Dear readers, As we bid a fond farewell to 2010, and welcome in 2011; we present to you the first TEIMUN newsflash. On behalf of the TEIMUN Board and Staff, the Chair of the Board and the Secretary General wish you a successful and enjoyable 2011, cheers! 2011 is a year in which the world faces challenges like never before. As we become a faster world, with technology bridging gaps at every turn, it is crucial that we remember not to create even wider gaps elsewhere. The long-fought crisis in the Middle East is still nowhere near conclusion despite numerous treaties, resolutions and peace talks. Children continue to die in staggering numbers due to the lack of water, sanitation and basic hygiene. War has become a commonplace item in our news, energy concerns are high, dissemination of information is unprecedented and yet such techno- logyis enabling us to explore further than ever before. Board and Staff have been officially in place since September 2010, and have since been incredibly busy in preparing TEIMUN and GrunnMUN 2011. These efforts have not been in vain, and we are proud to present the results to you. The 21st of March will see the Academy Building of the University of Groningen in MUN spheres once again. Around 100 participants will have an exciting debate on the “Giants of the World.” We expect that GrunnMUN will be a big success again mainly because of you, the international oriented student. Only a few months later, the TEIMUN crew will guarantee an even bigger and more exciting MUN experience, namely TEIMUN. This event will be held from the 11th until the 18th of July in The Hague. We have in- ternationally renowned speakers at the Openings Ceremony, which will be revealed in this newsflash. Fur- thermore, the staff is already preparing highly interesting simulations based on the 2011 theme: “The Next Generation.” While the world seems to be in some dis- array, it is our challenge as the youth of today and leaders of tomorrow, to start really considering these problems. The challenges that face us are huge, but it is platforms and arenas like TEIMUN which give voice to those who seek out such challenges, and want to work with others to help find sustainable solutions to our global problems. Let us hope that 2011 sees a year in which political and socio-economic structures are more in check, that the world is content with an ami- cable power balance and that we work together towards a greater good. The European International Model United Nations Newsletter January/February 2011 Contents: Greetings and GrunnMUN|Registration| Jaap de Hoop Scheffer On behalf of the Board, On behalf of the Staff, Jori de Goffau – Chairman Dilpreet K Dhanoa – Secretary General


TEIMUN newsletter

Transcript of TEIMUN

Page 1: TEIMUN

Dear readers,As we bid a fond farewell to 2010, and welcome in 2011; we present to you the first TEIMUN newsflash. On behalf of the TEIMUN Board and Staff, the Chair of the Board and the Secretary General wish you a successful and enjoyable 2011, cheers! 2011 is a year in which the world faces challenges like never before. As we become a faster world, with technology bridging gaps at every turn, it is crucial that we remember not to create even wider gaps elsewhere. The long-fought crisis in the Middle East is still nowhere near conclusion despite numerous treaties, resolutions and peace talks. Children continue to die in staggering numbers due to the lack of water, sanitation and basic hygiene. War has become a commonplace item in our news, energy concerns are high, dissemination of information is unprecedented and yet such techno-logyis enabling us to explore further than ever before. Board and Staff have been officially in place since September 2010, and have since been incredibly busy in preparing TEIMUN and GrunnMUN 2011. These efforts have not been in vain, and we are proud to present the results to you.The 21st of March will see the Academy Building of the University of Groningen in MUN spheres once again. Around 100 participants will have an exciting debate on the “Giants of the World.” We expect that GrunnMUN will be a big success again mainly because of you, the international oriented student. Only a few months later, the TEIMUN crew will guarantee an even bigger and more exciting MUN experience, namely TEIMUN. This event will be held from the 11th until the 18th of July in The Hague. We have in-ternationally renowned speakers at the Openings Ceremony, which will be revealed in this newsflash. Fur-thermore, the staff is already preparing highly interesting simulations based on the 2011 theme: “The Next Generation.” While the world seems to be in some dis- array, it is our challenge as the youth of today and leaders of tomorrow, to start really considering these problems. The challenges that face us are huge, but it is platforms and arenas like TEIMUN which give voice to those who seek out such challenges, and want to work with others to help find sustainable solutions to our global problems. Let us hope that 2011 sees a year in which political and socio-economic structures are more in check, that the world is content with an ami-cable power balance and that we work together towards a greater good.

The European International Model United NationsNewsletter January/February 2011

Contents: Greetings and GrunnMUN|Registration| Jaap de Hoop Scheffer

On behalf of the Board, On behalf of the Staff,Jori de Goffau – Chairman Dilpreet K Dhanoa – Secretary General

Page 2: TEIMUN

Dear international students,

With great pleasure, efforts have been made to promote the conference in every part of the world in the past few months, and the first registrations indicate that numerous nationalities have been reached. It will be a real global gathering again! If you think simulating the UN is dull or bureaucratic, think again! Representing another country than your home coun try in one of our 7 Councils ex-pands your mind in multiple ways. Firstly, you need to getto know the country’s back ground and its related international issues. Who are your friends, what are non-discussable topics, whatdecisions would be best for your country, and who should not be trusted? Secondly, you have to determine your state-ments and positions for the council topics of the conference. Make alliances, decide negoti-able factors, and prepare for clash or cooperation. Thirdly, be the representative! Make Oba-ma, Vana Rousseff, Patil, Medvedev, Merkel, Sarkozy, Ahmadinejad, Yud-hoyono, Jintao, or Chavez proud of your work. TEIMUN is known among other MUN’s for the participants’ diversity, the high-quality of staff members, and its fabulous social activities. People from around the world become close friends in one week of joining TEIMUN. Participants enlarge their international network and will remain in contact with each other for the rest of their lives. As the last years have proven, TEIMUN-participants meet each other everywhere and will often walk into one another in their future careers.This year, the 24th confer-ence will be held from 11 until 17 July 2011. Many years of experience in the organization of such an event have contributed to its high standard. The Hague remains our international spot where all the TEIMUN-activ ities take place and with Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, and London just around the corner, it is a great spring-board into Eu-rope. With a contemporary but always interesting theme such as: ‘The Next Generation, defining the future of global governance,’ we know that you will have enough to debate on and that you will enjoy TEIMUN to the fullest. Our Board is very enthusiastic to welcome you at TEIMUN 2011!On behalf of the Board of Directors, Ernestine Fagel and Frans Bos

A very important task of the programme coordinator of TEIMUN is to make sure that an impressive Key Note Speaker is present at the Opening Ceremony of TEIMUN. This year the Board of Directors is very proud to present three speakers! First of them is mister Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. He is a renewed politician in the Netherlands. During the first and second cabinet of Jan Peter Balkenende he served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He resigned to fill in another very prestigious post, he become Secretary General of NATO.

These days mister De Hoop Scheffer is a teacher at the University of Leiden, where he focuses on issues in the are of peace, law, and security. The Board of Directors is very pleased to welcome him on July 11th in The Hague. In the next newsletters we will present the other two speak-ers, Uri Rosenthal and Sigrid Kaag.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Lotte van Mourik,Program Coordinator

The European International Model United NationsNewsletter 2011 January/February

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Jaap de Hoop Scheffer as our first

speaker for the Openings Ceremony!