Team Code#: 3 - Joy of Tournaments · 2015. 3. 16. · answers on point? Was the cross fire...

PUBLIC FORUM Debate Round 5 4:30pm Room 1104 Pro: 9 Mishra - Ting Con: 16 McAvenia - Stephan Public Forum Judge's Name: PRO: Team Code#: Pro Speaker #1_ Pro Speaker #2_ 3 _ Judge's School Affiliation: CON: w Team Code #: L? pts Con Speaker # 1_ Avert,g pts30_ Con Speaker Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: / 30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = VeryGQdd 27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for eUmination rounds) 26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor <20 = Reserved for rude ofinappropriate behavior Judging Criteria / eANALYSIS: Did the debater explain the most impor^t issue(s) in the topic? Was the [explanation clear and concise? / • EVIDENCE: Did the debater support arguments With facts, expert opinions, or illu^tions? Was the evidence credible? / • REASONING: Were the conclusions reachedthe debater drawn from evidence and analysis? Were arguments logically built? / • CROSS EXAJVUNATION/CROSSFlREj/Were questions relevant and brief? Were answersonpo i nt?Wasthecrossfirecon^ctedi nac i v i lmanner? • REBUTTAL: Did the debater effectiv^ counter the arguments of the opposition with analysis, evidence, or reasoning? / • DELIVERY: Did each debater spe^in an organized, communicative style that was pleasant and easily understandable^ Using the above criteria, please mfer compliments and/or suggestions for improvement to each debater: / o(-fowl ^ WlL ynf OWJrtt. Jvftno w, OfOWlW W i Ut oCAh« , | '2/"'' ^ ^ , ]m¥«M TEAM CODE#: 1 on the wins this debate. wins this debate. REASON FOR DECISION: (PRO or CON)

Transcript of Team Code#: 3 - Joy of Tournaments · 2015. 3. 16. · answers on point? Was the cross fire...

  • P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t eRound 5 4:30pm Room 1104Pro: 9 Mishra - TingCon: 16 McAvenia - StephanP u b l i c F o r u m

    Judge's Name:

    P R O :Te a m C o d e # :

    Pro Speaker #1_

    Pro Speaker #2_

    3 _Judge's School Affiliation:

    C O N : wTe a m C o d e # : L ?

    pts Con Speaker # 1_ Avert,g

    pts30_ Con SpeakerPlease award each speaker points based on the following scale: /

    30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = VeryGQdd27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for eUmination rounds)

    26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • Towari, Puran (*14)Round 5 4:30pm Room 1104Pro: 9 Mishra - TingCon: 16 McAvenIa - StephanP u b l i c F o r u m


    Judge's Name:

    tirkti* XTeam Code #:

    Pro Speaker #2

    Judge's School Affiliation: '=-̂C O N :

    Team Code #: \C

    Con Speaker#! riC

    pts Con Speaker #2 pts_2£|_

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • Ruiz, Michael (MS)Round 5 4:30pm Room 1104Pro: 9 Mishra - TingCon: 16 McAvenia - StephanP u b l i c F o r u m

    P R O :Team Code #; ^

    P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:

    Judge's School Affiliation: ^^C O N :

    Team Code #: / G

    Pro Speaker #1

    Pro Speaker #2

    pts ̂ *"1 Con Speaker #1 ̂ lo ̂P t s C o n S p e a k e r # 2

    .pts_^p t s

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • Xie, Mr. ^2)Round 5 4:30pm Room 1105Pro: 17 Hwang - MasseyCon: 16 Ginsburg - ZhouPublic Forum

    Team Code #:P R O :

    Pro Speaker #2


    Judge's Name:

    Judge's School AfTiiiation:C O N :

    Team Code #:

    j t s C o n S p e a k e r

    pts Con Speaker #2 &C6K̂ L ,pts_i2Please award each speaker points based on the following sĉ:

    30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = ySyGood27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualiĵfor elimination rounds)

    26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • Santhanam, Sathish (*3)Round 5 4;30pm Room 1105Pro: 17 Hwang - MasseyCon: 16 Ginsburg - ZhouP u b l i c F o r u m

    Team Code #:


    Judge's Name: S AT \-\\A 14 '^A Is/TU/l IV A N

    Judge's School Affiliation: AfAeiT! lAiAl̂ £clu>o/C O N :

    _ T e a m C o d e # : I H

    Pro Speaker #2

    Jts '2^ Con Speaker #I -Z.IaO U.

