TENDER DOCUMENT NUMBER: 2021001...2020/07/06  · O:\2020-21\Engineering\T20-005 Tenders\Gravel\DOC...

O:\2020-21\Engineering\T20-005 Tenders\Gravel\DOC Winning and Crushing of Gravel - 20200706.docx TENDER DOCUMENT NUMBER: 2021001 FOR WINNING AND CRUSHING OF GRAVEL 2020/21 CLOSING TIME AND DATE: 4:00pm Local Time Monday, 3 August 2020 ENQUIRIES TO Mr Darren Smallwood PH (02) 6920 5305

Transcript of TENDER DOCUMENT NUMBER: 2021001...2020/07/06  · O:\2020-21\Engineering\T20-005 Tenders\Gravel\DOC...

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4:00pm Local Time Monday, 3 August 2020

ENQUIRIES TO Mr Darren Smallwood

PH (02) 6920 5305

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Winning and Crushing of Gravel RFT No: 20210001


Lockhart Shire Council is seeking the services of a suitably experienced tenderer to Win and Crush Gravel material from Lockhart Shire Council gravel pits and sites for 2020/2021. 2. INVITATION:

Any person willing to fulfill the requirements of the proposed contract is invited to submit a tender to the Council by the deadline, 4.00pm on Monday, 3 August 2020. Responsibility for lodgement of completed tender documents by the deadline lies solely with the Tenderer. Tender lodgement information is provided in the tender document. Council is not bound to accept the lowest tender, or any tender submitted. 3. DOCUMENTS:

Tender documents are available from Council’s website, www.lockhart.nsw.gov.au. 4. INFORMATION:

All enquiries relating to the proposed supply contract must be directed to the nominated Project Officer, between 8.30am and 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday. Verbal enquiries must be confirmed in writing. 5. PRE-TENDER MEETING:

A pre-tender meeting will not be held. 6. TENDERERS TO NOTE:

In the preparation and submission of the tender and without limiting the Tenderer's obligations, the Tenderer shall: o submit a tender which includes all Schedules including the Tenderer's Declaration Schedule and any

other; o declaration required filled in and signed, together with any other documents, information and details

necessary to make the tender complete; o not submit a tender without a firm intention to proceed; o not engage in any form of collusive practice; o not directly or indirectly canvass support from an elected member or employee of Council at any time. 7. TENDERER TO INFORM ITSELF

Council makes no warranty or representation and does not assume any duty of care to Tenderers that the information in the Tender Documents or any other document or information provided by Council, or any other person on behalf of Council, is accurate, adequate, suitable or complete, and Council accepts no responsibility for interpretations placed on the information by Tenderers. 8. TENDER EVALUATION

The Principal will only evaluate and compare Tenders determined to be conforming in accordance with Clause 8.1 Council is not bound to accept the lowest tender, or any tender submitted. Tenders will be assessed on "conformity to the documentation", "value for money" (the most cost-effective offer determined by considering all price and non-price factors relevant to the proposed contract) and risk for Council. The assessment criteria are listed below 8.1 Compliance Documentation This criterion is not scored. Each offer will be assessed on a Yes/No basis as to whether the documentation criteria are satisfactorily met. An assessment of “No” against any documentation requested may make the offer non-conforming and rejected without further consideration.

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Description of Tender Documentation Requested

Completing: Technical Schedules

Technical Schedule 1: Respondents Declaration Technical Schedule 2: Insurances Technical Schedule 3: Subcontractors

Technical Schedule 4: Referees Technical Schedule 5: WHS Questionnaire Technical Schedule 6: Additional Information/Innovation Technical Schedule 7: WHS Contractor Validation Criteria Technical Schedule 8: Council’s Governance Requirements

Financial Schedules Financial Schedule 1: Schedule of Rates

Mandatory Requirements These criteria not scored. Each offer will be assessed on a Yes/No basis as to whether the criterion is satisfactorily met. An assessment of “No” against any mandatory requirement may make the offer non-conforming and rejected without further consideration

Description of Mandatory Requirements Compliance with the Specification Compliance with the Conditions of Tendering Public Liability Insurance of at least $20M

8.2 Evaluation Criteria and Scoring In determining the most advantageous Tender, the Evaluation Panel will score each offer against qualitative criteria. It is essential that, proponent provides information to address each qualitative criterion. This assessment will be used to, in the selection of the recommended proponent/offer and failure to provide adequate information will impact assessments. The evaluation criteria are as follows:

• Company experience

• Company capability and resourcing

• WHS – Risk

8.3 Price Pricing will be reviewed for all complying offers by opening the associated separate Financial Schedules tender box after the qualitative assessments are undertaken. The proponent needs to ensure the Financial Schedules have been completed and the price has no qualifications. Qualified offers may be made non-conforming and not considered further. The price of each offer will be compared with the qualitative ratings to ensure a value for money outcome for Council. Based on a value for money judgement a recommendation will be made to Council for a preferred Contractor. 9. PRICE

Tendered prices must include Goods and Services Tax (GST). Unless otherwise indicated prices tendered shall include delivery, unloading, establishments and all applicable levies, duties, taxes and charges etc. Any charge not stated in the Tender as being additional will not be allowed as a charge for any transaction under any resultant Contract. Prices offered shall be lump sum except for provisional items. The lump sum shall include all requirements set out in the specification and include all delivery, approvals, licence, taxes etc.

