that we could go into. Next we had lunch so we could go on the giant swing. Aidan went to the purple which was at the top of the swing. Then we went on the flying fox, we needed to get in a harness to go on it. Next we went to the dining room for dinner we had lasagne and ice-cream sundaes.

by Eleanor Dooley

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P-6 ART A new term and a cultural focus to begin the term. P-2 : Indonesian Art 3-4 : Indian Art 5-6 : Middle Eastern Art 5/6 MATHS A great start to the term, with everyone working enthusiastically in Maths. We are busy completing modules ready for our test on Friday. Our other focus in Maths this term is Decimals and how they relate to Fractions and Percentage. Don’t forget that homework is due each Wednesday. Sue Prevos, Primary Art and Maths Teacher GRADE 5/6 Grade 5/6 have started the term off with a BANG! Many changes have occurred and we are all settling in really well. It’s great to have Miss Higgins in the classroom to help with transition into Year 7. We have welcomed a new student (Tyler Battye) to our classroom this week and are enjoying spending time outside to learn, now that it is warmer. We are all showing that we are excited learners by working really hard on our homework tasks with eagerness and pride. It is great to see photos that students take of their family completing the homework with them. Please print or email any photos you have to Miss Higgins to share with the class. Last week we had students completing some interesting exercises, helping out nicely at home or in the garden and teaching us cool tricks about the 9 times tables. It is great to see many of our students enjoy seeing articles in the newspaper as they completed the homework task also. Creative Writing is the topic of conversation as we focus more on poetic styles. Students have already learnt about Alliterative poems, Shape poems, Haiku and Limericks. To guide and inspire our writing ideas, students are expected to add frequently to their writer’s notebook with images, sayings, paste cut-outs, drawings, thoughts and emotions. For Science, we explored the bushland while taking notes about what we saw. We tabled and graphed our information comparing introduced or man-made items from the natural environment. It’s a shock to see what we humans leave behind when we visit the Wedderburn bushland! The new Inquiry topic has begun where we have begun a timeline of defining and important Australian events (eg: Federation, gold rush, settlement, decimal currency change, voting rights, first fleet, Captain Cook arrival, etc) as well as discussions based around ‘What makes us Australian?’ We are all keen to start transition activities ASAP – so we all look forward to organising this during the week. Miss Jess Higgins 9 – 10 PLCs Lockhart and her U16A Year 9 students need to bring a photograph or copy of their birth certificate, passport or Medicare card on TUESDAY 24th October to support their VET studies and to create a USI number. Please speak to Mrs Lauren Barker, Miss Meg Lockhart or Miss Rebecca Pickles if you require any further details. VNEWS We are nearly to the end for our Year 12s students studying their Senior and Intermediate Certificates. The last couple of weeks have been a blur of activity, with students tidying up outcomes so they are able to successfully sign off on their certificates. We wish our Year 12s the best of luck with their future endeavours and are assisting them in their transition into future life. Karen from IDHS took us for a session of “Social Spin” last Friday. She showed us the importance of being active and getting out and enjoying the fantastic weather. It was a great opportunity that we all enjoyed. This week will be our final official VCafe with the menu to be decided later in the week. Next week VCAL will be running their Cultural Day activities. We look forward to learning about interesting and diverse cultures. The VCAL Team SENIOR STUDENTS ADVOCACY WELCOME BACK TO TERM 4! Term 4 is certainly the busiest term for the Years 11 and 12 Neighbourhood. Our Year 12 students have begun the last few weeks of official classes, with their official last day of school taking place on Wednesday 25th October. Year 12

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VCE students will complete their official classes on this date, with Year 12 VCAL students completing classes once all of their individual outcomes are completed. We will have a whole school assembly on this day to act as an official ‘goodbye’ and celebrate their achievements – all parents and community members are welcome to attend. STUDY TIPS FOR OUR UPCOMING YEAR 1 AND 12 EXAMINATIONS

MINIMISE DISTRACTIONS Focus your attention by minimising the distractions in your environment. This includes mobile phones, social media

and television. Multi-tasking should also be avoided, where possible. Multi-tasking activates inhibitory networks in the brain, which suggests the brain is rapidly switching between tasks rather than doing them simultaneously. Other research has found that chronic multi-tasking impairs both long-term and working memory.

