Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis...

Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence® Session 19: The Delta State - Go Deeper into Hypnosis Than Ever Before © 2012 The New Hypno0sts LLC, All Rights Reserved Induc&on Sit back, relax, and just close your eyes. In just a few minutes, you’re going to find yourself completely relaxed… Completely calm… More relaxed than you’ve ever been before. Begin to relax your body. As I guide you through each body part, I want you to just feel that part begin to relax. In order to help you relax, I want you to imagine yourself in a beau0ful meadow. It’s almost night 0me, and the sky is a deep blue. To Learn More About Self Hypnosis Go HERE Now. Hypnonomicon

Transcript of Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis...

Page 1: Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence® · Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence®

Tellman Knudson Presents:The Self Hypnosis Sequence®

Session 19: The Delta State - Go Deeper into Hypnosis Than Ever Before©  2012  The  New  Hypno0sts  LLC,  All  Rights  Reserved

Induc&onSit  back,  relax,  and  just  close  your  eyes.

In  just  a  few  minutes,  you’re  going  to  find  yourself  completely  relaxed…

Completely  calm…  

More  relaxed  than  you’ve  ever  been  before.

Begin  to  relax  your  body.

As  I  guide  you  through  each  body  part,  I  want  you  to  just  feel  that  part  begin  to  relax.

In  order  to  help  you  relax,  I  want  you  to  imagine  yourself  in  a  beau0ful  meadow.

It’s  almost  night  0me,  and  the  sky  is  a  deep  blue.

To  Learn  More  About  Self  Hypnosis  Go  HERE  Now.


Page 2: Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence® · Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence®

You  can  see  the  stars  coming  out,  making  liPle  points  of  light  in  the  sky,  and  the  moon  is  ligh0ng  up  the  grassy  meadow.

Nearby,  you  hear  the  hypno0c  sounds  of  a  bubbling  brook,  and  the  crickets  chirping  in  the  distance  seem  to  be  lulling  you  to  sleep.

As  you  relax  totally  and  completely,  you  no0ce  a  relaxing  white  light  just  above  your  head.

It’s  so  relaxing,  as  it  begins  to  descend  down  to  the  top  of  your  head,  

you  find  yourself  able  to  completely  relax…  

And  each  part  this  light  touches  just  helps  you  relax  deeper,  leQng  you  

relax  deeper  and  deeper  with  every  breath  you  take.

Allow  this  familiar  feeling  to  con0nue  relaxing  yourself  deeper  and  deeper.  Your  unconscious  knows  how  to  help  your  en0re  body

 to  relax  deeper.

Lowering  further  now,  it  begins  to  touch  your  forehead.

The  relaxa0on  comes  further  down  around  your  face…  

And  all  the  liPle  muscles  in  your  face  begin  to  relax  completely  and  totally…  

And  the  relaxa0on  moves  out  around  your  ears,  massaging  and  relaxing  them  as  you  relax  deeper,  deeper  and  deeper  s0ll…  

That’s  right.

The  relaxa0on  con0nues  to  flow  through  your  body,  further  down…  

And  you  can  feel  your  lower  jawbone  become  heavy.

To  Learn  More  About  Self  Hypnosis  Go  HERE  Now.


Page 3: Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence® · Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence®

As  you  feel  deeper  and  deeper  relaxed.

The  light  comes  further  down  to  the  back  of  your  neck  now,  down  

around  the  shoulders…  

And  it  feels  like  the  weight  of  the  world  gets  liSed  off  your  shoulders,  

and  you  let  them  drop  a  liPle  as  they  relax  completely,  totally,  and  easily.

And  as  you  do,  the  relaxa0on  seeps  into  your  backbone  and  begins  to  

go  right  down  your  spine…  

Relaxing  out  to  the  sides  as  it  goes,  smoothing,  expanding,  relaxing  

deeper  and  deeper  down…  

And  every  muscle,  every  fiber  of  your  being  begins  to  relax.

