Temple emanu-elfiles.constantcontact.com/337c569b001/3cd76f53-16... · An Introduction to Rabbinic...

TEMPLE EMANU-EL Providence, Rhode Island | 2018–5778

Transcript of Temple emanu-elfiles.constantcontact.com/337c569b001/3cd76f53-16... · An Introduction to Rabbinic...

Page 1: Temple emanu-elfiles.constantcontact.com/337c569b001/3cd76f53-16... · An Introduction to Rabbinic Judaism When Thursdays: February 1, 8, 15, 22 March 8, 15, 22, April 12, 19, 26

Temple emanu-el providence, Rhode Island | 2018–5778

Page 2: Temple emanu-elfiles.constantcontact.com/337c569b001/3cd76f53-16... · An Introduction to Rabbinic Judaism When Thursdays: February 1, 8, 15, 22 March 8, 15, 22, April 12, 19, 26

February 10, 2018 – 25 Sh’vat 5778

Etz Hayim, Page 465

1st Aliyah Exodus Chapter 22 verses 4–8

2nd Aliyah verses 9–12

3rd Aliyah verses 13–18

4th Aliyah verses 19– 26

5th Aliyah Exodus Chapter 23 verses 27– 5

6th Aliyah verses 6–13

7th Aliyah verses 14–19

Maftir Exodus 30:11– 30:16 Page 523

Haftarah II Kings 12:1–12:17 Page 1277 Shabbat Sh’kalim

Minhah/Ma’ariv – 5:10 PM Havdalah – 5:53 PM

parashat mishpatim Shabbat Sh’kalimShabbat mevarkhim


Page 3: Temple emanu-elfiles.constantcontact.com/337c569b001/3cd76f53-16... · An Introduction to Rabbinic Judaism When Thursdays: February 1, 8, 15, 22 March 8, 15, 22, April 12, 19, 26

Iyyun Tefillah: Angels, Humans, and Prayer in Kedushah D’SidraThe Kedushah is sometimes considered the height of the ser-vice, recited as part of the communal morning and afternoon Amidah. We also recite a version of this prayer, often called the Kedushah d’Sidra, earlier in the service as we prepare for the recitation of the morning Sh’ma. Join Rabbi Zerin for an explo-ration of this fascinating and powerful prayer. Together, we will learn about angels, prophetic visions, and what it means to pray in a holy community.

At Temple Emanu-El, we seek to fashion an atmosphere of peace and tranquility on the Sabbath. To help create this environment throughout the Temple, we refrain from writing, taking photographs, texting, and using cell phones. Please join us in observing these traditions as we make Shabbat a sacred experience for us all.

Services this Shabbat

Sanctuary ServiceBohnen VestryRabbi Wayne FranklinRabbi Rachel ZerinCantor Brian Mayer

Minyan HadashFishbein Chapel

Tot ShabbatSisterhood Lounge Marni Thompson-Tilove

Youth MinyanRosen LibraryAlexis Kutenplon

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We need more Prayer Books and HumashimWe still need more copies of the Siddur Lev Shalem so that there are enough copies in the Sanctuary when we have celebra-tions. We also need more Humashim so that everyone could follow the Torah reading. If you would like to donate one or the other of these needed volumes, please contact the temple office at 331-1616. The Siddur Lev Shalem costs $36 and the Humashim costs $72.

Hadassah RI’s Third Annual Chai Join Hadassah for a Potluck Dairy Luncheon honoring all of their Chai Society members on Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 12:00 PM. The event will be held at: Wethersfield Commons Clubhouse 1 Williamsburg Drive, Warwick RI

Kesher Social Worker-Drop in Hours TodayTara Watkins, LICSW (email: [email protected] phone: 401-527-7772) will have drop in hours this Shabbat, from 11:00am-2:00pm in the Temple Office. No previously arranged appointment is nec-essary. Conversations with Tara are kept confidential. All congre-gants and their families are welcome to utilize this free supportive service available to the temple community.

