Technical Working Group Meeting

ADB TA 9461: Protecting and Investing in Natural Capital in Asia and the Pacific DENR-ADB/GEF Project on Combating Environmental Organized Crime in the Philippines 4 th Technical Working Group Meeting Documentation Report Day 1- October 8, 2020- 1:00 P.M.- 5:00 P.M. Day 2- October 14, 2020- 10:00 A.M. 12:00 NN Online, Zoom

Transcript of Technical Working Group Meeting

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ADB TA 9461: Protecting and Investing in Natural Capital in Asia and the


DENR-ADB/GEF Project on Combating Environmental

Organized Crime in the Philippines

4th Technical Working Group Meeting

Documentation Report

Day 1- October 8, 2020- 1:00 P.M.- 5:00 P.M.

Day 2- October 14, 2020- 10:00 A.M. – 12:00 NN

Online, Zoom

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Executive Summary

The 4th Technical Working Group (TWG) meeting of the ADB/GEF-DENR Project on

Combating Environmental Organized Crime was held spread over two days last October 8,

2020 and October 14, 2020 via Zoom.

A total of 43 participants, composed TWG members, Project consultants, the PMU, and

representatives from ADB attended Day 1, while 21 participants attended Day 2.

Highlights of the topics that were discussed, agreements and next steps were as follows:

Topic Agreements and Next Steps

Proposed revisions to the

IRR of the Wildlife Act

of 2001

• Delete all references to the Bangsamoro Government; will

be covered by the Amendment Bill and its IRR

• On classifying Invasive Alien Species (IAS), it is necessary

to fulfill SOME but not ALL criteria; BMB already

prepared a draft admin order on classifying IAS.

• Explore expanding the definition of “personal or family


• Invite the different conservation organizations (e.g.,

Biodiversity Conservation Society of the Philippines,

PBCFI, MBCFI) to the IRR’s broader consultation

Inter-Agency Resolution

Against Wildlife Crimes

• Submit the concept note and draft inter-agency resolution

to the Office of Undersecretary for Enforcement

• If possible, invite other agencies (e.g. DOT) to the 4th

Environmental Law Enforcement Summit and as

signatories to the Inter-Agency Resolution

Modules on Introduction

to Anti-Money-

Laundering, Controlled

Delivery, Safety

Inspection Protocol, and

Prosecution-Level 2

• If possible, add more lawyer participants from DENR in

the Seminar for the Prosecution of Wildlife Crimes

• TK to develop additional modules (e.g. Financial

Investigation in the Valuation of Wildlife)

Online Self-paced Basic

Wildlife Law

Enforcement Training


Pre-Campaign Consumer

Survey Report –

Household and National


• BMB can include the cost for the Learning Management

System to host the Training Course in the Forward


• Cascade these (courses and modules) to DENR field offices

• The Consultant Team to share the content template/ script

to the TWG for content vetting

• Move the post-campaign study to a later date as timeline

for the actual CEPA campaign (October 2020 to January

2021) may be too short to achieve actual awareness

• changes, especially if conducted over Christmas and New


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Overall CEPA Strategy

and Plan and Draft


CEPA Material

Update on Economic

Valuation Study

Timeline of Activities

• Fast-track the completion of CARAGA Special Quota

Survey; NIRAS to get early results that can be used in the

CEPA Campaign

• Create CEPA materials that will target non-committals

during Christmas season (e.g. on gift-giving, giving the gift

of life)

• On economic valuation report, NIRAS to submit final

report two weeks from now (October 26-30); for

presentation to NEDA (tentatively by mid-November)

• NIRAS to revisit the calendar

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Table of Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... 2

Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. 5

1.0 TWG Meeting (Components 1 and 2), October 8, 2020 (Day 1) .................................. 6

1.1 Introduction, Welcome Remarks, Highlights of the 3rd PSC Meeting ....................... 6

1.2 Updates on Component 1 Outputs .............................................................................. 6

1.3 Salient points of the proposed revisions to the Implementing Rules and Regulations

(IRR) of the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act of 2001 .......................... 7

