Techniques to Learn about the Brain and Neural Function

Techniques to Learn about the Brain and Neural Function • Studying patients with brain damage linked loss of structure with loss of function –Phineas Gage http:// =9QXI_BxlY7M –Paul Broca and Carl Wernicke –Gunshot wounds, tumors, strokes, Alzheimer’s disease –>Korsakoff’s Syndrome: caused by B1 deficiency related to malnutrition or alcoholism


Techniques to Learn about the Brain and Neural Function. Studying patients with brain damage linked loss of structure with loss of function Phineas Gage Paul Broca and Carl Wernicke Gunshot wounds, tumors, strokes, Alzheimer’s disease - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Techniques to Learn about the Brain and Neural Function

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Techniques to Learn about the Brain and Neural Function

• Studying patients with brain damage linked loss of structure with loss of function

–Phineas Gage•

–Paul Broca and Carl Wernicke–Gunshot wounds, tumors, strokes, Alzheimer’s disease–>Korsakoff’s Syndrome: caused by B1 deficiency related to malnutrition or alcoholism

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Lesions: damaging the structure

• Allows study loss of function• Ablation – removal of the structure

– Vast majority of lesion studies are with lab animals, work is determined by Animal Care and Use Committees

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Organization and Evaluation of Brain Function

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Direct electrical stimulation provides another way to test brain function

• EEG (electroencephalogram) – amplified tracing of activity of a region of the brain produced when electrodes positioned in direct contact with the scalp transmit signals about the brain’s electrical activity to an EEG machine

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EEG• Used to study epilepsy• Present stimulus repeatedly to a subject and have

it filter out activity unrelated to the stimulus– conclusion: identification of electrical wave evoked by

the stimulus– Ex: we can detect where information goes in a cat’s

brain when its whiskers are stroked

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Imaging Techniques

Provide Images of Brain Anatomy

(CAT/CT and MRI)

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CAT Scan/CT Scan(computerized axial tomography)

1. CAT scan creates computerized image of X-rays passed through brain

– Creates 2D “slices” – Arranged to show

extent of a lesion

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CAT Scans

2. Procedure may involve injection of contrast dye

• Shorter scanning periods than MRI (no magnets used)

• Used for patients with pacemakers and metallic implants

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MRI(magnetic resonance imaging)

1. Giant circular magnet causes hydrogen nuclei in the water of cells to orient in a single direction

• Pulses of radio waves cause atoms to spin at a frequency

• Computer constructs images based on these signals

• MRI images more detailed than CAT or PET scans

• Can be produced for any plane of view

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MRI: produces the most detailed picture of brain structure – 3D

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Some imaging techniques have enabled neuroscientists to observe activity of the brain as it functions.

• fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging)

• PET scans (positron emission tomography)

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• Capitalizes on MRI ability scanners to detect changes in oxygen during heightened neural activity– Heightened activity = more oxygen used by brain

• fMRI preferred to PET b/c it doesn’t expose brain to radioactivity– Magnetic fields pose mild risk, if overused

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PET Scans (positron emission tomography scan)

1. Ready for this? Here goes…• When neurons are active, automatic increase in blood flow to active regions

of the brain bring oxygen and glucose necessary for respiration• Blood flow changes are used to create brain images when tracers (i.e.

radioactively labeled glucose) injected into the blood of the subject emit particles called positrons

• Positrons are then converted into signals detected by PET scanner• In other words, the positrons almost immediately are destroyed and produce

pairs of gamma particles, and the gamma radiation is detected by the scanner• Glucose concentrates in the areas of greatest activity and the

concentration of labeled substances taken up by the brain tissue• Revealed in colored computer graphics

• This all depends on the amount of metabolic activity in the imaged brain region

• This technique tracks complex series of interactions in different brain areas associated with specific mental processes

2. PET scans expose subject to radioactivity

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Other advances allow neuroscientists to learn about relationship of neurological function to behavior

A. BEAM – brain electrical activity mapping• Feeds EEG information from numerous recording sites – more

accurate diagnoses of tumors, epilepsy, and learning disordersB. MEG – magnetoencephalogram C. SQUID – superconducting quantum interference device

– Sensitive devices to detect magnetic fieldsD. PRONG – parallel recording of neural groupsE. TMS – transcranial magnetic stimulationF. Gene knock out technology (removal of specific genes from


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How well did you do?1999 AP Exam #79

Which of the following is a brain-imaging technique that produces the most detailed picture of brain structure?

a. Electroencephalography (EEG)b. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)c. Positron emission tomography (PET)d. Computerized axial tomography (CAT)e. Electromyography (EMG)

Page 21: Techniques to Learn about the Brain and Neural Function

I think my hyperactive 5 year old may have ADD. To make sure that he is in fact suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder and not epilepsy, doctors would most likely use which machine to conduct the necessary tests using strobe lights?

a. MRI

b. CT

c. PET

d. EEG

e. fMRI

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If while in an experiment where I am asked to select and defend some options, I am told that, “Hypothetically, if we were to deceive you, would you be deceived?” and I answer that I would know if I was being deceived – and then they deceived me anyway and I did NOT notice it all, I would be exhibiting

a. Hindsight bias

b. Confirmation bias

c. Change blindness

d. Choice blindness

e. Choice-blindness blindness