Like Our New Facebook Page!Be sure to like on our new Facebook page to see updates and reminders on events and programs in your newsfeed! Just go to: www.facebook.com/TEProvidence

Page 5: Temple emanu-elfiles.constantcontact.com/337c569b001/3cd76f53-16... · An Introduction to Rabbinic Judaism When Thursdays: February 1, 8, 15, 22 March 8, 15, 22, April 12, 19, 26


The Rabbis and Their Legacy:An Introduction to Rabbinic Judaism


Thursdays: February 1, 8, 15, 22March 8, 15, 22, April 12, 19, 26May 3 and 10 from 7:00-9:00pm


Temple Emanu-El, 99 Taft AvenueProvidence, Rhode Island 02906


$200 for the semester

Note that partial and full scholarships are available! We are very committed to making this course accessible to everyone. Please do not let cost be a barrier!

For more information and to register, please go to www.teprov.org/Institute/DelveDeeper or contact Rabbi Rachel Zerin at 401.331.1616 or [email protected]

The Rabbis and Their Legacy:An Introduction to Rabbinic Judaism

Instructor: Michael Satlow, Professor of Religious Studies and Judaic Studies at Brown University

People talk about "the rabbis" all the time, but who were they really? The legacy of the rabbis of antiquity (ca. 70-640 CE) is astounding: their texts, among which are the two Talmuds and many books of midrash, have served as the foundation for nearly all forms of Judaism down to the present day. This semester we will take a close look at the historical context in which the rabbis emerged and worked; their literature; their ideas; and their discussions of proper Jewish practice. The class will involve much close reading of rabbinic texts (all presented in English - no prior knowledge required), and we will devote a session close to Passover on the Haggadah.

Space is limited, so register today!www.teprov.org/Institute/DelveDeeper

Delve Deeper is a project of Temple Emanu-El’s Kof�er Bornstein Families Institute of Jewish Studies, in partnership with Congregational Agudas Achim, Congregation Beth Sholom, Temple Sinai and the West Bay Chavurah.

Delve Deeper is an adult education initiative that brings dynamic teachers to teach in-depth, university level courses to a diverse group of adult learners in Rhode Island.All are welcome to join us for our third semester!

The Rabbis and Their Legacy: An Introduction to Rabbinic Judaism

Delve Deeper is made possible through generous support from the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island’s Innovation Funding

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Temple Emanu-ElFeb 10 – 7:30 PM

99 Taft AvenueProvidence 02906

$12 – Online Pre-registration

$15 – At the Door

teprov.org/form/1945.htmlRefreshments will be served

Guest Speaker: Dr. Holly CaseHistory Professor, Brown University

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Page 8: Temple emanu-elfiles.constantcontact.com/337c569b001/3cd76f53-16... · An Introduction to Rabbinic Judaism When Thursdays: February 1, 8, 15, 22 March 8, 15, 22, April 12, 19, 26

Two Composers, Three Opinions: What Makes Music "Jewish"?




At the dawn of the 20th century, a group of young Russian-Jewish composers sought to develop a uniquely Jewish style of classical music. However, they argued over what could count as authentically Jewish. In this lecture-recital, musicologist Samuel Zerin will discuss his original research on two competing practices: arrangements of Jewish folk melodies; and new works inspired by Torah chant. He will then perform a small group of piano pieces, which repre-sent these different approaches to creating "Jewish" music.

Samuel Zerin is a PhD candidate in historical musicology at New York University. His dissertation is simultaneously the first large-scale biography of the Russian-Jewish violinist and composer Joseph Achron (1886-1943) and a theoretical investigation of paradigms surrounding child prodigies and performer-composers. In 2010, he founded the Joseph Achron Society, working together with musicians and schol-ars to revive the forgotten legacy of this brilliant musician. Zerin has also worked as a music archivist, creating an online archive of rare Jewish classical scores at the website of the American Society for Jewish Music and cataloguing thousands of manuscripts, scores, and other music docu-ments at Hebrew Union College.

