Ten Operation Attentions of EVA Vacuum Glass Laminating Machine

UCOLIN SILICONE TECH (1)-Silicone Vacuuming Bag for EVA Glass Laminating Machine/Privacy Glass Laminating (2)-Silicone Sheet for EVA Glass Laminating Machine (3)-Silicone Bag for PVB Glass Laminating Auto-clave (4)-Silicone Rubber Sheet for Solar Cell Module Laminating Machine (5)-Contact Us: [email protected] / www.ucolin.com [email protected]/ [email protected] Ten Ten Ten Ten Operation Operation Operation Operation Attentions Attentions Attentions Attentions of of of of EVA EVA EVA EVA Vacuum Vacuum Vacuum Vacuum Glass Glass Glass Glass Laminating Laminating Laminating Laminating Machine Machine Machine Machine By ZAC GLASS www.helloglass.com (Notes: (Notes: (Notes: (Notes: the the the the following following following following knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge is is is is a general general general general guide, guide, guide, guide, there there there there is is is is no no no no guarantee guarantee guarantee guarantee that that that that they they they they are are are are all all all all correct correct correct correct or or or or suits suits suits suits your your your your laminating laminating laminating laminating machine. machine. machine. machine. ) About About About About Machine: Machine: Machine: Machine: 1. Motor must run positive, if in reverse, it must reconnect the wire. 2. Adjust the wind ban to make the circle-wind even. 3. Electricity box must controlled by the experienced operator and when checking the box, the power must be cut off. 4. When the temperature of the furnace higher then normal, the operator cannot go inside the furnace 5. Must change the oil of vacuum pump time to time. Put the vacuum pump to the dry and aeration place.

Transcript of Ten Operation Attentions of EVA Vacuum Glass Laminating Machine

UCOLIN SILICONE TECH(1)-Silicone Vacuuming Bag for EVA Glass Laminating Machine/Privacy Glass Laminating(2)-Silicone Sheet for EVA Glass Laminating Machine(3)-Silicone Bag for PVB Glass Laminating Auto-clave(4)-Silicone Rubber Sheet for Solar Cell Module Laminating Machine(5)-Contact Us: [email protected] / [email protected]/ [email protected]

TenTenTenTen OperationOperationOperationOperation AttentionsAttentionsAttentionsAttentions ofofofof EVAEVAEVAEVAVacuumVacuumVacuumVacuumGlassGlassGlassGlass LaminatingLaminatingLaminatingLaminating MachineMachineMachineMachineBy ZAC GLASS www.helloglass.com

(Notes:(Notes:(Notes:(Notes: thethethethe followingfollowingfollowingfollowing knowledgeknowledgeknowledgeknowledge isisisis aaaa generalgeneralgeneralgeneral guide,guide,guide,guide, theretheretherethere isisisis nononono guaranteeguaranteeguaranteeguarantee thatthatthatthattheytheytheythey areareareare allallallall correctcorrectcorrectcorrect orororor suitssuitssuitssuits youryouryouryour laminatinglaminatinglaminatinglaminating machine.machine.machine.machine. ))))

AboutAboutAboutAbout Machine:Machine:Machine:Machine:1.Motor must run positive, if in reverse, it must reconnect the wire.2.Adjust the wind ban to make the circle-wind even.3.Electricity box must controlled by the experienced operator and when checking thebox, the power must be cut off.4.When the temperature of the furnace higher then normal, the operator cannot goinside the furnace5.Must change the oil of vacuum pump time to time. Put the vacuum pump to the dryand aeration place.

UCOLIN SILICONE TECH(1)-Silicone Vacuuming Bag for EVA Glass Laminating Machine/Privacy Glass Laminating(2)-Silicone Sheet for EVA Glass Laminating Machine(3)-Silicone Bag for PVB Glass Laminating Auto-clave(4)-Silicone Rubber Sheet for Solar Cell Module Laminating Machine(5)-Contact Us: [email protected] / [email protected]/ [email protected]

AboutAboutAboutAbout laminatelaminatelaminatelaminate glassglassglassglass::::

6.Don’t put different thickness of glass into the furnace one time, the thinnerpre-laminated glass needs shorter time of keeping high temperature, the thickerpre-laminated glass needs longer time of keeping high temperature.

7.Different thickness of the color materials needs different thickness of Ethylene-vinylacetate EVA Interlayer Film. Thin one can use 0.38 mm EVA film, thick one can use0.76mmEVA film.

8.EVA film become soft temperature is 70℃, then 90℃ start thawing, 110℃ reachdissolve estate. When the temperature ca get 130℃ and keep it 40minutes,Ethylene-vinyl acetate EVA Interlayer Film may finish cross link reaction.

9.Different thickness of EVA film, the fluidity at high temperature is different, thethicker film, the fluidity is larger. When you operate the machine, you can adjust thetime and adjust the temperature based on real situation and your experience.


UCOLIN SILICONE TECH(1)-Silicone Vacuuming Bag for EVA Glass Laminating Machine/Privacy Glass Laminating(2)-Silicone Sheet for EVA Glass Laminating Machine(3)-Silicone Bag for PVB Glass Laminating Auto-clave(4)-Silicone Rubber Sheet for Solar Cell Module Laminating Machine(5)-Contact Us: [email protected] / [email protected]/ [email protected]

Try to use good quality float glass to make laminate glass. If you use tempered glass,but the flat level is bad, you must use thicker Ethylene-vinyl acetate EVA InterlayerFilm to pile up in order to make the laminated good quality. Bad flat level glass maymake air bladder on the surface of the glass leads to laminated glass with bubblesinside.

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