1.4 Draft Local Government Unit (LGU) Resolution in Support of the Revision of the

Wildlife Act; Inter-Agency Resolution Against Wildlife Crimes .......................................... 8

1.5 Updates on Component 2 deliverables ........................................................................ 8

1.6 Modules on Introduction to Anti-Money-Laundering, Controlled Delivery, Safety

Inspection Protocol, and Prosecution-Level 2........................................................................ 8

1.7 Open Forum................................................................................................................. 9

1.8 Self-paced E-Modules – Offline Content and Storyboard .......................................... 9

1.9 Open Forum................................................................................................................. 9

1.10 Synthesis and Next Steps .......................................................................................... 10

2.0 TWG Meeting (Component 3), October 14, 2020 (Day 2).......................................... 12

2.1 Welcome, Rollcall, Activity Flow, and Recap .......................................................... 12

2.2 Updates on Component 3 Outputs ............................................................................ 12

2.3 Presentation of Pre-campaign Consumer Research Report, CEPA Strategy and Plan

and audience-segmented CEPA Materials, Updates on Economic Valuation, and Calendar

of Activities .......................................................................................................................... 12

2.4 Open Forum............................................................................................................... 12

2.5 Synthesis and Next Steps .......................................................................................... 13

Annexes.................................................................................................................................... 15

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Abbreviations AD Assistant Director

ADB Asian Development Bank

BMB Biodiversity Management Bureau

BMG Bangsamoro Government

BPKMD Biodiversity Policy and Knowledge Management Division

BWLE Basic Wildlife Law Enforcement

DAO Department Administrative Order

DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources

GEF Global Environment Facility

IACUC Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

IAS Invasive Alien Species

IRR Implementing Rules and Regulations

LGU Local Government Unit

LMS Learning Management System

MOA Memorandum of Agreement

NALECC-SCENR National Law Enforcement Coordinating Council- Subcommittee on

Environment and Natural Resources

NELE National Environment Law Enforcement

PMU Project Management Unit

PortMATE Port Monitoring and Anti-Trafficking Evaluation

PSC Project Steering Committee

PTWG Policy Technical Working Group

TK Tanggol Kalikasan

TRC Technical Review Committee

TWG Technical Working Group

UPLB University of the Philippines- Los Banos

USEC Undersecretary

WMC Wildlife Management Committee

WRD Wildlife Resources Division

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1.0 TWG Meeting (Components 1 and 2), October 8, 2020 (Day 1)

1.1 Introduction, Welcome Remarks, Highlights of the 3rd PSC Meeting

Ms. Amelita Ortiz, Assistant Director (AD) of the Department of Environment and Natural

Resources (DENR)-Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB) and Project Technical Working

Group (TWG) Chairperson officially called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM. A total of 43

participants attended the meeting, composed of TWG members or their representatives, firms

and consultants, the Project Management Unit (PMU), and representatives from the Asian

Development Bank (ADB). The list of attendees is attached as Annex A.

In her Welcome Remarks, AD Ortiz shared that the TWG meets every quarter, the last meeting

of which was on February 5, 2020 in a face-to-face meeting held in B Hotel, Quezon City.

Following this, the 4th TWG meeting was supposed to take place in May 2020, but due to

COVID-19 travel restrictions and adjustments, the said meeting was postponed indefinitely.

She added that it has been eight months since the 3rd TWG meeting and three months since the

3rd PSC Meeting and that the time is ripe for the TWG to convene once more.

AD Ortiz informed the TWG that the 4th TWG Meeting will be conducted online and will be

spread out across two days as to not overload TWG members with outputs to review. AD Ortiz

led the members in reviewing the Provisional Agenda for Days 1 and 2 (attached as Annex B).

Day 1 focused on Component 1 (Strengthening Legal Frameworks and Increased Information

Sharing) and Component 2 (Capacity Building), while Day 2 (October 14, 2020; 10:00 AM –

12:00 NN) will focus on Component 3 (Demand Reduction and Communications, Education

and Public Awareness or CEPA). No comments were raised for the provisional agenda, and

the agenda for the meeting was adopted and approved.