The  relaxa0on  seems  to  come  now  to  the  small  of  the  back,  and  down  

further  around  your  waist  and  begins  to  relax  down  your  legs.

You  can  feel  that  warm  sensa0on  of  relaxa0on,  as  if  you’re  right  about  

to  fall  asleep…  

And  the  relaxa0on  goes  down  to  the  back  of  the  thigh  now,  through  your  knees,  around  your  legs,  encircling  and  relaxing  down  each  muscle  

as  it  goes  down  around  the  heel  of  your  foot…  

And  as  it  reaches  the  boPom  of  your  feet,  it  seems  to  spread,  relaxing  

all  the  tension  you  didn’t  even  know  was  there  right  away,  leQng  it  just  relax  right  away.

Each  and  every  toe  begins  to  relax  even  more,  and  more,  as  you  go  

deeper,  deeper,  and  even  deeper.

To  Learn  More  About  Self  Hypnosis  Go  HERE  Now.


Page 4: Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence® · Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence®

Peaceful,  calm.

Relaxed  completely.

Now,  just  let  your  body  do  whatever  it  needs  to  do  in  order  to  double  your  relaxa0on.

ShiS  your  body  if  you  need  to,  and  let  it  sePle  down  even  more  relaxed  than  you  just  were.

And  no0ce  that  relaxa0on,  s0ll  flowing  through  your  body…  

Relaxing  your  throat  and  tongue,  that  area  around  your  collar  bone,  and  drop  deeper  and  deeper  with  each  and  every  breath  you  take.

That  relaxing  light  seems  to  fill  your  whole  body  now,  flowing  down  the  fronts  of  the  shoulders  and  relaxing  them  further…  

It  almost  seems  to  seek  out  any  area  that  isn’t  completely  and  totally  

relaxed  and  smoothes  it  out,  massages  it,  stretches  it  just  a  liPle  and  relaxes  away  all  the  tension  more  and  more…  

As  you  con0nue  to  relax,  the  light  flows  through  your  chest  and  finds  all  those  liPle  areas  of  0ny  tension,  and  begins  to  relax  those  too…

Even  the  muscles  and  organs  within  your  chest  just  begin  to  relax.

And  the  stomach  and  abs  begin  to  relax  too,  just  leQng  your  body  sit  there.

And  you  may  feel  almost  as  if  you’re  floa0ng  on  this  warm  sensa0on  of  relaxa0on  as  it  goes  down  your  legs,  relaxing  the  thighs  completely  and  totally…

To  Learn  More  About  Self  Hypnosis  Go  HERE  Now.


Page 5: Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence® · Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence®

Deeper  and  deeper,  relax  deeper,  and  you  con0nue  deeper,  and  even  deeper  calm,  very,  very  relaxed.

And  now  that  you’re  here,  feeling  sooo  relaxed,  so  wonderful,  and  able  to  enjoy  yourself  in  total  relaxa0on.

Completely  relaxed  and  ready  to  learn  even  more…Go  ahead  and  remain  in  hypnosis.

Treasure  ChestWhile  relaxing  fully  and  completely,  it’s  0me  to  open  up  your  treasure  chest.

Put  any  stray  thoughts,  worries,  or  concerns  into  it.

As  you’ve  done  so  many  0mes  in  the  past.

Put  any  distrac0ng  or  unhelpful  thoughts  in  there  now.

I’ll  give  you  another  moment  to  put  it  all  away…

And  when  you’re  finished  you  can  shut  the  lid  0ght.

And  find  yourself  refocused  and  relaxed,  ready  to  go  even  deeper  into  hypnosis.

Elevator  DeepenerI  want  you  to  no0ce  that  you’re  standing  at  the  top  level  floor  of  a  beau0ful  skyscraper.  

This  skyscraper  is  30  stories  high  from  the  ground.  

To  Learn  More  About  Self  Hypnosis  Go  HERE  Now.


Page 6: Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence® · Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence®

It’s  a  bright  sunny  day,  and  you  can  feel  the  rays  of  light  shining  in  through  all  the  windows.  

