Tenerife,Canary Islands - azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt€¦ · Tenerife,Canary Islands CLAUDE...

..- . . I 1 Mitt.hamb.zool.Mus.Inst. 1 Band 92, Ergbd. 1 S. 281 - 293 1 Hamburg. April 1995 1 Freshwater Ostracoda (Crustacea) collected in Tenerife,Canary Islands CLAUDE MEISCH, BJORN MALMQVIST and ANDERS N. NILSSON Il 1 I !l ABSTRACT The authors repori on the finding of seven species of freshwater Ostracoda on the isle of Tenerife (Canary Islands). Three species, i.e. Cypris puberA O.F. MULLER, 1776, Strundesiu (Neocypris) obliqua (BRADY. 1868) and Trujuncypris cluvutu (BAIRD. 1838) a~ MW to the fauna of Tenerife and also to the Canary Islaiids. Notes on the ecology and geographical disbibutim of the speciu 8íc given. The structure of the very peculiar surface pores found on the anterior part of the vaives of Trqjuncypris cluvuru and Hererocypris incongruens is desCnbed and illustrated by scanning electron micrographs. &I updated checklist of freshwater Ostracoda occumng in Tenerife and a shori zoogeographical discussion are given. KEYWORDS: Cnistac~a, Ostracoda, Canary Islands. Tenenfe, parthenogenesis. zoogeography. Introduction The first conrribution to the freshwater ostracod fauna of the Canary Islands was published by MAuwrrz (1984). who recorded a new species, i.e. Cypridopsis fanzarotensis MALLW~'~Z, 1984, now placed within Surscypridopsis MCKENZE, 1977, from the island of Lanzarote. More recent records were provided by MEISCH & BRWDBAKKER (1990, 1993), BALTANAS & GARCIA-AVILES (1993) and BEYER & Mnsm (1995). According to the checklist published by the last authors, at present 16 freshwater Ostracoda species are known to occur on the Canary Islands. To date, 9 speoies of freshwater Ostracoda have been recorded from Tenerife (see the list below). in February and March 1993, two of us (B. MALMQVIST AND A. N. NUSSON) extensively collected the freshwater invertebrates of Tenerife. mostly from streams. We hereia report on the Ostracoda recovered during that survey. A total of 20 samples wiih Osiracoda were collected from 18 localities. Seven species of Osiracoda were found A detailed list of localities and species is given below. Thrce species, i.e. Cypris pubera O.F. MUUER, 1776, Sfrandesia (Neocypris) obliquu (BRADY, 1868) and Trajuncyprisclavara (BAIRD, 1838) are new to ihe fauna of Tenerife and also to the Canary Islands. Notes on the species collected. an updated checklist of the freshwaíer Ostracoda of ihe island of Tenerife and a brief zoogeographical discussion are provided. FurthermoE, we describe and illustnite the íiny surface structures surrounding the openings of part of the surface pore canais in Trajuncypris clavara and Hererocypris incongruem. These stnictures have not yet been descnbed in the literature. The widely used Venice systern is used for indications on the tolerance (limnic to polyhaline) to salt content (see also the diagram in MEISCH & BROODBAKKER 1993). 6 l j I

Transcript of Tenerife,Canary Islands - azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt€¦ · Tenerife,Canary Islands CLAUDE...

Page 1: Tenerife,Canary Islands - azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt€¦ · Tenerife,Canary Islands CLAUDE MEISCH, BJORN MALMQVIST and ANDERS N. NILSSON Il 1 I !l ABSTRACT The authors repori on

..- . .


