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  • 7/31/2019 Temples Asia


    The 7 Most Beautiful Temples in Asia

    posted in Asia , FCS . posted by Florin Nedelcu on September 03, 2008 . 24 Comments


    Unless youre born and raised in Asia, you probably havent even heard of some of these places.But just like the much more famous European cathedrals and churches, Asias temples areamazing works of art just waiting to be discovered. Heres a look at the seven most beautifulholy places in Asia.

    7. Kinkaku-ji, Japan

    Kinkaku-ji temple

    Also known as the Golden Pavilion, Kinkaku-ji was built in 1397 as a retirement villa for one of Japans famous shoguns. It was his son who turned it into a Zen temple. This three -story building

    is where many important relics of Buddha are being kept.

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    Kinkaku-ji temple

    It was burned down twice during the Onin War and once in 1950 accidentally, by a monk whothen tried to kill himself. Kinkaku-ji was completely rebuilt in 1955 and the decaying gold leaf covering the top two stories was replaced by a thicker new one. The setting of the GoldenPavilion is also, as you can see, breathtaking.

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    6. Prambanan, Indonesia

    Prambanan temple

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    Built sometime around 850 CE, the Prambanan temple complex in Indonesia is one of theworlds largest remaining Hindu legacies. The foundation rises 47 meters above the ground andit symbolizes the triumph of the Hindu religion in Indonesia. It has been added on UNESCOsWorld Heritage Site list in 1991.

    Prambanan temple

    There are over 200 temples in the Prambanan temple complex, but the most impressive ones arethe three set in the primary yard and dedicated to the gods Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. Thehighest and largest one is dedicated to the goddess Shiva and it is beautifully decorated with

    statues and paintings depicting Hindu legends.

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    5. Borobudur, Indonesia

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    Borobudur temple

    One of the oldest holy places in Indonesia, Borobudur is a Buddhist monument built sometime inthe ninth century, where those of strong faith still come to pray. The three levels of Borobudur,that the pilgrims have to ascend, symbolize the three levels of Buddhist cosmology, Kamadhatu,Rupadhatu and Arupadhatu.

    Borobudur temple

    Borobudur was deserted for centuries until 1814 when the English ruler of Java Island at thattime learned about it from the locals. Restoration started immediately and now this Buddhist

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    place of pilgrimage is on UNESCOs World Heritage Site list. Unlike other temples, Borobudur was built atop a bedrock hill, 265m above sea-level.

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    4. Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar

    Shwedagon pagoda

    Measuring 98 meters in height, this giant stupa is the most sacred Buddhist pagoda in all of Myanmar, hosting relics of the last four Buddhas enshrined inside it. There are no records of when the Shwedagon Pagoda was built, legends say it was 2500 years ago but archeologicalreports say the stupa dates back to somewhere between the 6 th and 10 th centuries.

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    Shwedagon pagoda

    Shwedagon Pagoda is also known as the Golden Pagoda and unlike other structures that arepainted golden, this Buddhist place of worship is actually covered with real gold. In the 15 th century the queen ordered that it be leafed in gold and to this day, visitors sometimes buy small

    gold leafs and decorate the pagoda.

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    3. Tigers Nest, Bhutan

    Tigers Nest Monastery

    The most sacred place in Bhutan, Tigers Nest Monastery is also one of the most beautiful andimpressive holy structures in the world. It sits atop a cliff, at a height of 3,120 meters, watchingover the Paro valley below. Legend says Guru Rinpoche (an important figure in Buddhism) flewto this place on the back of a tiger and meditated in a cave for three months. The cave is said to

    be part of Tigers Nest Monastery.

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    Tigers Nest Monastery

    The Tigers Nest Monastery we see today was built in 1962, but it was seriously damaged in afire that broke out in 1998. Reconstruction was done using old photographs and writings butthere was hardly any documentation on the inside of the monastery and the objects it housed.People can journey to this incredible place by foot or on mules.

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    2. The Golden Temple, India

    The Golden Temple

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    Sri Harmadir Sahib, as it is known in India, is one of the most sacred places for Sikhseverywhere. It started out as a quiet lake in the middle of a forest, a place where Buddha himself is said to have stopped for meditation. Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh religion also stoppedthere and after his death, his followers continued to come here for meditation. Over the centuriesthis Sri Harmadir Sahib became more and more beautiful under the rule of each guru of the


    The Golden Temple

    Today, the Golden Temple is regarded as a symbol of original Sikh architectural style where theMoslem and Hindu ways of construction come together in harmony. The Golden Temple is builtout of marble and gold and decorated with countless valuable gems. It is as peaceful as it isbeautiful.

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    1. Wat Rong Khun, Thailand

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    Wat Rong Khun

    The White Temple built in the Chiang Rai province is unlike any of the other temples of Thailand. It is a modern masterpiece built by Chalermchai Kositpipat, a popular artist whodedicated 10 years of his life to this grand project, in the name of Buddha. It is a modern projectbuilt almost entirely out of white materials and decorated with small pieces of mirrored glass thatmake it glitter, especially during the night.

    Wat Rong Khun

    Asked about his project, Chalermchai Kositpipat said he intended to build a replica of themagnificent and resplendent heaven. He managed to blend traditional Buddhist elements withmodern, contemporary themes and thats what makes Wat Rong Khun unique. If youre ever inThailand be sure to stop by the White Temple, it is more than worth the time.

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