You  may  even  look  out  the  windows  for  a  moment,  and  bask  in  the  beauty  of  the  clear  blue  sky...  

Now,  turn  around,  wander  forward,  and  imagine  there’s  a  pair  of  elevator  doors  right  in  front  of  you.  

Perhaps  these  doors  are  made  out  of  stainless  steel.

Maybe  they’re  made  of  brass,  or  maybe  they’re  made  of  something  en0rely  different.  

You  can  customize  your  elevator  however  you’d  like.  

Because  this  is  your  Express  Elevator,  and  it’s  responsible  for  guiding  you  down,  all  the  way  down  into  the  Delta  state.

Press  the  buPon  downwards,  and  no0ce  the  elevator  doors  opening  up  

in  front  of  you,  welcoming  you  inside.  

As  you  stand  outside,  looking  inside,  go  ahead  and  do  whatever  it  is  your  unconscious  would  like  to  do  to  make  your  elevator  safe,  

comfortable,  and  relaxing.  

No0ce  what  the  walls  look  like.  

It’s  possible  they’re  made  of  glass,  so  you’ll  be  able  to  see  yourself  going  down.  

Or  maybe  they’re  decorated  with  wood  panels,  or  maybe  even  fancy  


To  Learn  More  About  Self  Hypnosis  Go  HERE  Now.


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Your  unconscious  can  do  whatever  it’d  like  to  do  in  the  next  moment  to  customize  your  elevator  in  whatever  way  will  bring  you  the  deepest  into  



Now  go  ahead  and  step  inside,  allowing  the  doors  to  gently  close  behind  you...  and  no0ce  it  states  you’re  on  the  30th  floor.  

I’d  like  your  unconscious  to  press  the  buPon  that  will  guide  you  all  the  way  down  to  the  subbasement,  deeper  than  the  deepest  you’ve  ever  

been  in  hypnosis.  

This  subbasement  contains  everything  that  is  the  Delta  state…  more  relaxed  than  you’ve  ever  known  yourself  to  be.

It’s  0me  to  press  that  buPon...  and  no0ce  you’re...  29...  0mes  more  relaxed...    deeper  and  deeper...

28...  going  way  down  now...

Passing  the  27th  floor...  allowing  your  body  to  relax  even  more...

And  while  your  elevator  is  going  down,  I  want  you  to  do  the  Tense  &  

Relax  Technique  from  previous  sessions…

Depending  on  how  deep  into  hypnosis  you  are,  you  have  2  choices…

You  can  either  do  the  tense  &  relax  technique  as  I  describe  it…

Or  you  can  imagine  you’re  doing  the  tense  &  relax  technique…

Do  whatever  will  bring  you  into  the  deepest  level  of  hypnosis.

To  Learn  More  About  Self  Hypnosis  Go  HERE  Now.


Page 8: Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence® · Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence®

I’ll  tell  you  to  tense  your  en0re  body  in  a  moment…  and  that  will  be  your  cue  to  either  tense  it…  or  imagine  you’re  tensing  it…  then  relaxing  


But  this  0me,  we’ll  only  tense  your  body  once  before  moving  on  toward  

the  Theta  state.

Because  you’ve  done  this  many  0mes…  and  you  know  what  you’re  doing.

When  you’re  finished  your  unconscious  will  be  in  the  Alpha  state…  So  let’s  begin.

Go  ahead  and  tense  everything,  from  the  top  of  your  head,  down  to  the  0ps  of  your  fingers,  down  to  your  chest,  stomach,  legs,  feet,  and  your  toes.

Tense  everything  for  a  few  seconds…  and  let  it  all  go.

Relax,  collapse,  and  go  down,  deeper  into  hypnosis.

Take  a  nice,  deep  breath  in…  and  out…  leQng  go  of  all  the  tension.


You’re  doing  this  perfectly.

Completely  relaxing  everything  now…  as  the  elevator  passes  the  24th  floor...