1 Mitt.hamb.zool.Mus.Inst. 1 Band 92, Ergbd. 1 S. 281 - 293 1 Hamburg. April 1995 1

Freshwater Ostracoda (Crustacea) collected in Tenerife,Canary Islands


I l 1 I !l ABSTRACT The authors repori on the finding of seven species of freshwater Ostracoda on the isle of Tenerife (Canary Islands). Three species, i.e. Cypris puberA O.F. MULLER, 1776, Strundesiu (Neocypris) obliqua (BRADY. 1868) and Trujuncypris cluvutu (BAIRD. 1838) a~ MW

to the fauna of Tenerife and also to the Canary Islaiids. Notes on the ecology and geographical disbibutim of the speciu 8íc given. The structure of the very peculiar surface pores found on the anterior part of the vaives of Trqjuncypris cluvuru and Hererocypris incongruens is desCnbed and illustrated by scanning electron micrographs. &I updated checklist of freshwater Ostracoda occumng in Tenerife and a shori zoogeographical discussion are given. KEYWORDS: Cnistac~a, Ostracoda, Canary Islands. Tenenfe, parthenogenesis. zoogeography.

Introduction The first conrribution to the freshwater ostracod fauna of the Canary Islands was

published by MAuwrrz (1984). who recorded a new species, i.e. Cypridopsis fanzarotensis MALLW~'~Z, 1984, now placed within Surscypridopsis MCKENZE, 1977, from the island of Lanzarote. More recent records were provided by MEISCH & BRWDBAKKER (1990, 1993), BALTANAS & GARCIA-AVILES (1993) and BEYER & Mnsm (1995). According to the checklist published by the last authors, at present 16 freshwater Ostracoda species are known to occur on the Canary Islands.

To date, 9 speoies of freshwater Ostracoda have been recorded from Tenerife (see the list below).

in February and March 1993, two of us (B. MALMQVIST AND A. N. NUSSON) extensively collected the freshwater invertebrates of Tenerife. mostly from streams. We hereia report on the Ostracoda recovered during that survey.

A total of 20 samples wiih Osiracoda were collected from 18 localities. Seven species of Osiracoda were found A detailed list of localities and species is given below. Thrce species, i.e. Cypris pubera O.F. MUUER, 1776, Sfrandesia (Neocypris) obliquu (BRADY, 1868) and Trajuncypris clavara (BAIRD, 1838) are new to ihe fauna of Tenerife and also to the Canary Islands. Notes on the species collected. an updated checklist of the freshwaíer Ostracoda of ihe island of Tenerife and a brief zoogeographical discussion are provided.

FurthermoE, we describe and illustnite the íiny surface structures surrounding the openings of part of the surface pore canais in Trajuncypris clavara and Hererocypris incongruem. These stnictures have not yet been descnbed in the literature.

The widely used Venice systern is used for indications on the tolerance (limnic to polyhaline) to salt content (see also the diagram in MEISCH & BROODBAKKER 1993).


l j


Page 2: Tenerife,Canary Islands - azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt€¦ · Tenerife,Canary Islands CLAUDE MEISCH, BJORN MALMQVIST and ANDERS N. NILSSON Il 1 I !l ABSTRACT The authors repori on


ABBREVIATIONS uscd in text and figures: spm(s) = specimen(s); juv. = juv. spacimcns. L = carapace iength of adult spechns; m. = male: RV = right valve: LV = left valve; alt. = aititude in meters abare sca-levet ad(s) = adult(s); p.m. = parís per mille (saiiniiy); fem. = femaie; SEM = scanning eiectron microscope.

Lisi ui species found: Cypris puberu O.F. MULLER. 1776; Trujoncypris ciuvutu (BAIRD. 1838); Heterocypris incongruens (RAMDOHR, 1808); Heterocypris salina (BRADY, 1868); Herpetocypris chevreuxi (SARS. 1896); Stramksio (NeocyprisJ obliqua (BRADY, 1868); Swscypridopsis lunzurotensis (MALLWITZ, 1984).

a - Systematics

Phylum or subphylum CRUSTACEA PENNANT, 1777 Class OSTRACODA LATREW, 1806 Subclass PODOCOPA MUUER, 1894

Order PODOCOPIDA SARS, 1866 Superfamily CYPRlDOiDEA BAIRD, 1845


Family Cypndidae BAIRD, 1845 Subfamily Cypridinae BAUID. 1845

Cypris pübcru O.F. ~ ~ U L I . E R , 1776 M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d . The species occurs at 3 station~, at al1 rrsmoin: BufdaD (1); Tahodio (10); Los Campitos (26 specimuis). Al1 collecied individmls w e n fe&. S i z e of adults: L = 2.09-2.45 mm.