AD Ortiz presented the Highlights of the 3rd Project Steering Committee (PSC) Meeting

(attached as Annex C). She highlighted the directives from the 3rd PSC Meeting and the status

of the Project in regard to the PSC directives in her presentation. No questions or comments

were raised.

She later turned over the chairmanship of the meeting to the Vice-Chair, Atty. Theresa Tenazas,

Division Chief of BMB- Wildlife Resources Division (WRD), due to another urgent meeting

she had to attend to.

1.2 Updates on Component 1 Outputs

Dr. Mary Jean Caleda, Project Manager of the DENR-ADB/Global Environment Facility

(GEF) Project on Combating Environmental Organized Crime in the Philippines or IWT

Project, presented a general overview of the accomplishments for Component 1 (attached as

Annex D).

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1.3 Salient points of the proposed revisions to the Implementing Rules and

Regulations (IRR) of the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act

of 2001

Atty. Asis Perez presented the Salient points of the proposed revisions to the Implementing

Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act of

2001(attached as Annex E).

In the Open Forum, Dr. Caleda informed the TWG that it was agreed in a previous meeting

that Atty. Perez will incorporate the comments of DENR-BMB and the BMB Technical

Review Committee (TRC) after which, the draft will be sent to DENR-BMB to make a final

determination on the inclusion of the Bangsamoro Government (BMG) in the revisions to the

IRR. She asked BMB if they are ready to share their thoughts on the inclusion or exclusion of

BMG in the revised IRR.

Atty. Perez clarified that the agreement during the meeting was for him to send a legal

memorandum to DENR-BMB detailing salient legal considerations/ basis for the inclusion of

the BMG, before DENR-BMB makes their final determination on the matter.

Atty. Tenazas replied that BMB-WRD is ready to respond to the matter. She said that BMB’s

position is to include the BMG in the amendatory Bill, as already proposed, and to its

subsequent IRR, and not in the revisions to the current IRR.

Atty. Perez clarified if there is no need to submit a legal memorandum anymore as DENR-

BMB has already made a position. Atty. Tenazas answered in the affirmative.

She added that on the authority to sign the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for scientific

researches on wildlife, which currently falls under the authority of the Secretary, this can also

be included in the amendatory Bill and its subsequent IRR.

Ms. Cecilia Fisher of ADB asked whether all the rules presented for the Invasive Alien Species

(IAS) classification should be fulfilled to classify an animal as an IAS. Atty. Perez responded

that the rules are guides to be considered and that it is not necessary to fulfill all the criteria to

classify a species as IAS. He added that the final classification will be based on the

recommendation of the Wildlife Management Committee (WMC) and determination of the


Atty. Tenazas added that DENR-BMB currently has a pending Department Administrative

Order (DAO) on how to classify IAS. The DAO is currently pending review by the DENR-

Policy Technical Working Group (PTWG).

Prof. Judeline Dimalibot, University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB), shared that in

UPLB, there is a unit called Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) which

requires researchers to secure a permit prior to conducting any study on domestic or wild

fauna. She asked if these requirements will be included in the revisions to the IRR.

Atty. Perez answered that the IACUC’s rules are independent of the IRR.

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Prof. Dimalibot also suggested defining the terms “personal consumption” and “family

consumption” in the IRR. Atty. Perez answered that the term originally used in the Wildlife

Act is “small scale utilization” which was ambiguous and hard to define, hence what was used

in its place was “personal and family consumption”. He added that it can be defined further,

but that he felt it was clear enough to be understood in determining the standard.

Prof. Dimalibot suggested to also invite the different conservation organizations (e.g.

Biodiversity Conservation Society of the Philippines, Philippine Biodiversity Conservation

Foundation, Mindoro Biodiversity Conservation Foundation Inc) to the IRR’s broader


Pertaining to the proposed Rule 7.7, Prof. Dimalibot asked what the Project’s take on

threatened fauna that are considered as agricultural pests. Atty. Perez clarified that these

animals cannot be taken as they are threatened even if they are considered as pests.

