TED Evaluation Slideshow

Math and Magic of Origami http://www.ted.com/talks/ robert_lang_folds_way_new_origami.htm l Evaluation by Ava Griffin

Transcript of TED Evaluation Slideshow

Robert Lang- The Math and Magic of Origami



Evaluation by Ava Griffin

Robert J. Lang

As an origami artist for 40 years, Dr. Lang teaches its’ connections to math, science, and technology. He has won many awards in his field.

Thesis:To see the relationship between flapping birds and space telescopes tied together with origami.

From the simplest…

…to the complex. Always expand.

Capturing and maintaining the attention of the audience

Explained everything in simple to complex terms.

Humor through out presentation.

Simple, clean slides.

Commandment III- “Thou Shalt Reveal thy Curiosity and thy Passion.”

Lang’s passion for the art of origami drives his audience to inspiration.

Dynamism Rating/ Improvement

Lang’s presentation deserves a score of 5/5 for dynamism. His gestures, attentive body language, change in pitch are spot on. He gets so worked up during his speech that he begins to sweat!

Lang follows all the tips that Garr Reynolds uses for Presentation Zen. His slides are simple and to the point with very little text. They are unable to stand alone without his speech.

Tips used from Garr Reynolds


Both inject humor into their speech and display passion on their topics.


Humor is a tool they both use however they deliver it quite differently. Lang's was more pragmatic were as Sir Ken's relied more on asides based on his family life.

Learned from Delivery

Through your animation and passion you engage your audience.

Using humor allows for a more intimate connection and longer attention span.

Tips of the Trade

Conclusion“When math is applied to something such as art, problems that you solved for aesthetic value they have a application in the real world.

Origami may someday save a life.” 

Origami heart stent: Props open a blocked artery for normal blood flow.

http://www.mymodernmet.com/profiles/blogs/the-most-beautiful-origami-art http://alumni.stanford.edu/get/page/magazine/article/?article_id=28370 http://lcinsalem.com/author/admin http://www.toonpool.com/cartoons/commandments%20moses%20sore%20thumb_73782 http://www.wisdomportal.com/Christmas/Figure5InGold.html http://www.skipprichard.com/audience-know-thy-speaker-7-tips-audience/ http://www.brighamandwomens.org/about_bwh/publicaffairs/news/pressreleases/PressRelease.aspx


http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/39/PTCA_stent_NIH.gif http://onlinebusinesslog.com/ http://www.google.com/url?



