Techniques for Soul Growth

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  • 8/7/2019 Techniques for Soul Growth


    Spiritual Enlightenment means to Lighten Up ***

    An excerpt from my book

    "ETA, A Future Tale"

    Gillian DeArmond Green & Sandra Viola

    Lightening up the emotional vibrations which race through you can slow you down and take you off

    the racetrack of earthly life. As you lighten the load of emotional discomfort, mental confusion andphysical desire, you break free of the restrictive webs that have held your true power and innate

    wisdom hostage in a polarized world. This in turn, has limited your expression of unconditional love.

    Power, wisdom and love, the three-fold flame, is your sacred link with the creator. True power cannot

    shine forth without wisdoms guidance and neither can take form without the intent of love.

    Personal power is in proportion to the integrity of your soul. The integrity of your soul must honor the

    essence of the eternal spark. By igniting that spark and adding the fuel of your life to the flames, youcreate the energy of the immortal soul and become an immortal living being.

    When thoughts, desires and ideas about what you are, have been or are becoming and your concept ofGod is removed, you have given a gift to the Creator with amazing possibilities. You have now

    allowed the Creator to break out of the polarities in which you have contained Him, and given Him the

    freedom to create new opportunities, which can change your reality. When you free God of yourthoughts, desires and ideas in action, you activate spirit in form in many places. We at ETA would like

    to thank you for returning God to freedom in your lives.

    When you have released all the misconceptions which have kept you behind the walls of your ownprison, you have returned home. Home is where the heart is and the heart does not shine within the

    walls of repression. You are a society that has thrived on repression. You have the opportunity to flip

    the coin and remove the barrier that has stood in your way, you yourself have been that barrier. It is

    now time to get out of your own way.

    Dont fill yourself up and drink from the fountain of knowledge, drink instead from the cup of Godcenteredness. Embrace yourselves and join the dance of harmonys footsteps as you awaken from

    your spiritual amnesia with dedication and devotion to the flow of spirit through form made manifest

    on Earth, in space or within the depth of your being.

    The motto of ETA is: The function of love is to sustain life not to assist it.

    Please meditate on this statement to comprehend the true value of its meaning.
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    If a man is trying to assist another he is validating that individuals weakness, the negative polarity. If

    a man is shining love on another he is awakening the positive polarity. Wherever you have onepolarity the other directly opposes it, and once again you are in a box. When offering assistance, do so

    with the intention of sustaining the light within another, for that light, once sparked, will eventually

    recognize its own greatness, and as it grows brighter and brighter the problems one thought they hadwill be transmuted by their own brilliance. In this way, you have planted a seed which ignites an

    awareness within them. On the other hand, if you assist another out of a human emotional love, you

    are aiding the perceived goals of the ego that may or may not be Gods goals.

    The love, which sustains life, is of an unconditional nature, having no attachment to the outcome and

    thereby allowing the recipient to grow into understanding of Gods goals for them.

  • 8/7/2019 Techniques for Soul Growth


    Spiritual Enlightenment means to Lighten Up **

    An excerpt from my book

    "ETA, A Future Tale"

    Gillian DeArmond Green & Sandra Viola

    Reconstruction of Thought and Feeling ****

    To awaken and develop spiritual perception we must first reconstruct our thoughts and feelings. If we

    choose to focus our attention on the denial of light we become victims. If we choose to focus our

    attention on the acceptance of light we become that light.

    The reality you live in is nothing more than where your attention lies. The purpose of each soul is to

    dismantle the negative emotional tendencies acquired through previous acts, words and deeds. To be

    the emissary of light that you originally chose to be it is important to awaken light within your self.One way to do this is to

    let go of the security of your insecurity. This process opens up a world of possibilities. When you

    do not perceive yourself as a victim you are choosing to acknowledge your personal integrity and lifebegins to blossom in a balanced way.

    Living in a state of balance is a matter of choice. Because our experiences represent the foundation onwhich we stand and consciousness expresses itself through that foundation, it is important to

    remember to acknowledge light in every experience you have. Acknowledging the light is a simple

    process. If a situation arises that you do not like, before you react to it, say this statement out loud, I

    acknowledge the light within this situation. Over time you will find that this simple act will producepositive changes in your reaction to the situation.

    The time to let go of the victim role is now, not tomorrow. If you live in tomorrow today, you decreaseyour energy, your thoughts become scattered and unhealthy emotions set in. If you live in the moment

    however, your attention to that moment manifests a following moment. Always remember that where

    your attention lies today determines what lies ahead of you tomorrow.

    Love is the avenue we need to walk to develop spiritual perception. When you make a conscious

    choice of loving more make sure your reason for doing so is not motivated by your personal emotional

    desires. Rather do so in order to assist in the activation of the divine flame of creative intelligence thatlives within everyone. When you perceive the light within another, you are drawing on the strength of

    your own inner light to do so. This in turn ignites the creative flame within you and everyones life

    becomes enriched.

    Many people today hold attachments to an outcome. They have a plan with an expectation of what that

    plan will produce. If the expected results are not met frustration and disappointment set in.

    Understand that attachment to an outcome gives the ego power to control your life. You are promptedto try again and again to acquire the desired result. When we let go of our attachments to outcomes we

    surrender our ego to spirit and everything works out appropriately

    Spiritual perception is known and understood when we do for the joy of doing. Joy awakens light and

    light transforms insecurities. This transformation awakens love the true quality of the soul
  • 8/7/2019 Techniques for Soul Growth


    Spiritual Enlightenment means to Lighten Up ***

    An excerpt from my book

    "ETA, A Future Tale"

    Gillian DeArmond Green & Sandra Viola

    Creating Abundance ***

    An issue that seems to plague every student on a spiritual path is that of finances, prosperity andabundance. Not having abundant finances is usually a survival issue. Some of us on a spiritual path

    today have probably been on this path is a former life when the path included vows of poverty to reach

    enlightenment. These vows of course must be released.

    Through religious and spiritual teachings we were taught that we were separate from God. This

    created feelings and concepts within us that we were not deserving of abundance. We were taught that

    money is the root of all evil which by the way is not what the bible says. It says, The love of moneyis the root of all evil. This means that giving love and power to anything outside yourself is where

    evil is found. It isnt about the money. Its about misplaced love, focus and priority. What it really

    comes down to is this: God wills that you be abundant in health, wealth and wisdom. If this is notwhat is occurring in your life, then someone else has replaced Gods will (beliefs) with their own. By

    recreating your belief structure you reclaim your right to abundance.


    Karma: The Law of Cause and Effect ***

    When asked to explain the term, Karma, most people explain it this way, "as you sow, so shall you

    reap". Although this a good departure point for discussing karma, it does not go far enough in

    explaining the intricacies of karmic bondage, nor does it show how karmic impressions can beeliminated. In fact, a superficial understanding of karmic law as mere cause and effect leaves one with

    the erroneous idea that the whole point of the theory of Karma is to do good and avoid doing evil.

    Actually, nothing could be farther from the truth! Yet most people persist in the thinking that doinggood will eventually bring them enlightenment, union with God, and ultimate freedom from suffering.

    The point here is not that doing good and avoiding evil is without benefit. In fact, virtuous conduct is

    very beneficial, because it results in good health, prosperity, and other favorable circumstances.Similarly, wrong action brings ill health, poverty and other miserable conditions. Doing good and

    avoiding evil is, therefore, an intelligent choice. Unfortunately, this approach alone does not solve the

    problem of how to get rid of karma and gain enlightenment; it only gives a means to have a more

    comfortable and enjoyable life in the world. Karma is incurred by two factors.Interfering With Anothers Life Path and Judgment of Self or Others

    To eliminate karma the mind must be kept relatively detached and tranquil, in the midst of difficulty or

    success. This can be facilitated in a couple of ways including deep meditation and choosing to honorthe neutral instead of the positive or negative aspect of a situation. When you take control of the

    emotional body and not let the emotional body be in control of you a cycle of karmic bondage is

    broken. You are then more able to remain calm, neutral, and happy, in the midst of the ups and downsof life. As a result, karma leaves and is not replaced with new karmas. Eventually the karma which

    overshadows self-awareness is completely exhausted and enlightenment dawns.
  • 8/7/2019 Techniques for Soul Growth


    Spiritual Enlightenment means to Lighten Up ***

    An excerpt from my book

    "ETA, A Future Tale"

    Gillian DeArmond Green & Sandra Viola

    Psychic Congestion

    I would like to discuss the term known as psychic congestion. The energy field that surrounds your

    physical body acts as an entry and exit point for any expression you project from it and nayimpressions you receive from others.

    If your energy field is strong it can serve as a filtering agent, transmuting any negative influences that

    you many come in contact with. Unfortunately the energy field of an individual is usually not as

    strong as it needs to be to act as a filtering agent. Instead, it has become a cesspool of accumulatednegative waste. This is because of mankinds continual indulgence in base emotional desire. As we

    clear negativity from our life the energy field becomes stronger and brighter which compliments ones

    vitality on all levels of their being.

    Whenever you have contact with another that has different standards of living then you do your energy

    field is automatically affected by that difference. Since we are all one and all interconnected in someway we are vulnerable to the psychic discharge of energies set up between two or more people.