1.4 Draft Local Government Unit (LGU) Resolution in Support of the

Revision of the Wildlife Act; Inter-Agency Resolution Against Wildlife Crimes

Atty. Perez presented the draft LGU Resolution in support of the amendments to the Wildlife

Act which the Project targets to solicit from selected LGUs in the project sites (attached as

Annex F). No questions were raised in this section of his presentation.

Atty. Perez also presented the concept note of the 4th National Environment Law Enforcement

(NELE) Summit (attached as Annex G) which describes the objectives and process for the

signing of a joint Resolution against Wildlife Crime by the National Law Enforcement

Coordinating Council-Subcommittee on Environment and Natural Resources (NALECC-


Dr. Caleda asked what the timeframe is for the preparatory meetings and if it is possible to

include as signatory to the resolution other agencies such as the Department of Tourism outside

of the NALECC-SCENR. Atty. Perez answered that the NELE Summit is ran by the Office of

the Undersecretary (USEC) for Enforcement and the NALECC-SCENR, hence the schedule of

the preparatory meetings and the list of invitees/signatories will be decided by them. He added

that what the Project can do is to submit the Concept Note to the NALECC-SCENER with the

suggested dates for the preparatory meetings, suggested agencies to be invited in the NELE

Summit, and proposed signatories.

1.5 Updates on Component 2 deliverables

Dr. Caleda presented a general overview of the accomplishments for Component 2 (attached

as Annex H), and thereafter called Atty. Fritzielyn Palmiera of Tanggol Kalikasan (TK) to

present the modules developed by the Project.

1.6 Modules on Introduction to Anti-Money-Laundering, Controlled

Delivery, Safety Inspection Protocol, and Prosecution-Level 2

Atty. Palmiery presented the module on Introduction to Controlled delivery (attached as Annex

I). Thereafter, Mr. Mark Martinez of TK presented the module on Introduction to Anti-Money

Laundering (attached as Annex J) and Ms. Jaemy Villanueva of TK presented the module on

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Safety Inspection Protocol (attached as Annex K). Atty. Rolando Recto of TK presented the

module on Prosecution of Wildlife Cases-Level 2 (attached as Annex L). Afterwards, Atty.

Ronely Sheen, Executive Director of TK and Team Leader of Component 2, presented the

Calendar of Activities of TK for Quarter 4 of 2020 (attached as Annex M).

1.7 Open Forum

Dr. Caleda asked if the results of the evaluations presented by TK are based on 100% feedback

of participants. Atty. Palmiery answered no.

Atty. Camilo Garcia, Chief of the Legal Research and Opinion Division of the DENR Legal

Affairs Service, asked if the Training for the Prosecution of Wildlife Cases is only for lawyers

and if more DENR lawyers can be included since, based on the design, only two participants

will be invited per office.(Annex L). Atty. Sheen answered the activity will first cover the

Project sites, but there are plans to cover all the regions beyond the scope of the Project. Atty.

Tenazas agreed and added that BMB-WRD is already working on this.

Prof. Dimalibot asked if she can attend the Training Course on Basic Wildlife Law

Enforcement (BWLE). Atty. Sheen answered yes and added that she will send the link to the


Regarding the module on Prosecution of Wildlife Cases (Level 2), Dr. Caleda clarified if it is

the existing modules (with new inputs) that will be delivered to the trainees. Atty. Sheen

answered that for already existing modules, TK will use them and will update and /or enhance,

as necessary. She added that there are two to three topics without modules and that TK will

develop these (e.g. Financial Investigation in the Valuation of Wildlife).

Dr. Esteven Toledo, BMB-WRD, asked how the port assessment will be conducted. Atty.

Sheen answered that it will be conducted online though Zoom. The assessment will be

conducted over four days using the Port Monitoring and Anti-Trafficking Evaluation

(PortMATE) tool customized for the Philippine situation. The assessment will be conducted in

partnership with the UNDP/GEF Project on Reducing Maritime Trafficking of Wildlife

between Africa and Asia.

