TERM 1 WEEK 2 Friday, 7 February 2020 - Burnside · Thursday 20 February Yr 1 and Yr 1/2 Friday 21...

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: www.burnside-p.schools.nsw.edu.au ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’ TERM 1 WEEK 2 Friday, 7 February 2020 Tuesday 11 February Band Commences Thursday 13 February Swimming Carnival (Kings Prep Swimming Pool) Friday 14 February Uniform Shop open Monday 17 February Parent Teacher Meeting Yr 5/6 and Yr 6 Tuesday 18 February Parent Teacher Meeting Yr 4/5 Junior Band rehearsals commence Wednesday 19 February Parent Teacher Meeting Yr 3 and Yr 4 P&C Meeting 7:30pm in the Staff Room Thursday 20 February Parent Teacher Meeting Yr 1 and Yr 1/2 Friday 21 February Parent Teacher Meeting Yr 2 Uniform Shop open Monday 24 February Parent Teacher Meeting KB and KW Wednesday 26 February Ethics and Scripture Classes commence Friday 28 February Uniform Shop open Tuesday 2 March Zone Swimming Annual Swimming Carnival Thursday, 13 February 2020 Our annual swimming carnival will be held next Thursday, 13 February 2020. The carnival will be held at the Kings Preparatory Swimming Pool. A permission note was sent home to all students in Year 2 turning 8 years old this year and all students in years 3 6. Thank you to all those students who have already returned their signed permission note. All other students need to have their notes returned by Monday, 10 February 2020. School Fees A note outlining the school fees and payment has been sent home with all students. Your prompt payment of school fees would be appreciated. Fees are expected to be paid by Friday, 21 February 2020. Please see Mrs Vanderlight if you require more time to make the payment. Student Emergency Contact Forms This week students were sent home with a Student Emergency Contact Form. Parents are asked to check that details are correct and up to date, especially phone numbers and email addresses as these are extremely important for the school to communicate with families. Thank you to all those parents who have returned the forms already. All other families, please return the blue forms to the school office with or without changes as soon as possible.

Transcript of TERM 1 WEEK 2 Friday, 7 February 2020 - Burnside · Thursday 20 February Yr 1 and Yr 1/2 Friday 21...

Page 1: TERM 1 WEEK 2 Friday, 7 February 2020 - Burnside · Thursday 20 February Yr 1 and Yr 1/2 Friday 21 February Yr 2 Week 5 Monday 22 February KB and KW Burnside Reading Club Mrs Millingham

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: www.burnside-p.schools.nsw.edu.au ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’

TERM 1 WEEK 2 Friday, 7 February 2020

Tuesday 11 February Band Commences

Thursday 13 February Swimming Carnival (Kings Prep Swimming Pool)

Friday 14 February Uniform Shop open

Monday 17 February Parent Teacher Meeting – Yr 5/6 and Yr 6

Tuesday 18 February Parent Teacher Meeting – Yr 4/5

Junior Band rehearsals commence

Wednesday 19 February Parent Teacher Meeting – Yr 3 and Yr 4

P&C Meeting – 7:30pm in the Staff Room

Thursday 20 February Parent Teacher Meeting – Yr 1 and Yr 1/2

Friday 21 February Parent Teacher Meeting – Yr 2

Uniform Shop open

Monday 24 February Parent Teacher Meeting – KB and KW

Wednesday 26 February Ethics and Scripture Classes commence

Friday 28 February Uniform Shop open

Tuesday 2 March Zone Swimming

Annual Swimming Carnival – Thursday, 13 February 2020

Our annual swimming carnival will be held next Thursday, 13 February 2020.

The carnival will be held at the Kings Preparatory Swimming Pool.

A permission note was sent home to all students in Year 2 turning 8 years old

this year and all students in years 3 – 6. Thank you to all those students who

have already returned their signed permission note. All other students need to

have their notes returned by Monday, 10 February 2020.

School Fees

A note outlining the school fees and payment has been sent home with all students. Your prompt

payment of school fees would be appreciated. Fees are expected to be paid by Friday, 21 February

2020. Please see Mrs Vanderlight if you require more time to make the payment.

Student Emergency Contact Forms

This week students were sent home with a Student Emergency Contact Form. Parents are asked to

check that details are correct and up to date, especially phone numbers and email addresses as these

are extremely important for the school to communicate with families.

