Technology is destroying our minds, bodies,

Technology is Destroying our Minds, Bodies, and Communities By: Victoria Gray

Transcript of Technology is destroying our minds, bodies,

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Technology is Destroying our Minds, Bodies, and Communities

By: Victoria Gray

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Positive factors of technology

• Even though there is many negative factors connected to how much we use technology there is also some positive factors that are there as well such as, some one finding a long last friend and being able to reconnect with them, being able to talk with family who live far away, and use it for school and work etc.

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Negative factors of technology • Everywhere you go you see someone on their phone, laptop

etc. most of the time individuals need to use technology for work and school but it has gotten to the point where people seem so obsessed with being on social media sites like Facebook, twitter etc. they tend to think it is more important then spending time with family or can’t even go without being on there phone while driving. In 2011 23% of auto collisions involved cell phones. 1 in 5 drivers of all ages confess to surfing the web while driving (texting and driving safety)

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Technology and kids

• Being a parent is like having a full time job but now a days if parents are busy with their work, cooking, cleaning etc. They tend to sit their kids in front of the TV or the computer which can be the reason for the increase in obesity because kids aren’t getting out and being active anymore or are not going outside to play games but playing video games. If parents really kept an eye on what their children were doing on the internet as well it could help with online bullying which is something that is happening everyday. Parents could easily be setting times through out the day where there kids get to spend on social media sites, or play video games so they don’t become addicted and spend to much time on it.

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Healthcare and Technology

• The advantage of technology on healthcare has been very evident in today, a big part of it is now medical providers have new tools to work with and fresh ways to practice medicine. There is many things like electronic medical records, to advances in bio-medical engineering and technology, and also things like minimal invasive surgeries for things like cardiovascular and thoracic surgery.

• The dark side to technology and healthcare is how people like to use the internet to look up symptoms and diagnose themselves and decide to put off going to see their actual physician etc.

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Health problems associated with technology • Can cause psychological issues such as:

• Distraction

• Narcissism

• Expectation of instant gratification

• Depression

• Anxiety

• Technology also has negative repercussions on physical health causing:

• Vision problems

• Hearing loss

• And Neck strain

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Negative effects of technology

• Technology can disturb are sleeping habits, we stay up too late just staring at screens

• Isolation, everyone is always isolated and never really communicates with those around them

• Causes individuals to fall into a sedentary lifestyle

• It’s a huge distraction to what is really important

• Can cause bad neck and back pain

• Bullying and other negative social consequences

• Decline in normal social behaviours

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Symbolic Interactionism Theory • Definition- A sociological perspective that emphasizes that

human behaviour is influenced by definitions and meanings that are created and maintained through symbolic interaction with others

• This theory relates to technology and how It is destroying us because it is something that we use all the time even if it is not okay, such as texting and driving, walking with your phone open and not paying attention to those around you, and simply using technology as the way to communicate.

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Conflict theory

• Definition- the theoretical framework that understands material inequalities to be a driving force behind many social problems. Also known as Marxist theory.

• This theory is about those who have power and those who are less in power have to suffer because of this, the problem of technology relates to this theory because since technology is becoming such a big part of our lives it is also taking away jobs which leaves a lot of people out of work.

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Solutions to this problem

I don’t believe there will ever be a real solution to the problem of technology because people are going to do what they want even if it is causing major problems in their lives. We all rely on technology whether it is for school, work, or just for pleasure. People need to get back to when technology wasn’t the first resource for everything we don’t always have to use the internet for information or text each other. If people were made aware of all the issues related to technology, how it can effect you psychologically and physically maybe they will do something to better the issue technology has made for them.

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Solutions of the technology problem for kids Technology has had a major negative impact on kids and really needs to change. Parents could be doing so much more for there kids when it comes to technology by simply giving time limits on how long they are able to use a computer or watch TV. Pay more attention to them because sometimes it’s the parents who are paying way too much attention on their phones, laptops etc. which will rub off on their kids. Better making aware of the technology problem associated with kids might get parents aware they are doing more harm then good when letting their kids play video games all the time or be on the internet too often. Also schools can get on top of this problem by getting kids more active not only having gym class but possibly taking them outside and doing classes out doors.

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• Technology can have positive or negative impact on social interactions. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2015, from

• Texting and Driving Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2015, from

• 10 Negative Effects of Technology - Page 8 of 10. (2013, October 26). Retrieved November 27, 2015, from

• Technology and Kids. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2015, from

• Holmes, M., Mooney, L., Knox, D., & Schacht, C. (2016). Understanding social problems (5th Canadian ed.). Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd.