Teen suicide


Transcript of Teen suicide

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Teen Suicide Prevention

Actions from parents side.

Actions from friends side

Talk about teen suicide. Avoid criticism.Show love to your

teenager.Listen to your teenager.Keep lethal weapons out

of your home.Getting professional

help in teen suicide prevention such as counseling.

1. Take your friend’s actions seriously

2. Encourage your friend to seek professional help, accompany if necessary

3. Talk to an adult you trust. Don’t be alone in helping your friend.

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SuggestionsMedia should avoid repeated or

sensationalistic coverage. Programmes and workshops for parentingThe schools should have plans to deal with

stress among childrenNational suicide intervention programme. Providing support to those bereaved by

suicide and decriminalizing attempted suicide.

Complementary therapies to combat stress Chill-out zones in school to relax

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Conclusion Exams are important as their results

influence future professional career, social status and self–esteem. Every person has own optimal level of worry and anxiety, which helps him/ her to achieve the best results. We must learn how to control stress and extra anxiety for preparing for the test. If exams cause great worry, and there are some symptoms of exam stress (insomnia, rapid pulse, hands trembling and so on) we ought to do something about it. We must prepare students to handle stress in a better way.

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So finally…

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