Tech. 2017 predictions presentation for meetups

CoE: @Innogress Stark Consulting Services Inc. WELCOME Members New York/California/Bangalore Tech. Startups and SMBs Marketing Strategy Meetup Aligning your 'Go-To-Market'with Tech. Predictions for year 2017 Stark Consulting Services Inc. Sumant Parimal Market Analyst & Ex-IDC

Transcript of Tech. 2017 predictions presentation for meetups

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CoE: @InnogressStark Consulting Services Inc.



New York/California/Bangalore

Tech. Startups and SMBs

Marketing Strategy Meetup

Aligning your 'Go-To-Market' with

Tech. Predictions for year 2017

Stark Consulting Services Inc.

Sumant ParimalMarket Analyst & Ex-IDC

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CoE: @InnogressStark Consulting Services Inc.

Structure of Webinar

Stark Consulting Services Inc.

Tech. Industry




‘Go-To Market’


Section # Tech. Area Functional Area

Section # 1 Overall Tech. Predictions Digital Transformation-B2B/B2C

Section # 2 AI/Robotics Sales & Marketing, Customer Services,

Operations, Supply Chain

Section # 3 BI/Analytics/Big Data/IM Applied Analytics, Collaborations

Section # 4 Cloud/SaaS/Social/Mobility B2B / B2C Mobility & Cloud Apps.

Section # 5 IoT/Sensors/Mesh Real Time/Connected/Smart Devices

Section # 6 Digital Business Digital Transformation/Enterprise Apps.

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Taking A Bird Eye View of Tech. Mkt.

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Section#1: Overall Tech. Predictions

Industry Predictions Opportunities/Disruptions GTM Guidance

SMAC Tech. & Services to drive 75%

of IT Spending in next 2 years- IDC

SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud) is going

to hit up-to $1 Trillion opportunities

Your solutions should enable Nexus of forces

(S+M+A+C+IoT) much more stronger! ReStrategize

Innovation Accelerators going to

mainstream are Cognitive/AI,

Robotics, IoT, Wireless Power, AR/VR,

Block Chain, 3D Printing

Innovation accelerators to grow @GAGR 17.2%,

$1T+opportunities. Disrupts to the extent that

by 2020, 30%+ of the Tech. Vendors will not

exist as we know them today

Look for industry specific use cases converging one

or more accelerators. E.g. ‘Augmented Humanity’

in Health Care to converge Augmented

Memory/Sensing, 3DPrinting, Robotics in Human

‘AI’ Every Where, Embedded

Intelligence- IDC. Intelligent Apps,

Intelligent Things- Gartner

Today, only 1% of all apps. use cognitive

services; by 2018, 50% will. Analytics to be

embedded in every apps.

Apps. developers have to incorporate

cognitive/NLP based conversational APIs giving a

browser less user experience

20% of enterprises will employ

dedicated people to train Neural N/W

By 2018, more than 3 million workers globally

will be supervised by a "roboboss”

Develop & Market Neural Networks & Machine

Learning Algorithms to perform repetitive tasks

Intelligent Digital Mesh: ›26B

connected devices on IoT Platforms

Spending on new IoT hardware will exceed $2.5

million a minute. 50% of devices will have the

necessary intelligence to request support

Great opportunities lies in developing device level

Embedded intelligence software and firmware

Delivering saving by Programmatic IoT devices

AR/VR to create an immersive Digital

World. 30% of consumer facing

companies will go for AR/VR -IDC

Digital Experience & Engagement will draw

people into nonstop virtual interactions, 400M

Augmented reality Mob. Apps. consumers

Evolve targeted AR/VR Solutions for Gaming,

Entertainment, Construction, Retail , B2C sectors

Focus on AR/VR Marketing Sols./ Users Experience

Majority of businesses to be

dependent on ability to create

Digitally enhanced Products, Services

TX spending to touch $2.2T by 2019, 60%

higher than present spending. In B2C, 7 big

Digital giants to engage with large consumers

In B2B: Sol/Services for Digital Transformation(TX)