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All prices offered under this Request shall not be subject to rise and fall for the term of the Contract. 11. EVALUATION OF CONTRACTOR’S PERFORMANCE

The Council may undertake an ongoing evaluation of the Contractor’s performance in providing the services. The evaluation may be considered in the assessment of future tenders for services of a similar nature. A copy of any such evaluation will be forwarded to the Contractor. If the Contractor disagrees with the evaluation they may forward a request to Council’s Manager Works for a review along with reasons why it should be reviewed. The Council’s decision will be final. Council reserves the right to terminate agreements/contracts if the Contractor’s performance has been identified as unsatisfactory and the contractor fails to rectify this. 12. PRIVACY AND PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION NOTICE

Consultants are advised that all (if any) personal information required to be provided with their quotation submission is intended only for use by Council staff. The purpose being for the assessment of the quotation. The information will be stored at Council's Administration Centre in accordance with the requirements of the State Records Act 1998. 13. COUNCIL’S REQUIREMENTS

It is a requirement of the contract that Tenderers must understand and abide by the following Council Requirements:

• Council’s Code of Conduct

• Statement of Business Ethics

• Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009

• Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998

• Council’s WHS Policies & Procedures 14. INSURANCES

All successful suppliers must have the following minimum insurances:

• Public Liability Insurance - $20M (min.) Workers Compensation Insurance. If sole trader personal accident insurance or a signed Subcontractor’s Statement regarding Workers Compensation, Payroll Tax & Remuneration


All costs incurred by the Tenderer in any way associated with the development, preparation and submission of a Tender or incurred participating in the tender process will be borne entirely and exclusively by the Tenderer. 16. EVALUATION OF TENDERS AND POST TENDER DISCUSSIONS

The Principal's staff will review and evaluate all tenders and will advise the Principal as to the merits or otherwise of the various conforming and alternative (if any) offers submitted by Tenderers. Where deemed appropriate by the Principal, consultants may be commissioned to report on the offers or otherwise advise the Principal as deemed necessary. During the evaluation period, one or more Tenderers may be required to attend a meeting to clarify details of their offers and/or confirm that the personnel carrying out the evaluation have properly understood particulars of the offer which the personnel may consider to be ambiguous or not clear. Personnel acting for the Principal at such meetings shall not have authority to receive additional information which varies the offers in any form unless such authority is provided in writing by the Principal. Tenderers who make representations to such personnel which can be construed as varying their offer may be disqualified unless such authority has been communicated in writing by the Principal to the Tenderer and the personnel.

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Tenderers shall note that being required to attend a post tender meeting does not imply that the Tenderer is favoured in any way nor that the Tenderer's offer is likely to be accepted. Furthermore, information provided expressly or by implication to a Tenderer at a post tender meeting shall not constitute an expression of, or an implication of, the Principal's intention or desire to accept or reject any offer made by the Tenderer. The Principal will give due consideration to recommendations made by the personnel who reviewed and evaluated the offers and will determine which offer to accept having regard to the recommendations and all other circumstances. No offer shall be deemed to have been accepted unless the acceptance is provided in writing by the Principal in accordance with the provisions of the Contract. 17. WHS RESPONSIBILITIES

The Council recognises its responsibilities and duties under sections 19 and 46 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act) in relation to its duties, and the duties of other PCBUs under the WHS Act. The Council accepts its duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practical, the health and safety of workers engaged by Council, as a PCBU, and whose activities are influenced or directed by Council while the workers are at work for or on behalf of Council. Council also accepts its duty, so far as is reasonably practical, to consult, co-ordinate and co-operate with all other persons (PCBUs) who have a duty under the WHS Act in relation to the same matter. The Council requires all consultants and contractors to be aware of and to conform to the pertinent sections of the WHS Act, the Workers Compensation Act and their related regulations and all other legislation relating to their work with the Council. All appropriate Codes of Practice, relevant Australian Standards and Safe Work Procedures must be complied with. Council requires that all consultants and contractors engaged by Council, supply appropriate information to meet Council’s WHS Approved Contractor Validation Criteria (attached, appendix 22), prior to any tenders, expressions of interest or quotations being accepted. In addition, as all Council gravel pits are registered with NSW Department of Trade as “mines”, the appropriate safety procedures and records must be kept for working in “mines” in accordance with Council’s Mines Safety Plan and relevant acts and regulations. 18. DISCLAIMER

Neither Council nor any of its contractors, consultants, advisers or agents accept any responsibility to any Tenderer or other third parties under the law of contract, or tort, or otherwise for any loss or damage which may arise from anything contained in the Tender Documents, any matter deemed to form part of the Tender Documents, the supporting information or documents referred to in the Tender Documents or any information supplied by or on behalf of Council, or any other part of the Tender process. 19. LODGMENT OF TENDERS: (Refer to the detailed requirements of Clause 11 of the Conditions of


Complete tenders (i.e. containing all completed schedules, documents, information and details required) shall be considered only if received by the advertised closing time/date.

All tenders must be lodged either in the Tender box at the Council Administration Building, 65 Green Street, Lockhart, or via email, [email protected], prior to the closing date and time. • Failure to comply may result in the offer been rejected • Financial Schedules

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1. INTERPRETATION In these “Conditions of Tendering” and elsewhere, except where the context requires otherwise: “Council” means the Council of the Local Government area issuing this request for tender (the “Principal’} and where the context permits, includes its authorised delegates; “Day” means business day, that is not Saturday or Sunday or public holiday for the Principal’s employees; “Non-conforming tender” means a tender not lodged on the Schedules, or not containing all the information and documents required by these Conditions of Tendering, or otherwise not complying with any provision of this entire tender document; “Offer” means a proposal to enter into a legally binding Contract with Council (refer to Clause 4); “Person” includes an individual, a corporation or a body politic; “Schedules” means all schedules in addition to the Proponent’s Declaration contained in this tender document that are required to be completed by the Proponent; “Specifications” means the specifications contained in this tender document and includes description of the scope, technical references, drawings or consultant’s brief; “Tender” includes prices, bids, quotations and consultant proposals and means the lodgment of a tender containing all requested information and accompanying documentation; “Tender Document” means all of the following: The Information to Proponents (or a covering letter), Conditions of Tendering, General Conditions of Contract its Annexure, Special Conditions of Contract and the Specification and Drawings, Schedules and any other specified documents. In this Agreement, unless contrary intention appears, words importing a gender include any other gender and word in the singular includes the plural and vice versa. 2. PROPONENT STATUS It is Council’s practice to contract only with persons having appropriate financial assets and insurances. A Proponent may also be required to provide evidence of its legal status.