This event is free and open to the public. We ask that you consider making a donation of $5 per person

RSVPs greatly appreciated. Please visit our website: teprov.org/form/ZerinLecture or call the office at 331-1616

Page 9: Temple emanu-elfiles.constantcontact.com/337c569b001/3cd76f53-16... · An Introduction to Rabbinic Judaism When Thursdays: February 1, 8, 15, 22 March 8, 15, 22, April 12, 19, 26

Rhode Island College is honored to welcome Holocaust survivor Eva Kor to campus on Thursday, February 15 at 7 pm in Sapinsley Hall at Rhode Island College (600 Mt. Pleasant Ave, Providence, RI 02908). This event is free and open to the public. All are invited to attend as it is a rare opportunity to hear a first-hand account of the Holocaust and Ms. Kor’s incredible message of forgiveness. A book signing will follow the program. Below is more information on Eva Kor; you can find further details at https://candlesholocaustmuseum.org/eva-kor/her-story/.

Eva is one of the few surviving twins sharing her personal account of the medical experiments supervised by Nazi doctor Josef Mengele at Auschwitz. Eva’s account of her survival of the Holocaust offers many relevant lessons on the dangers of hate and prejudice, and the consequences of allowing prejudice to persist, unchecked, in others.

In addition to the importance of her account from a historical per-spective, Eva’s life lessons and message of forgiveness have touched the lives of millions of people. In 1995, Eva chose to forgive the Nazis, after deciding that they should no longer have power over her life. She describes forgiving the Nazis as an act of self-healing, self-liberation, and self-empowerment; forgiveness is not about the perpetrator, not about forgetting. It is one step toward repairing the world by helping victims free themselves from perpetrators and remove anger and hatred. Eva shares her own discovery of the power to forgive so that others may see the possibility to heal themselves through forgiveness. Forgiveness provides a way for people to free themselves from hurt, anger, and hatred, from the pain of victimhood. If people find peace with themselves, the world may also find peace.

Holocaust Survivor Speaks at RIC

Page 10: Temple emanu-elfiles.constantcontact.com/337c569b001/3cd76f53-16... · An Introduction to Rabbinic Judaism When Thursdays: February 1, 8, 15, 22 March 8, 15, 22, April 12, 19, 26
Page 11: Temple emanu-elfiles.constantcontact.com/337c569b001/3cd76f53-16... · An Introduction to Rabbinic Judaism When Thursdays: February 1, 8, 15, 22 March 8, 15, 22, April 12, 19, 26

Building from the Inside-Out: An Exploration of Authenticity in the Torah, Talmud, & Beyond

Text study with Rabbi Elan Babchuck Saturday, February 24 - 12:45 (After Kiddush)

Bohnen VestryExodus 25:11 instructs the Israelites to build the mishkan's ark with gold on the inside and the outside. But why bother layering the inner ark with gold when so few people would see it? In this session, we'll explore how the Torah and the early generations of rabbis approached the notion of authenticity - from building the Tabernacle to building personal identities.

Please join us in the Bohnen Vestry right after Kiddush (about 12:45 PM) for the second in this year’s series of text studies sponsored by Minyan Hadash and the Koffler Bornstein Institute of Jewish Studies.


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The deadline to place all orders is Tuesday, Feb 13th. Payment must accompany all orders.

We need volunteers to help bake hamentashen on:

Monday, February 12, 3PM-8PMThursday, February 15, 3PM-8PMThursday, February 22, 3PM-8PM

Email Judie Tenenbaum at [email protected] if you are available to volunteer!

Thank you!

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D A N C I N G , F O O D D R I N K S & F U N

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I Want my

Celebrate Purim at

“that ‘80s Spiel!” Meeting House

Sunday, February 25th, 1:15 PM Come in Costume!