Remarks. It occurs throughout Europe, Asia and Norúi America (hola& disíribution). It is new to the Canary Islends. It has not been reported frm the Aums, Madeira, Cape Verde and Selvagens Isiends (IWJSCH & BROODBAKKER 1993). C. pubcm inhabits pennancnt and tMnporery water bodios such as ponds, p i s ,

ditches, slow flowing nvers and the I i U d zone of laices. C. p h r u teproducts perdienogmeticaiiy throughwt nearly thc whok part of iís disgibutiori mis. WIPka are oniy known from one l d i t y in Turlrey (SCHAFER 1952).

MoBt of ihc specimens collected in earíy uardi in Tetvspife are addt. This is in agrament with the fuidings of SlWliANrr>es (1948) on the island of Corfu (Gnece), wherc a maximum development of addis was observcd in Febniary. In central and norihcm Europe, on the conaary, the maximum occiimnce of &dts is sten in May and

oligorheophile, titanoeuryplastic (HatER 1972, HARTMA" & HrUER 1977) and oligohalophile species (maximum salt content reported in the literatute: 2.7 p.m.)

June and ihe populations disappear in July. C. pubera is a mesothtrmophi 'k

Page 3: Tenerife,Canary Islands - azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt€¦ · Tenerife,Canary Islands CLAUDE MEISCH, BJORN MALMQVIST and ANDERS N. NILSSON Il 1 I !l ABSTRACT The authors repori on



: Bufadwu :S.

(holartic e Azores,

js, pools. :pfoduces VIales are

l i s is in (Greece), nrral and May and mophile, 377) and 1.)

Freshwater Ostracoda collected in Tenerife 283

Subfamily Eucypridinae BRONSTEIN, 1947 Trujuncypris cluvuu (BAIRD, 1838)

(Figs 1-3) M a t e.ti a 1 e x a m i n e d . The species occurs in the sample from Los Campitos (5 adult females). S i z e : L = 2.18-2.47 mm.

R e m a r k s . T. cluvuru inhabits small, shallow, clayey temporary and, more rarely, permanent water Mies. The species, which is new to the Canary Islands and also to the Macaronesian region, occurs throughout Europe and Asia. It is wideiy distributed in the circum-Mediterranean regions and in the Middie East. It is very rare in nonhem and cenmi Europe, where most probably it is oniy occasionally introduced by migrating birds.

The valves of Ostracoda are more or less densely covered with pore canals, called normal pore canals in opposition to the marginal pore canals, which extend perpendicularly to the valve surface. In the Darwinuiacea, Cypridacea, Bairdiacea and some Cytheracea, the opening of those pore canals very characteristically is surrounded by a thin and evenly thickened 'neck (see PURl1974. HARTMANN 1966, KEYSER 1980).

The surface of the valves of T. cluvufu appears smooth under the stereomicroscope. Under the SEM, however. smail and irregularly distributed 'knobs' can be seen near the anterior margin of each valve (figs 1D and 2A-C). At higher magnification, the knobs appear to be formed by the transformed neck surrounding the opening of the pore canals. Fig. 2A shows an untransformed pore and a knob-like pore side by side. The shucture of the knob-like pore is best seen in lateral view (fig. 2 C): the anterior half of the neck is markedly thickened compared to that of a 'normal' pore canal, the posterior half of the neck is even thicker and protrudes distinctly. Seven qd eight knobs respcctively have been found on the 2 valves examined (1 LV and 1 RV). Up to now, this character has not been mentioned in the literature. Very similar surface pore canals with transformed necks are found in Eucypris virens, another eucypridinid species. In E. viretu, however, the peculiar necks are situated on wart-like eievations ('Porenwanen') and hence are cleariy visible in the stereomicroscope. Most probabiy, those peculiar surface pore canals on the anterior end of the valves are a chanicteristic taxonomic feature of at least part of the Eucypridinae. The function of the knob-like pore canals is not known, but probably it is sensorial.