USE ACTIVE TESTING OR RECALL Doing quizzes or forcing yourself to recall information is linked to deeper memory formation than when you

passively review notes.

SPREAD OUT LEARNING The benefits of spacing out learning have been observed in students from preschool to university. For long-term

retention, spacing study sessions apart is far more effective than when information is learned en masse in one long session. Revise regularly, whether it is done weekly or each day.

MIX THINGS UP Mixing up the practise of interrelated skills, rather than learning them sequentially in a block, can boost

performance in the long run. Known as interleaving, it’s long been established that it can improve motor learning, such as for tennis or piano players. A growing body of research is showing that it also has applications in the classroom.

COMBINE SPOKEN WORD & IMAGES The brain’s visual and auditory centres are located in distinct regions and are activated separately when we see

images and hear words. While multi-tasking is detrimental to learning, research has found that processing images and spoken words simultaneously has no negative effect on how well we remember them. The same cannot be said for images and visual text.

USE STORIES How well you remember an abstract concept can be improved by concrete examples or stories. After forming a

memory, we need to consolidate it to make it last longer. This is easier when there’s context to the information being learned. This is why memory aids — mnemonics — are useful when studying.

REMINDERS: Our VCE and VCAL Year 12s will have their annual Celebration Dinner on Thursday the 23rd November, after the official VCAA Examination period closes. The Celebration Dinner is a formal event organised and run by our Year 12 students. Official invitations will be sent home to families shortly. Although our Year 12s are finishing their official classes, our VCE students will be very busily revising and preparing for their VCE Examinations. Due to our current building renovations, our official examination centre has been relocated to the Wedderburn Trotting Club Rooms. Year 12 students are reminded that they are welcome to be at school whilst preparing for their examinations and use our facilities even when their official classes will be finished. Some staff may also arrange individual ‘catch ups’ prior to each exam. Students are encouraged to arrange a session with their individual class teachers prior to each exam. Our first written examination will take place on Wednesday 1st November for English. The exam period will run until Tuesday 21st November. I would ask all students and community members to be aware of these examinations and try to minimise noise and disruptions around Donaldson Park throughout their duration. Our Year 11 end of year Examinations will take place between Friday 17th - Thursday 23rd November 2017. Year 11 students will then have a week of ‘Step Up’ into Year 12 classes before completing their school year on Friday the 1st of December. VET STUDENTS COMPLETING CLASSES: A number of Year 11 students undertaking VET studies at NCTTC are beginning to complete their studies for the 2017 year. Where appropriate, some of these students will have the opportunity to attend an additional Unit 3/4 Further Maths classes run by Mr Danny Fowles from 9am – 1pm each Thursday until their official VCAA examination on Friday 3rd November. Students not studying Further Maths are also welcome to use the library space for individual, quiet study. Mrs Lauren Barker, Senior Student Advocate

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Don’t wait for the end of semester to view your child’s progress. Log in to Compass and view teacher feedback and feed forward at any time by checking out your child’s Learning Tasks. Children also receive regular (every 5 weeks) progress reports on their Organisation, Behaviour, Attitude to Learning and Work Completion. Learning Tasks and Reports can be found on your child’s profile page.

GENERAL NEWS POWER HOUR The Power Hour allows students a quiet and supervised space and time to complete homework and get support. This year it is on Thursday, straight after school in the BER building. HOMEWORK CLUB The College provides support to students by offering teacher assistance at a lunchtime Homework Club. The Club is in the Library on Tuesdays at lunchtime (2nd half) and Mrs McHugh supervises. Any students who require assistance with any form of homework should attend. WALK TO SCHOOL 2017 Walk to School 2017 is an initiative of VicHeatlh to promote and encourage students to walk, ride or scoot to school and build healthy habits for life. Prep to Grade 6 students have a class tally sheet so they can record the number of days they walk, ride or scoot. Over the next weeks Kelly Sports are presenting a workshop to the students on Friday 27th October. Everyone is encouraged to enjoy the Spring weather and take the opportunity to participate in physical activity and build healthy habits for life! More details are available online - walktoschool.vic.gov.au Mrs Carlie Turnbull, Walk to School Coordinator Kelly Sports session will run for an hour and half starting at 10 to 11 with a break for recess. The session will be finished by 12 noon. Many thanks to the Loddon Shire for organising this event. A group of Grades 4/5/6 students will travel to Boort on Thursday 19th October to participate in the T20 Cricket Tour- nament. CANTEEN NEWS Term 4 Canteen Roster October Friday 20th Susan Keller Friday 27th Alex Holt November Friday 3rd Verneece Woodman Friday 10th Susan Lockhart Friday 17th Kylie Cunningham Friday 24th Sharyn Lockhart December Friday 1st Karen Holt Please note that students in Years 7-12 wishing to have a lunch order, need to have them in no later than 10.30am. The blue box to place your orders in is located just inside the door of the BER building. Please note that Slushies are no longer available for purchase in the Canteen. There are still plenty of other drinks/ice-cream options available. Also, coming soon in the Canteen will be a new menu item......watch this space for more details! Ros Witham, Canteen Manager

SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the corridor next to the Library is presently located. It will commence on Thursday, 2nd November at 9.00 am and finishing on Friday 3rd November at 2.30 pm. Everyone is welcome. Mrs Joan Earl, Librarian

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GREAT CYCLE CHALLENGE. Is anyone up for a challenge and to get really fit during the month of October? The Great Cycle Challenge is well underway now the kilometres are gradually being logged to our sight. I want to thank those who have jumped on board and are out riding and also gaining sponsors. The main idea behind the challenge is to raise money and awareness to help Fight Kid’s Cancer. Due to the extensive commitment of one of our riders we have already raised above our target of $1000.00 and as of today have $1820.00 Whoohoo!! But we can go even higher than that. We have a target of 3000 km to ride so if anyone is interested in riding even a few kilometres and have not already registered, just go to the website below and follow the instructions. You will download an app to your phone and logging your rides is as simple as falling off a bike!! It is great weather at the moment so getting out along the road on a bike is so enjoyable. I am looking forward to riding with you over the next couple of weeks. https://greatcyclechallenge.com.au/Teams/WedderburnCollege Graham Veal, College Chaplain LODDON YOUTH HEALTH EXPO “HEAD TO TOE HEALTH” Around 150 young people in Years 9 and 10 from Boort College, Wedderburn P-12 College, East Loddon College and Pyramid Hill College gathered in Boort on Tuesday, 17th October for the Biannual Loddon Youth Health Expo. The Expo in its 8th cycle provides the opportunity for Loddon youth to not only hear the latest health information and to encourage positive decision making but to also explore career choices and to ensure awareness of the local services available to them. This year’s Expo will feature keynote speaker, Sonia Karras from Whole New World. Sonia will share her knowledge in the area of drugs, alcohol, and celebrating safely. Her unique, no nonsense and humorous approach leaves her audiences informed, entertained and hopefully with lasting memories. Sonia has almost 13 years presenting her award-winning program and 10 years’ experience in the Hospitality Industry. Following Sonia’s presentation, local service providers will facilitate a range of workshops on mental health, relationships, healthy eating and food choices and career decision making. The event is a partnership between local schools and services, including Northern District Community Health, Inglewood and Districts Health Service, Loddon Shire Council and School Nurses from the Department of Education. The Loddon Shire, Bendigo Bank, Cardboard Cartons and Inglewood and District Health Service have provided vital sponsorship this year. THE ‘GLASSES FOR KIDS’ PROGRAM COMING TO WEDDERBURN COLLEGE The Glasses for Kids program will be visiting our school on Thursday 30th November and Monday 4th December to provide free (bulk-billed) comprehensive eye examinations and, if required a free pair of glasses for all Prep to Year 3 students. This free initiative is a charitable partnership program delivered by State Schools’ Relief and its corporate and community partners, with the support of Department of Education and Training. Wide Open Road Optometry will be conducting testing session at our school. If your child is identified as requiring glasses, glasses will be prescribed and fitted on the day and sent away for lenses to be fitted. Once ready, these will then be sent back to the school for your child. If further testing is appropriate to find the full extent of your child’s prescription a voucher will be given for your child to have a comprehensive eye examination at the closest participating optical outlet. Children with vision deficiencies often do not report symptoms, assuming that everyone sees the world in the same way as they do. Undiagnosed vision problems can affect a child’s education and potentially lead to learning difficulties. Identifying and addressing vision problems early ensures students do not fall behind in their learning. This program is supporting the State Government’s Education State commitment to ensure that all children, regardless of their background or circumstances, have access to high-quality services and support they need to thrive and prosper. The Glasses for Kids program will help thousands of children to see what is happening in their classroom more clearly. Prep to Year 3 students will be given an information pack to take home. This pack includes information on how the program works, a consent form and brief eye health questionnaire for parents to complete. Participation is voluntary, however a signed consent form is required for a student to participate in the vision sessions.

