Term 1 4 April Newsletter 5 - Carlton Gardens Primary...

CALENDAR – DATES TO REMEMBER 4 th April Term 1 Ends – School Finishes 2.30pm 5 th April Ching Ming Festival – China 13 th April Thai New Year – Thailand 14 th April Thai New Year – Thailand 15 th April Thai New Year – Thailand 16 th April Thai New Year – Thailand 18 th April Good Friday 21 st April Easter Monday 25 th APRIL ANZAC Day – SCHOOL CLOSED 25 th April Liberation Day - Italy 22 nd April Term 2 Begins 8.45am 27 th April Holocaust Remembrance Day 29 th April Showa Day - Japan 30 th April Whole School Photos 1 st May Grade 6 Transition Information Night For Students and Parents/Guardians 6 th May Independence Day - Israel 6 th May Buddha’s Birthday – Hong Kong / Korea SCHOOL COUNCIL Our new school council line up for 2014 is: Parent representatives President – Martin Symes Vice President - John Krbaleski Mathilda Martin Robert Go Neelam Ranjan Mary Sartinas Vrinda Mulik Chris Yong DEECD representatives Tina McDougall Anne Thorp Kylie Crampton Joy Meredith Robyn Pollock and Ralph Timpano have completed their School Council membership. Thank you to both of them for their valuable contributions to School Council and our school community. SCHOOL BUILDING UPDATE Work on the new demountable is almost complete. The department is very hopeful that the building works will be completed before the start of term two. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed!!! PARENTS PICKING UP OTHER FAMILY’S CHILDREN. 爱的家长如果您的孩子跟其他小朋友从学校回去,他/应跑到办公室通 知我们,要不然您本来必须来接的家人又到办公室问我们,结 果大家都找得团团转。又相当着急。请您们量解我们的来由。 有时候您的意思是想帮其他家长,但您必须告诉学校,我们才 有个交代。谢谢大家合作Dear Parents; If you intend to pick other students up and their parents or family members don’t know about it, please make sure you let the office know. We often spend quite a fair bit of time trying to locate the child when the family member is finally at school to pick the child up. This can create anxiety in such situation. Thank you for your co- operation. PUNCTUALITY Please be aware that school starts at 8:55am. It is extremely important to be at school on time. The majority of classroom instruction is done in the first few minutes of a lesson, students arriving after 9:00am miss out on this instruction and find it hard to catch up during the lesson. Students arriving after 9:00 am need to be signed into school by their parents. Term 1 4 th April Newsletter 5

Transcript of Term 1 4 April Newsletter 5 - Carlton Gardens Primary...

Page 1: Term 1 4 April Newsletter 5 - Carlton Gardens Primary Schoolcarltongardens.vic.edu.au/app/webroot/uploaded_files... · 2014. 4. 3. · All Star Hoops grades prep – 3 at 4.30pm Mini


4th April Term 1 Ends – School Finishes 2.30pm

5th April Ching Ming Festival – China

13th April Thai New Year – Thailand

14th April Thai New Year – Thailand

15th April Thai New Year – Thailand

16th April Thai New Year – Thailand

18th April Good Friday

21st April Easter Monday


25th April Liberation Day - Italy

22nd April Term 2 Begins 8.45am

27th April Holocaust Remembrance Day

29th April Showa Day - Japan

30th April Whole School Photos

1st May Grade 6 Transition Information Night For Students and Parents/Guardians

6th May Independence Day - Israel

6th May Buddha’s Birthday – Hong Kong / Korea


Our new school council line up for 2014 is:

Parent representatives

President – Martin Symes

Vice President - John Krbaleski

Mathilda Martin

Robert Go

Neelam Ranjan

Mary Sartinas

Vrinda Mulik

Chris Yong

DEECD representatives

Tina McDougall

Anne Thorp

Kylie Crampton

Joy Meredith

Robyn Pollock and Ralph Timpano have completed their

School Council membership. Thank you to both of them for

their valuable contributions to School Council and our

school community.


Work on the new demountable is almost complete. The

department is very hopeful that the building works will be

completed before the start of term two. Let’s all keep our

fingers crossed!!!








Dear Parents;

If you intend to pick other students up and their parents or family

members don’t know about it, please make sure you let the office

know. We often spend quite a fair bit of time trying to locate the

child when the family member is finally at school to pick the child

up. This can create anxiety in such situation. Thank you for your co-



Please be aware that school starts at 8:55am. It is

extremely important to be at school on time. The majority

of classroom instruction is done in the first few minutes

of a lesson, students arriving after 9:00am miss out on

this instruction and find it hard to catch up during the

lesson. Students arriving after 9:00 am need to be signed

into school by their parents.