T. cfuvuru is closeiy related to to T. luevis (G.W.MUL.LER), from which it differs by the absence of a conspicuous inner list on the anterior marginal zone of the RV (fig. 1D.E). T. serrufu (G.W.MUuER)is another cioseiy reiated species. The latter is best distinguished by the marginal denticles on the posterior end of both valves (see MARIENS 1989).

Subfamily Cyprinotinae BRONSTEIN. 1947 Hererocypris incongruens (RAMDOHR, 1808)

(Figs 4-5) M a t e r i a 1 e x a m i n e d . The species occurs in 5 stationi: Punta de Hidalgo. 2 samples (8 adults); Tejina (12 aduits and subaduits); Erjos (3 adults); La Laguna (5 adui*;). Al1 coliected animals were females. S i z e of adults: L = 1.29-1.65 mm.

Page 4: Tenerife,Canary Islands - azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt€¦ · Tenerife,Canary Islands CLAUDE MEISCH, BJORN MALMQVIST and ANDERS N. NILSSON Il 1 I !l ABSTRACT The authors repori on


R e m a r k s , The samples from Tenerife, al1 collected in eady March. inelude adult a' subadult specimens. in Europe, larvae appear in March, the maxirnum deveiopmcnt (1 utí occurs from May till autumn and the populations disappcar in Novanber.

'. incongruens presents a most interesting case of geognpfiiral parthen>gemk osexuai populations I i cmales only) occur neariy worid-wide. Malcs iiave up tamw

y been found in easien, Europe (eastern Gemuiny, the Czech RembIic. eas&m Austria and Hungary). H. incongruens is known to occur on the Azores. but has noi been reported from the Cape Verde and Selvagens Islands (MECSCH & BROODBAKKER 1993). H. incongruens is a mesothermophiie, mesorheophiie, titanoeurypbdc

(HARTMANN & HILLER 1977) and oligohalophile species. Some of the specimens from Tenerife possess a slightiy beak-shaped. laterally

compressed anterior end of the carapace (fig. 4A). The fearuae is best sicen in dorsal view. In European yecimens, the anterior end of thc carapece mosi ofien appcars broadiy pointed rather than be&-shaped. However, HouwEDEL & SCHARF (198% table 2, fig 5 ) present a dorsal view of a specimeu from thc bland of Meilum in ihe North Sea, which shows a carapace similar to that of fig. 4A fmm Tenerife.

The anterior parts of the valves of H. incongruenr are known to bear mímiacuie 'spines', which are barely visible in the stereomicmscope as welí as at low magnification in the SEM (see fig. 4 A,B). The shucture of diose spines. which hitherto has not been described in the literature, is described and illuttntted beiow. U& higher magnification, the spines appear to be directed towards ibe rn end of the carapace (fig. 4 C,D). Each small spine is shown to be f o d by the transfonned 'neck' which smounds the opening of a p o ~ canal.

In the 'spine-bearing' pon can& (fig. 5 A-C), the anterior half of íhe neck is distinctiy thickened and lhe postenor hdf is conspicuousiy protnided towards the posterior end of the valve (fig. 5 B-C). We tentatively assign a tactile sensitive funclion to hose stnictures. Similar but siightly differently shaped spines are found on the valves of Trajuncypris clavara (see above).

Hererocypris salina ( BRADY, 1 868) M a t e r i a 1 e x a m i n e d . niespecies occur~ in 2 samplcscoHectcd in early Much inr canal at Chigurgue (7 adult fcmaks). Thc ch8ractuistiC dark h w n paunn of che campacc is still ncognizable on the preservad spccimens. S i z e : L = 1.15-1.22 mm.

R e m a r k s . H. salina is commonly found in siightly salty waters of the oligo- ~ I U

mesohaline ranges. It is more rarely colkcted in purr: frc8hwatet. The site M Tenerifi was characterized by a remerlrably high conductivity - 25 1 mS/m. which corresponds t( a saiinity of about 20 p.m., higher than any dher sitc investigated. h Europe, th animais disappear in late autumn (GANNINO 1971). In Jouthern areas, as in T&fi the populations persist thmughout the year.