    Most of you are aware that your energy affects others and visa versa. What you are not fully aware of

    is that energy exchanges can be subtle and at times deceptive.

    Lets assume that you are married to a wonderful partner. You get along well and have no major

    problems in your communication. Your values are similar but not exactly the same and you appear tobe quite happy. There is only one gray area in your relationship that you can think of. Your husband

    seems to continually desire other woman. He doesnt do anything with his desire even though it lives

    within his mind. You on the other hand do not believe in desiring another while being married because

    it goes against your moral values.

    In this example we see two different standards of living. The husband doesnt see anything wrong

    with desiring another as long as the action of that desire is not performed. The lack of action is not the

    problem for the wife; rather the desire for other woman troubles her. The desires of the husband createa disturbance in the wifes value system. Her lack of acceptance for the husbands desire in turn

    creates a disturbance in the value system he lives by.

    Since they both love one another they continue to stay together. In the unconscious mind of both

    individuals lies a frustration. Both wish they could be in agreement regarding this matter. Each timethey express sexual intimacy their inner frustration is fed. Eventually this frustration surfaces and

    problems start to develop in their relationship.

    The reason for the problem stems from being around someone who has a different set of values then

    you do. It is not a matter of whos right or whos wrong, its an energy exchange that is incompatible

    with your value system. When you are around another whose values are incompatible with yours, the

    energy field of both individuals begin to weaken and holes develop in the aura.

    When a hole develops you are susceptible to psychic sabotage. Psychic energy exchanges are quite

    common and affect your most vulnerable spots. In this example, the wife would be vulnerable topsychic attack in the areas of her body that represented sexuality and survival.
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    Like attracts like. Any form of psychic energy exchange that is not compatible with your values shouldbe cleared as soon as they are discovered. If the exchange has time to settle into your body the aura

    weakens and a foundation for further exchanges is created. You would also be sending out an open

    invitation for similar encounters to occur. This eventually depletes your vitality and endurance andphysical, emotional, or mental dis-ease could be the result.

    It is sometimes difficult to determine if you have had an improper energy exchange with another forthis type of exchange can be subtle. A good way of discerning if another has affected your energy is to

    set aside one day and be completely alone. Do not answer the telephone, the doorbell, or go out into

    the world and interact with anyone. Stay away from family, friends, co-workers, neighbors etc.

    During this time alone write down what your values are. What standards you choose to live by.

    After the day is over, slowly, start to interact with others again. Ask each person a specific question

    that pertains to values. Example: what is your concept of God? What does marriage mean to you?The more questions you ask the more you will get acquainted with the value system that the individual

    believes in.

    Often people jump into relationships without discovering the beliefs of another. If we dont know the

    belief structure of another person that we associate with we automatically open ourselves up to energy

    exchanges that may not be conducive.

    So many times we find ourselves restless, tense, anxious, confused, upset and so forth. We try to

    understand where these feelings are coming from, yet cannot come up with any tangible reason.

    Eventually we dismiss it as the weather, the moon, etc.

    We may dismiss the thought from our mind but the energy behind that thought remains hidden. As

    time passes we become more restless. When a person walks in your door, shakes your hand and startsa conversation you are their audience at that moment in time. If you allow yourselves to be an

    audience for another who has different values than you do you immediately become susceptible to

    their energy. The closer you are to the individual the more your energy will be affected by them.

    Do not judge or criticize another. Just know your place in the scheme of things and do not allow

    yourselves to be impressed by anothers energy. Be polite, listen and then respond by saying, thanks

    for sharing with me and then end the conversation.

    If they are asking for advice, or they are feeling sorry for themselves, simply respond by saying, wow,

    what a great opportunity you are being given. Spirit must think youre very competent in handling thissituation. Congratulations!

    Some of you might say well that sounds good but some of the people I interact with are notmetaphysically inclined. I say, so what, you are! Remember you must live your values as others live

    theirs. Do not create problems for yourself by buying into anothers situation. Dont try to rescueothers by giving advice unless they honestly want it. If you feel you must respond then encourage theirself-confidence. In this way you will be serving your fellow man as well as yourself in a harmonious


  • 8/7/2019 Techniques for Soul Growth


    Spiritual Enlightenment means to Lighten Up ***

    An excerpt from my book

    "ETA, A Future Tale"

    Gillian DeArmond Green & Sandra Viola

    Soul Purpose & Co-creation

    As humanity moves forward in understanding and acceptance of the next level of their soul

    development it would be wise to remember that you are not here to suffer, rather you are here totranscend suffering and become the star that you truly are.

    In the beginning you were spirit manifesting into form. Spirit manifesting into a physical world was

    an experiment. It had never been done anywhere before. All spirits choosing to engage in a physical

    reality were given a free will. Your intention was to create in the likeness and image of the divinesource.