Term 1 4th April Newsletter 5

Page 2: Term 1 4 April Newsletter 5 - Carlton Gardens Primary Schoolcarltongardens.vic.edu.au/app/webroot/uploaded_files... · 2014. 4. 3. · All Star Hoops grades prep – 3 at 4.30pm Mini

Students in Grade 5/6 at Carlton Gardens Primary School

have recently undertaken an education tour of our national

capital. Our kids were given the opportunity to

participate in a variety of educational programs which

focused on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and

democracy. These experiences linked directly to our unit

of inquiry. The Australian Government recognises the

importance of all young Australians being able to visit the

national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship

education. To assist families in meeting the

cost of the excursion the Australian Government

contributed funding of $30 per student under the

Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program

towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the

school upon completion of the excursion. We would like to

thank The Australian Government's contribution to the

amazing educational experience we had in Canberra.


Just a reminder that you can post student absences on our

website. Just go to www.carltongardens.vic.edu.au and

click on the "Absence Forms" button

Fairshare are looking for families to try their new app and

help with its development. It's an exciting app that allows

families with smart devices to stay in contact and keep

abreast of each other's activities. It can turn kids helping

around the house into a game. The app is free and it is

designed here in Melbourne. If you’re interested in trying

the app, please contact Oliver May on either

[email protected] or 0423 810 042.


Transition information night will be held in the PAC on the

1st May at 6.30pm. The main focus of the discussion will

be Year 7 options for high school.

Parents and Grade 6 children are encouraged to attend.

Page 3: Term 1 4 April Newsletter 5 - Carlton Gardens Primary Schoolcarltongardens.vic.edu.au/app/webroot/uploaded_files... · 2014. 4. 3. · All Star Hoops grades prep – 3 at 4.30pm Mini

Basketball Clinics

April School Holidays

Beginners, Experienced & Advanced


– 11th


7 years+ Beginner Programs

Saturdays commencing 3rd


Aussie Hoops 5 – 8 years at 9am & 1.30pm

Mini Ball 7 – 10 years at 10am & 12.30pm

Tuesdays commencing 6th


All Star Hoops grades prep – 3 at 4.30pm

Mini Ball grades 3 – 6 at 5.30pm Access for All Abilities

Saturdays commencing 3rd


11.15am – 12.30pm

For children 6 – 16 with special needs For more information and to register go to


Enquiries: Megan Rouse 0417 106 490


We will be no longer sending home regular hard copies of

our newsletter. The only hard copy that will be sent home

is the first newsletter of each term. Please make sure

that you either follow us on Twitter (@CarltonGardens),

download the tiqbiz app (Google Play, Apple App Store, PC

& Mac) or subscribe through our website to ensure you get

the newsletter. We recommend that you download the

tiqbiz app as it allows the school to send you instant

messages with important information.


Micro fibre fleece vest

available now $15.00.


Delivery will now be in late

April / early May. Apologise for

the inconvenience

OSHClub News

Before School/After School Care Program

Program Update The OSHClub Holiday Program will be operating in the PAC. Please ensure you go online and book your children in for holiday program dates in advance as we are getting fuller each holiday program. We have limited spots, especially on excursion days they fill up very quickly. If you have any questions or concerns about the holiday program or oshclub at all please feel free to contact me. Lastly we are always collecting boxes and other recycled materials for the program so please feel free to bring them by. I am hoping to do more activities and programming with recycled products and teaching the children the importance of reusing items to help the environment. Also any old clothes dress up or just old clothes we can use for dress up are welcome. Thanks again for all your support!

Next Week’s Activities:

Parent Information

OSHC program phone: 0431608071 Coordinator: Jena Assistants: Darren, Rob, Chris OSHClub Head Office: 03 85649000 All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is Free!! Please create an account online at

www.oshclub.com.au all bookings and cancellations can

also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program.



COLETTE At Carlton

Gardens Primary School 9419 7877

Tuesday and Thursday

3.30pm – 4.30pm

Page 4: Term 1 4 April Newsletter 5 - Carlton Gardens Primary Schoolcarltongardens.vic.edu.au/app/webroot/uploaded_files... · 2014. 4. 3. · All Star Hoops grades prep – 3 at 4.30pm Mini
Page 5: Term 1 4 April Newsletter 5 - Carlton Gardens Primary Schoolcarltongardens.vic.edu.au/app/webroot/uploaded_files... · 2014. 4. 3. · All Star Hoops grades prep – 3 at 4.30pm Mini

Dear Families,

The CGPS Community is very fortunate to have a strong partnership with the Melbourne

Museum. Each class made 2-3 visits this term which added great richness to our Inquiry

Units. You are invited to a PARTY . . . Warm regards


Aztecs Opening Party A party for all the family to enjoy!