The species is distribuid throughout the Holarctic region, when it occm mainiy 1

the coastal regions. It is also hown from the Azores and Cape Verde Islands.

Page 5: Tenerife,Canary Islands - azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt€¦ · Tenerife,Canary Islands CLAUDE MEISCH, BJORN MALMQVIST and ANDERS N. NILSSON Il 1 I !l ABSTRACT The authors repori on


include adult deveiopment vember. thenogenesis: ive up to now ubiic, eastem j, but has not ROODB AKKER


3ped. laterally seen in dorsal often appears

.Mellum in the e. ear minuscule 11 as at low which hitherto . Under higher

:d 'neck' which

CHARF (1988,

af the ~arapa~e

of the neck is :d towards the isitive fúnction : found on the

e d y M m h in a >f the c(u(LpIIcc is

f the digo- and site in Tenenfe 1 comsponds to In Europe, the

, as in Tenerife.

xcurs mainly in lands.

Freshwater Ostracoda collected in Tenerife 285

Subfamily Herpetocypridinae KAUFMANN, 1900 Herpetocypris chevreui (SARS, 1896)

M a t e r i a 1 e x a m i n e d . "he species occurs at 12 stations, rnost of which are streams. Al1 44 (adulu and subadults) were femaies. S i z c of adults: L = 1.95-2.35 mm.

R e m a r k s . H . chevreui is best characterized by the length of the natatory setae, which approximately extend to the tips of the terminal claws of the antennae.

The species inhabits ponds, the litoral zone of lakes, swampy habitats and slow flowing streams. It is found in slightly salty waters of the oligohaiine range as well as in freshwater. The species is distributed throughout North Africa, Europe and Asia. It is also known ftom South Africa, South America and the Azores.

H. chevreuxi is closeiy similar to H . helenae G.W. MULLER, 1908 described from the isiand of Saint Helena in the Atiantic Ocean. MEISCH & BROODBAKKER (1993). taking into account the taxonomic differences stressed by MCKENVE (1978). conciuded that the two species are synonymous. However, BALTANAS & GARCIA-AVILES (1993) recently assigned specimens from the islands of La Gomera and Fuerteventura (Canary Isiands) to H. cf. helenae. According to those authors, H . cf. helenae is smaller and, m m v e r , differs by the pattem of furcal spines, the relative leggth of the posterior furcai claw and the relative lengths of the distai setae on the maxillar palp. One of us (C.M.) rather believes that those characters fit within the variability range of H . ckvreu'. There is a need for a systematic investigation of the geographical variability of the species within the genus Herpetocypris.

Subfamiiy Cypricercinae MCKENZIE, 197 1 Strandesia (Neocypris) obliqua (BRADY, 1868)

M a t e r i a 1 e x a m i n e d . "he species occurs in the sample from Agua Garcia (7 adult femaies). S i z e : L = 1.22-1.29 mm.

R e m a r k s . S. obliqua inhabits small permanent and temporary water bodies and the litorai mne of lakes. Males are only known from North Africa and Croatia.

The species is new to the Canary Isian-ds. It is distributed throughout Europe and Nordi Africa It is also known from the Azores. Madeira and North America. Up to now it has not been recorded in Sub-Saharan in Africa (MARTENS 1984).


Subfamily Cypridopsinae KAUFMANN, 1900 Sarscypridopsis lanzaroremis ( M A L L W ~ , 1984)

M a t e r i a I e x a m i n e d . "he species occurs in 2 stations ( i adult and 3 juv.). Ali specimens ( 1 adult and 3 juv.) wcre femaies. S i z e of aduits: L = 0.78 mm.

R e m a r k s . S. lanzaroremis hitheno has been found in springs, in wells and in cave watcrs. The two stations in Tenerife reported here are p l s with connection to streams. The species was first described from the island of Lanzarote and to date is only known from the Canary Islands (La Gomera, El Hierro, La Palma, Tenerife and Lanzarote). Males are unknown.

