Teen Living Notes Obj. 3.01 Factors that affect relationships. Obj. 3.02 Consequences & risks of...

Teen Living Notes Obj. 3.01 Factors that affect relationships. Obj. 3.02 Consequences & risks of youth parenting.

Transcript of Teen Living Notes Obj. 3.01 Factors that affect relationships. Obj. 3.02 Consequences & risks of...

Page 1: Teen Living Notes Obj. 3.01 Factors that affect relationships. Obj. 3.02 Consequences & risks of youth parenting.

Teen Living Notes

Obj. 3.01 Factors that affect relationships.

Obj. 3.02 Consequences & risks of youth parenting.

Page 2: Teen Living Notes Obj. 3.01 Factors that affect relationships. Obj. 3.02 Consequences & risks of youth parenting.

Parenting & Parenthood

Parenting: The name given to the process of raising a child either through birth or adoption.

Development – An increasing skill in one or a combination of abilities. These include physical, emotional, social, and mental skills.

Page 3: Teen Living Notes Obj. 3.01 Factors that affect relationships. Obj. 3.02 Consequences & risks of youth parenting.

Parenting & Parenthood Parenting Requires:

DEDICATION – a deep level of continued commitment, no coffee break.

FLEXIBILITY – being ready and able to adapt to new and different circumstances. Things change all the time.

NURTURANCE – loving care, attention, support, and encouragement. To love, teach, and guide them, and further their development. A parent is a child first teacher.

GUIDANCE – words and actions that adults use to influence children’s behavior.

Page 4: Teen Living Notes Obj. 3.01 Factors that affect relationships. Obj. 3.02 Consequences & risks of youth parenting.

Parenting & Parenthood Learning refusal skills helps teenagers practice

sexual abstinence. These are techniques to resist negative pressure effectively. When you are in a situation that someone is trying to talk you into doing something you really don’t want to do. Be prepared on what to say and do.

Plan ahead Take your time (stall time) Be direct (state how you feel) Make eye contact Don’t apologize (stick to your values) Suggest an alternative (reverse the pressure &

suggest another activity)

Page 5: Teen Living Notes Obj. 3.01 Factors that affect relationships. Obj. 3.02 Consequences & risks of youth parenting.

Parenting & Parenthood When 2 people compromise, both

give up something to get something. The way you feel about yourself is

called your self-esteem. People with a poor self-concept tend

to have a negative image of themselves.

The best way to gain another person’s trust is to be honest.

Page 6: Teen Living Notes Obj. 3.01 Factors that affect relationships. Obj. 3.02 Consequences & risks of youth parenting.

Parenting & Parenthood Being fired from a job is a very

stressful situation. If a student becomes pregnant, a

financial consequence (cost) could be losing a scholarship to attend college.

Babies born to youth parents are more likely to have lower than average birth weight.

Page 7: Teen Living Notes Obj. 3.01 Factors that affect relationships. Obj. 3.02 Consequences & risks of youth parenting.

Parenting & Parenthood Dropping out of high school to earn

money for child support payments will affect ones future consequence.

Teenagers who sign an abstinence pledge agrees to postpone sexual activity until after marriage.

A youth parent giving up activities with friends affects the social development of a teenager's life.

Page 8: Teen Living Notes Obj. 3.01 Factors that affect relationships. Obj. 3.02 Consequences & risks of youth parenting.

Parenting & Parenthood The younger a girl is when she has a baby,

the more likely she is to live in poverty. Children born to youth parents are at a

greater risk for being abused and neglected.

Toxemia is a physical development that could occur during pregnancy. (Very serious condition) Could take the life of a mother & baby.

Page 9: Teen Living Notes Obj. 3.01 Factors that affect relationships. Obj. 3.02 Consequences & risks of youth parenting.

Parenting & Parenthood Smoking a pack of cigarettes could cause

harm to an unborn baby. An emotional consequence involved when

youth parenting are feelings of isolation, despair, and frustration.

Dating serves a significant purpose because it allows people to learn what qualities you like in a partner.

In some cases, when a 16 year old tells their parents that they are pregnant, the parents will kick them out from the home. The young girl will not have a job or any money available. She can go to social services for assistance.

Page 10: Teen Living Notes Obj. 3.01 Factors that affect relationships. Obj. 3.02 Consequences & risks of youth parenting.

Parenting & Parenthood When a young girl refuses to believe that

she is pregnant, and she continues to attend weekend parties and drink alcohol this type of behavior is putting her unborn baby at a high risk for developing fetal alcohol syndrome, which is a mentally handicap child.

when a young girl is pregnant she will not be able to take any medicine without the doctor’s approval, not even a aspirin for a headache. This can cause the baby (at risk) to be born with birth defects.

Page 11: Teen Living Notes Obj. 3.01 Factors that affect relationships. Obj. 3.02 Consequences & risks of youth parenting.

Parenting & Parenthood

When you can take other people’s ideas & opinions seriously you are showing respect.