Technology table q6


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Transcript of Technology table q6

Page 1: Technology table q6

Technology What does it do?

How was it used?

Problems Solutions Lesson learned

Mac Has all the programs on needed to create every element of my coursework

Used Photoshop, iShowu, Prezi etc.

When saving my work onto the desktop, it was only accessible from that particular Mac

Saved worked into document so I could access my work from other Macs

This has helped me because I could do my work outside of class by using Macs in the library

DSLR camera – Canon 1000D

Take photographs

Used for every photograph I took

Sometimes the lighting wasn’t very good and it was difficult to focus

Used studio lights rather than flash on camera

I learnt in the future to always set up lights in order to ensure the photo wasn’t dark

Photoshop Allows you to edit images and produce things from scratch

To edit images and create both my college and music magazines

Near the start of the year I had troubles using this program

Continued to practice using Photoshop

I have now learnt to use Photoshop quickly and effectively

Indesign Similar features to Photoshop

To make my college magazine contents page

Had never used it before so was clueless of what to do

Practiced by creating a film poster of the hunger games

This was good because when making my college magazine contents page I could already use Indesign

Blogger Create a blog which people can view

To post all of my coursework onto

Had never used before at the start of the year

Practiced a lot and posted everything onto it

I will be able to make more blogs in the future as I now know how it works

PowerPoint Allows you to create presentations

To make several of my research documents

N/A N/A N/A I had used PowerPoint many times before so didn’t encounter any problems

Survey Monkey

You can create surveys which people can answer

For audience research

Took a while to make and get answers from

Gave myself enough time to be able to produce and distribute my

Shared the link to my survey on social media the next time

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survey I did it so that it was answered quicker

Tripod Holds camera Used when taking photos

Hard to set up Got help from my teacher

After several times it was easier to set up

Lighting Brightens up images and makes them clearer

Studio lights were used in all of my images

Sometimes the lights didn’t work

Checked in advance that there was lights available that were working

Improved time management as I was always checking things in advance

iShowu Allows you to record your voice whilst showing your screen

Used to make podcasts to show my blog and the production of my music magazine

Was quite confusing to use at first

Practised several times before recording the real podcast

When recording my second podcast a few months later, it was quicker as I had practiced before

iPhoto or image capture


Prezi Allows you to create presentations

Used for evaluation question 4

N/A N/A N/AHad used before many times

Social media You can share things with different people

To distribute surveys and get advice on music magazine

Struggled to target the audience I wanted

Sent direct messages to people of my target audience telling them to look at what I had posted

This was good because as a result I got advice from my target audience

Excel/Word Documents that allow you to create tables, text boxes etc

Used several times for parts of my blog

N/A N/A N/AHad used many times before

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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