Technique: Drawing Media: the process used by an artist. In visual art it is the material used, what...

Technique: Drawing Media: the process used by an artist. In visual art it is the material used, what binds the color. DRY MEDIA Chalk (ochre hematite, soapstone, shale) Charcoal (burnt wood) Graphite (carbon) Pastel (colored pigment & non-greasy binder) LIQUID MEDIA Pen & Ink (shading results from diluting the ink) Wash & brush (diluted ink, similar to watercolor)

Transcript of Technique: Drawing Media: the process used by an artist. In visual art it is the material used, what...

Technique: Drawing

• Media: the process used by an artist. In visual art it is the material used, what binds the color.DRY MEDIA– Chalk (ochre hematite, soapstone, shale)– Charcoal (burnt wood)– Graphite (carbon)– Pastel (colored pigment & non-greasy binder)

LIQUID MEDIA– Pen & Ink (shading results from diluting the ink)– Wash & brush (diluted ink, similar to watercolor)

Prudence- Alberti Cherubino(chalk)

Three Mile Island-Yvonne Jacquette (charcoal)

Nobspital –Paul Noble (pencil)

The Singer in Green- Edgar Degas (pastels)

Cottage among Trees- Rembrandt (pen & brown ink)

Lotus- Zhu Da (brush & wash)

Technique: Painting

Pigment -(powdered color) mixed in liquid that holds the particles of pigment together

• Oils= pigment + oil• Watercolor= pigment + water as thinner• Tempera= pigment + egg yolk• Acrylics= synthetic pigment + acrylic polymer• Fresco= pigment in water + applied to wet lime

plaster, chemically infusing the pigment into the plaster as it dries

• Mixed media= multiple techniques & materials

Starry Night- Van Gogh (oils)

Egyptian Wall Painting (tempera)

Ocean Studio- Phillip Mullen (acrylics)

Creation of Adam, Sistine Chapel- Michelangelo (fresco)

The School of Athens-Raphael (fresco)

Printing: makes repeated copies from one artwork

• Printmaking is more profitable for the artist and less costly for the collector

• Relief prints- woodcut• Intaglio- metal plate

-line engraving (cut grooves into metal plate)-etching (expose surface to acid

bath after carving into wax ground)• Lithography- stone plate, a grease crayon is

applied, to which the ink does not stick • Documentary photography

Relief Printing

Rhinoceros- Albrecht Durer (woodcut)

Behind the Great Wave at Kanagawa- Hokusai (woodcut)

Intaglio Printing


The Judgment of Paris- Marcantonio Raimondi


Paradise I and Paradise II- Marc Chagall (lithographs)

Documentary Photography

• Using photography to document social problems

• During the Great Depression, a large-scale program began in the US

• Dorothea Lange worked for the Farm Security Administration

• In the 1950s & 60s the new technology of color photography emerged

Migrant Mother- Dorothea Lange

Grand Tetons & Snake River- Ansel Adams

Art Elements

• Line: long thin mark

• Shape/Form: closed line

• Color: hue

• Value: lights (tints) and darks (shades)

• Texture: how it looks like it feels

• Space: how the elements are placed on the picture plane

The Red Room-Henri Matisse (line)

Miclantecuhtli and Quetzalcoatl- Aztec (shape)

Sunrise: Impression- Claude Monet (color/hue)

Elsie in a Blue Chair –Mary Cassatt (value/ tints)

Homage to the Square- Josef Albers (value/shades)

The Slave Ship- Joseph William Turner (texture)

The K’ang- hsi Emperor’s Second Tour of the South- Wang Hui


Design Principles

• Repetition: rhythm- repeated shapes or lines / variation- where there is contrast

• Balance: symmetrical / asymmetrical• Focal point: where your eyes linger

longest• Perspective: linear / atmospheric• Contrast: different placed together• Unity: all elements work together to create


Les Demoiselles d’Avignon- Picasso (repetition & variation)

Book of Kells- illuminated manuscript (symmetrical balance)

Personage Throwing a Stone at a Bird- Joan Miro

(asymmetreical balance)

A Primer on Rugs- Bobbi Tull (focal point)

The Last Supper –Da Vinci (linear perspective)

Madonna of the Meadows- Raphael (atmospheric perspective)

The Two Fridas- Frida Kahlo (contrast)

Autumn Rhythm No. 30- Jackson Pollack (unity)

Additional Terms

• Chiaroscuro: using shading with darks and lights to model form

• Dynamics: a sense of action or movement within a 2-dimentional artwork

Mona Lisa- Leonardo Da Vinci (chiaroscuro)

Composition IV- Vassily Kandinsky (dynamics)