TELUS Real Estate - · TELUS Real Estate...

TELUS Real Estate striving for sustainability Trish Clarry Executive Director, Real Estate member of the TELUS team

Transcript of TELUS Real Estate - · TELUS Real Estate...

Page 1: TELUS Real Estate - · TELUS Real Estate striving for sustainability Trish Clarry Executive Director, Real Estate member

TELUS Real Estatestriving for sustainability

Trish ClarryExecutive Director, Real Estatemember of the TELUS team

Page 2: TELUS Real Estate - · TELUS Real Estate striving for sustainability Trish Clarry Executive Director, Real Estate member

TELUS’ position

At TELUS, we want to be known as Canada’s premier corporate citizen. We want to be as well known for our

community and environment programs as we are for the quality of our networks.

Proactively incorporate economic, environmental and social issues into business and management decisions

‘what gets measured gets done’

Page 3: TELUS Real Estate - · TELUS Real Estate striving for sustainability Trish Clarry Executive Director, Real Estate member

how TELUS defines CSR

economic considerationseconomic considerations

impact of TELUS operations product life-cycle responsibilityinfluence in the supply chainhelp customers minimize their impactsclimate change

sustainable revenue generation and ROIrobust internal financial controls and disclosure mechanismsinvestment in technology research and developmentcontribution to corporate tax basecontribution to sustainable national economic growth

Communitiesinvestment through TELUS community boardsStrategic partnershipsPhilanthropy & volunteerismSocial impacts of our products and services

WorkplaceRecruitment, retention and developmentengagementlabour relationsHealth and safetydiversity

social considerationssocial considerations environmental considerationsenvironmental considerations

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what is TELUS doing?

community investmentOur community focus: 2008

86,645 wireless devices recycled170,162 trees planted with Trees Canada21% reduction in paper usageSupport of Computer for Schools$5.4M investment in 366 community projects (Since 2000 $137M and 2.6M volunteer hours)

corporate social responsibilityCSR Reporting

listed on Dow Jones Sustainability World Index – 8th consecutive yearNamed Innovest / Corporate Knight’s top 100 most sustainable companies in the world2009 ranking #8 in Canada

moving information & ideasteleworkvideo conferencing and collaborationmobile work and fleet managementelectronic forms and contractsenergy efficient hosted serversTools to track the green bottom line

TELUS green solutions internal commitment

taking individual responsibility

9256 environmental courses18500 team members mobility enabled, 6500 mobile workers a dayReal Estate commitment to LEED

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listed on 2008 Dow Jones Sustainability World Indexranking of world’s top economic, environmental, social performersraw score – 84%, 1% behind leader (BT)eighth consecutive year for TELUS, only N. A. fixed telecom

named a Climate Disclosure Leader (low emitter category), by Carbon Disclosure Project 2007

Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants 2007 Award for Excellence in sustainability reporting

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TELUS House Vancouver Atrium opened in 20087 year seismic upgrade completedone of the first pioneering buildings to go Green in Canada. 3 awards of distinction:

2008 Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia Medal of Excellence in Architecture by the Architectural Institute of British Columbia, Award of Excellence in the buildings category by the Consulting Engineers of B.C.B.C. Steel Design Award in the architectural category by the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction

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TELUS House Ottawa opened in 2007LEED Canada Silver108,000 sq.ft.Amenities: outdoor patios, wellness and fitness centres, teamingkitchen, video-conferencing including Telepresence

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TELUS green solutions: moving thoughts & ideas

TELUS helps our clients find environmental efficiencies throughout their communications infrastructure

tools to trackgreen ROI


reduced paperusage

secure digitalcontracts

reduced fleet emissions

mobile work & fleet mgt

reduced commutes,

distributed work

At Home Agentcall centres

reduced airand car travel


reduced energy


virtual servers

triple bottomline benefits



reduced energy


virtual servers

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real estate strategies

Impact of Operations

Integration of Sustainable Strategies across Real Estate and leveraging our To Market Strategies

Build or Occupy BetterWork Environment of ChoiceLEED Rating System as Framework Landlord Relationship Program