    Entry into the earth realm was an opportunity for you to spread the vibration of unconditional love

    across the land. Your intention was honorable although there were many adjustments that you had togo through. You now had a physical body, which at times made you feel uncomfortable. You now

    lived in a world that was governed by physicality. You had never experienced physicality while living

    in the heavens and eventually this physicality created the energy of distraction. Adjusting to the

    physical vehicle required more and more of your time and energy.

    On one hand you had the ability to create. On the other hand there were many distractions that

    hindered your creative process. As time passed and your bodies became denser that density began to

    consume you. Density was a new experience for you and as with all new experiences your curiosity

    was strong. Curiosity eventually led you down a path of chaos and you began to feel as if you had lostyour way.

    This prompted you to start refocusing your energies on becoming co-creators of unconditional love.

    Unfortunately frustration became your motivating force and this in turn limited your abilities. You lostthe vision of your heart and the original intention of your soul.

    Time passed and egos were acquired. Competitive creativity became your ruler and the true intention

    of the creative process was lost. All of you wanted to honor your original intention and in your haste

    and frustration you started competing with one another. One person created something and then adifferent person added to it. Before you knew what had happened you were no longer stewards of

    creation because that which you created possessed you..

    As you continued to engage in competitive creativity, emotional, not physical polarity was born. This

    birth created every negative emotion you have today. Insecurity, anger, resentment, superiority and soforth. As a result the laws of reincarnation were established giving you the opportunity to make

    amends for the mis-use of your God given powers. Reincarnation was not meant to be a punishment,

    rather, an opportunity to restore peace within your hearts.

    Many souls today are seeking realignment with the God force. This is what some of you callascension. You have placed a great deal of judgment upon yourselves. Remember that in the

    beginning life on earth was an experiment. Everyone had a free will with no set outcome of what
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    would be created. Outcome could not be established as long as each soul had the freedom to make


    Presently you are being given the opportunity to transcend your pain and to honor your original soul

    purpose. To do this begin to move your consciousness into the neutral zone, in between the good and

    bad. Focus on the neutrality and not on the polarity that has restricted you.

    Spirit is not emotional. Man is. To be one with spirit you must willingly detach from your emotionalbondage. Spirit lives in between the world of right and wrong for it is here that pure energy can flow.

    If one's consciousness is locked within the confines of polarity flow is not possible. One becomes like

    a ball bouncing back and forth between right and wrong, good and bad.

    To eliminate polarity begin to see the light in all things. Focus on the light and only the light until thedarkness is illuminated. Light is the substance from which you were created.

    Honor original intention and walk with integrity. Embrace yourselves, your past and your new future

    with joy. Make peace with your issues and choose to move ever so gently out of them. Reunion with

    spirit is at hand. Everyone is welcome. There are no superior or inferior beings in the eyes of spirit.Have fun and welcome home

    Dreams: A Magic Mirror

    Dreams are often referred to as the magic mirror of your soul. When a person is sleeping their

    consciousness is relaxed. A relaxed state of mind allows the subconscious to awaken. As you drift off

    to sleep your subconscious mind begins to review the events of your life. Anything that did notcomplete itself in your waking state now has the opportunity to do so.

    You need to remember here, that everything moves in a cycle of completion. When something is

    started it must be completed. If you began an activity, a thought, or a feeling but did not finish it, the

    energy of that activity, thought or feeling will often appear in the dream state in order to completeitself.

    Sometimes your dreams relate to the present day, sometimes to the past, and sometimes to the future.

    To discover the significance of what your dreams are trying to tell you, pay attention to where the

    dream is placed in your mind. Upon awakening think about your dream for a moment. Was the dreamstraight in front of you, or off to the side? With a little practice you will begin to sense where it was


    If the dream was straight in front of you it indicates that you were dreaming about your present day

    life. If it is located on the right side of your mind it indicates that you were dreaming about a past life.If it is located on the left side it indicates that you were dreaming about your future, a prophetic dream.

    Once you know if the dream was related to the past, present or future, you will be able to interpret its

    meaning more clearly. Dreams are full of symbology and although there are many books on the subject

    it is always wise to pay attention to what feels right to you. An automobile, for example, may meandifferent things to different people. We all are unique and have had individual experiences that have

    shaped our lives and our thoughts.

    The other thing to be aware of when interpreting dreams is to ask yourself if you dream in color or in

    black and white. Black and white dreams often indicate restricted or limited energy in some way or

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    another, depending on the dream. Color dreams are more fluidic, the colors sometimes run together.

    This can be confusing or expansive depending upon the person.

    Neither is better than the other as both give us a deeper understanding about ourselves. If you dream in

    black and white, review your life and see if there is any restricted energy around you, and if so, find a

    way to change it.