If the Proponent is a Trust or a Trustee of a Trust, then a full copy of the trust deed must be submitted with the tender. It is also Council’s practice to deal with entities that have an Australian Business Number (ABN) and are registered for GST. 3. PROPONENT TO INFORM ITSELF The Proponent shall bear all costs or expenses incurred by it in preparing and lodging a tender. In addition, no extras allowances, or additional or supplementary payments will be paid to the Proponent as a result of neglect to have examined:

a) All parts of this tender document

b) All information made available and/or all information obtainable by the making of reasonable enquiries

c) The site and its surroundings including the location of all existing public utility services (where relevant to the project)

d) Satisfied itself as to the correctness and sufficiency of its tender.

4. OFFER The lodgment of a tender in accordance with these “Conditions of Tendering” will constitute an offer to enter into and be bound by a contract. However, no binding contract exists until the successful tender is accepted. All offers must be English. The offer will be irrevocable and will remain open for acceptance by Council until the earlier of:

a) Receipt by the Proponent of a written notice from Council (Clause 13); or

b) Number Business days from the Closing Date. Proponent to specify (see Pricing Schedule)

5. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT The general conditions of contract that will apply to the proposed contract are annex here to. 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY PROPONENT The Proponent acknowledges and agrees that:

a) No variations or extras will be permitted to its submitted tender other than those provided at the request of, or with the written consent of Council in circumstances allowed by law;

b) It does not rely upon any verbal agreement or other conduct whatsoever by or on behalf of Council amending these “Conditions of Tendering”;

c) Council will not be liable for any cost whatsoever incurred in preparing and submitting the tender;

d) None of these “Conditions of Tendering” will be waived, discharged, varied, amended, modified or released except by written notification by Council:

e) The Tendered shall be responsible for any interpretation; deduction and conclusion make from the information made available and accepts full responsibility for any such interpretation, deduction and conclusions.

7. CONFIDENTIALITY Any information disclosed or obtained from either Council or the Proponent about this tender must be kept strictly confidential except in the situations where disclosure is:

a) Necessary in the process of assessing tenders, or where Council discloses all or part to any of its advisors and consultants or where Council publishes in its business papers, tender prices and other details of the tender as may be required and permitted by law

b) Under compulsion of law or it is already public knowledge, or

c) With the written consent of Council. 8. COLLUSIVE TENDERING Any participation in or condoning of’ a collusive activity by a Proponent shall lead to the immediate disqualification of the Proponent or of all Proponents involved. Any Proponent involved may be barred from tendering for any further contracts with Council. A collusive activity includes but is not limited to:

a) Any agreement as to who should be the successful Tendered;

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b) Any meeting of Proponents to discuss their tenders prior to submission to Council, unless Council is present at that meeting(s)

c) Any exchange of information between Proponents

d) Any agreement for the payment of money or a reward or benefit for unsuccessful Proponents by the successful Proponent;

e) Any agreement or collaboration of Tenders to fix prices, rates of payment of industry association fees or conditions of contract;

f) The submission of a “Cover Tender”, being a tender submitted as genuine but which has been deliberately priced in order not to win the contract.

9. CANVASSING SUPPORT A Proponent shall not directly or indirectly, discuss the tender with an elected member or member of the evaluation panel, or canvass support from an employee of Council, at any time. Any Proponent involved in such activity will result in their tender being rejected. 10. LEVIES & TAXES A Tender shall:

a) Where applicable, make allowance for the payment of payroll tax

b) If the project is building and construction related, make no allowance for any long service levy payable to the Long Service Payments Corporation

c) Provide the Proponents ABN and documented evidence of its registration for GST.

11. SUBMISSION PROCEDURE 11.1. Requirements A tender must be in writing, be COMPLETE and writing in English. It must contain the documents, information and details required including all Schedules and a Proponent’s Declaration filled out and properly signed. It must be lodged in the Tender Box (physical or electronic, unless otherwise specified in the Information to Proponents.

The tender shall be submitted as indicated on the tender documentation prior to the specified closing time/date.

All late tenders will be returned unopened to the proponent with covering letter that the tender was received after the closing time/date and has been rejected. 11.2. Hard Copy Tender Lodgment a) Posted to the address shown in the tender document so that

it is received not later than the deadline for the closing of tenders; or

b) Placed in the Tender Box located at the address of the Council shown in the tender document not later than the deadline. The tender shall be parceled, and all its parts placed and delivered in a sealed envelope

c) Posted or delivered tenders must be clearly display the Tender Number and the Tender Title.

Facsimile Tenders will not be accepted. 11.3. Electronic Tender Lodgment Must be submitted to the appropriate tender box via email.

All electronic tender boxes close at the nominated closing time and date. No tenders can be submitted once the tender boxes are closed. 12. OPENING OF TENDERS Council will not open tenders until immediately after the closing time. This process is the same for tenders submitted via Tender Link or the Tender Box 1) At least two persons appointed by the General Manager of

Council will open the tenders. Any member of the public may attend this opening of tenders and may inquire as to whether Council has received a particular tender, or the number of tenders received. No other information will be provided.

2) As soon as practicable after the tenders have been opened,

the designated Council Officer must:

a) Record the names of the Proponents and the amounts that appear to have been tendered for the contract; and

b) Prepare a tender list specifying, in apparent order of those amounts, the names of the Proponents

c) Immediately display the list in a public place where members of the public can readily see it.

13. ASSESSMENTS AND ACCEPTANCE Tenders will be assessed against the assessment criteria shown in the tender document. Once submitted, a tender may only be varied to provide further information by way of explanation or clarification or to correct a mistake or anomaly. Such variations shall not substantially alter the original tender. Council will advise the successful Proponent in writing by posting a “Notice of Acceptance of Tender” letter and/or a Purchase Order. For projects more than $10,000, unsuccessful Proponents will be advised in writing that their tenders have not been accepted. In the event of acceptance of the tender, the “Notice of Acceptance of Tender”, the Purchase Order, the “General Conditions of Contract” including “Annexure” to those conditions; any “Special Conditions of Contract’’ (or Preliminaries); and the “Specification” and other documents including those submitted by the Proponent will, until execution of a contract, constitute the only agreement between Council and the successful Proponent. 14. NON-CONFORMING TENDERS The Proponent MUST submit a conforming tender. If the Proponent:

a) Fails to properly complete the “Proponents Declaration and all Schedules; or

b) Includes terms and conditions which are contrary to the stated terms and conditions; or

c) To satisfy any Compliance criteria including Documentation and Mandatory Requirement

then at the discretion of Council, the tender shall be deemed to be non-conforming and will not be considered further 15. ALTERNATIVE PROPOSALS Alternative proposals may be submitted in addition to a conforming tender. The alternative proposal must:

a) Clearly set out the benefits of the proposal and how it differs from the conforming tender; and

b) Not constitute a substantial variation but satisfy the basic commercial and performance objectives, technical and legal requirements.