Page 6: Tenerife,Canary Islands - azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt€¦ · Tenerife,Canary Islands CLAUDE MEISCH, BJORN MALMQVIST and ANDERS N. NILSSON Il 1 I !l ABSTRACT The authors repori on


Cbeck-list 9 9 niC list is based on contributions published by MElSCH & BROODBAKW (1990,1993). BALTANAS & GARCIA-AvILES ( 1993) and BEVER & MUSCH (1995) as well as on the rccocds provided here. Pseudocandona aibicans BRADY. ! 864, Cyrispubcru O.F. MOLLER, 1776;

Trajancypris cicavafa (BAIRD, 1838)

Heterocypris incongruens (RAMWHR, 1808);

Herpctocypris ch. * * r e d (SARS, 1896); P%iocypri&psi T newtoni (BRADY & R BERTSON. 18 ')k Surscypridopsis ianzarotensts ( N L U L W m 1984); sfrandcsiu (Neocypru) oMiqw (BRADY. 1868).

Heterocypris salina (BRADY, 1868);

Detailed list of locdities and species 1. Ijuana, stnam, 770 m. 6 March 1993. 2. Chamorga, stnam, ca 380 m, 6 March 1993. 3. Rio, stream. 1555 m. 27 Febniary 1993. 4. Barranco del Rio. man-made channel, slow flow,

5. Barranco Anesma, stream, 6 March 1993.

6. Chiguergue (2 samples), man-made chanml, ca. 5 i/s, lime deposits, alt. 840 m. 3 March 1993.

7. Los Silos, man-made channel, 160 m, 2-3 Us, 2 March 1993.

8. Punta de Hidalgo, 2 samples: a deep pool and a pool in a dry struun bed. 20 m. 25 kbniary 1993.

900 m. 26 February 1993. .'

9. Tejina, leakage f m a reservoir, rich vegctriticm, ca 160 m, 25 Febniary 1993.

10. Agua Garcia, sceping water wiíh im de@& in - . a dried up stmun bcd, 880 m. 24 Ftbtuary 1992. 11. El Rio, p i s in a dry sircam bd , 680 m, 26

Febniary 1993. 12. Punta del Teno. s c v d pools in a dry strcam bed

with dcssiccatcd algac. alt. 130 m, 2. MaFch 1993. 13. Erjos, several 1-e ponds. 1035 m, 2 March 1993. 14. Bufadero (Charca del Cuchillo), lutrvoir with

15. Fmbaise de Tahodio, rcscrvou with fish. 250 m, 1

16. Los Campiios. rcsuvoir, ait. 330 m, 1 Match

fidi. alt. 80 m. 1 March 1993.

Mirch 1993.


17. La Hidalga, resernoir, 180 m, 25 Ftbntq 1993.

18. La Laguna, man-made channd, 550 m. 6 March 1993.

Herpetmypris chevrem': 1 ad. fem. Herpetocypris clroreurk 3 ad. f a . Heqxtocypris chcwcuxi: 5 ad. fem. Herpetocypris chewew': 1 d. fem.

HerpctoCypns chevrew': 5 ad fcm ami 7 juv. Heterocypris scluio: 4 and 3 ad. fem.

Hepetacypris chevreuxi: 2. ad. fem.

Heteracyprís incongtwm: 8 ad. fern.' H e r p e r e chevreux: 1 ad. fem. -opsis lanwrotensis: 3 juv. i#etemeypris incongruem: 12 subul. and aci. fem. Sarscypdopsis íamarotensu: 1 fem. Swandesia (NcocyprisJ OMiqUa: 7 ad. fem. Herpetacypris chemui: 12 subad. and d. f a . Herpet0qpri.v chevreun': 2 ad. fem.

Hctcrocypris incongruem 3 ad. f a . Cyp* p h m : 1 ad. fem.

Cypris PU&~A: 10 ad. fem.

CyppW pubera: 17 ad. pnd 9 juv. fem. Tmpncyprk clavatc 6 ad. fem. Herpetocypd ichevrewxk 1 mi. f m . Herpetmypit chevreuú: 1 empiy ad. CMPBCC- Heterocyprk incongruens: 5 ad. fem. Herpctocypris chevreuxi: 3 ad. fem.