Thank you to all those parents who have returned the forms already. All other families, please return the

blue forms to the school office with or without changes as soon as possible.

Page 2: TERM 1 WEEK 2 Friday, 7 February 2020 - Burnside · Thursday 20 February Yr 1 and Yr 1/2 Friday 21 February Yr 2 Week 5 Monday 22 February KB and KW Burnside Reading Club Mrs Millingham

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: www.burnside-p.schools.nsw.edu.au ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’

Parent/Teacher Meetings

Parent/Teacher information mornings will be held during Week 4 & 5 of this term. Meetings will

commence at 8.30am and conclude by 9.00am in your child’s classroom. The purpose is to outline what

teachers have planned for their class this year and detail particular requirements they may be expecting,

work to be covered in various learning areas, homework etc. The students will be supervised in the

playground from 8.30am. Your attendance at these sessions is encouraged.

Week 4 Monday 17 February Yr 5/6 and Yr 6

Tuesday 18 February Yr 4/5

Wednesday 19 February Yr 3 and Yr 4

Thursday 20 February Yr 1 and Yr 1/2

Friday 21 February Yr 2

Week 5 Monday 22 February KB and KW

Burnside Reading Club

Mrs Millingham and Mrs Ore are introducing a ‘Burnside Reading Club’ for years 1-3. It will be held

between 8.30am and 8.55am every morning in the library. It will be an opportunity for students to read

with an adult or a year 6 student each morning. This will be invaluable for students to improve their

reading in conjunction with the books that they now enjoy reading at home.

We are now looking for some parent, grandparent volunteers to read with the students. We would love

volunteers for each morning, but if you can only do one day that would be great. Please contact the

office with your availability for this exciting opportunity for our students.

SRC Leaders for 2020

Year 1 Peter Samara

Year 1/2 Jacob Makenzie

Year 2 Kyron Averie

Year 3 Billy Adelaide

Year 4 Daniel Harriet

Year 4/5 Mika Anastasha

Year 5/6 Zachary

Morgan Michela

School Leaders Noah Ava

Page 3: TERM 1 WEEK 2 Friday, 7 February 2020 - Burnside · Thursday 20 February Yr 1 and Yr 1/2 Friday 21 February Yr 2 Week 5 Monday 22 February KB and KW Burnside Reading Club Mrs Millingham

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: www.burnside-p.schools.nsw.edu.au ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’

House Captains and Vice Captains for 2020

Captain Burns William Arianna

Vice Captain Burns Albie Tiana

Captain Murdoch Morrison Ruby

Vice Captain Murdoch Ariel Sophia

Leadership Teams for 2020

Sport Organiser

Band Leaders

Media Team

Gardening Club

Technology Team

Page 4: TERM 1 WEEK 2 Friday, 7 February 2020 - Burnside · Thursday 20 February Yr 1 and Yr 1/2 Friday 21 February Yr 2 Week 5 Monday 22 February KB and KW Burnside Reading Club Mrs Millingham

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: www.burnside-p.schools.nsw.edu.au ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’

Ethics and Special Religious Education (Scripture) Classes

Special Religious Education and Ethics Classes will commence Wednesday, 26 February. Please

contact the office if you require any information regarding these classes. Forms are required to be

completed if you wish to change classes.

At this time there will be no ethics for Stage 1 students (Years 1 and 2). Ethics will be available for

students from Years 3-6 only. Please see the information regarding becoming an Ethics Teacher.

Current Ethics and SRE Classes offered at Burnside Public School are:

Roman Catholic K – 6 Ethics Years 3 – 6 only

Protestant K – 6 Non Scripture K – 6

Greek Orthodox K – 6

School Band

All during school instrumental tutorials, and after-school senior band rehearsals are scheduled to

commence in Week 3 on Tuesday, 11 February. Before school junior band rehearsals are scheduled to

commence on Tuesday, 18 February, allowing students to have 1 lesson prior to their first band

rehearsal. Junior Band should receive their instruments in time for their first tutorial.