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Alternate proposals will be rejected if not accompanied by a conforming offer 16. PRE- TENDER MEETING If nominated in the tender advertisement, a pre-tender meeting will be held on the date, at the time and place nominated. The Project Officer will be available at that time to answer any Proponent’s queries regarding the proposed contract. The meeting will be minuted and the minutes forwarded to all Proponents and shall become part of the tender document. If the meeting is designated as mandatory, a Proponent’s failure to attend the meeting will result in its tender not being considered. 17. INDUCTION TRAINING Where directed, the successful Proponent and any person engaged by it or its sub-contractors will be required to undergo any of the following induction’s prior to commencing any work on any Council sites:

a) Environmental induction training

b) WHS&R induction training – general (Council).

c) WHS&R induction training – construction work (general, work activity and site specific as required).


For a tender with an estimated value of over $150,000, Proponents are strongly advised to read the Local Government (Tendering) Regulation 1999 before preparing a tender. Copies can be obtained from Council. 19. STATEMENT OF BUSINESS ETHICS The Proponent must comply with Council’s Statement of Business Ethics.

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2. CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 2.1 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Mines Act 1901 Mines Inspection General Rule 1999 Mines Health and Safety Regulation 2007 Code of Practice – Excavation work March 2000 Work Health & Safety Act 2011 The Australian Standard General Conditions of Contract - AS 2124 - 1992 The General Conditions of Contract define the regulations under which the contract will be administered. These ‘rules’ set out the basic provisions regarding the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract and the actions to be taken if various eventualities arise during the performance of the work under the Contract. A copy of the above Acts, Rules, Regulations and Conditions of Contract are not provided as part of the tender documents and it is expected at tenderer’s will obtain their own copy of the documents and appropriately inform themselves.

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AS 2124 – 1992

ANNEXURE to the Australian Standard General Conditions of Contract PART A

This Annexure shall be issued as part of the tender documents and is to be attached to the General Conditions of Contract and shall be read as part of the Contract.

The law applicable is that of the State or Territory of: (Clause 1)

New South Wales

Payments under the Contract shall be made at: (Clause 1)

Lockhart Shire Council

The Principal: (Clause 2) Director of Engineering & Environmental Services

Lockhart Shire Council

The address of the Principal: PO Box 21


Phone: (02) 6920 5305 Fax: (02) 6920 5247

The Superintendent: (Clause 2) Manager of Works

ABN. (if applicable)

The address of the superintendent: PO Box 21


Phone: (02) 6920 5305 Fax: (02) 6920 5247

Limits of accuracy applying to quantities for which the Principal accepted rate a rate or rates: (Clause 3.2)

Not Applicable

Bill of Quantities – the alternative applying: (Clause 4.1)

Not Applicable

The time for lodgment of the priced copy of the Bill of Quantities: (Clause 4.2)

Not Applicable

# Contractor shall provide security in the amount of: (Clause 5.2)

Not Applicable

# Principal shall provide security in the amount of: (Clause 5.2)


The percentage to which the entitlement to security and retention moneys is reduced: (Clause 5.7)


Interest on retention moneys and security – the alternative applying: (Clause 5.9)

Not Applicable

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The number of copies to be supplied by the Principal: (Clause 8.3)

One (1)

The number of copies to be supplied by the Contractor: (Clause 8.4)


The time within which the Superintendent must give a direction as to the suitability and return the Contractor’s copies: (Clause 8.4)

7 days

Work which cannot be subcontracted without approval: (Clause 9.2)

Not Applicable

The percentage for profit and attendance: (Clause 11)


Insurance of the Works – the alternative applying: (Clause 18)

Not Applicable

The assessment for insurance purposes of the costs of demolition and removal of debris: (Clause 18)

Not Applicable

The assessment for insurance purposes of consultants’ fees: (Clause 18)

Not Applicable

The value of materials to be supplied by the Principal: (Clause 18)


The additional amount or percentage: (Clause 18) Nil

Public Liability Insurance – the alternative applying: (Clause 19)

Not Applicable

The amount of Public Liability Insurance shall be not less than: (Clause 19)


The time for giving possession of the Site: (Clause 27.1)

Not Applicable

# The Date for Practical Completion: (Clause 35.2) Not Applicable

# Liquidated Damages per day: (Clause 35.6) Nil

# Limit of Liquidated Damages: (Clause 35.7) Not Applicable

# Bonus per day for early Practical Completion: (Clause 35.8)


# Limit of bonus: (Clause 35.8) Not Applicable

Event Amount

# Compensation for Delay Costs: (Clause 36) Not Applicable Nil

# The Defects Liability Period: (Clause 37) Not Applicable

The charge for overheads, profit, etc. for Daywork: (Clause 41)

Not Applicable

Times for payment claims: (Clause 42.1) 28th day of the month

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Unfixed Plant and Materials for which payment claims may be made notwithstanding that they are not incorporated in the Works: (Clause 42.2)


Retention Moneys on: (Clause 42.3) Not Applicable Not Applicable

Unfixed Plant or Materials – the alternative applying: (Clause 42.4)

Not Applicable

The rate of interest on overdue payments: (Clause 42.9)


The delay in giving possession of the Site which shall be a substantial breach: (Clause 44.7)

The person to nominate an arbitrator: (Clause 43) President of the Australasian Dispute Centre

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SPECIFICATION 3.1 NATURE OF CONTRACT 3.1.1 This Contract is a Schedule of Rates Contract to Win and Crush Gravel material at specified gravel

pits located within the Lockhart Shire Council local government area for 2020/21.