    Pts 7-2 Con Speaker#2 Gl î 1:>UY(.Pts l3


    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Gf̂ d

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for ©lirnination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • Li, Donna flS)Round 5 4:30j3m Room 1105Pro; 17 Hwang - MasseyCon: 16 Ginsburg - ZhouP u b l i c F o r u m

    Team Code #:P R O :

    Pro Speaker #I_

    Pro Speaker #2


    Judge's Name: .DQllHrt I

    Judge's School Afriliation:_C O N :

    Team Code # :

    Its ^ Con Speaker #1_ Ue;

    pts_23 Con Speaker#2 ̂ ."k cj\j()jrQPlease award each speaker points based on the following ŝ le:

    30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28=;veryGood27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qû for elimination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • P R O :


    Judge's Name:

    Judge's School Affiliation: 0Team Code #:

    C O N :Team Code #:

    Pro Speaker #l_An̂£tf̂Pro Speaker #2_

    pts ^ « Con Speaker #1

    .Pts23_ Con Speaker #2 ptsPlease award each speaker points based on the following scalê/

    30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Ven̂ood27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify M elimination rounds)

    26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • Praharaj, Dillip (*9)Round 5 4:30pm Room 1106Pro: 16 Andrews - JangCon: 14 Donthi - MedaP u b l i c F o r u m

    Team Code #:


    J u d . e s N a . e :

    J l l d p f t ' s S r h n n l A fi F i l i a t t r k n -

    P R O :

    Pro Speaker

    Pro Speaker #2

    Judge's School Affiliation:,

    Team Code #:

    pts Con Speaker # 1

    pts 7S~I Con Speaker #2

    C O N :


    DoViHii ' p t sPlease award each speaker points based on the following scale:

    30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = VeiyGood27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination rounds)

    26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • CJV îKŷ

    Round 5 4:30pin Room 1106Pro: 16 Andrews - JangCon: 14 Donthi - MedaP u b l i c F o r u m

    Team Code #:


    Pro Speaker#!

    Pro Speaker #2 CXci

    Judge's Name: {niihlj

    Judge's School Affiliation:^,—

    (CON̂Team Code #: ^Pts ̂ 1 Con Speaker # I yi|>pts Con Speaker #2 jPrYl4>

    pts 3 ̂pts S ̂

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination rounds)2̂ -25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor 4- J-i

    C o n l : * { > ^frlAiV kA»>tj Ck/dUA]h

  • P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:

    Judge's School Affiliation:_P R O : C O N :

    Te a m C o d e # :

    Pro Speaker #1_

    Pro Speaker #2_

    Team Code #:

    / n ^ I t s C o n S p e a k e r # 1pts ̂ Con Speaker #2 5 ̂

    4 i s S O

    p t s ^Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: /

    30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = VeryGp'od27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for ejimination rounds)

    26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor c n < L . c ^ O A . t vXd f«it, N .exiceAJ

  • Alamedia, Don (*4)Round 6 6;00pm Room 1104Pro : 14 Don th i - MedaCon: 2 Shah - GottiparthyP u b l i c F o r u m

    T e a m C o (

    Pro Speaker #1

    P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t e

    Judge's Name: 3: A--K:Judge's School Affiliation

    Team Code #:

    ia t ion: O^OcC O N :