Page 7: Tenerife,Canary Islands - azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt€¦ · Tenerife,Canary Islands CLAUDE MEISCH, BJORN MALMQVIST and ANDERS N. NILSSON Il 1 I !l ABSTRACT The authors repori on


?uxi: 1 ad. fem. zuxk 3 ad. fem. ouxi: 5 ad. fem. ouxi: 1 ad. fem.

c m k 5 ad. fem

4 and 3 ad. fem.

wri: 2. ad. fem.

rumx 8 ad. fem. ew: 1 ad. fem. .arorensix 3 juv. . ruens 12 subad.

.arotensis: 1 fem. is) obliquo: 7 ad.

m r i ' r 12 subad.

.eiu: 2 ad. fem.

:NcIIl: 3 ad. fem. . fem.

i. fem.

d. and 9 juv. fem. 1: 6 ad. fem. re&. 1 ad. fem. -em': 1 empty ad.

:ruens: 5 ad. fem. -e&: 3 ad. fem.

Freshwater Ostracoda collected in Tenerife 287

* Discussion Eight of the nine ostracod species hitherto recorded in Tenerife aiso occur on the

European andor African continents. Sarscypridopsis lunzarotensis is only hown from T d f e and from 4 of the remaining isiands of the C d a n archipelago (see above). h spite of this fact, we do not beiieve the species to be endemic to the Canary Islands. It m s t pmbabty aiso occm on the African continent, the ostracod fauna of which remains rather pooriy known.

Strikingly, al1 the species hitherto found on Tenerife, except for Plesiocypridopsis mron i , reproduce parthenogeneticaliy on the island. Panhenogenesis obviwsly favours the colonization of new and far-off localities. Ostracods are known to be passiveiy transported on the plumage and body parts of migrating birds. "he eggs of at least some species, e.g. of Cypris pubera and Hererocypris incongruens, pass unharmed through the gut of ducks (LcIFFLER 1964, PROcroR 1964).

ACKNOWLEDGhaiN'Ix: We are grateful to DR ¡CAREL W o m s , who receivcd one of us (CM) at the SEM lab of the Koninklijk Belgisch ínstituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Brusscls. MR JULIEN Cnus is thanked for the technical assistance with the SEM. "he 'Index and Bibliography of nonmarine Ostracoda' publishcd by KEMPP (1980, 1991 and workiing copies pmvided by Rof. Dr. E. K. KEMPF) were extensively used when working on the present paper.

References BALTANAS. A. & J. GARCIA-AVUS, 1993. - New records of fnshwater Ostracoda (Crustacea)

from the Canary Islands. - Bulletin de la Societe des Naturaiistes Luxembourgeois, 94: 219- 232.

BEYER, G. & MEISCH, C.. 1995. - Freshwater Ostracoda (Cnistacea) coliected on La Gomera, Cuury Islands. - Tmvaux scientifiques du Musee national d'histoirc nahvelle de

GANNINO. B., 1971. - On the ecology of Heterwypris salinus, H. incongruens and Cypridopsis oculrorcr (Cnistacea: Ostracoda) from Baltic brackish-water rockpools. - Marine Biology, lntemuionai Joumal of Life in Oceens and Coastai Waters. 8 (4): 271-279.

HARTMA", G., 1966-1979. - Oseecoda. In: DR. H.G. BRONNS Klassen und Ordnungen des Tiamichs. Band 5 (Ardyopoda), Ateilung 1 (Cnistacea). Buch 2, Teil Iv (Ostracoda). 1.4. Liefening. Akadcmischer Verlag, Geest und Portig K.G., Leipzig.

HARTMA". 0. & D. HILLER, 1977. - Beitrag zur Kennmis der Ostracodenfauna des Harzes und Sehm nordlichen Vorlandes (Unter besonderer Berllcksichtigung des Miínnchens von CIlndoM candiab). - 125 Jahre Natwwisscnschaftiicher Verein Goslar: 99- 1 16.