3.1.2 Tenders are to be submitted on a win and crush gravel material per cubic (m3) loose basis. 3.1.3 The Contract may be terminated by either party upon two (2) weeks’ notice in writing. 3.1.4 The hire rates are not subject to Rise and Fall. Should the Contractor deem that a rate variation is

warranted during the contract period, details of such variation along with supporting justification must be submitted to Council in writing. Council will consider such submission for acceptance or rejection. The Council would not consider any application for a rate variation until the mid-point of the contract.


The tenderer shall submit rates of winning and crushing of gravel material, as detailed in Financial Schedule 1.

3.2.1 The contractor is to include an establishment fee in the rates which will cover all Council gravel

pits/sites where work is required within the Lockhart Shire Council local area. It is anticipated that work will continue from one pit to another.

3.2.2 No amount is payable in respect of periods when the plant is rendered idle due to reasons within the

Contractor's control or reasons beyond the Council's control other than the weather. (e.g., plant breakdown, refuelling or servicing)

3.2.3 Council's outdoor staff operates under a nine-day fortnight. The staff has a rostered day off system.

Payment will not be made for plant that is idle on a day because that day is a rostered day off. 3.2.4 Contractor to confirm crushed gravel quantities by joint site measurement with Council’s Manager

Works. 3.3 RISK 3.3.1 The plant is always at the risk of the Contractor. The operator if supplied by the Contractor is and

remains the servant and agent of the Contractor. Plant must always comply with the requirements of the Mines Act 1901.

3.3.2 The Contractor undertakes the whole risk of carrying out the contract and without limiting the generality

thereof must hold the Principal indemnified against all claims arising out of any injury to any person or persons including the Contractor or his employees or employees of the Council or damage to property whatsoever including property of the Council whether caused by the use of the plant when driven or operated by the Contractor or his employee or any other person whether employed by the Contractor or not or caused otherwise howsoever.


Whenever by any legislation the plant or the Contractor's operator is required to be registered or licensed or to hold any permit or certificate or exemption certificate or other qualification, the Contractor must at his expense ensure that the legislation is complied with and proof thereof must be produced to Council's Manager Works on request.

The contractor must provide number plates and registration labels for all vehicles being used on public roads.


• Supply the plant in good working order and maintain it in that condition at his/her own expense.

• Unless otherwise specifically provided, unload and load the plant at the site ensuring appropriate traffic control and safe storage.

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• Ensure that the plant is safe and is supplied with all necessary shields, guards, and spark arresters, warning signs, lights, indicators and other safety apparatus.

• Provide a competent operator/operator to operate plant and notify Council's Manager Works of any change to the operator.

• Pay all wages, overtime, accommodation allowances, traveling expenses and other entitlements of the operator and of any other personnel necessary, for the efficient operation of the plant.

• Provide accommodation facilities for employees when necessary, in accordance with the WHS Act 2011 & Regulations.

• Supply all fuel, oil, grease, and spare parts and anything necessary, including cutting edges, tyres, etc., for the continuous and satisfactory operation of the plant.

• Carry out all repairs to the plant of whatever description that may be directed or become apparent, expeditiously at his own expense. As far as practicable, all adjustments and repairs shall be carried out outside normal working hours. Tools and equipment to carry out repairs must be provided by the Contractor.

• Ensure that when unattended the plant is in a safe condition and not liable to be or to become a safety hazard.

• Provide the operator with safety helmets, safety vests and safety shoes and any other appropriate clothing or Person Protective Equipment (PPE).

• Comply with the requirements of all Acts, regulations, ordinances and by-laws and the safety requirements in force on the site of the works.


The Contractor, operator, or any employee on site, must comply with all reasonable directions of the Council's Manager Works, including those relating to safety and safe working. In the event of the Manager Works directing the removal of any employee of the Contractor, operator or any employee on site must comply with such direction.


The Contractor must not assign or sub-let the Contract of any part thereof without the approval in writing of the Council.


Prior to engaging any item of plant Council reserves the right to inspect the plant prior to hiring it. Council may also require a Workcover WHS inspection to ensure adequate safety requirements are in place prior to engagement.


An appeals procedure will be available to any Contractor dissatisfied regarding determinations made during hire on performance or conformity with the Tender Regulations. Appeals will be dealt with by:

1. Council’s Manager Works 2. Council's Director of Engineering & Environmental Services

And the Contractor advised accordingly of their decision in writing. 3.10 GOODS AND SERVICES TAX (GST) 3.10.1 All prices, and rates tendered or sums payable must include an amount for GST 3.10.2 Each party acknowledges and warrants that at the time of entering into the Contract it is registered for

the GST. Each party must notify the other party if it ceases to be registered for the GST

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TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL SCHEDULES (A reference in the Schedules to Service Provider means consultants, contractors and suppliers) Technical Schedule 1: Tenderer’s Declaration Technical Schedule 2: Insurances Technical Schedule 3: Subcontractors Technical Schedule 4: Referees Technical Schedule 5: WHS Questionnaire Technical Schedule 6: Additional Information and Innovation Technical Schedule 7: WHS Contractor Validation Criteria Technical Schedule 8: Council’s Governance Requirements Financial Schedule 1: Schedule of Rates NOTE: To submit a conforming tender, the Tenderer must complete all Technical and Financial Schedules nominated above to constitute the TENDER FORM. If there is insufficient space for any response, please prepare an attachment to the relevant Schedule. Failure to complete any of the schedules may result in rejection of the tender.

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TECHNICAL SCHEDULE 1: RESPONDENT’S DECLARATION RFT No: 20200001 Tender: Winning and Crushing of Gravel

Respondent (full trading name):



Contact Person: Title:

Registered Office Address: Principal Business Address:

Telephone: Facsimile:

Legal Status (Refer Clause 2 of the Conditions of Tendering):

Note: If the Tenderer is a Trust or a Trustee of a Trust, then a full copy of the trust deed MUST be submitted with the tender.