    If you dream in color pay attention to the colors in your dream and their hidden symbolic meaning.Dreams can be valuable tools into the discovery of who you are and who you have been so have fun

    and pleasant dreams.

    Cycle Of Power:Animal Totems

    I have always been fascinated with the animal kingdom. As a child my father would take me into the

    forest where I was asked to listen to the sounds that nature held. When I heard a sound I was told totake on its characteristics and mimic it in some way. I perceived this exercise as a childhood game.

    Over time, I began to discover similar characteristics within myself. My strengths and weaknesses

    were revealed as I embraced the teachings the animals shared.

    Native cultures around the world respect the power and wisdom that animals hold. Tribal rituals are

    preformed in honor of earth and all that inhabit her. Shamans use specific animal movements, sounds

    and feathers to aid in healing.

    Each characteristic an animal embodies is a reflection of our self in some way. They assist the spiritualseeker in self-exploration. From Giraffes futuristic vision, daring and fearless Kookaburra, Swans

    grace and beauty, to the Horses speed and power, totems introduce us to the mysteries of our psyche

    and the journey of our soul.

    Animals serve as a bridge between heaven and earth, the known and the unknown. They understandboth worlds and hold the secrets of creation. They have keen senses and respond to their inner

    instincts. They live in harmony with mother earth and father sky and teach us how to do the same.

    When a totem appears in our life a gift is being presented. If the animal is injured it might reflect dis-

    ease within our self. If strong and healthy lessons associated with power and its correct use arecommon. By embracing the energies of our personal totems we experience the earth walk in a

    balanced way.

    Powerful spiritual allies, teachers and friends, totems can be categorized in four groups.

    The Life Totem: The Journey Totem: The Message Totem: The Shadow Totem.

    The Life totem is an animal that stays with us throughout our life. Its power increases our own. Its

    attributes are similar to our own and reflect the life lessons and opportunities that the soul will


    The Journey totem is one that enters our life during a specific time frame. It helps us resolve difficultsituations.

    A Message totem appears unexpectedly in our life. It carries a message, gift or blessing. Message

    totems are those that are uncommon in our immediate surroundings and appear and disappear


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    A Shadow totem is one that tests us by making us work through our fears. They are animals that we

    dont like or have an aversion to. They appear in our lives when fear is present.

    As we work with our totems and the teachings they share our spiritual wisdom increases. This wisdom

    is the ingredient needed for mankind to live an enriched and peaceful life

    Spiritual Enlightenment means to Lighten Up ***

    An excerpt from my book

    "ETA, A Future Tale"

    Gillian DeArmond Green & Sandra Viola

    Techniques For Personal Growth

    The transformational energy now affecting the earth and her inhabitants can have a powerful

    effect on one's personal energy field. We can feel strong one day and weak the next. We can be

    decisive in our actions or be in a constant state of confusion. Listed below are some simple

    techniques that can help you maintain balance in an ever changing world.

    The Victim or the Victor?

    To awaken and develop our true self we must first reconstruct our thoughts and feelings. If we choose

    to focus our attention on the denial of light we become victims. If we choose to focus our attention onthe acceptance of light we become that light.

    The reality you live in is nothing more than where your attention lies. The purpose of each soul is to

    dismantle the negative emotional tendencies acquired through previous acts, words and deeds. To be

    the emissary of light that you originally chose to be it is important to awaken light within your self.One way to do this is to let go of the security of your insecurity. This process opens up a world of

    possibilities. When you do not perceive yourself as a victim you are choosing to acknowledge your

    personal integrity and life begins to blossom in a balanced way.

    Living in a state of balance is a matter of choice. Because our experiences represent the foundation on

    which we stand and consciousness expresses itself through that foundation, it is important toremember to acknowledge light in every experience you have. Acknowledging the light is a simple

    process. If a situation arises that you do not like, before you react to it, say this statement out loud, Iacknowledge the light within this situation. Over time you will find that this simple act will produce

    positive changes in your reaction to the situation.

    The time to let go of the victim role is now, not tomorrow. If you live in tomorrow today, you decrease

    your energy, your thoughts become scattered and unhealthy emotions set in. If you live in the momenthowever, your attention to that moment manifests a following moment. Always remember that where

    your attention lies today determines what lies ahead of you tomorrow.
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    Love is the avenue we need to walk to develop spiritual perception. When you make a conscious

    choice of loving more make sure your reason for doing so is not motivated by your personal emotionaldesires. Rather do so in order to assist in the activation of the divine flame of creative intelligence that

    lives within everyone. When you perceive the light within another, you are drawing on the strength of

    your own inner light to do so. This in turn ignites the creative flame within you and everyones lifebecomes enriched.