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Page 8: Tenerife,Canary Islands - azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt€¦ · Tenerife,Canary Islands CLAUDE MEISCH, BJORN MALMQVIST and ANDERS N. NILSSON Il 1 I !l ABSTRACT The authors repori on


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SCHAFER, H.W., 1952. - Über Süsswasser-Ostracodcn aus der Türkei. - lstanbul Universitesi Fen Fakültesi Hydobiologi Arastima Abstitüsii Yayinlarindan, Ser. B, 1 (1): 7-32.

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31 1-316.

227-25 1.

Addresses of thc authors: CLAUDE MEISCH. Musee national d'histoire naturelle. Marche-aux-Poissons. L-2345

BJORN MALMQVIST. Univenity of Umea. Department of Animal Ecology. S-901 87 U-

ANDERS N. NILSSON. Univemity of Umea. Depanment of Animal Ecology, S-901 87 U-




Page 9: Tenerife,Canary Islands - azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt€¦ · Tenerife,Canary Islands CLAUDE MEISCH, BJORN MALMQVIST and ANDERS N. NILSSON Il 1 I !l ABSTRACT The authors repori on

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Fnshwater Osíracodp collected in Tenenfe 289

FÍg. 1. Trtajuqpris clavtuu (BAIRD, 1838); fmale. A: Carapacc in lateral view, LV. B: Carapace in dorsal view. C PostMor detail of B. D: Anterior part of he surface of LV; the arrows point 10 some of the tiny knob-like structurcs sumunding the openings of pare canais. - Scale bar: 1 mm for A and B.

Page 10: Tenerife,Canary Islands - azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt€¦ · Tenerife,Canary Islands CLAUDE MEISCH, BJORN MALMQVIST and ANDERS N. NILSSON Il 1 I !l ABSTRACT The authors repori on


Flg, 2. Trujuncyptis c h r u (BAIRD. 1838); funde. U- and knob-like pores mar the anterior margin oí thc valves. A: s e iin untransfaiaed pas r t + k rigM Md a transformed. knob- iiko pore at die kft. B: Knob-like porr san fm *e. C W l i k e pore in lateral view. See text for expiandons. - Scaie bar: 10 pm for C; 13.5 pm for B; 163 pm for A.

Page 11: Tenerife,Canary Islands - azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt€¦ · Tenerife,Canary Islands CLAUDE MEISCH, BJORN MALMQVIST and ANDERS N. NILSSON Il 1 I !l ABSTRACT The authors repori on

:ar the knob- v. See

Freshwater Ostracoda coliected in Tenerife 29 1

Fig. 3. Trajanrypris clovoro (BAIRD. 1838);, female. A: LV. inner view. B: Posterior detail of A. C; Anterior detail of A. D: RV, inner view. E: Anierior detail of D. F Posterior detail of D. - Scale bar: 1 mm for A and D.

Page 12: Tenerife,Canary Islands - azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt€¦ · Tenerife,Canary Islands CLAUDE MEISCH, BJORN MALMQVIST and ANDERS N. NILSSON Il 1 I !l ABSTRACT The authors repori on

. . . - -_____._^_._._.__.._.. . . - . . .



Fig. 4. Heterocypris incongruens (RAMWHR, 1808): female. A and B: Two carapaces in dorsal view; see the anterior ená of the criraprce at left, which is sligkúy beak-shaped. C: Anterior detaii of A, see ihc spinules. D üctaíl of C. - Sale bar: 0.50 mm for A and B.

Page 13: Tenerife,Canary Islands - azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt€¦ · Tenerife,Canary Islands CLAUDE MEISCH, BJORN MALMQVIST and ANDERS N. NILSSON Il 1 I !l ABSTRACT The authors repori on




i dorsal interior

Freshwater Ostracoda collected in Tenerife 293

Fig. 5. Heterocypris incongruenr (RAMWHR. 1808); female. A: Nearly untransfomed (bottom) and disiinctly transfomied (= spinous) pore (top). B and C: Transfomed (spinous) pores. B (detril of A) and C show two different pores at the same magnification. The promding part is directed towards the rear of the carapace. See text for exp1anations.-Scale bars: 10 pm for for B and C; 25.4 p for A.