The Tenderer named above, hereby offers to provide Goods, Works and/or Services in accordance with: o this Tender and its Schedules; and o the Specification; and o Council’s Document titled “Information to Tenderers”; and o the Special Conditions of Contract; and o the General Conditions of Contract. The Tenderer also acknowledges that if it is the successful tenderer, the documents listed above shall form part of the contract and agrees to be bound by the contract conditions. The Tenderer warrants and represents that: o it has fully acquainted itself with all the documents referred to in the Tender and all matters relating there to o agrees to be bound by the Conditions of Tendering o all the information provided in its tender is true and correct o it has made its own enquires and investigations and has obtained professional advice and all other relevant

information to inform itself of all risks and contingencies which may affect its tendered price o it has allowed for all such risks and contingencies in its tender price. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST

The Tenderer shall confirm whether there exist any interests, relationships (including those of family members and employees) or clients that may or do give rise to a conflict of interest: Yes No If “Yes”, as an attachment to this declaration, the Tenderer shall detail the area in which that conflict or potential conflict does or may arise and provide details of strategies for preventing conflicts of interest.

Executed by Authorised Officer of Tenderer who has delegated authority to enter into a contract:

(Print Name & Title):

Date of declaration:

Signature of witness:

(Print Name & Title):

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1. Workers Compensation or Personal Accident Insurance This schedule must be completed by the tenderer and lodged with this tender. Any tender in which this schedule is not completed may be regarded as informal. I/WE __________________________________________ (as Tenderer, insert the name of your company or business) have a current Workers Compensation Policy in accordance with the requirements of the NSW Workers Compensation Act 1987, and that these shall remain in force for the duration of the contract or have a current Personal Accident Insurance Policy (please include a copy of the relevant and current insurance policy).


2. Workers Compensation Insurance Premiums

The tenderer shall sign this statement as confirmation that: All workers compensation insurance premiums including remuneration payable to the Subcontractor’ employees for work done in connection with the proposed contract will be paid by the Contractor. The signed statement shall provide indemnity for the Principal’s liability for Worker Compensation Premiums to the Contactor and the Contractors employees.

3. Public Liability Insurance This schedule must be completed by the tenderer and lodged with this tender. Any tender in which this schedule is not completed may be regarded as informal. I/WE ____________________________________________ (as Tenderer, insert the name of your company or business) have current Public Liability Insurance in accordance with the AS 2124 -1992 General Conditions of Contract, Clause 19, Alternative 1.


Public Liability Insurance will be to the value of $20,000,000 SIGNATURE OF AUTHORISED OFFICER OF RESPONDENT:

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TECHNICAL SCHEDULE 3: SUBCONTRACTORS The names of subcontractors (including consultants and sub-consultants) proposed to be engaged for the contract.

Note: 1. Written approval of all subcontractors is required before commencement of the contract. 2. The nomination of alternatives is acceptable. 3. The Service Provider shall be required to provide evidence that the subcontractors are registered

&/or licensed (as required by law) in the work which is to be subcontracted and have the relevant policies of insurance.






(Attach extra page(s) if insufficient space.)


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TECHNICAL SCHEDULE 4: REFEREES Provide at least three referees who can attest to the Tenderer’s capabilities in undertaking the contract.

Note: Council reserves the right to make its own independent enquires.


Company name (if applicable)


Contact Person:

Telephone: Facsimile:

SECOND REFEREE: Company name (if applicable)


Contact Person:

Telephone: Facsimile:

THIRD REFEREE: Company name (if applicable)


Contact Person:

Telephone: Facsimile:


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Technical Schedule 5: WHS QUESTIONNAIRE Demonstrate commitment to WHS&R and understanding and acceptance of the principles of WHS&R.

Note: Further information may be required to be submitted as substantiation.



1. Does the organisation have a WHS&R Management Plan as part of its overall management system? (If yes give details)

Is the WHS&R Management Plan accredited by an NSW Government agency or an accredited third party? (If yes give details)

2. Has WorkCover NSW issued the organisation with any Prohibition Notices, Improvement Notices or fines in the past 12 months? (If yes give details)

3. Is the organisation able to provide documented evidence that within its organisation, there are people or resources nominated to:

• Define WHS&R management policies and objectives, priorities and targets;

• Define the responsibilities of personnel for WHS&R matters;

• Identify system verification requirements and allocating human, technical and financial resources adequate to meet those requirements;

• Ensure compliance with WHS&R legislation and regulations;

• Keep abreast of changes in legislation and regulations;

• Acquire and disseminate WHS&R management information;

• Plan and conduct training in WHS&R management, including inducting new employees;

• Oversee the development and implementation of WHS&R procedures;

• Assess subcontractors' and suppliers' abilities to comply with WHS&R requirements;

• Ensure compliance with safe work practices and procedures.


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TECHNICAL SCHEDULE 6: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/INNOVATION Detail any matters which have not been covered in the Schedules and which it is believed should be taken into consideration when the tender is being evaluated. Particularly, detail matters which will provide improved value for money:


(Attach extra page(s) if insufficient space.)


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The information requested in the table below is for ALL contractors. Note: Where a contractor engages any sub-contractors to work on Council projects, the contractor is to ensure that Council is supplied with all relevant sub-contractor information and documentation

Required Information Documents Required Comments 1 Company name (incorporated),

Trading As name (if applicable), ABN, Mailing address, email address & other contact details. MUST HAVE - This is validation criteria

This information is to be added to master contractor list, Dataworks and sent to finance.

2 Workers Compensation Insurance MUST HAVE - This is validation criteria

Certificate of Currency To be provided every 12 months on annual renewal. Sole Traders see point 5.

3 Public Liability Insurance MUST HAVE - This is validation criteria

Certificate of Currency Minimum $20,000,000.00 coverage. To be provided every 12 months on annual renewal.

4 Professional Indemnity Insurance This is validation criteria – when required

Certificate of Currency Only required depending on services provided. e.g. legal services, counselling services, etc

5 Personal Accident / Injury Insurance cover This is validation criteria – when required

Certificate of Currency or policy document of insurance premium

Required if the contractor is operating as a Sole Trader. To be provided every 12 months on annual renewal.

