Technology, Industry, Society- Hopes and Fears

Hopes and Fears Srijnan Sanyal Leadership Conclave- 2015. IIM-K Some pictures, charts and view points used from The Economist and MIT Technology Review

Transcript of Technology, Industry, Society- Hopes and Fears

Hopes and Fears

Srijnan SanyalLeadership Conclave- 2015. IIM-K

Some pictures, charts and view points used from The Economist and MIT Technology Review

100,000 BC

• Discovery of spoken language• Beginning of flow of ideas• Establishment of community• Work collaboration

Papyrus 2560 BC

• Discovery of written language• Egyptian Civilization• Idea storing and archive• Mega Monarchies

Printing Press14th-15th Century

• Renaissance• Industrial revolution• Discovery of the new world• One to Many Communication• Discovery of assembly line


• Worldwide systems• One to many but instant• Large Corporations• World Wars

Internet 1990s

• One World dream

The flow of Ideas and Civilization

Papyrus2560 BC

Printing Press14th-15th Century


100,000 BC














A d v a n c e m e n t o f C o m m u n i c a t i o n T e c h n o l o g y


• Discovery of spoken language

• Beginning of flow of ideas

• Establishment of community

• Work collaboration

• Discovery of written language

• Egyptian Civilization

• Idea storing and archive

• Mega Monarchies

• Renaissance• Industrial

revolution• Discovery of the

new world• One to Many• Discovery of

assembly line

• Worldwide systems

• One to many but instant

• Large Corporations

• World Wars

• One World dream














Reimagine the business & society

A new set of technologies have the potential to reshape our business, government and social institutions.

• Digital Transformation with SMAC technologies

• 3D printing

• Cognitive Computing

Social Networking is being used to promote microfinance among poor Indian communities in villages.

Adolescent school children in the US are making friends and selling marijuana by using SN too

Smart Phone has changed the world since January 2007, when iPhone was launched.

• Fastest selling gadget in history• Half of world’s adult population owns a

smart phone, by 2020, 80% will.• On an average one buries 2 hours a day

in smart phone• 80% users check smart phone within 15

minutes of getting up

Hopes• Personal data from ubiquitous mobile

instrument will build many solutions for a Smart Planet and Smarter Societies-Epidemics, Traffic, crime control, Healthcare, Environment

• Its building opinion and protest movements• Its remaking industries and economy. UBAR

and WhatsApp didn’t exist 5 years backFears• Fear over privacy. It may turn to be a

publisher of your most private and embarrassing moments

• Government may gain unhealthy control over citizen in the name of national security

ELECTRICITY was once generated where it was used; now it comes from the grid

Cloud Industry Platforms are triggering quality benchmarks of the integrated world.

Financial Services

Citizen Services

Global Governance

Data Driven Cities: We can create better cities if we know how the people live in it behave

Fears• Fear over privacy. Commercial organization may

intrude through targeted marketing• Government may gain unhealthy control over

citizen in the name of national security

Prints three dimensional objects

Prints from Digital Data

Old-school engineers work with lathes, drills, stamping presses and mouldingmachines bashing, bending and cutting materials

3D printers build things by depositing material, layer by layer. This is additive manufacturing.

Late 18th century Britain with mechanised textile industry- the machine manufacturing.

Early 20th Century America, Assembly Line to trigger mass production

These amazing machines may be able to make almost anything, anywhere—from garage to a remote village.

The geography of supply chains will change.

A revolution, a disruptive one


$33 manufacturing


$8 Offshore assembly

3D printers are growing out of the box

A software that can modify itself, and learn as it goes along.

Faces of Education, Healthcare and Judiciary are going to change

Clever machines with access to more data. Danger of capital substituting the labour

Changing nature of future jobs. The Emotive Occupations

Impact on the HR organizations.

1. App Designer2. App Developer3. Data Scientists4. Social Media Manager5. Digital Marketing Specialist6. SEO Specialist7. Chief Digital Officer8. Blogger9. Admission Consultant10. Cloud Service Specialist

10 hot Jobs that simply didn’t exist 10 years back

• World has gone through technological many a time and it didn’t collapse.

• Automation increases productivity and more income. More income creates more job

• Is this equation changing?• Stagnant real wage in developed world• Emergence of super rich: Owners of

capital have captured most of the world’s income in last 4 decades.

The Economic Impact

• Decentralization

• Re-skilling human resources

• Manage less with more

• Policy, etiquette and discipline for the new order

The dimensions of change

We’re in the midst of a jobs crisis, and rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence and other technologies may be one culprit. How can we get better at sharing the wealth that technology creates?

MIT Technology Review

The human sp i r i t must preva i l over technology

Albert Einstein