    Many people today hold attachments to an outcome. They have a plan with an expectation of what that

    plan will produce. If the expected results are not met frustration and disappointment set in.

    Understand that attachment to an outcome gives the ego power to control your life. You are promptedto try again and again to acquire the desired result. When we let go of our attachments to outcomes we

    surrender our ego to spirit and everything works out appropriately

    Spiritual perception is known and understood when we do for the joy of doing. Joy awakens light and

    light transforms insecurities. This transformation awakens love the true quality of the soul.

    Are You Living With A Victim Mentality?

    Here is a quiz to help you see if youve been carrying around a victim mentality that may be robbing

    you of your sense of personal power. Answer true or false to the following statements.

    My first response to a setback is to blame another for whats happened.

    No matter what I do, things are not really going to change for me.

    I often find myself beginning thoughts with phrases like I cant.Im no good at . Ive never beenable to..

    When angry, I rarely begin sentences with I

    Conversations with others are often about how hard things are.

    When I meet a person on the street that I havent seen in a while and they ask me how I am, I say, Im

    fine and then start telling them all the things that are wrong in my life.

    Im always so busy with work and things I need to do that I dont have time to do the things I want todo.

    I must have done something really horrible in a past life because nothing ever works for me.

    When friends offer advice, I usually counter it with a Yes, but.

    No one really understands me or knows how challenging my life really is.

    Victim hood is usually a way of staying stuck in old patterns and can be an externalizing way ofdealing with unacknowledged anger or fear of change. If you answered true to a handful of these

    questions you might want to work on neutralizing the victim energy that limits your life and your


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    Releasing Old Energy

    Get out a 2011 calendar. Close your eyes and point to a day on that calendar. (When you select a day

    while closing the eyes the subconscious makes the selection for you and not the conscious analyticalmind)

    On a piece of paper write down the hours in the day or evening that you would have time to do the

    exercise without being interrupted.

    Close your eyes and point to an hour listed on the paper. Start the exercise on the day and the hourthat you selected.

    For three consecutive days at the hour you chose sit quietly for 30 minutes and ask yourself what

    events affected your life during 2010. These events should be of a personal nature, something that

    made an impact on you.

    Once you have discovered an event that affected you in 2010 write it down on a piece of paper. Dontspend time reviewing it, simply write it down and continue to add things to your list.

    Do this for 3 consecutive days for 30 minutes each day.

    At the end of the 3rd day review your list and ask yourself what the hidden gift was that the event

    offered you. If there are no immediately discernible gifts, then continue down the list until you find agift in at least one of the things on your list.

    After reviewing your list take a moment and ask yourself the following questions.

    How would my life be different if the event hadnt happened?What did I gain from the event or experience?

    Now take a moment to give thanks for the gifts that came your way in the past year. Make acommitment to stay focused on those gifts so you can fully appreciate what life has to offer.

    We often remember things that happen that are negative in nature. This exercise helps us view things

    from a different perspective and shows us how to see things in a more positive way. It also gives us the

    opportunity to make conscious choices as to where we choose to place our awareness. Remember,your reality is directly related to where your attention lies.

    Most of us dont spend enough time giving thanks for our life and the simple pleasures it holds. Weoften choose to dwell on the dramas we are involved in. How many times have you bumped into

    someone you havent seen in a while and ask them how there life is going? After a moment ofpleasantries they start telling you all the problems they have. Seldom do they speak about the

    wonderful things in their life because their consciousness is consumed with the bad. In fact if you ask

    them about the good things they really have to stop and think about it.

    One way to break this pattern is to start each day by acknowledging at least 2 things in your life thatare beautiful to you, a colorful bird flying by, the sound of the wind, a sunrise etc. When we plant a

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    thought we harvest an action, when we plant an action we harvest a habit, when we harvest a habit we

    plant a character, when we plant a character we harvest a destiny.

    Contact Points

    There are three basic levels in the human body. The mental, the emotional and the physical. Since allthree bodies need to be operating with optimum efficiency for balance to be maintained we must

    energize all of these bodies equally. Each of these bodies has a contact point in which energies of a

    healing and balancing nature can pass most directly to each of these three levels.

    The mind, in its essential vibration, is closest to the head of the human body. The eyes and the ears are

    the entry points for energy intended to heal or help the mental facet of being. The eyes view that which

    they witness and perception is acquired. The ears are the principal receivers of the spoken word which

    stimulates the mental faculties.

    Loving or unloving emotions are centered in the heart. When a person has a heart attack the pain often

    extends along the arms. This indicates that both on a physical and emotional level the heart, arms andhands are linked. The contact point for the heart is the palms of the hands.