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This is a unique opportunity for schools to participate in a pioneering and significant. Public health initiative that supports improved learning outcomes for Victoria’s students. Parental consent is required. Please return, to the main office, the consent form and medical information forms sent home with P-Grade 3 students this week. Please refer to the Information sheets sent home or call Janice Deocampo- School Nurse if you have further questions.

LMR ATHLETICS Thanks to Mr Fowles for taking the 11 students who qualified to the Loddon Mallee Region Athletics last Thursday. It was fantastic to have so many students reach this level after their success at NCD in Charlton in Term 3. Wedderburn College had some outstanding results from our Year 11 students including: Ella Turnbull, Carly Isaac, Mirai Yamano, Charlotte Smith - 3rd 17 years relay team Carly Issac - 2nd 800m & 1500m, 3rd 100m & 200m, 4th Triple Jump Oscar Holt - 3rd 3km, 4th 1500m and 4th 800m Brodie Keller - 3rd 400m & High Jump Sam Giorlando - 4th Discuss Well done to all of our competitors on the day; the school is very proud of your achievements and hope you continue to practise and achieve great things on the sporting arena. Carlie and Meg , Sports KLA

COMMUNITY NEWS Wedderburn College Parents’ Association is selling second hand uniforms at the College. We will be selling them from the every Friday morning from 8.45 - 9.30am. If you cannot make it during these times you can contact Kylie Cunningham on 0409 389 916 to arrange another time that suits. All money raised from the sale of uniforms will go to the Parents’ Association to help assist with camps, Christmas books, etc. If you have any second hand uniforms to donate please deliver them off to Joan in the library or contact Kylie. WEDDERBURN TENNIS CLUB The 17/18 tennis season began on October 14th. The Wedderburn Tennis Club has two senior and two junior teams that play every Saturday afternoon. We are always welcome to new members - novice or expert. If you are interested in joining a great club and playing in a fun comp. then please contact Sharyn Lockhart on 0447955225. SUBS Beginners/Weekly only players: $30 Juniors: $60 Adults: $120 Family: $300 TONIGHT, 18TH OCTOBER 2017 Wednesday weekly junior tennis coaching/comp. will begin second week back of Term 2 (October 18th) straight after school. This will be a match competition for older students and skills/tennis-based games for younger students. Tennis is a great game for people of all ages and we encourage your children to come and along and try! First night is free, some racquets available. Bring a hat, snack and water. See the sub prices above. Any questions see Meg Lockhart 0458 944 258 or Jill Millie 5494 3090. GIRLS UNDER 18 PIONEERS FOOTBALL TEAM Girls, are you interested in playing and pursuing AFL? Shaun McCormick is the Coach of the 2018 Pioneers Girls Team and he is keen to see if there is any interest from girls in the North Central Football League to try out for the Pioneers Girls Under 18’s Team. If you are interested in playing AFL and trying out for the under 18 Girls Pioneers team, please contact Meg Lockhart 0458 944 258 or Cam Turnbull 0428 943 418 and we can pass on some additional information and get you in contact with the right people. REDBACKS UNITE THEIR WEB

We are excited to inform you about the recent discussions held regarding amalgamating the Weddeburn Football, Junior

Football, Football Ladies, Hockey and Netball Clubs into a single body proposed to be called the Wedderburn Redbacks


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There has been working party formed with enthusiastic representatives from each body under the guidance of Sports

Focus. These meetings are currently being held weekly in order to work through the process of amalgamation.

There are many benefits to move forward with this amalgamation including: uniting all clubs under one banner for

presentation days and social functions, opportunity to streamline duties, reduced costs, sharing the workload for

volunteers and to provide more opportunities for members to be involved in our club. Overall, we aim to build a bigger,

stronger winter sports community.