1.8 Self-paced E-Modules – Offline Content and Storyboard

Ms. Cristina Velez, Knowledge and Communications Specialist of the Project, presented

updates on the development of self-paced e-learning modules of the BWLE Training

Course (attached as Annex N).

1.9 Open Forum

Dr. Ricciardi, Environmental Specialist for ADB, asked the following questions through the

Zoom chat function:

1. How many modules will be converted in this format?

2. Are there sufficient resources to include other topics that may be identified

(question directed to BMB)?

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3. How often they will need to be updated and how much is the cost (in %) compared

with doing them from scratch.

For the first question, Ms. Velez answered that there are seven courses and 18 modules and

referred to slide 8 of Annex J. For the second question, Atty. Tenazas answered that DENR-

BMB will need to see the other modules first before she can provide a response. For the third

question, Ms. Velez answered that for the laws, the modules need to be changed once the laws

are changed, which does not happen too often. In addition, she added that the courses can be

updated centrally, which makes it easier to update. She added that the bulk of the costs is

usually for building the system and developing the courses. Beyond that, the cost will be in

maintaining subscription for the Learning Management System (LMS).

Ms. Nancy Corpuz, Division Chief of BMB- Biodiversity Policy and Knowledge Management

Division (BPKMD), commented that the Bureau can include the costs for its forward estimates

and added that it is important to cascade the system to DENR field offices once developed.

Ms. Weng Bolinas of BMB-BPKMD asked if the modules will be translated into local

languages, if needed or requested. Ms. Velez answered that, it will not be translated locally as

it is not included in the budget. She added that it will depend on the availability of budget.

On content vetting, Dr. Caleda asked if there is peer review included in the process. Ms. Velez

answered that it is up to the Project and DENR-BMB but that they would prefer conducting the

peer review before building the system. Dr. Caleda asked Ms. Velez to share with the TWG

the content template/script for comments.

1.10 Synthesis and Next Steps

Mr. Lodigario Rigor, Project Assistant, presented the summary of agreements and next steps

discussed in the meeting. The agreements and next steps for day 1 are as follows:

Topic Agreements and Next Steps

Proposed revisions to the

IRR of the Wildlife Act

of 2001

• Delete all references to the Bangsamoro Government; will

be covered by the Amendment Bill and its IRR

• On classifying Invasive Alien Species (IAS), it’s necessary

to fulfill SOME but not ALL criteria; BMB already

prepared a draft admin order on classifying IAS.

• Explore expanding the definition of “personal or family


• Invite the different conservation organizations (e.g.,

Biodiversity Conservation Society of the Philippines,

PBCFI, MBCFI) to the IRR’s broader consultation

Inter-Agency Resolution

Against Wildlife Crimes

• Submit the concept note and draft inter-agency resolution

to the Office of Undersecretary for Enforcement

• If possible, invite other agencies (e.g. DOT) to the 4th

Environmental Law Enforcement Summit and as

signatories to the Inter-Agency Resolution

Modules on Introduction

to Anti-Money-

• If possible, add more lawyer participants from DENR in

the Seminar for the Prosecution of Wildlife Crimes

Page 11: Technical Working Group Meeting


Laundering, Controlled

Delivery, Safety

Inspection Protocol, and

Prosecution-Level 2

• TK to develop additional modules (e.g. Financial

Investigation in the Valuation of Wildlife)

Online Self-paced Basic

Wildlife Law

Enforcement Training


• BMB can include the cost for the Learning Management

System to host the Training Course in the Forward


• Cascade these (courses and modules) to DENR field offices

• The Consultant Team to share the content template/ script

to the TWG for content vetting

Atty. Tenazas adjourned the 4th TWG Meeting- Day 1 at 4:55 PM and reminded everyone of

the 2nd day of the 4th TWG Meeting.

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2.0 TWG Meeting (Component 3), October 14, 2020 (Day 2)

2.1 Welcome, Rollcall, Activity Flow, and Recap

AD Ortiz officially called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M. All members of the Technical

Working Group were present. A total of 21 participants attended the meeting, composed of all

TWG members or their representatives, firms and consultants, PMU, and representatives from

ADB. The list of attendees is attached as Annex O.