The  24th  floor  is  the  Alpha  state…  and  you’re  going  down…

23…  slowly  relaxing  more  and  more...

To  Learn  More  About  Self  Hypnosis  Go  HERE  Now.


Page 9: Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence® · Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence®

22…  feeling  the  crown  of  your  head  relaxing  downwards…  allowing  the  relaxa0on  to  go  down,  relaxing  your  facial  muscles...

Passing  the  21st    floor  …  Relaxing  the  en0re  facial  area  now...

And  as  you’re  passing  the  20th  floor…  your  unconscious  would  like  to  

thank  you  for  doing  this  session...  and  also  prepare  you  for  how  deeply  you’re  going  to  relax  into  Delta.

Because  Delta  is  where  real  change  can  happen  easily  and  effortlessly.  

You  may  no0ce  that  aSer  the  hypnosis,  when  you’re  not  in  the  Delta  state,  you’ll  feel  more  energe0c,  more  enthusias0c,  and  more  op0mis0c.  

While  passing  the  19th  floor…  your  unconscious  knows  you’ll  have  a  more  posi0ve  outlook  on  life.  

You’ll  feel  healthier  and  revitalized  in  every  way,  both  mentally  and  physically.  

Going  down…  18…  You  no0ce  that  because  you’re  so  good  at  relaxing,  you’ll  get  deeper  rest  while  you’re  asleep.  

Passing  the  17th  floor  causes  your  unconscious  to  reflect,  and  imagine  your  ideal  healthy  lifestyle...  How  good  does  it  feel?  

You’re  becoming  healthier,  so  you  can  receive  more  nutri0on  for  strength,  rest,  and  wonderfully  deep  sleep.

To  Learn  More  About  Self  Hypnosis  Go  HERE  Now.


Page 10: Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence® · Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence®

It  will  be  easier  to  eliminate  nega0ve  thinking,  or  anything  that  isn’t  helping  you,  from  your  brain.  

Passing  the  16th  floor  seems  to  do  this…  and  do  so  much  more…

You’re  s0mula0ng  your  body’s  natural  desire  for  water.  

Everything  about  you  is  feeling  healthier,  more  energe0c,  and  rejuvenated.

In  fact,  imagine  right  now  that  you’re  more  energe0c  and  vital.  Pretend  

that  you’re  happier,  healthier,  and  enjoying  life  to  the  fullest.

What  does  that  mental  picture  of  you  look  like,  now  that  you’re  feeling  


You  may  no0ce  you  look  and  feel  younger.  

You’ll  no0ce  that  you’re  giving  yourself  more  energy  when  you  need  it...  

and  you’re  able  to  balance  it  out  by  sleeping  deeper  when  it’s  0me  to  rest.  

Imagine  it’s  becoming  easier  and  easier  to  unwind  aSer  a  busy  day...  That’s  right.  

Look  at  how  far  down  you’re  going…  passing  the  12th  floor…  imagine  

that  throughout  your  day  you’re  feeling  totally  relaxed,  totally  refreshed,  and  totally  re-­‐invigorated.  

As  you’re  going  deeper  into  hypnosis,  you’ll  no0ce  that  your  normal,  everyday  life  will  feel  re-­‐energized  and  rejuvenated...  

Excellent  work…

Passing  the  11th  floor  now…  let’s  go  even  deeper…  into  hypnosis…

To  Learn  More  About  Self  Hypnosis  Go  HERE  Now.


Page 11: Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence® · Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence®

As  you’re  passing  the  10th  floor,  I  want  you  to  imagine  you’re  back  at  the  top  of  your  staircase…and  that  you’re  feeling  10  0mes  more  relaxed…

Knowing  that  with  every  step  you  take,  you’ll  feel  doubly  relaxed  as  you  normally  would  going  down  your  staircase…

Passing  the  9th  floor…  dreaming,  driSing,  dropping,  deeper  into  relaxa0on…

Take  that  8th  step  down…  feeling  so  relaxed  and  tranquil…  feel  yourself  

go  down,  even  deeper  into  hypnosis  now.