6 Other Insurances This is validation criteria – when required

Certificate of Currency or equivalent

Example- Heavy vehicles, plant & equipment etc. as required for the services being provided by the contractor.

7 Company licenses, registrations, permits, certificates etc. This is validation criteria – when required

Relevant documentation e.g. QMS, EMS, WHSMS, certifications, EPA Licenses, Demolition license, Hot work permits, etc.

Required depending on services provided by the contractor

8 WorkCover WHS General Induction Certificate This is validation criteria – when required

Copy of induction certificate/card number

Mandatory for all contractors engaged in building/construction activities.

9 WHS Documents This is validation criteria – when required

Complete Council’s “Contractor WHS Management System Questionnaire”. Provide: Safe Work Method Statements, Safe Work Procedures, WHS Policy, Detailed Site/Task Safety Management Plan, etc. Mines Safety documentation and reporting.

As relevant to the services being provided. Note: These documents will be checked to ensure they meet Council’s minimal requirements; however, Council will not review these documents for compliance purposes (i.e. WorkCover responsibility).

10 Employee qualifications – certificates, licenses, etc. This is validation criteria – when required

Relevant documentation As relevant for the services the contractor is providing, e.g. plant operators licenses, electrician license, confined space entry certificates, etc.


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TECHNICAL SCHEDULE 8: COUNCIL’S GOVERNANCE REQUIREMENTS This schedule must be completed by the Contractor and lodged with this quote/tender. Any quote/tender in which this schedule is not completed may be regarded as informal. Note: Where a contractor engages any sub-contractors, the contractor is to ensure that Council’s Governance requirements are communicated to all sub-contractors. General Declaration

I certify that I have read Council’s EOI/Quotation/Specification document and agree to be engaged by Council in accordance with the terms and conditions set out therein.

I certify that the contents of my submission are to the best of my knowledge complete, true and correct

and have been inspected and understood by me.

I agree to enter into an Agreement/Contract if selected as one of the successful parties.

As at the date of this declaration, I intend to do the work set out in the EOI/Quotation/Specification document and my submission.

I understand and agree that if I am selected as one of the successful parties, I or any of my employees

or agents will be bound by and comply with Council’s Code of Conduct and Statement of Business Ethics at all times when engaged by Council.

I understand and agree that if I am selected as one of the successful parties:

1. I must, within 7 days of receiving a written request from Council, provide the Council with

immediate access to the following information contained in the records I hold and at the Contractor’s own expense:

(a) information that relates directly to the performance of the services I provide to Council pursuant to the Contract/Agreement;

(b) information I have collected from members of the public to whom I provide, or offers to provide, the services pursuant to the Contract/Agreement; and

(c) information I have received from the Council to enable the provision of the services pursuant to the Contract/Agreement.

2. For the purposes of sub-clause (1), information does not include:

(a) information that discloses or would tend to disclose the Contractor’s financing arrangements, financial modelling, cost structure or profit margin;

(b) information that the Contractor is prohibited from disclosing to the Council by provision made by or under any Act, whether of any State or Territory, or of the Commonwealth; or

(c) information that, if disclosed to the Council, could reasonably be expected to place the Contractor at a substantial commercial disadvantage in relation to the Council, whether at present or in the future.

3. Any failure by the Contractor to comply with any request pursuant to sub-clause (1) or (3) (as

outlined above) will be considered a breach of an essential term and will allow the Council to terminate the Contract by providing notice in writing of its intention to do so with the termination to take effect 7 days after receipt of the notice. Once the Contractor receives the notice, if it fails to remedy the breach within the 7-day period to the satisfaction of the Agency, then the termination will take effect 7 days after receipt of the notice.

I understand and agree that if I am selected as one of the successful parties:

1. Council will take reasonably practicable steps to consult with the Contractor before providing any

person with access to information relating to the Contract, in response to an access application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act), if it appears that:

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(a) the information:

i. includes personal information about the Contractor or its employees;

ii. concerns the Contractor’s business, commercial, professional or financial interests; or

iii. concerns research that has been, is being, or is intended to be, carried out by or on behalf of the Contractor; or

iv. concerns the affairs of a government of the Commonwealth or another State (and the Contractor is that government);

(b) the Contractor may reasonably be expected to have concerns about the disclosure of the information; and

(c) those concerns may reasonably be expected to be relevant to the question of whether there is a public interest consideration against disclosure of the information.

2. If, following consultation between Council and the Contractor, the Contractor objects to disclosure of some or all of the information, the Contractor must provide details of any such objection (including the information objected to and the reasons for any such objection) within 5 days of the conclusion of the consultation process.

3. In determining whether there is an overriding public interest against disclosure of government information, Council will consider any objection received by the Contractor.

4. If the Contractor objects to the disclosure of some or all of the information but Council nonetheless decides to release the information, Council must not provide access until it has given the Contractor notice of Council’s decision and notice of the Contractor’s right to have that decision reviewed.

5. Where Council has given notice to the Contractor in accordance with sub-clause (4), Council must not provide access to the information:

(a) before the period for applying for review of the decision under Part 5 of the GIPA Act has expired; or

(b) where any review of the decision duly applied for is pending.

6. The reference in sub-clause (5)(a) to the period for applying for review of the decision under Part 5 of the GIPA Act does not include the period that may be available by way of extension of time to apply for review.

I certify that this submission has been made in good faith and the fees and charges included herein have not been deliberately set above or below the level of rival parties.

I, or any of my employees or agents, prior to making this submission, had no knowledge of the fees and

charges of rival parties nor have I or any of my employees or agents disclosed to any rival party the fees and charges included within this submission.

I have not entered into any contract, arrangement or understanding having the result that, in the event

that I am successful in my application, I will pay to any unsuccessful party moneys in respect of or in relation to the submission or any contract resulting there from.

I have not engaged in any unethical behaviour or sought and/or obtained an unfair advantage in

obtaining business with Council and will not so engage in relation to this EOI/Quotation/Tender.

