Technology updated


Transcript of Technology updated

Rapiscan Secure 1000!

What is Rapiscan Secure 1000!

• The Secure 1000 is non intrusive personnel screening

system designed to detect metallic and non-metallic

objects concealed under a person's clothing. This

turnkey system offers numerous advantages over

metal detectors and "pat down" searches for

personnel screening.

• This form of body scanning has been in place in the

United States for a few years. Airports in New York

and Los Angeles started using it on April 18, 2008.

Airport Application

Locations of airports which have being using or will soon be using Body-Scanners

How safe is the process ?

The Images

Impacts of Body scanning

• Environment• Political / Institutional• Social• Technological• Legal• Economical impacts on society

Positive and negative impactsEnvironment: Positive:

Elimination of blind spots and potential opportunities for concealment, thereby increasing checkpoint security. It can detect organic and inorganic threats, metals and non-metallic objects.

Negative:• Revealing of a naked image of the person being scanned.

Passengers view this process as an invasion of privacy.• Create further congestion, and also delays as the time to scan

ranges from an average 18 seconds to 1 minute.

Positive and negative impacts cont’d


Positive:• Help government and country officials appear more current

with technology thereby aiding negotiations with other nations and states.

• Help airports negotiate better contracts with airlines and city officials.

Negative: May cause public backlash toward government and airline

officials regarding citizen rights.

Positive and negative impacts cont’d

Social Positive: May improve travel experience for travelers and

reduce stereotyping. Negative: May cause degradation in travel experience for

travelers who previously were not as heavily scrutinized. These individuals may be high profile, who previously enjoyed the flip side of stereotyping.

Positive and negative impacts cont’d

TechnologicalPositive:• Display the location of concealed object. • Leading edge technology which will only improve in the 


Negative: New evasive technologies will be developed to counter this

new technology. This will make it less effective, and may even cause problems when it is evaded.

Positive and negative impacts cont’d

PositivesAs equipment will reside in public sphere, data collected from the scanner will be admissible as evidence in trials.  This will make for more speedily prosecution and reduce time frame used in legal issues

Negatives • Anti-trust cases between Government, Airline and Citizens.• Will be seen as Infringement on Privacy, and as a result may be the centre of legal disputes.• No current guarantees that images will be kept safe from prying eyes. 


Economical impacts on society.

Positive:Improve commercial relationship between nations which can increase trade.

Negative: Can cause breakdown in relations for nations/airports who

decide not to implement the technology. This can cause economic fallout, as other nations or international organizations may impose sanctions.

Positive and negative impacts cont’d

Based on this information it is apparent that body-scanning should become a more integral part of our traveling experiences. The government should continue to support the installation of these devices. These devices can keep us and our country safe.