Passing  the  7th  floor…  no0cing  how  deeply  you’re  breathing…

While  you’re  taking  that  6th  step  down  now…

5…  Feeling  so  relaxed  and  tranquil,  knowing  you’re  almost  there…

4….  More  stories  to  go  now…

3…  even  lower…

2…  relaxed  to  even  move…

And  1…  Descending  to  the  deepest  parts  of  your  mind  now…

Imagine  those  elevator  doors  opening  up,  as  you  walk  into  a  wonderful  garden.

This  garden  is  Delta…

Feel  free  to  take  a  moment  to  bask  in  the  wonderfully,  rejuvena0ng  

energy  that  is  the  Delta  state…

No0ce  all  the  lush  plants  and  trees  outside…  and  how  fresh  the  air  smells…  the  sun  is  shining  wonderfully  bright…

To  Learn  More  About  Self  Hypnosis  Go  HERE  Now.


Page 12: Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence® · Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence®

As  you’re  basking  in  all  the  energy  outside…  and  inside…  

You’re  relaxing  deeper  into  hypnosis  than  you’ve  ever  been  before.

So  while  you’re  in  this  wonderful  state  of  Delta…

Zip  File  TechniqueSince  you’re  so  relaxed  in  Delta…  we’re  going  to  do  the  Zip  File  technique  now.

Take  those  sugges0ons  from  that  sheet  of  paper…

Think  about  the  ones  you  remember  consciously,  and  let  your  unconscious  just  fill  in  any  blanks.

It  doesn’t  even  maPer  if  you  don’t  remember  any  of  them,  just  imagine  that  piece  of  paper  now,  folded  and  zipped  up  into  a  nice,  0ght  liPle  package,  just  like  a  zip  file,  and  imagine  that  page  streaming  up  into  

your  mind,  

Beginning  to  upload  into  your  unconscious.

Imagine  them  just  streaming  out  of  the  paper  and  streaming  right  into  your  mind,  leQng  the  whole  thing  upload  itself  to  your  brain.

Let  all  the  sugges0ons  get  in  there…  

And  once  it’s  all  inside,  go  ahead  and  imagine  them  expanding,  unzipping  that  package,  and  each  sugges0on  knows  just  where  to  go  

inside  your  mind.

Imagine  all  the  informa0on  geQng  placed  deep  into  your  brain.

Just  let  your  mind  set  all  of  those  sugges0ons  running,  all  at  once...

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Page 13: Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence® · Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence®

LeQng  yourself  focus  on  each  one,  no0cing  where  it  is,  how  it’s  beginning  to  change  your  percep0on  of  your  life.

No0ce  all  the  images,  all  the  sounds,  all  the  feelings  coming  through,  right  into  your  mind,  and  beginning  to  actualize  themselves,  right  now.

Imagine  the  informa0on  flowing  through  the  synapses,  electricity  racing  through  your  brain  and  crea0ng  new  pathways,  new  paPerns  of  thought  as  your  mind  changes...

And  your  brain  runs  those  sugges0ons  as  long  as  they’re  useful  to  you.

You  might  even  no0ce  a  few  specific  ideas  as  they  set  themselves  in  

your  mind,  

Locking  into  place  and  beginning  to  set  in  place  those  new  paPerns  and  changing  your  en0re  life  for  the  bePer.

Control  RoomNow,  go  ahead  and  stop  by  your  control  room.  

You  know  where  it  is.

Go  ahead  and  allow  your  unconscious  to  quickly  but  gently  make  any  minor  adjustments  it  needs  to  in  order  to  fulfill  your  inten0on  


Turn  any  switches,  flip  any  levers,  or  set  any  dials  you  need  to  in  order  

to  in  order  to  fulfill  your  inten0on  now…

Or  you  may  no0ce  all  of  the  seQngs  are  already  perfect,  just  the  way  they  are…

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Either  way,  go  ahead  and  wrap  it  all  up,  knowing  your  unconscious  will  remember  your  seQngs…  good.