    The human being also has a physical body and a physical level of experience. He/she is in directcontact with the earth itself. The soles of the feet are the contact points for overall physical well being.

    If you experience difficulties in the mental, emotional or physical parts of your being spend a moment

    energizing the relevant contact point for that area. Doing this daily can make a difference in how youfeel on all levels.

    Ten Ways to Handle Adversity

    We've all experienced difficult times, often through events and circumstances that are outside ourcontrol. Here are ten suggestions for dealing with adversity.

    Take Responsibility: Assume an I can do something attitude rather than pointing fingers and placing

    blame. If nothing else, you can control your own response to the situation.

    Limit the Focus: Don't let the problem become all encompassing. When you compartmentalize thedifficulty you can focus on a solution.

    Be Optimistic: The ultimate belief in life as positive, even with hard times and troubles, will result in

    positive behaviors and positive actions.

    Think Creatively: Approach the problem from new and different directions. Trust your creativity.

    Have Courage: Having courage doesn't mean you are not afraid, it means you don't let fear get in theway of doing what you need to do.

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    Take Action: Rather than rolling over in the midst of hard times, determine what action you can take

    and do it.

    Take The Long Range View: Remember that "this too shall pass." Recount other times when you

    have overcome challenges.

    Maintain a Sense of Humor: Laughter always helps ease our suffering.

    Get Support: There is no need to do it alone. Always remember that you and spirit are going through

    this situation together!

    Don't Quit: Among all the human qualities that allow us to overcome adversity, persistence may be

    the greatest.

  • 8/7/2019 Techniques for Soul Growth


    Spiritual Enlightenment means to Lighten Up ***

    An excerpt from my book

    "ETA, A Future Tale"

    Gillian DeArmond Green & Sandra Viola

    Achieving Abundance

    To acquire abundance in our life we must realize that abundance is an energy that lives within each ofour four bodies. The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Each of these bodies are contributing

    influences that govern our lives. If one or more of these bodies are not receiving equal nourishment

    abundance cannot be achieved.

    The physical world that we express ourselves through needs to be fed equal nourishment from themental, spiritual and emotional components of our energetic field. If one or more of these bodies are

    not receiving the proper nourishment necessary to sustain itself the energy of lack is projected into ourenergetic field. Once done, this lack automatically expresses itself into our day to day world.

    If we honor each of our four bodies equally we feed the energy of abundance. When the spiritual,mental, emotional and physical aspects of self are nurtured equally abundance becomes our reality.

    Abundance can only be acquired by realizing that the energy of each body contribute to our over all

    well being. This contribution is often played out in our physical, material world.

    Each morning when you wake up take a few moments and do this simple exercise.

    Quiet yourself. Take a couple of deep breaths and relax.

    Ask your spiritual body what it needs to feel nourished. Write down your answer.Ask your mental body what it needs to feel nourished. Write down your answer.

    Ask your emotional body what it needs to feel nourished. Write down your answer.Ask you physical body what it needs to feel nourished. Write down your answer.

    Review the answers you received. Look at each answer as it relates to that specific body. Discover

    which of the four bodies are not receiving equal time, nourishment or energy and begin to change this.

    Ask yourself how you can supply the needed nourishment to that specific body and dedicate yourselfto spending the time necessary to supplying that bodies need. Do this technique for 21 consecutive

    days for optimum results.

    Overcoming Fear

    Overcoming fear is one of the biggest challenges mankind faces. It appears in every area of our lives.

    Almost all of our problems are a by product of fear. When we remove fear from our lives harmony

    and balance are acquired. We must realize that fear lives within our cellular memory. To overcomefear we must clear this memory as well as the emotional attachments we have to it.
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    The energy of fear thrives within polarity. To eliminate it we need to move out of polarity and into

    neutral consciousness. All fear has a thought and a feeling associated with it. If you change a thoughtbut don't clear the emotion that is connected to it total healing cannot be achieved. Most healing

    affirmations work primarily on changing the consciousness which is only part of the solution. The

    emotion attached to the issue often remains stored within the body. This is why affirmations alonedon't always work. We must rid ourselves of the emotion that is connected to the thought for total

    healing to be accomplished.

    The technique listed below is part of a course I offer called The Orhai Method of Total Healing. This

    technique can be used in your individual spiritual practices although permission from me is requiredfor it to be used in any workshop, group work, lectures or written material due to its powerful effects.

    If you work with this technique in your individual spiritual practices, please contact me if you have

    any questions or concerns about it.

    Whenever you take a shower or bath repeat the following affirmation. I acknowledge I have fear, Ichoose to be ok with it and it feels warm. Send this concept down to your mid section and repeat the

    process over and over. All of these statements are neutral statements and do not feed polarity.

