Technical Documentation as Part of the Software Process

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A presentation about the process of creating technical documentation and how it integrates with the software development process. Authors: Iskra Boteva, Dobrinka Boeva, and Nedyalko Altanov.

Transcript of Technical Documentation as Part of the Software Process

  • 1. Technical Documentation as Part of the Software Process
  • 2. Intro Game Presentation Q&A
  • 3. Software Workflow Documentation Workflow Planning Planning Implementation Test Debug Finalize development Create drafts Reviews Finalize documentation
  • 4. Software Workflow Documentation Workflow Planning Implementation Test Create doc plans Planning Define the types of docs Create drafts Identify the audience Find the SMEs Set timeframes Debug Finalize development Reviews Finalize documentation Commit
  • 5. Software Workflow Documentation Workflow Planning Planning Implementation Test Debug Finalize development Research Create drafts Play with the product Get info from developers Reviews Finalize documentation Write drafts
  • 6. Software Workflow Documentation Workflow Planning Planning Draft content Implementation Create drafts Test Reviews Get feedback Debug Finalize development Finalize documentation No OK Yes Finalize
  • 7. Software Workflow Documentation Workflow Planning Planning Implementation Create drafts Test Write release notes Create outputs Test docs Debug Reviews Finalize development Finalize documentation Upload to whatever place the release cycle requires Check links to and from the docs
  • 8. Software Workflow Documentation Workflow Planning Planning Implementation Create drafts Test Debug Reviews Finalize development Finalize documentation