Ring  of  Power  TechniqueNow  let’s  do  the  Ring  of  Power  Technique.  

This  technique  will  give  you  a  powerful  resource  so  you’ll  learn  how  to  feel  any  posi0ve  emo0on  you  want,  at  any  0me  you  want.  

Just  con0nue  listening  to  the  sound  of  my  voice  as  I  guide  you  through  

this  journey...

Before  we  begin,  note  that  we’re  going  to  use  your  unconscious  to  call  up  certain,  empowering  memories  from  your  past...  

If  at  any  point  you  can’t  immediately  remember  the  posi0ve  emo0on  

we’re  asking  about,  if  the  feeling  doesn’t  race  toward  you  right  away,  I’d  like  your  unconscious  to  imagine  it  anyway.  

Pretend  you  have  these  past  experiences,  and  your  unconscious  will  be  able  to  imagine  you’re  in  that  moment,  feeling  these  feelings  fully  and  completely.  

Not  everybody  realizes  this,  but  hypnosis  and  pretending  are  very  similar.  

The  more  you  pretend,  the  more  you’ll  actually  feel  the  feelings,  and  your  body  will  react  as  though  you  have  them...  therefore  making  them  real  for  you,  now,  in  this  deep  state  of  hypnosis.

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Page 15: Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence® · Tellman Knudson Presents: The Self Hypnosis Sequence®

To  start,  I  want  your  unconscious  to  imagine  that  you  see  a  ring  on  the  floor  in  front  of  you.  

This  ring  can  be  as  large  or  small  as  you  like,  but  make  sure  it’s  large  enough  to  fit  your  en0re  body.  

This  is  your  Ring  of  Power.  

Some  people  imagine  that  fire  is  racing  through,  and  circling  around  their  ring.  

Other  people  imagine  there’s  electricity  around  their  ring,  consistently  flowing  energy  through  it  at  all  0mes...  

I  want  you  to  go  ahead  and  imagine  whatever  you  feel  is  the  most  appropriate.  

Imagine  whatever  will  bring  you  the  most  personal  empowerment  

when  you  use  your  imagina0on  to  step  inside...  good.

Don’t  do  anything  yet,  but  in  a  moment  you’re  going  to  imagine  you’re  stepping  inside  the  ring.  

The  only  thing  this  ring  knows  is  posi0ve  emo0ons.  

The  only  thing  it  knows  is  truth.  

Every  0me  you  imagine  you’re  stepping  inside,  you’re  only  allowed  to  

feel  good,  powerful,  posi0ve  energy  racing  inside  you.  

So  let’s  begin.

I  want  you  to  remember  a  0me  when  you  felt  totally  confident...  

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I’d  like  to  ask  you,  can  you  remember  a  specific  0me  when  you  felt  totally  confident.  

A  0me  when  you  knew  what  you  were  doing,  you  felt  great  about  your  communica0on,  and  you  felt  like  you  were  on  top  of  the  world...    good.  

As  you  remember  that  0me  now,  imagine  you’re  floa0ng  back  into  your  body,  and  seeing  what  you  saw,  hearing  what  you  heard,  and  feeling  the  feelings  of  being  totally  confident...  

Keeping  all  of  those  confident  feelings  in  mind,  imagine  you’re  stepping  inside  the  ring,  feeling  totally  confident  and  powerful...  good...  and  only  

step  out  of  the  ring  when  you  no0ce  the  feelings  beginning  to  fade...  


When  you’re  done,  I  want  you  to  imagine  a  0me  when  you  felt  totally  mo0vated.  

Your  unconscious  can  help  with  this.  

Can  you  remember  a  specific  0me  when  you  felt  totally  mo0vated?  

You  were  full  of  fiery  energy,  and  ready  to  take  on  whatever  the  world  

was  bringing  to  you...  Excellent.  