In B2C space, align your Digital Solutions with

Digital Giants, Google, Apple, FB, Amazon, Alibaba

IDC: Predictions Gartner: Predictions Stark: Guidance

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Section#2: AI/Robotics

Industry Predictions Opportunities/Disruptions GTM Guidance

‘AI’ Every Where, Embedded

Intelligence- IDC. Intelligent Apps,

Intelligent Things- Gartner

Today, only 1% of all apps. use cognitive

services; by 2018, 50% Apps. will have

cognitive/NLP based access

Apps. developers have to incorporate

cognitive/NLP based conversational APIs giving a

browser less user experience

2017 is going to be a year of AI, it gets

into Mainstream Adoption in B2B/B2C

Space. By 2018, 20% of all business

content will be authored by

machines- Robowriters

Smart Dust, Machine Learning, Virtual Personal

Assistants, Cognitive Expert Advisors, Smart

Data Discovery, Smart Workspace,

Conversational User Interfaces, Smart Robots,

Autonomous Vehicles, NLP, Personal Analytics

Virtual Personal Assistant (VPA) is going to be the

access points for all Apps., Opportunities lies in

developing various versions of VPAs. Opportunities

also exits for developing personalized VPAs.

Develop Robowriters- Auto. Content Auth. tools

Over the years, Smart agents will

facilitate 40% of mobile interactions

and Customers will manage 85% of

their relationship with an enterprise

without interacting with a human

Intersection point of NLP & AI is most

happening Tech. innovation zone disrupting

many existing plain process automation based

technologies to the Smart, Intelligent and Self

Learning Technologies

Launch Machine Learning based ChatBot cum

Artificial Intelligent agents to handle Customer

Relations & Customer Services

Solutions to Automate Contact Centers through

NLP based virtual agents- reduce time & cost

Industry focused cognitive use cases

to account for 85% of top 10

investments in Cognitive/AI

Health -Diagnostic & Treatment : $7B, @73%

Manufacturing -Quality Mgmt. : $6B, @64%

Retail -Automated Service Agents:$4.8B, @52%

Build IoT based smart, self learning personalized

healthcare solutions for human to detects/advises

ChatBot solution deployment in E-comm./shopping

Connected/Autonomous Vehicle

/Robotics are on Top of Investors

agenda for next few years

Emergence of ‘Robot As a Service’–30% of

Commercial Robotic Apps. to be in RAaS

Emergence of ‘Software Defined Robots’,

Emergence of ‘Robotics Cloud Market Place ‘

Develop healthcare, logistics, utilities, E-

Com./Retail/Hospitality sector specific Robotics

Apps. Proactively, evolve your ecosystem for

participating in ‘Robotics Cloud Market Place’

IDC: Predictions Gartner: Predictions Stark: Guidance

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Section#3: BI/Analytics/Big Data/IM

Industry Predictions Opportunities/Disruptions GTM Guidance

75% of Enterprise & ISV dev. to

include Cognitive/AI or M/C Learning

functionality in at least one app.,

including Business Analytics tools

Apps. upgrade cycles may accelerate to

leverage AI, as Analytics to be in every apps.

One-third of Analytics Apps. Architecture to be

based on federation of Big Data & RDBMS

Develop industry focused Enterprise Apps. Plug-

In/Wrappers /APIs for enabling AI /Analytics in

Enterprise Apps.

Evolve industry focused Big Data Platforms

Analytics is moving in value chain

from Descriptive to Diagnostics to

Predictive to Prescriptive

By 2020, predictive & prescriptive analytics will

attract 40% of enterprises' net-new investment

in business intelligence and analytics

Develop your existing BI/Analytics sol. to a level

where it becomes Predictor to Automated Decision

Making. Industry outcome based Applied Analytics

By 2020, 50% of motor vehicle

manufacturers will apply advanced

analytics to connected-vehicle data to

identify and correct product defects

This trend presents an unprecedented

opportunity for the automotive industry to

accelerate the process of locating product

defects and identifying root causes

Great opportunities for solution providers to

Automobile & Auto component industry to

become partner for Co-creation & Co-innovation

by sharing insights from connected fleet Analytics

New cloud pricing model will emerge

for specific analytics workloads

Emergence of Algorithm marketplaces

Cloud Analytics sol. contributes 5 times higher

growth in spending vs. On-Premises Analytics

Algorithm marketplaces to combined with PaaS

Great opportunities for cloud based Analytics &

Algorithmic Platforms for specific applications like

High frequency trading, fraud detection, credit

rating, sentiment analysis, streaming analytics

53% of Analytics to be deployed for

customer centric functions, 40% to

improve operational efficiency, 07%

to improve financial risk mgmt.