    The emotional body is the most curious body you have. It takes you around the corner to see what's

    on the other side. It doesn't really care about what you think, rather it responds to feeling. Byconnecting a thought with a feeling you have a complete package that forms a program.

    Eventually this affirmation sparks the emotional bodies curiosity. The emotional energy associated

    with old unhealthy programs begins to move out into your energy field to investigate the affirmation

    you are sending it. As soon as this happens the new neutral program you have created has theopportunity to slide into the old programs space. When the old program decides to return to its

    familiar residence inside of you, it cant. The new program that you created is occupying its space.

    Because energy follows thought and you are no longer giving attention to the old program it starts todissipate of its own accord. Cellular memory lives within polarity and consists of fear based

    programs. When we are not governed by polarity we are one with the energy of Spirit.

    Spiritual Attainment

    Lie down on your back and begin to breathe deeply. Close your eyes and place the palms of your

    hands over the eyes. Visualize the color creamy white entering into your eyes. Do this for 30 seconds.

    Now cover your ears with the palms of your hands and visualize the color cobalt blue entering your

    ears. Do this for 30 seconds.

    Now place your hands on your chest. Place the palms of your hands together as in a prayer formation.

    Visualize the color gold pulsating between your palms, moving up your arms and into your heart. Dothis for 30 seconds.

    Take a few even breaths, open your eyes and gently sit up. Bend forward; reposition your legs so that

    you can reach your feet. Now place the left palm over the left sole of your foot, the right palm over the

    right sole of your foot. Visualize the color rust red entering each foot. Do this for 30 seconds. Whenyou feel ready, get up and carry on with your day.

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    Unified Consciousness

    Upon awakening in the morning say out loud. Good morning spirit. Good morning (your name). Good

    morning world. These three simple statements can have powerful benefits for you. One of our biggestproblems is that we feel separated from spirit, uncertain within ourselves and frustrated with our

    world. By acknowledging spirit, yourself and the world each morning you create a link to a unifiedconsciousness, which empowers you instead of dis-empowering you. Try this technique; it just mightbe the ticket you've been looking for.

    Indigo Shield

    Each morning before stepping out your door do the following exercise. Stand, quiet yourself, andvisualize an indigo bubble surrounding you. Do not do this to protect yourself from negative energies,

    rather, do this to strengthen your personal energy field so that it continually revitalizes you throughoutthe day. If we were to surround ourselves in a white light our energy fields would reflect our brilliance.The brighter we shine the more of a target we become. The color Indigo has the same vibratory

    frequencies as white but it doesn't glow in the dark. If you don't glow in the dark negative energy can't

    find you.

    Energetic Decoding

    Throughout the course of a day we often encounter unpleasant experiences. These experiences canmake us feel depleted, scattered or confused. One of the best and most efficient ways to clear

    unwanted energies and influences out of your energy field is to do the following technique at least

    once a day.

    Begin by taking several deep breaths. Visualize or think of a small cord extending out of your crownchakra and connecting with spirit. Leave this cord connected while doing this exercise and never clip

    the tip of this cord.

    Once this is done visualize or think of a small cord extending out in front of your brow chakra

    approximately one inch in length. Visualize or think of a pair of scissors clipping the tip of the cord off

    and then roll the cord back into your brow chakra.

    Now visualize or think of a small cord extending out in front of your throat chakra approximately one

    inch in length. Visualize or think of a pair of scissors clipping the tip of the cord off and then roll thecord back into your throat chakra.

    Visualize or think of a small cord extending out in front of your heart chakra approximately one inch

    in length. Visualize or think of a pair of scissors clipping the tip of the cord off and then roll the cord

    back into the heart chakra.

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    Visualize or think of a small cord extending out in front of your solar plexus approximately one inch in

    length. Visualize or think of a pair of scissors clipping the tip of the cord off and then roll the cordback into the solar plexus.

    Visualize or think of a small cord extending out in front of your navel chakra approximately one inch

    in length. Visualize or think of a pair of scissors clipping the tip of the cord off and then roll the cord

    back into the navel.

    Visualize or think of a small cord extending out in front of your root chakra approximately one inch in

    length. Visualize or think of a pair of scissors clipping the tip of the cord off and then roll the cord

    back into the root chakra.

    When you have clipped the tips of all cords connected to your chakras simply roll the crown chakrascord back into your head.

    This technique clears the debris we accumulate in our energy field and helps us stand in our own light.

    Try it; I think you will be happy with the results.

    Spiritual Enlightenment means to Lighten Up ***

    An excerpt from my book

    "ETA, A Future Tale"

    Gillian DeArmond Green & Sandra Viola

    Copyright 2011 Used with Permission from the Author