As  you  remember  that  0me  now,  imagine  you’re  floa0ng  into  your  body,  

and  seeing  what  you  saw,  hearing  what  you  heard,  and  feeling  the  feelings  of  being  totally  mo0vated.  

And  when  that  mo0va0on  is  fully  charged,  imagine  you’re  stepping  

inside  the  circle  now...  


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And  stay  inside  the  circle  only  as  long  as  you  con0nue  feeling  totally  mo0vated...  

That’s  right.  

When  you’re  ready  step  outside  of  the  circle,  and  let’s  do  one  more.  

Lastly,  I  want  you  to  remember  a  0me  when  you  felt  totally  and  completely  loved.  

You  felt  completely  loved,  and  your  heart  was  filled  with  all  the  wonderful  feelings  of  feeling  loved...  

That’s  right.  

Can  you  remember  a  specific  0me  when  you  felt  totally  loved?

As  you  remember  that  0me  now,  I  want  you  to  imagine  you’re  floa0ng  

into  your  body,  seeing  what  you  saw,  hearing  what  you  heard,  and  feeling  the  feelings  of  being  totally  and  completely  loved...  

And  when  you’re  there,  you  can  step  inside  the  circle  now...  

Step  inside  the  circle,  feeling  all  the  feelings  of  being  totally  and  completely  loved...  

That’s  right...  

And  when  the  feeling  no  longer  feels  as  strong,  you  can  step  out...  


Now,  we  have  aPached  the  feelings  of  feeling  totally  mo0vated,  

confident,  and  loved  into  your  Ring  of  Power.  

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In  a  moment,  let’s  step  back  into  the  ring,  and  no0ce  that  all  of  those  wonderful  feelings  will  come  flooding  back  to  you.  

Your  body  will  feel  all  sorts  of  amazing  sensa0ons  as  you’ll  feel  totally  mo0vated,  confident,  and  totally  and  completely  loved...  

So  when  you’re  ready,  go  ahead  and  step  inside  your  Ring  of  Power  now...  and  feel  all  of  the  feelings  of  being  totally  mo0vated,  totally  confident,  and  totally  and  completely  loved...  

Your  body  is  like  a  sponge  soaking  up  all  of  those  feelings...  and  when  you’re  ready,  step  out  of  the  circle...  good.

Excellent  work.  

Your  unconscious  would  like  to  thank  you  for  crea0ng  this  Ring  of  


Know  that  you  can  come  back  to  this  Ring  of  Power  at  any  0me  you’d  

like  in  the  future.  

If  you  ever  have  a  bad  day,  you  can  take  a  moment  and  allow  your  unconscious  to  remember  your  Ring  of  Power,  so  you  may  step  inside  it  

and  choose  to  feel  good  again.  

Your  body  will  remember  this  state  of  trance,  and  be  aPached  to  all  of  

the  wonderful  feelings  you  put  inside  the  circle.  

In  fact,  pretend  that  you’re  shrinking  the  circle  down...  all  the  way  down  to  the  size  of  a  ring...  and  place  that  ring  on  your  finger.  

That  ring  can  be  on  your  finger  all  the  0me...  so  the  next  0me  you  need  it,  it  will  be  right  here  for  you  when  you  return...  

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Also,  we’ll  con0nue  building  on  your  Ring  of  Power  for  our  next  few  hypnosis  sessions.  

That  way  your  Ring  of  Power  is  going  to  get  stronger,  and  more  powerful.  

And  every  day  you  do  it  you’ll  get  closer  and  closer  to  feeling  all  of  the  

wonderful  feelings  your  unconscious  wants  you  to  feel,  at  any  0me  you  want  to  feel  them.

Dream  Replay  TechniqueAs  this  session  is  coming  to  a  close,  your  unconscious  can  remember  everything  you  learned.

Your  body  is  geQng  bePer  at  mastering  the  Delta  State.

You  learned  how  to  make  your  dreams  more  vivid  and  more  powerful.