Page 16: Temple emanu-elfiles.constantcontact.com/337c569b001/3cd76f53-16... · An Introduction to Rabbinic Judaism When Thursdays: February 1, 8, 15, 22 March 8, 15, 22, April 12, 19, 26

january 2018 DOnaTIOnSthank you for your generous support of temple emanu-el!

aDulT I nSTITuT ei n h on or ofKaren Drucker-Stern and Morty Miller by Joanna Katsune

an n ual funDraI S e ri n m e m or y ofSidney Zussman and Natalie Frances Lederman by Seth Kurn & Barbara Harris

donat ion by Bromberg/Rosenstein Family

canTOr maye r’S DIScreT IOnary f unDi n m e m or y ofRyan Mayer by Samuel & Judith Greenblatt

c hap e l f u n Di n h on or ofAlice Eichenbaum by Lawrence & Marilyn Katz

Carol Gualtieri by Dorothy Winn

i n m e m or y ofJoseph Ovadia by Victor Allen

Roza Malyuta by Svetlana Artemova

Sofia Fidler by Svetlana Artemova

Herman Weisman by Ellen & Uri Bar Zemer

Helen Smith by Harriet Baron

G. Henry and Beatrice Cone by Alfred & Arline Blank

Evelyn and Milton Blazarby Andrew & Beverly Blazar

Esther Bornstein by Richard & Sandra Bornstein Sue Witt by Alan & Evelyn Brier

Herman Bromberg by William Bromberg

Herbert Singer and Laura Chakrin Cable by Betsy Singer Cable & Rob Cable

Madeline Cohen and David Cohen by Gerald & Esta Cohen

Nathan Ralph Balis by Sylvia Cohen

Eleanor Dwares by Elaine Creem

Samuel Ehrenhaus by Abraham & Marilyn Ehrenhaus

Page 17: Temple emanu-elfiles.constantcontact.com/337c569b001/3cd76f53-16... · An Introduction to Rabbinic Judaism When Thursdays: February 1, 8, 15, 22 March 8, 15, 22, April 12, 19, 26

Lillian Silverman by Abraham & Marilyn Ehrenhaus

Vera Yale by Alex & Mira Eides

Lillian Elman by Nathan Epstein

Shayna Epstein by Nathan B. Epstein

Clifford Felder by Fred Felder

Alex Flikier by Henri Flikier & Ann Miller

Nathan Flink by Renee & Alan Flink

David Weintraub by Rosalyn & Murray Gereboff

Annabel Mutchnick by Marcia Gerstein

William Golditch, Shirley Richards and Mella Malenbaum by Marian Golditch

Sally Gordon by Norman Gordon

Louis Granoff by Leonard & Paula Granoff

Robert Greenbaum by Keith Greenbaum

Lonia Fishman by Eva & Joshua Gutman

Marcia Halsband and Anna Hals-band by Alan & Harriet Halsband

Marjorie B. Horowitz by Ruth Horowitz & David Christenen

Ruth and Joseph Adelson by Paula Izeman

Mary Freidman by Paula Izeman

Joel Franklin Gurwitz by Deborah & Herbert Katz

Moisey Fridkin and Minya Fridkina by Raisa & Lev Khaykin

Florence Fayer by Ellen Kleinman

Bertha Harriet and Joseph Kolodney by Zelda Kolodney

Claire L. Korn by Dr. David & Carol Korn

Rose Kroll by Carol Kroll Kahn & Robert Renck Benjamin Kurtzman by Ron & Edna Kurtzman

Mamie Balkan by Barbara Lappin

Claire Katz Pincus and Celia H. Katz by Cynthia Levin

Dr. Nathan Levitt by Judith & Mayer Levitt

Nathan R. Balis by Beverly Loebenberg

Sadie Marcowitz by Sandra Marcowitz

Meryl Lee Blumenthal by William & Roberta McLaughlin

Page 18: Temple emanu-elfiles.constantcontact.com/337c569b001/3cd76f53-16... · An Introduction to Rabbinic Judaism When Thursdays: February 1, 8, 15, 22 March 8, 15, 22, April 12, 19, 26