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Conflict of Interest & Fair Dealing Declaration

1. Are you employed by or do you have any recent, current or ongoing contractual relationships with Council?

Yes If yes, please provide details below No

Details: ...................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................


2. Are you employed by or do you have any recent, current or ongoing contractual relationships with any individual Lockhart Shire Councillor?

Yes If yes, please provide details below No

Details: ...................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................


3. Are you aware of any other conflict of interest that you or your organisation may have which could prohibit you from fulfilling your role with Council as set out in this EOI/Quotation/Specification document?

Yes If yes, please provide details below No

Details: ...................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................


4. Have you or your organisation ever been subject to adverse findings of any agency charged with the oversight of government agencies, including but not limited to, NSW Ombudsman, The Independent Commission Against Corruption or NSW Department of Local Government?

Yes If yes, please provide details below No

Details: ...................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................

5. Have you or your organisation ever come to the notice of any agency charged with the oversight of government agencies, including but not limited to, NSW Ombudsman, The Independent Commission Against Corruption or NSW Department of Local Government?

Yes If yes, please provide details below No

Details: ...................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................


6. Have you canvassed any Councillor or employee of Lockhart Shire Council or sought to discuss the EOI/Quote/Tender with any Councillor or employee of Lockhart Shire Council, other than the nominated contact officer?

Yes If yes, please provide details below No

Details: ...................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................


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7. To the best of your knowledge and belief, do you or any of your employees or agents have any family relationships, either directly or indirectly, with any member of Council’s EOI/Quote/Tender Evaluation Panel?

Yes If yes, please provide details below No

Details: ...................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................


8. Are you currently engaged or discussing any proceedings against Council?

Yes If yes, please provide details below No

Details: ...................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................


To be signed by a person duly authorised to do so on behalf of the party or organisation making this declaration, and signed in the presence of:

Partner/Principal Witness

Print Name Print Name

Date Date

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A.1 This document forms the specification for the winning and stockpiling of gravel in pits/quarries as shown on Appendix A quotations (attached).

A.2 Material will only be extracted by Contractors from areas designated by the Manager Works.

A.3 Side slopes of pits will be maintained at a ratio of three metres run for each metre of fall etc.

A.4 Floor slopes of pits will be maintained to allow free drainage to siltation ponds unless otherwise directed by the Manager Works.

A.5 Material will only be stockpiled by Contractors on an area as designated by the Manager Works.

A.6 Stockpiled material will be trimmed in such a manner to allow easy measurement of quantities.

A.7 The Contractor will notify the Manager Works 24 hours prior to completion of works at each pit/quarry location to arrange an inspection of the pit/quarry and measurement of stockpiled quantities.

A.8 The Contractor is to obtain a release from the Manager Works prior to leaving any pit at the completion of works.

A.9 The Council reserves the right to delete any item from the quotation schedule Appendix A.

A.10 The Contractor is to provide for approval the order in which pit/quarries are to be worked.

A.11 The Contractor is responsible for acquainting himself with site conditions in each individual pit/quarry prior to quotation.

A.12 The Contractor will have all work completed within 16 weeks of Council accepting the tender.

A.13 Material to be crushed to 20mm road base to a grading as per “Table B6: Grading requirements for Class 1 & 2, 20mm base” of Austroads 2008 Specification.

Table B.6: Grading requirements for Class 1 & 2, 20mm base

AS sieve size (mm) Target grading (%Passing)

Test Value Limits of grading (%

Passing) Retained between

Sieves % 26.5 100 100 19.0 100 95-100 0-5 13.2 85 78-92 7-18 9.5 73 63-83 10-16

4.75 54 44-64 14-24 2.36 39 30-48 10-20

0.425 18 14-22 14-28 0.075 9 7-11 6-13

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P.1 Payment will be made only on measurement of stockpiled quantities (placed in designated areas) as agreed by the Manager Works and the Contractor prior to leaving the site.

P.2 Allowable tolerance for payment on quotation quantities as measured in stockpile shall be plus zero, minus 1%.

P.3 Establishment is to be included in rates.

P.4 Payments will be made in accordance with appropriate rates for items as listed on quotation schedule Appendix A.

P.5 Claims for payment will be made on attached Appendix B.

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Win & primary crush to 20mm (m3) (m3)

1 Terlich Mine 5,000

2 Goodens Mine 47,000

3 Thomo’s Mine 9,000

4 A’Becketts Mine 4,000

5 Establisment Included

TOTAL 65,000

TOTAL $..........................................

Dated this .................................. day of ..................................................................................

Contractor: ..................................................... Signature: .......................................................

Address: ......................................................... Telephone No: ...............................................



Witness: .........................................................



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TAX INVOICE Gravel Winning Claim Form

OWNER/COMPANY NAME _______________________________________

OWNER/COMPANY ADDRESS _______________________________________

ABN _______________________________________

Wages Period Ending _________________________ Driver ____________________________

Capacity ____________________________

Name of Contractor _________________________ Registration ____________________________


Total M3 Subtotal



I, (Contractor) declare the above to be true and correct, and that there are no wages due and owing.

Contractor: Date:

Field Supervisor: Date: Engineer: Date:

To: Lockhart Shire Council

PO Box 21


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Lockhart Shire Council Gravel Pits – 2018/19

Winning & Crushing Contract

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RESPONSE TO ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Have you complied with the following: Please circle the appropriate responses.

Description of Tender Documentation Requested Yes/No Completing:

Technical Schedules Technical Schedule 1: Respondents Declaration Yes/No Technical Schedule 2: Insurances Yes/No Technical Schedule 3: Subcontractors Yes/No Technical Schedule 4: Referees Yes/No Technical Schedule 5: WHS Questionnaire Yes/No Technical Schedule 6: Additional Information and Innovation Yes/No Technical Schedule 7: WHS Contractor Validation Criteria Yes/No Technical Schedule 8: Council’s Governance Requirements Yes/No

Financial Schedules

Financial Schedule 1: Schedule of Rates Yes/No Mandatory Requirements

Compliance with the Specification Yes/No Compliance with the Conditions of Tendering Yes/No Public Liability Insurance of at least $20M Yes/No