Manage ResponsiblyFacility and Property

Management Green ITSustainable

Commute ProgramLocal Green Teams

Reduce FootprintStrategic ExitsConsolidationsWorkstyles Roll-out

1. Reduce portfolio size

2. Reduce committed costs and ensure effective spend

3. Reinvestment in Core Assets to improve work environment, ensure asset integrity and network reliability.

Page 10: TELUS Real Estate - · TELUS Real Estate striving for sustainability Trish Clarry Executive Director, Real Estate member

triple bottom line benefits: telework

telework has been proven to significantly reduce:pollutants and greenhouse gas emissionscommuting time fuel costs

but it’s not all about the environment --TELUS telework customers are also:saving real estate costsSeeing increases in employee productivity, job satisfaction, engagement, and retention

telework is a great “green starting point”40% of work force is already working from home a few days a monthintroducing a formal telework program allows organizations to start measuring the positive green impact they’re making already

Triple bottom line benefits (kg’s carbon, fuel costs, time saved) can be tracked by partner solution Teletrips

triple bottomline benefits


telework programs can deliver significant triple bottom line benefits – for the organization, the employee and the environment

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telework -- the numbersWhat does one teleworker mean?*

160 hours of commute time saved / year (4 weeks of NOT driving)$2000 savings per year in fuel, maintenance and depreciation2+ tonnes of C02 emissions reduced

Gallup: 32% of US workers telecommute, and 4% telecommute full time7% work remotely the majority of each work month

Met Life:43% of employers allow employees to telecommute to some extent, to encourage retention

Gartner: average knowledge worker is at his or her desk only 40% of the timeby 2010, more than 60% of all work in US will be done somewhere other than a corporate facilityonly 30% of Global 2000 will have proper telework practices, services and infrastructure in place to properly support them

* Source: Sun Microsystems, Teletrips

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shifting workstyles at TELUS

triple bottomline benefits

workstylestelework pilottelework pilot

178 employees, 10 months13,865 hrs of commute time savedsaved $125,000 in fuel & car maintenance114 tonnes reduced CO2

air pollutants reduced by 4 tonnes82% said telework had an impact on desire to stay at TELUS

consumer call centres pilotparticipation criteria based on performancereduced attrition rates 20%enhanced agent productivity by 25%lower absenteeism by 60%goal to have 25% of domestic call centre agents participate

at home agent programat home agent program

enabling work when and where it is most effective

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reduce travel: collaboration solutions

TELUS solutions enable dispersed workgroups to meet and collaborate virtually and in real time regardless of geography

employees can connect without travelling, reducing travel costs and allowing for more frequent meetings -- in turn increasing business output

video allows teleworkers to maintain a visual connection to the office

With business-quality videoconferencing solutions, employees can:take part in collaborative teams, view and share documents and multimedia presentations, attend and facilitate meetings, and avoid the loneliness factor that often comes from working off site

reduced airand car travel


TELUS audio conferencing, video conferencing and Web-based collaboration solutions have a direct effect on reducing carbon footprint

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collaboration solutions at TELUS

Reduction in travel across business unitsorganization-wide impact:

At TELUS, a 26% increase in audio and video conferencing in 2007resulted in:

395,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions avoided (equivalent to taking 80 cars off the road for a full year)44 tonnes nitrogen oxide emissions avoided

Telepresence installation in 2008Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa, Toronto

Telepresence installation of 6 units in 2009

reduced airand car travel


TELUS implementation of audio conferencing, video conferencing and Web-based collaboration solutions have a direct effect on reducing carbon footprint

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reduce IT energy: virtual servers

TELUS has one of the largest virtualized server farms in Canada -- over 1,000 TELUS and customer servers

by letting TELUS take on much of the day-to-day management of network and servers, your organization can:

avoid building additional data centre capacity eliminate the need to continually acquire and maintain server hardwaresignificantly reduce the energy consumption required for server power and cooling

removing a single server can result in savings of over $800 per year in power and cooling

reduced energy


virtual servers

TELUS virtual servers reduce energy consumption and maintenance expenses

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what’s next

Further integration of sustainability practices across portfolio

Opening of 25 York in Fall 2009- LEED CI Gold

Opening of Quebec City building in 2010- LEED NC Silver

BC Internet Data Centre in development- LEED NC Gold

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call to action

sustainable leadership

inclusive, sustainable leaders:adopt, and live, a set of valuesplace human relationships at centre stagedefine the purpose of the enterprise in other than purely financial or commercial termsinclude sustainable development

this leadership can be found not only in the organization's management but also among team members and the supply chain

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