Communication is proposed to be sent out to you on an ongoing basis to keep you up to date with any progress.

Please feel free to contact any of the working party members if you have any questions or comments to make.

We look forward to receiving your feedback as it is crucial to the development of our new club.

R A Steel – 0408 511 191

Tim Lockhart – [email protected] – 0409 869 230

Christine Coombes – [email protected] – 0400 970 902 Sharyn Lockhart – [email protected] – 0447 944 225 Deanne Caserta – [email protected] – 0438 387 664

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PO Box 20, 15-2ti Hospital Street Wedderburn Victoria 3518 Phone (03) 54ti4 3011 Email: [email protected] Website: wedderburn-college.vic.edu.au

Student Use of Mobile Devices

This policy has been developed in line with current The Department of Education and Training (Victoria) guidelines. Schools that allow students to bring mobile devices to school must clearly and regularly advise students and parents/guardians/carers of their expectations and policy requirements, including the use of mobile devices during the normal school day, as well as during excursions, camps and extra-curricular activities. For the purpose of this policy, a mobile device is generally considered to be a mobile phone. However, a device can also be a tablet (such as an iPad/iPad Mini) or any other electronic device, such as an iPod Touch, gaming handset, etc. Key Aspects of this Policy: 1. Students who bring mobile devices to school or on school related activities do so at their own risk. The school does

not have insurance to cover damage to or theft of mobile devices. 2. Consequences will apply if inappropriate student use or possession of a mobile phone causes disruption or harm to

the smooth running of a class or a school activity (such as the student using their phone instead of completing the set work).

3. Under no circumstances can students use mobile device cameras (still and video) in spaces such as changing rooms, toilets, gyms, swimming pools and bedrooms on camps/excursions. A breach of this rule will incur serious conse-quences.

4. Under no circumstances can students photograph or film people and their activities without their explicit knowledge

or permission. A breach of this rule will incur serious consequences.

5. Any images or films captured or created cannot be uploaded to any social media site without a person’s explicit per-mission to do so. A breach of this rule will incur serious consequences.

6. Mobile devices must not be used to send harassing, threatening or sexually explicit material. A breach of this rule will incur serious consequences.

7. When entering a classroom, students are expected to switch off their mobile device and place it in the tub provided. Teachers will determine if a student can use a mobile device during class (for example, to photograph a piece of work or to create a video). Only then can they remove their device from the tub. The device must be returned to the tub once it has been used as per the teacher’s instructions.

8. A student who: a. Fails to place their mobile device in the tub provided and is caught using a mobile device without the teacher’s

permission (including the device being seen or heard)

b. Removes the device from the tub before being given permission c. Does not use their device in the manner expected by the teacher, or d. Is seen using the device outside the classroom during class time (e.g. texting whilst walking to the toilet)

will have their mobile device confiscated for the rest of the day. The device will be stored in the Front Office and will be available for collection at the end of the school day. A Confiscation Chronicle will be recorded in Compass and the Parent/Guardian/Carer will be notified by SMS. Continued misuse of devices will result in students having to leave their device in their locker for the day, store it at the front office for the day, or leave it at home.

9. Students must not bring devices into an exam, test or other form of assessment. If this does occur, the teacher will

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take the device and return it at the completion of the assessment. The consequences for taking a device into a VCE Examination or Assessment Task are extremely serious.

10. In the event of an extreme emergency, students can use the phone at the front office to call parents/carers/guardians.

This procedure allows the school to be aware of the circumstances. As a courtesy, the student should inform the teacher of the need to leave the room and undertake this process.

11. Conversely, if a parent/guardian/carer needs to contact a student in the event of an extreme emergency, this should

be done through the office phone, not a mobile device. This is particularly important as staff may be needed to sup-port or assist the student depending on the type of emergency. Contacting a student via a mobile device in a non-emergency situation is to be restricted to before school, at recess, during lunch and after school.

12. These rules apply at school as well as during an approved a school camp, excursion or activity. In addition to these rules, students are required to hand their devices to a teacher prior to bedtime if the activity is conducted overnight.

Policy Developed/Updated September 2017 Policy Approved by Council September 2017 Policy to be reviewed September 2019