53%split: 31% to improve customer acquisition

(Sales Analytics to grow @CAGR 33%), 22% to

improve customer experience

Big Data Market to touch $3B+ by 2017

Develop ‘In-Memory’ Pre-Sales/Sales Analytics

Sols. for real time customer acquisition for On-Line

Market Place/E-com. Develop viable solutions

across ‘Data Lakes’ in Big Data Space

APIs to be the primary mechanism to

connect data, algorithms, decision

services across digital value chain

Over half of large organizations globally will

compete using advanced analytics, proprietary


Evolve your strategy for participating in API Mkt.

Place, offer wide APIs platform to integrate &

manage data/algorithms across digital value chain

IDC: Predictions Gartner: Predictions Stark: Guidance

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Section#4: Cloud/SaaS/Social/Mobility

Industry Predictions Opportunities/Disruptions GTM Guidance

By 2020, top 5 Cloud Players to

control at least 75% of combined

PaaS/IaaS Market Share

Consolidation of Cloud Market leads to

standardization of Cloud Apps. deployment

globally on same platform

Align your cloud offerings with top PaaS/IaaS

platforms like AWS,, Google Cloud,

Azure, IBM Bluemix, SAP HANA

By 2017, more than 60% of Enterprise

IT Organisation Building Hybrid Clouds

to purchase new or updated

Workload-Centric Cloud Mgmt. Sols.

Opportunities for Cloud Mgmt. automation,

orchestration software & end user experience

Opportunities for workload and app-centric

performance analysis and automation

Great opportunities in Cloud Containerization,

Cloud Performance Monitoring Solutions

Solutions converging IoT & Cloud are going to be in

great demand, integration of IoT devices on cloud

Industry Collaborative Clouds Surges-

by 2018, no. of industry collaborative

clouds to triple upto 450+

Evolution of Cloud-based platform through

which multiple companies in an industry

collaborates towards common goals

Opportunities for evolving industry specific

collaborative clouds like Compliance Clouds,

Specification Std. Clouds, Innovation Mgmt. Clouds

In 2017, the average user of Social &

Messaging service to spend more

than 20 hours/week engaged with

those services across various screens

Opportunities for Platform owners to control

and manage consumer engagement

Launch Social Media Management dashboards

with reporting features

Plan offering Social Media Managed services on

leading management tools like Buffer, Hootsuite,

Agorapulse, or Sprout Social

By 2020, Smart agents to facilitate

40% of Mob. interactions, post-App

era to begin to dominate. 20% of

Brands to abandon their Mobile Apps.

Disruption of present Native Apps Market

Place, as 50% of consumers download ‘0’ apps

P/M, 26% of consumers abandon the apps they

do download, 77% don't use it after three days

Mob. Apps. developers to integrate their existing &

future Apps. with VPA (Smart Agents).

Mobile Sols. to shift from native to Progressive

Web Apps. & to Instant Apps.

60% of all business processes will be

optimized for mobile, as Enterprise

App. usage on in nascent stage

In Enterprise, Execution & validation of

processes to be done with mobile. New

processes to be designed to be used on move

Enterprise Business Process focused Mobile

Platform development specially in functions like

QC, Inspection, Field Services, Field Sales, Exp. Mgt

IDC: Predictions Gartner: Predictions Stark: Guidance

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Section#5: IoT/Sensors/Mesh

Industry Predictions Opportunities/Disruptions GTM Guidance

IoT Platform to come into mainstream

in 2017

Opportunities for Intelligent Things, Intelligent

Sensors, Consumer Things, Healthcare Things,

Embedded Things, Digital Twins

Either become an End to End Distributed IoT

Platform Suite provider or Align your Digital

offerings with establish IoT Platforms vendors,

focus on customized IoT Sol. for gateways, data

communication, data ingestion, device

mgmt./control, progg. smart devices, IoT Services

43% of IoT data to be processed at

the edge

Opportunity for IoT Edge Platform (Gateways)

Opportunity for Distributed IoT Platform Suite

IoT to Save Consumers and

Businesses $1 Trillion a Year by 2020

Cost saving through IoT based predictive maint.