You  learned  how  to  go  deeper  into  trance  than  you’ve  ever  been  before…

Your  unconscious  is  geQng  bePer  giving  you  more  energy  throughout  

the  day…

And  bePer  sleep  at  night.

I’d  like  to  suggest  that  your  unconscious  integrate  everything  you  learned  just  now  into  your  dreams.

Your  unconscious  can  start  living  these  sugges0ons  as  a  dream.

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Every  0me  you  go  to  sleep,  these  sugges0ons  will  grow  stronger  and  more  powerful.

They’ll  be  rooted  deeply  into  your  unconscious.

It’ll  be  easy  for  you  to  act  on  all  of  these  posi0ve  sugges0ons  in  your  


They’ll  translate  outside  of  your  dreams  when  you  wake  up,  so  your  unconscious  can  do  things  to  really  transform  and  rejuvenate  your  body,  

mind,  and  spirit.

You’ll  be  able  to  enter  your  dreams  more  fully.

You’ll  have  a  greater  capacity  to  get  in  touch  with  your  energy  when  you  need  it.

Your  unconscious  is  guiding  you  closer  and  closer  toward

mastering  your  body.

It’s  becoming  easier  for  you  to  feel  awake,  revitalized,  and  rejuvenated  

throughout  your  day.

Your  unconscious  is  even  planning  your  dreams,  connec0ng  them  to  this  session  now.

Your  unconscious  is  con0nuously  integra0ng  all  of  these  sugges0ons  to  give  you  more  personal  empowerment  in  your  life.

Keeping  all  of  this  in  mind,  let’s  wake  up…  and  make  your  dreams  come  true.

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Wake  UpNow,  let’s  step  back  into  the  subbasement  of  your  skyscraper,  so  you  

can  wake  up.  

You’ll  get  into  your  elevator,  and  go  way  back  up  to  the  top  of  your  


And  when  we’re  back  up,  you’ll...  have  two  choices  depending  on  your  mood.

If  you’re  listening  to  this  at  night  and  you  want  to  go  to  bed,  then  you’ll  find  it  easy  to  do  so.

You’ll  be  able  to  wake  up  from  trance  and  fall  asleep  in  bed.

And  you’ll  enjoy  a  nice,  relaxing,  peaceful  night’s  sleep.

Or  nap,  depending  on  what  you  want.

However,  if  it’s  in  the  middle  of  the  day  and  you  s0ll  have  things  to  do…

You’ll  experience  that  you’ll  wake  up  feeling  wide  awake.

You’ll  be  fully  awake  and  energized.

You’ll  have  tons  of  posi0ve  energy  and  be  ready  to  brightly  face  the  rest  of  your  day.

You’ll  find  it  easy  to  feel  awake  and  energized  throughout  your  day  –  depending  on  what  you  want  to  feel.

Ready?  It’s  0me  to  come  out.

Go  into  your  Express  Elevator  now,  allowing  the  doors  to  close  behind  

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you...    as  you  press  the  buPon  for  the  30th  floor...  

Passing  the  1st  floor...    you’re  star0ng  to  wake  up...

At  the  2nd  floor...  feeling  more  energy  in  your  body...

3…  You  no0ce  your  Express  Elevator  seems  to  be  going  up  faster…

5…  your  Express  Elevator  is  waking  you  up  faster,  but  safely  and  gently…

7…  Breathing  in  nice  and  deeply…

Already  further  up,  feeling  alive,  passing  the  10th  floor…  waking  up  more

Going  up  higher  and  higher…  Passing  the  15th  floor...  knowing  you’re  halfway  there...

Passing  the  25th  floor...    your  eyelids  are  fluPering...

26…  Closer  and  closer  to  waking  up…

Passing  the  27th  floor…  becoming  more  conscious…

Passing  the  29th  floor…  you’re  almost  there…

Up,  up,  and  all  the  way  up  to  the  30th  floor.

The  doors  open,  and  you  walk  outside  your  elevator,  back  into  your  room.

Feeling  awake,  refreshed,  and  feeling  good  for  no  good  reason.


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