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop will be open every Friday morning (8:45am – 9:15am). Orders may also be placed

at the office (with payment) and will be completed as soon as possible and sent home with the student.

Page 5: TERM 1 WEEK 2 Friday, 7 February 2020 - Burnside · Thursday 20 February Yr 1 and Yr 1/2 Friday 21 February Yr 2 Week 5 Monday 22 February KB and KW Burnside Reading Club Mrs Millingham

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: www.burnside-p.schools.nsw.edu.au ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’

Lunch Orders

Students may order lunch on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ONLY through Spar Supermarket at

North Parramatta by on-line ordering and lunches will be delivered to school by approximately 1pm.

Orders need to be in by 9:30am the day of deliver.

To set up your login details and order:

1. Google sparlunches and click on the website sparlunches.com.au

2. Go to ‘My Account’

3. Register your child’s name and class. If you have more than one child simply ‘Add child’ again.

4. Click on categories to order your lunch, located on the left hand side.

5. Once your order is complete continue to Checkout, located at the bottom of the shopping cart.

6. Click on continue, read and agree to privacy policy and click on continue once more.

7. Confirm order then proceed to PayPal. Option 1 pay by your PayPal account or Option 2 pay

by credit card.

8. You will receive an email to confirm order. (Please ensure you have your confirmation email)

Spar Supermarket North Parramatta 51-53 Albert Street, North Parramatta Phone: 02 9330 8595


The Annual General Meeting of the P&C will be held on Wednesday, 20 February at 7.30pm in the staff

room. All positions will be declared vacant and nominations called for. Please consider attending and

volunteering for one of these important positions. Our P&C work tirelessly to assist the school in

providing the very best resources for all students throughout the school.

School Council

Our School Council enables formal school community participation in planning and governance of

Burnside Public School and fosters closer links between the school and its community for the benefit of

all its students. Tenure on the School Council is for 2 years – 4 meetings a year.

This year there are two vacant positions on our School Council. Parent nominations are invited for

election to the two vacant positions for a period of two years. If we receive more than two nominations a

formal vote will occur. Please find the attached nomination form. The first School Council meeting will be

held on 18 March at 6.30pm at the school office.

Completed nomination forms are to be returned to Mrs Bennett (Executive Member) by 3:00pm on

Friday, 14 February 2020. (Voting, if required, will be on Friday, 21 February.)

No Parking on the school grounds at any time

Page 6: TERM 1 WEEK 2 Friday, 7 February 2020 - Burnside · Thursday 20 February Yr 1 and Yr 1/2 Friday 21 February Yr 2 Week 5 Monday 22 February KB and KW Burnside Reading Club Mrs Millingham

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: www.burnside-p.schools.nsw.edu.au ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’

Assembly Awards

School Notes

K – 6 Swimming Carnival Permission Note due Monday, 10 February

Year 6 Year 6 Commemorative Sports Shirt due Wednesday, 12 February

Year 5 and 6 Narrabeen Sport & Rec Camp due Friday,14 February

K – 6 School Fees due Friday, 21 February

K – 6 Student Emergency Contact Details due ASAP

Gill Bennett

Relieving Principal


P&C Meetings

The P&C meeting is held on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm in the staffroom. All welcome

to attend.

The next meeting will be in 2020 - Wednesday, 19 February 2020.

Uniform Shop

Open every Friday morning from 8:45am – 9:15am or you may place an order at the school office.

Page 7: TERM 1 WEEK 2 Friday, 7 February 2020 - Burnside · Thursday 20 February Yr 1 and Yr 1/2 Friday 21 February Yr 2 Week 5 Monday 22 February KB and KW Burnside Reading Club Mrs Millingham

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: www.burnside-p.schools.nsw.edu.au ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’

Page 8: TERM 1 WEEK 2 Friday, 7 February 2020 - Burnside · Thursday 20 February Yr 1 and Yr 1/2 Friday 21 February Yr 2 Week 5 Monday 22 February KB and KW Burnside Reading Club Mrs Millingham

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: www.burnside-p.schools.nsw.edu.au ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’