MNCs employers to sponsor health tracking

wearable devices to reduce health care cost

Develop & deploy IoT Solutions for healthcare,

asset mgmt., retail, logistics, supply chain, utilities

and consumer space. Upgrade legacy apps for IoT

Intelligent Digital Mesh to deploy 26B

Connected IoT Sensors & end points

by year 2020

Endpoints are shifting from Desk to Person to

Environment. Digital Mesh Security through

External Identity, Threat Intelligence, Incident


Development and deployment of Contextual Apps

& Services to be personalized for each Task to be

performed across dynamic mesh

Develop adaptive Device to Digital Mesh level

security solutions to continuously monitor threats

Intelligent Digital Mesh: The Mesh Is

Dynamic and Pervasive, The Mesh

Drives New User Experience Design

Mesh App & Service Architecture- Agility and

Flexibility to Drive the Design

Develop Event Driven Cloud based Mesh Apps. on

Service Oriented Architecture with Software

Defined APIs

There Is No "IoT Solution" SKU — By

Necessity, Most Mature IoT Projects

to Involve Multiple IT Providers

Multiple vendors (Vodafone, AT&T, Cisco, IBM,

GE, Oracle, Huawei, Amazon) and service

providers (Atos, Capgemini, IBM, Siemens,

Hitachi) - complex & interdepended ecosystem

Build your ecosystem strategy in IoT market after

identifying you niche and strategic positioning in

complex IoT ecosystem

IDC: Predictions Gartner: Predictions Stark: Guidance

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Section#6: Digital Business

Industry Predictions Opportunities/Disruptions GTM Guidance

By 2017, 2/3rd of the CEOs of Global

2000 Enterprises will Have Digital

Transformation at the Center of Their

Corporate Strategy

Digital Marketing, Digital Processes

Demand for Digital-related Services to account

for over 70% of all external services growth and

40% of total worldwide services spending

Solutions and services for self healing digital

business processes, digital marketing, digital

supply chain, digital manufacturing, digital oil field,

digital shopping, etc.

40% of digital transformation

initiatives to be supported by

Cognitive/AI capabilities

Digital Enterprise Analytics, Speech to text,

touchless transactional processing, Virtual

customer assistants, Knowledge vaults, Smart

camera systems

Explore and launch digital solutions for making

business processes smart through AI.

Audience Profile Data system, Smart camera

systems, Facial Recognition, Emotion Detection,

Voice Recognition are few examples of target sols.

By 2020, 100 Million Consumers Will

Shop in Augmented Reality (AR)

10% of all web based meetings to

include an AR component

Virtual (VR) & Augmented Reality (AR) to

Enable Digital Business Moments and Models

By YE17, one in five leading global retail brands

deploy AR

Simulated Experiences, Scenario Modeling Apps.

Deploy AR for shopping

Develop and deploy Mobile augmented reality


Blockchain: an Emerging Digital


Honduras will use blockchain to build a secure

land title record system

Blockchain, a Trillion-Dollar Opportunity in

Supply Chain

Launch smart apps. using Blockchain for Asset

Mgmt., Supply Chain Mgmt., Contract Mgmt., Risk

Mgmt. Players can form Blockchain of commodities

IDC: Predictions Gartner: Predictions Stark: Guidance

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Q & A

Open House

Stark Consulting Services Inc.

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Contacts :

Sumant Parimal,


Stark Consulting Services Inc.

Mobile: +1-9174037772

Intl. Mobile: +91-9873219910

E-mail: [email protected]