AD Ortiz started Day 2 of the 4th TWG Meeting by going through the program of the meeting

(attached as Annex P) and by providing a recap of the highlights of Day 1 of the 4th TWG

Meeting (attached as Annex Q). No questions were raised.

2.2 Updates on Component 3 Outputs

Dr. Caleda presented an update of the accomplishments for Component 3 (attached as Annex

R). Thereafter, NIRAS Asia Manila Inc. (NIRAS) reported on the status of the pre-campaign

consumer report, the CEPA Strategy and Plan and audience-segmented CEPA materials, the

Economic Valuations Study, and upcoming calendar of activities

2.3 Presentation of Pre-campaign Consumer Research Report, CEPA

Strategy and Plan and audience-segmented CEPA Materials, Updates on

Economic Valuation, and Calendar of Activities

Ms. Mary Joanne Trivino of NIRAS, presented the updates on the pre-campaign consumer

research (attached as Annex S). Afterwards, Mr. Gregg Yan presented updates on the Overall

CEPA Strategy and Plan and draft audience-segmented CEPA Material (attached as Annex T)

and Dr. Agustin Arcenas presented the updates on the Economic Valuation Study (attached as

Annex U). Thereafter, Ms. Dominique Tabora, NIRAS Team Leader, presented the upcoming

activities and milestones for Component 3 (attached as Annex V).

2.4 Open Forum

Ms. Fischer expressed her concerns about the calendar of NIRAS as the post-campaign

consumer research is already scheduled from January to February 2021. She asked if the time

allotted will be sufficient to implement the CEPA Campaign as the pre-campaign consumer

report and CEPA Strategy and Plan for CARAGA is still pending completion.

Ms. Dominique Tabora, Team Leader for NIRAS, answered that the initial data gathering for

the CARAGA report (based on the nationwide survey) is already complete. The additional

special quota for CARAGA, however, is still ongoing. She added that they will soon start with

the social media campaign. She said, however, that because internet connection in CARAGA

is not as strong, the social media campaign will be geared towards Metro Manila and Cebu and

will run from mid-October to December 2020. Regarding the post-campaign scheduled from

January to February 2021, she said that the schedule includes the time for preparatory activities.

Actual surveys will start February 2021.

Ms. Trivino added that the results of the CARAGA special quota survey will be completed by

November. The key-information needed from the pre-campaign research that will inform the

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CEPA Strategy will be ready seven days after completion of survey. She added that NIRAS

will be mindful in analyzing the results as the CEPA Campaign will have already started and

may have influence on the results.

Dr. Caleda asked if there is a way to fast-track the CARAGA special quota survey especially

since NIRAS is already starting their CEPA Campaign. Ms. Trivino answered that she will talk

with the 3rd party agency on how to fast-track the surveys.

Dr. Caleda echoed the concern regarding the timeline for the conduct of the post-campaign

consumer research and suggested that NIRAS revisit its calendar of activities. Ms. Tabora

agreed and reiterated that the schedule includes preparatory activities which takes a lot of time.

Ms. Fischer commented that the timeline for the implementation of the CEPA Campaign may

be too short given that it will be conducted during Christmas season and suggested that the

post-campaign study be moved.

Ms. Trivino answered that NIRAS will revisit the timeline while taking note of the concerns

raised (NIRAS Revised Schedule and Timeline attached as Annex W). She shared that based

on past studies they conducted, the reason to avoid implementation during Christmas is because

of the Christmas rush. She added that Christmas and New Year may not be as cluttered this

year given that there are still quarantine restrictions.

Regarding the CEPA Materials, Dr. Caleda suggested using e-commerce platforms (e.g.

Lazada, Shopee) to target non-committals, including putting ads to target those shopping for

Christmas gifts.

Mr. Gregg Yan of NIRAS answered that NIRAS has already considered the Christmas season

in their CEPA Plan and Strategy. He added that the ‘angle’ can be to give the ‘gift of life’ or

the ‘gift of freedom’ to the animals and provide alternative options to the shoppers.

