Tele Vergence Solutions Cpn i

A.NNUAL ' 7 C.F.R. CUSl'ONIER ROPI(IE1'ARY 6,1.2009(e) FFICER'S ERTIFICIATION NITTWORK NFORMATION CPNI) COMPLIAN(IE Arrnual 4.2009(e) I)Nl Certilrcatiort icr 2011: Narne of cotnpany(s) overed rl' {his cerlification: Form 499 Filer D : Name of signatorY: Title of signatorv: Coverirrg calertdar Yettr 2012 Televergertce olutions. n c . 821991 Deborah Ward Ctr() arr otficcr of the corttpally lallled abol'e- alrd ar' inq a s I have persorlal krrowledge hat the colllpanr lias that are' adequatc to ell:jLlre otnpliill.tce 'l tll tllc C.l'.R. 64.2001 t set1. l. Dc,borah V/arcl. crtif,r'tha1 attl a n agent of tire colnpalll'' that establislred o;relatill,g pro';edttres Commission CPfJI ules. See 7 2 . Atta,:hed 0 lhis, ertiflcation s an accornpanf ng statelnellt xplaitring 'rou' hc colllpi-tl1\ s procedures ,':iltre hat the cornpan\,is n cornpliance 'ith the reqtriretnr:l'rts iIclu'Jing t1 r,,,, ntar:datir.rg lrLc adoptiorl of CPN procedrtres. rainirrg. recor'Jke:pirLg' n d sUp,rrvisor), e.rie$):;et orlh n \6.1.200 e t seq. o1-the omtrlission's ules' -fhe compa:t1, -,as ot aken ictiops l.s., proceedings nstituted r petitiorrs ilerd )'a (ornpanv at erithcf state colnlr-yssious. he cor-rrt ),steul. or at the C'omn-rissiorl gaill:i1 ata broliers) agairst data t t tlie p;rst 'ear. Ther cotlprrny ltzrs not leceil'cd lunaulhorizt:d t:lease f CPN . customer cotlplaints in the piisl Year cottccrrtitlg h c 'l'1e c'rnpilry trcprcs,ents n d uarrants that tlte above certificalion s cot.tsistcrrt \'ith;17 C.F' { . \ 1.1 u,hich requircs t'uthfirl and accut'ate tatelrsllts o tl're Clomrr-Lissirtl f he cornpany alsrt a,:kltoullerJges hat talse statelnellts and rnisreprescntatitJlls o h e Contmissiol ;ife ptlllishalrle utlder l-itle l 8 o f the U.S' C'rde and nlal sLrb.lcct t to enitrrcetneul ctiol.l. J . 4 . \ fi /, / /, - 4Lfu4-4L-4,- ce-'>-' Deborah Warcl Clro D ate A,:cotrrpat'rvi g Staletrent xplaining C P N procedures - J-t atlr Attachments:

Transcript of Tele Vergence Solutions Cpn i

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