Technology Assisted Review: Trick or Treat? Ralph Losey , Esq., Jackson Lewis

Technology Assisted Review: Trick or Treat? Ralph Losey, Esq., Jackson Lewis 1


Technology Assisted Review: Trick or Treat? Ralph Losey , Esq., Jackson Lewis. 1. Ralph Losey , Esq. Partner, National e-Discovery Counsel, Jackson Lewis Adjunct Professor of Law, University of Florida Active member, The Sedona Conference - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Technology Assisted Review: Trick or Treat? Ralph Losey , Esq., Jackson Lewis

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Technology Assisted Review: Trick or Treat?Ralph Losey, Esq., Jackson Lewis


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Ralph Losey, Esq.


Partner, National e-Discovery Counsel, Jackson Lewis

Adjunct Professor of Law, University of Florida Active member, The Sedona Conference Author of numerous books and law review

articles on e-discovery Founder, Electronic Discovery Best Practices

( Lawyer, writer, predictive coding search designer,

and trainer behind the e-Discovery Team blog (

Co-founder with son, Adam Losey, of, a non-profit educational for law students and young lawyers

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Discussion Overview


What is Technology Assisted Review (TAR) aka Computer Assisted Review (CAR)?

Document Evaluation Putting TAR into Practice Conclusion

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What is Technology Assisted Review?


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Why Discuss Alternative Document Review Solutions?

Document review is routinely the most expensive part of the discovery process. Saving time and reducing costs will result in satisfied clients.

Traditional/LinearPaper-BasedDocument Review

Online Review

TechnologyAssisted Review


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Information retrieval effectiveness can be evaluated with metrics

Fraction of relevant documents within retrieved results – a measure of exactness


Fraction of retrieved relevant documents within the total relevant documents – a measure of completeness

Harmonic mean of precision and recall


F-Measure HotNot

All documents

Bobbing for Apples: Defining an effective search

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Information retrieval effectiveness can be evaluated with metrics

Fraction of relevant documents within retrieved results – a measure of exactness


Fraction of retrieved relevant documents within the total relevant documents – a measure of completeness

Harmonic mean of precision and recall



1) Perfect Recall; Low precision

Bobbing for Apples: Defining an effective search


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Information retrieval effectiveness can be evaluated with metrics

Fraction of relevant documents within retrieved results – a measure of exactness


Fraction of retrieved relevant documents within the total relevant documents – a measure of completeness

Harmonic mean of precision and recall



2) Low Recall; Perfect Precision

Bobbing for Apples: Defining an effective search


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Information retrieval effectiveness can be evaluated with metrics

Fraction of relevant documents within retrieved results – a measure of exactness


Fraction of retrieved relevant documents within the total relevant documents – a measure of completeness

Harmonic mean of precision and recall



3) Arguably Good Recall and Precision

Bobbing for Apples: Defining an effective search


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Key Word Search Key word searches are used throughout discovery However, they are not particularly effective

» Blair and Maron - Lawyers believed their manual search retrieved 75% of relevant documents, when only 20% were retrieved

It is very difficult to craft a key word search that isn’t under-inclusive or over-inclusive

Key word search should be viewed as a component of a hybrid multimodal search strategy

Go fish!


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Where are we?

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What Is Technology Assisted Review (TAR)?


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Classification Effectiveness

Any binary classification can be summarized in a 2x2 table Test on sample of n documents for which we know answer

» A + B+ D + E = n

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Classification Effectiveness

Recall = A / (A+D)» Proportion of interesting stuff that the classifier actually found

High recall of interest to both producing and receiving party

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Classification Effectiveness

Precision = A / (A+B) High precision of particular interest to producing party: cost


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How precise were you in culling out from your bag of 10,000 and ?


Sampling and Quality Control Want to know effectiveness

without manually reviewing everything. So:» Randomly sample the documents» Manually classify the sample» Estimate effectiveness on full set

based on sample

Sampling is well-understood» Common in expert testimony in

range of disciplines

Sample size = 370 (Confidence Interval: 5; Confidence Level: 95%)



Precision: 81%

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Annual event examining document review methods


TREC 2011

[T]he results show that the technology-assisted review efforts of several participants achieve recall scores that

are about as high as might reasonably be measured using current evaluation methodologies. These efforts require human review of only a fraction of the entire collection,

with the consequence that they are far more cost-effective than manual review.

-Overview of the TREC 2011 Legal Track

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Putting TAR into Practice

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TAR or CAR? A Multimodal Process

Must… have…



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The Judiciary’s Stance

Da Silva Moore v. Publicis Groupe» Court okayed parties’ agreement to use TAR; parties disputed

implementation protocol (3.3 million documents)

Kleen Products v. Packaging Corp. of Am.» Plaintiffs abandoned arguments in favor of TAR and moved forward with

Boolean search

Global Aerospace Inc. v. Landow Aviation, L.P. » Court blessed defendant’s use of TAR over plaintiff’s objections (2 million


In re Actos (Pioglitazone) Products Liability Litigation» Court affirmatively approved the use of TAR for review and production

EORHB, Inc., et al v. HOA Holdings, LLC» Court orders parties to use TAR and share common ediscovery provider

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Must address risks associated with seed set disclosure

Must have nuanced expert judgment of experienced attorneys

Must have validation and QC steps to ensure accuracy



Tricks Treats TAR can reduce time spent on

review and administration TAR can reduce number of

documents reviewed, depending on the solution and strategy

TAR can increase accuracy and consistency of category decisions (vs. unaided human review)

TAR can identify the most important documents more quickly


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TAR AccuracyTAR must be as accurate as a traditional review

Studies show that computer-aided review is as effective as a manual review (if not more so)

Remember: Court standard is reasonableness, not perfection:• “[T]he idea is not to make it

perfect, it’s not going to be perfect. The idea is to make it significantly better than the alternative without as much cost.”

-U.S. Magistrate Judge Andrew Peck in Da Silva Moore


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Parting Thoughts

Automated review technology helps lawyers focus on resolution – not discovery – through available metrics» Complements human review, but will not replace the need for

skillful human analysis and advocacy

Search adequacy is defined in terms of reasonableness, not whether all relevant documents were found

TAR can be a treat, but only when implemented correctly» Reconsider, but do not abandon, the role of:

» Concept search» Keyword search» Attorney review

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Q & A

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