Mr. Yan also answered the question posted by Dr. Caleda in the Zoom chat function on why

the use of digital screens in the CEPA Campaign is limited to only Cebu and Metro Manila.

He said that this is due to the lack of availability of digital screens in CARAGA. He asked the

attendees to let NIRAS know if there are digital screens in CARAGA so that this can be


Regarding the Economic Valuation Report, Dr. Caleda mentioned the interest of the National

Economic Development Authority (NEDA) for a policy brief or paper that will make the report

understandable to policy and decision makers. She added that the Project reported to the PSC

that there will be a presentation of the Economic Valuation Report to NEDA. Dr. Arcenas

asked when the presentation will be held. Dr. Caleda answered that it is tentatively set mid-

November and NIRAS will be informed once there is a fixed date. Dr. Arcenas said that NIRAS

can submit the final version of the report in two weeks (October 28, 2020).

2.5 Synthesis and Next Steps

Mr. Lodigario Rigor, Project Assistant, presented the summary of agreements and next steps

discussed in the meeting, as follows:

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Topic Agreements and Next Steps

Pre-Campaign Consumer Survey

Report – Household and

National Survey

• Move the post-campaign study to a later date as

timeline for the actual CEPA campaign (October

2020 to January 2021) may be too short to achieve

actual awareness changes, especially if conducted

over Christmas and New Year.

• Fast-track the completion of CARAGA Special

Quota Survey; NIRAS to get early results that can

be used in the CEPA Campaign

• Create CEPA materials that will target non-

committals during Christmas season (e.g. on gift-

giving, giving the gift of life)

• On economic valuation report, NIRAS to submit

final report two weeks from now (October 26-30);

for presentation to NEDA (tentatively by mid-


• NIRAS to revisit the calendar

Overall CEPA Strategy and Plan

and Draft Audience-segmented

CEPA Material

Update on Economic Valuation


Timeline of Activities

AD Ortiz thanked the TWG members and other participants and adjourned the 4th TWG

Meeting- Day 2 at 12:37 PM.

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Annex A List of Attendees- Day 1

Annex B Provisional Agenda

Annex C PowerPoint: Highlights of the 3rd Project Steering Committee

(PSC) Meeting

Annex D PowerPoint: Updates on Component 1 deliverables

Annex E PowerPoint: Salient points of the proposed revisions to the

Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Wildlife

Conservation and Protection Act of 2001

Annex F Concept note on the Passage of LGU Resolution in Support of the

Amendments to the Wildlife Act and the draft LGU Resolution in

Support of the Revision of the Wildlife Act

Annex G Concept note of the 4th National Environment Law Enforcement

(NELE) Summit

Annex H PowerPoint: Updates on Component 2 deliverables

Annex I PowerPoint: Presentation on the Module on Introduction to

Controlled delivery

Annex J PowerPoint: Presentation on the Module on Introduction to Anti-

Money Laundering in relation to the Wildlife Resources

Conservation Act or RA 9147

Annex K PowerPoint: Presentation on the Module on Safety Inspection


Annex L PowerPoint: Presentation on the Module on Prosecution of Wildlife

Cases-Level 2

Annex M PowerPoint: Calendar of Activities of TK for Quarter 4 of 2020

Annex N PowerPoint: Updates in the development of self-paced e-learning

modules of the BWLE Training Course

Annex O List of Attendees- Day 2

Annex P Program- Day 2

Annex Q PowerPoint: Recap of Day 1 of the 4th TWG Meeting

Annex R PowerPoint: Updates on Component 3 deliverables

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Annex S PowerPoint: Updates on the Pre-campaign Consumer Research

Annex T PowerPoint: Updates on the Overall CEPA Strategy and Plan and

Draft Audience-segmented CEPA Materials

Annex U PowerPoint: Updates on the Economic Valuation Study

Annex V

PowerPoint: Planning for Sustainability and NIRAS’ Schedule and


Annex W NIRAS’ Revised Schedule and Timeline