    Con Speaker #1

    ProjSpeaker #2_ Con Speaker #2_

    Pleŝ award each speajĵ ef̂ oints based on the following scale: ̂_,.J0̂ êrfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good/27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimhmtion rounds)

    26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor wins this debate.(PRjborCON)

  • LuinimrLealigt*16)Round 6 6:00pm Room 1104Pro : 14 Don th i - MedaCon: 2 Shah - GottiparthyP u b l i c F o r u m

    Team Code #:

    P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:

    Judge's School Affiliation:P R O : C O N :

    Pro Speaker #1_

    Pro Speaker #2_

    I t s

    Team Code #:

    Con Speaker #1

    Con Speaker #2



    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good /

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination rounds)• 26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • OlUCCKI C ̂Round 6 6:00pm Room 1105Pro: 16 Ginsburg - ZhouCon: 7 Seideman - YangP u b l i c F o r u m

    Team Code #:

    P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:

    P R O :

    Pro Speaker #1 "^nOUL

    Pro Speaker #2 Ainchu.!

    Judge's School Affiliation: v 1C O N :

    Team Code #:

    its "JP Con Speaker # 1 S \ nA

    pts '%0 Con Speaker #2 ^ a ja ^

    Uagnvi ^

    1 p t s

    ptev̂ 24

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • i a f ! l l ! 5 A . < a l » ^ i V \ V /Pollak, WilliatriT17)Round 6 6:00pm Room 1105Pro: 16 Ginsburg - ZhouCon: 7 Seideman - YangP u b l i c F o r u m

    P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:_ A / < z r r ' a

    Team Code #:

    Pro Speaker #1

    Pro Speaker iKL

    P R O :/ 6

  • Narayan, Gomathinayagam (*9)Round 6 6;00pm Room 1105Pro; 16 Ginsburg - ZhouCon: 7 Seideman - YangP u b l i c F o r u m

    P R O :Team Code #:

    Pro Speaker #1

    Pro Speaker #2,

    P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t e

    J u d g e ' s N a m e : N

    Judge's School Affiliation:CON: ^

    T e a m C o d e # : 7 ^

    ) t s Con Speaker #1_

    pts ̂ Con Speaker #2 pts 28

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = VeryGoo^r

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for eliromation rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor ^ + C o n l : o o X- r . r a M o c ^ S W : - s i ^ c sfl .

    SjvnW)^Prd̂ Ip̂ '02̂ 11̂ 9yi)*C'VU<

    PWttonh E^^cWiy pip|to^oaYNtr.2r Car\\j v>^ ^ to c 3

    T E A M C O D E # : o n t h e

    \ a c V C o n 2 : ^ ;

    Z C { K S ^ A

    on the PRO wins this debate.(PRO or CON)


    V oypDYvoyvhJ k ItsJL \e.ASi\. ^ ■ , :

  • Santhanam, Sathish f 3)Round 6 6:00pm Room 1106Pro; 9 Mishra - TingCon: 16 Wang - BaumP u b l i c F o r u m

    P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:

    P R O :Judge's School Affiliation: Log k. ̂ cUo0 (

    C O N :Team Code #: Team Code #:

    Pro Speaker #1 M i ̂ r

    Pro Speaker #2 T i Tl

    Con Speaker #1 VN

    p t s C o n

    Dts 2-9

    p t s

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for eliminatioprounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • Shankar, Pranav (*18)Round 6 6:00pm Room 1106Pro: 9 Mishra - TingCon: 16 Wang - BaumP u b l i c F o r u m

    P R O :Team Code #:

    Pro Speaker #1_

    Pro Speaker #2_

    P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:

    Judge's School Affiliation: 1 1 V\C O N :

    Team Code#: /6

    . t e l l Con Speaker #1,

    p ts Con Speaker #2_ p t s

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scal̂30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Verv̂ood

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify f̂limination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor c . 1

    wins th is debate.