Bella Mendelovitz, Rose Becker, Ida Shogel & Adolf Heimann by Sam & Lillian Mendelowitz

Julius Heimann by Lillian & Sam Mendelowitz

Adam Jay Mendelson by Carolyn Mendelson

Naftaly Gamza by Bela & Anatoly Miller

Avis Jane Cardozo by Howard Myers

Sylvia Myrow by Marilyn Myrow

Sue Witt by Sheila Gold, Samuel Greenstein, Paula & Larry Meyerson, Barbara & Melvyn Reich

Loved ones by Nan & Allen Banks

Eugenie Massouda by Laila Ovadia

Harry Katz and Isadore Katz by Ruth & Larry Page

Sally & Victor Hittner by Eunice & Robert Perrotti

Mimi Spatt and Rose Plitt by Arthur & Miriam Plitt

Celia Podrat by Kenneth & Donna Podrat

Chana Gordon by Professor & Mrs. Marc Richman

Miles Goldberg by Joyce & Steve Rongo

Betty Brooks by Fred & Marcia RosenzweigNat Rosenzweig by Fred & Marcia Rosenzweig

Lee Ryvicker by Bonnie Ryvicker

Morris Satloff by Robert Satloff

Russell & Celia Schwartz by Stanley & Naomi Schwartz

Herman Selya by Hon. & Mrs. Bruce Selya

Seymour Sikov by William & Susan Sikov

Gerald Shaulson by Wileen & Steven Snow

David Kahanovsky by Leona Spilka

Eva Jacobson by Polly Wachtenheim & family

Annabel Mutchnick by Richard & Niecie Weiner

Joseph Weintraub by Sidney & Sonia Weintraub

Rose Weintraub by Sidney & Sonia Weintraub

Bernice T. White by Steven White & Donna Summer

Kathryn Wintman by Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Wintman

Irving Wolpert by Shirley Wolpert

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Shirley Sadler by Patricia & Kenneth Zoller

donat ion by David Korn and Carol Scheman

bea & archIe faI n f u n Di n h on or ofSeth Kurn by Elaine & Barry Fain

g e n e ra l f u n Dd on at i on s b y Bromberg/Rosenstein FamilyMarcia Spindell

i n m e m or y ofIda & Irving Morse by Rosalyn Edelberg

Estelle Fradin by Barbara Greenberg, Arnold & Sheila Kaufman, Stacy & Doug Emanuel, and Alex & Lisa Kaufman

Eleanor Lewis by David C. Lewis

jOS ep h & barc IT haler m emOrIal funDi n m e m or y of Leslie Feldstein by Jill & Michael Thaler

m uS e um fun Di n m e m or y of David Rothmich and Natalie Fran-ces Lederman by Duffy & Larry Page

k I DDuS h f u n Din honor ofEmma Jeanne and Lee LeMarche by Ruth Paige Levin

Alice Eichenbaum by Saul Martin and Cary Eichenbaum

i n m e m or y of

Jerry Shapiro by Richard & Rhoda Shapiro

Lillian Yohalem by Nan & Allen Banks

rabbI fran klIn’SDIScreTIOnary f unDin honor ofArielle Miles by Robert & Margie Pelcovits

i n m e m or y ofJonathan Gutman by Debbie Mann Jacobs

Louis Wiseman by Irving & Marian Wiseman

David E. Seigle by Mr. & Mrs. Harris Rosen

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d on at i on b y Daniel Zussman

rOmney-wegner ju-DaIc lecTure funDi n m e m or y ofJudith Romney Wegner by Sue-Rita Goldstein & Meyer Goldstein

S hab baT c haId on at i on s b yHoward & Janice ShapiroSeth Kurn & Barbara HarrisAdam & Nora SalomonSamuel Havens & Audrey KupchanAlan & Sara VerskinMiguel & Christine RojasMichael & Paula GoldbergKevin & Amy OlsonStanley & Naomi SchwartzAntonio Sabella IIIAvram & Maxine CohenCarl Freedman & Beverly EhrichSaul Martin & Alice EichenbaumJessica GellerDaniel Zussman & Rebecca BrennerRobert & Beatrice SwiftRonald ShufrinKathryn & Cor deBoer Patricia Glazer & Robert Egan

i n m e m or y of

Natalie Frances Lederman, Sidney Zussman, Sue Witt and Esther Lev-itt by Nathan & Karen Beraha

Sidney Zussman by Pat Glazer & Bob Egan

yOu T h acT I v I T I e S f u n Din honor ofLee LaMarche Mazel by Fred & Sally Rotenberg

z I m e T f u n Di n m e m or y of Natalie Frances Lederman, Jona-than Gutman and Esther Levitt by Dianne & Martin Newman

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401 Elmgrove Avenue | Providence, RI 02906 | 401.421.4111 | jewishallianceri.org

My Hero BrotherWednesday, February 7, 2018

7:00pmDwares JCC | 401 Elmgrove Avenue,


“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”-Lao Tzu

Official film selection for Jewish Disabilities Awareness & Inclusion Month

In this film, a group of young Israelis with Down Syndrome embark on a demanding trek through the Himalayas with their siblings. As they deal with physical and emotional challenges, unresolved conflicts surface and heartwarming friendships develop. Follow their difficult trials and poignant relationships set against the richly colorful backdrop of India. This film will open new horizons and greatly deepen your understanding of people with disabilities and their families. 1 hour, 18 minutes.

A facilitated discussion on the different initiatives for special needs in Israel will follow the film.

For more information, contact Tslil Reichman at [email protected] or 401.421.4111 ext. 121.

Visit jewishallianceri.org/israel-70 for a full list of events throughout the year.

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401 Elmgrove Avenue | Providence, RI 02906 | 401.421.4111 | jewishallianceri.orgBobb

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A staged reading featuring Bobbie Steinbach

Golda’s Balcony, written by William Gibson and directed by Judy Braha, follows the trajectory of the life of Golda Meir from Russian immigrant to American schoolteacher to a leader of international politics as the fourth—and only female—Prime Minister of Israel. Much of its focus is on the period surrounding the 1973 Yom Kippur War. This one-woman tour de force promises to be a thrilling, deeply moving and unforgettable piece of theatre. The performance is part of Rhode Island’s Israel at 70 celebration and is presented by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.

Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 3:00pm Dwares JCC | 401 Elmgrove Avenue Price: $10 | Members: $8

To RSVP, contact Lynne Bell at 401.421.4111 or [email protected].

Visit jewishallianceri.org/israel-70 for a full list of events and updates to programming.

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Educational WeekendNew Date

This year’s Educational Weekend will be on March 23-25, 2018. The date has been changed because our distinguished Scholar- in-Residence, Professor Marc Michael Epstein, has received an invitation to the Vatican, which will include use of the Vatican Library. Professor Epstein’s trip to the Vatican overlaps with his originally scheduled visit to us at Temple Emanu-El. Therefore, we ask you to please

Save the New DateFriday, March 23 - Sunday, March 25, 2018Educational Weekend with Professor Marc Michael Epstein

Professor Epstein’s topics:Praiseworthy and Beyond: The Art of Passover

Shabbat Hagadol: Elijah, Messiah, Christians, and Jews

Hasidic Insights on the Haggadah

and a new family-friendly program for people ages 9 to 99: Art Detectives: The Mystery of the Golden Haggadah

More details coming soon!

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Robert Pelcovits President Rabbi Wayne M. Franklin Rabbi Rachel Zerin Cantor Brian J. Mayer Rabbi Alvan H. Kaunfer Rabbi Emeritus Paul Stouber Executive Director Ronni GuttinInterim Director of Education Shoshana Jacob Interim Director of Youth and Family Programs Joshua Jasper Librarian