Sunday 13th

April 2014

Man in Aztec costume Photo: George Ganio, Model: Fernando Itzcóatl, Makeup: Alejandrina De La Rosa, Lighting: Chris Crossley at Chris G Crossley Photography

Make your flower with us on the day, or follow these easy instructions to make your own yellow marigold or red dahlia. Bring your flowers to the Aztecs Opening Party and add them to our spectacular paper xochitla garden at the museum entrance. http://museumvictoria.com.au/melbournemuseum/whatson/aztec-party-day/

Melbourne Museum, winner of the Victorian Tourism Awards for Best Major Tourist Attraction in 2010,2011,2012 and Australian winner

in 2011 museumvictoria.com.au

Everyone is invited to celebrate the

opening of the Aztecs exhibition. Come along and be part of our

Aztecs Opening Party Celebrations

with food, music, free activities and see the amazing Aztecs exhibition.

See Melbourne dance group Mexbourne performing traditional Aztec dancing. Watch our animated theatre show bringing the fascinating Aztec city of Tenochtitlán to life.

Fun kids' activities include: eagle and jaguar warrior hat making, free temporary tattoos and paper flower making and decorating.

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Carlton Gardens Primary School

Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School After School Chinese Program




Surname: …………………………….. First names: ………………………………. Gender: ..................

Grade Level in your school:..........................

Please choose your arrangement for the end of class:



Surname: ……………….................................... First names: ……………………………………………………

Address: ………………………………………………………………………Post code…………………………..

Home phone…..............…....... Mobile…………………….....Work phone……………………………...................

Email: …….......................…………………………Relationship to Student: ………................……………………

How did you first hear about Xin Jin Shan Chinese School? ………………..............................................................

Please give details of any Chinese learning experience of your child..........................................................................



If yes, please give details.


C. Terms and Conditions and Authorizations (Please circle your choice.

I authorize / do not authorize Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School to use photographs / video taken during classes for promotional purposes only. They will be used in our school magazine, school website, booklets or other media. They will not be used for commercial purposes.

I agree / do not agree that my child watches Chinese movie DVDs (classified as G / PG) during the class.

I agree / do not agree that my child participate Chinese traditional cooking activity. The food cooked in class is for demonstration only. It will not be given to students to eat in the class. Students will bring food back home. It is your decision to eat it or not. There will not be any nuts in the ingredients.

NUT FREE POLICY – Students are asked not to bring any food containing nut products to classes. Parents are requested to inform Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School in writing of any allergies their child may have. Details of any food allergies:



I……........……………….....being the Parent/Legal Guardian of........................…………......(full name) declare that the information in this

application is correct and I will follow the terms and conditions and authorizations above.

Enrollments will be processed on a first come, first served basis. The tuition fee is $60/Term.


Page 7: Term 1 4 April Newsletter 5 - Carlton Gardens Primary Schoolcarltongardens.vic.edu.au/app/webroot/uploaded_files... · 2014. 4. 3. · All Star Hoops grades prep – 3 at 4.30pm Mini

D. Late Payment Penalty

Late Payment Penalty: If the payment is made later than due date, you need to pay $20 extra as penalty.

($80 instead of $60).

E. Payment Method: (Please tick your choice below)

1. PAYMENT BY CHEQUE (payable to Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language and Culture School Inc.)

□ I enclose one cheque of $________ with my name and contact number clearly written on the back.

Please send the cheque with completed application form to:

After School Chinese Program

PO Box 5042, Pinewood VIC 3149

2. BANK TRANSFER to below: Date of payment: ____________

NAB: BSB 083323

Account number: 843266843

Account name : Xin Jin Shan Chinese Language And Culture School Inc.

Please put the following details in “Transfer Description”:

Your child(ren)’s school’s name + Your Child(ren)’s name(s).

For instance: James Smith from Carlton Gardens PS. You need to write down: Carlton Gardens PS James Smith.

Please email your completed form to [email protected], or send the completed form to:

After School Chinese Program

PO Box 5042, Pinewood VIC 3149

Refund Policy

• You can get refund within 3 weeks after Program starts. After 3 weeks, there will be no refunds.

• You need to pay $20 for administration fee for any refund.

• You will receive a cheque for refund. Please provide address where you would like the cheque to be sent and the cheque payable detail.

• The refund will be calculated according to the weeks you child has attended. For example, Michael was withdrawn after attending program for 3 weeks. There were 10 weeks in the term, $60/term. He would get $60/10*7-$20=$22 refund.

Late pick up policy.

Our teachers try their best to look after children before, during and after the class. However, please make sure you pick up your

child/ren on time. For late pick up, the child will be sent to your school's After School Care. There will be cost involved from

the program operator in your child(ren)’s school. You will expect a bill from them for the care. It is best for everyone that you

pick up your child/ren on time.

Note: Please DON’T give the payment and completed application form to your child’s teacher. No cash accepted. All enrolment

must be organized via XJS office. Please contact Jeanine Ma (email [email protected] )for enrolment.