Technology of the future


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Explains the future.

Transcript of Technology of the future

Page 1: Technology of the future

Technology of the FutureBy Jack Murphy 21st September 20011

Lots of people wonder what the technology of the future will be like and how will we use it? Will there be an Iphone 100, how about an Xbox 1080, all of these are ideas are possible in the long run but how can we perceive this ideas I hear you saying in my head. Well I’ll start by explaining a bit about the doomed technology of today and what’s replacing it and how that technology may evolve.

First piece of doomed technology the traditional telephone has all but died out, who wants some little plastic voice transmitter squealing at you when you can just talk to them using the Iphone’s face time and maybe in the future we might have invented a headset which just updates you constantly with information. But nothing seems as doomed as the television itself, why do you need a little black box sitting in the corner barking at you most people have parents for that.

The technology replacing the television is the laptop, to the average person there is nothing better than a portable television that plays games, videos and music on demand. However even the laptop is coming under attack from the new and more advance Ipad in which is everything is controlled by touch even though it’s basically an Iphone with greater size and futility by this rate we’ll be able to watch television from the sleeve of your shirt and for no reason at all.

Another medium that is dying out is the newspaper, why spend £1 everyday for 1 newspaper when you can get a million different news application on your Iphone or Ipad and because of this newspaper such as the News of he world are going bust whilst others such as The Guardian or The Times are fighting for survival, although they have also turned to the digital format however this is also predicted to be overtaken by epaper an invention in which you can read updated news from a digital piece of paper which is constantly updated.

Page 2: Technology of the future

In the future you can expect to see cameras on which you take pictures through your electronic eyes mobile phones that are implanted into your brain. The reason for these assumptions are because of the rate of increase we have shown in the past 10 years. Thirty years ago computers took up an entire room and were predicted to weigh one and a half tonnes by 2000 however you can now buy laptops which weigh less then 5 pounds.