    Pro 2:

    uJOfbJl Ou\ bMrtW )?C

    T E A M C O D E # : o n t h e wins th is debate.

    (PRO or CON)R E A S O N F O R D E C I S I O N : , . n . U / ' I / ' r J ^ oc W « ^ r r ^ U K c l , < = > I U

  • , / . U . + , U " ' J j f , , P ^ "

    ? > V ^ 5 W X ^Io - ^ c u \ U > ' ' L J w . . . w f Y u ^

    I s ) K 4 O O ' ^ ^ _ J£ J 1 K^''V P0°' $tV'l«»>-H, > "^/ lMff5oC(^- /„tt:i,r^« ^ ^'''.Tll' -^' r""

    c)HjMe oUs-. clJ h "'""j- I A

    \/Uo CUia'4-|i5(>r p̂60j/c "\'~*-f̂'̂-

    Q o u X ' - ^ = ^ ^ ^ ' , / L - f 7 ~ L ^ t )I I f-f1>-HJ, 1'^l>

  • Khattar, Mr/Mrs. (*2)Round 6 6:00pm Room 1106Pro: 9 Mishra - TingCon: 16 Wang - BaumP u b l i c F o r u m

    Te a m C o d e # :

    P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t e

    J u d g e ' s N a m e : 1 ^

    Judge's School Affiliation: ">[alleN UiCfH ĉwooLP R O : C O N :

    Team Code #:

    Pro Speaker #1_

    Pro Speaker #2_

    pts 2^ Con Speaker #1 M-ftK) Qpts Con Speaker #2 ^ ft ^ r\

    pts^-^ ' ^

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Vei3/̂ood

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualifŷ elimination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t eRound 6 6:00pm Room 1107Pro: 14 Nguyen - DoshiCon: 19 Chellani - AhluwaliaPublic Forum

    Judge's Name:_

    Judge's School Affiliation:.P R O : C O N :

    Team Code #:

    Pro Speaker #1_

    Pro Speaker #2.

    Team Code #:

    Con Speaker #1_

    Con Speaker #2 1Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: ^

    30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination rounds)

    26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • Ansel, Shaun (*16)Round 6 6;00pm Room 1107Pro: 14 Nguyen - DoshiCon; 19 Chellani - AhluwaliaPublic Forum

    P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:_

    Judge's School Affiliation:P R O : C O N :

    Team Code #:

    Pro Speaker #1_

    Pro Speaker #2_

    Team Code #:

    p t s C o n S p e a k e r # 1 p t s

    pts Con Speaker #2 A U ^ ptsPlease award each speaker points based on the following scale:

    30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = VeryGoo^r27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination rounds)


  • Zhu, Raymond (*7)Round 6 6:00pm Room 1107Pro: 14 Nguyen - DoshiCon: 19 Chellani - AhluwaliaP u b l i c F o r u m

    Team Code #:

    P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:

    Judge's School Affiliation: n LC O N :

    Team Code #: 1 ^

    Pro Speaker #2_

    Con Speaker #1_

    Con Speaker #2_

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = VeryGoô

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for duration rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • /a C? j

    C O N :Team Code #:

    Pro Speaker #1_

    Pro Speaker #2_

    Team Code #:

    /)y l/ ̂ pts Con Speaker #1_pts ($?? Con Speaker #2.

    Pts ^9

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: /30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good /

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elimination̂unds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • AggarwalrVanita f 9)Round 6 6:00pm Room 1108P r o : 1 4 G a n e s h - A r u nCon: 16 Zheng - MiskelleyPublic Forum

    P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:_

    Judge's School Affiliation:,P R O : C O N :

    Te a m C o d e

    Pro Speaker #1_

    Pro Speaker #2_

    Team Code #;

    r u n Con Speaker #1

    Con Speaker #2 N/f i

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: /30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Gewd

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for eHmination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • Round 6 6:00pm Room 1108P r o : 1 4 G a n e s h - A r u nCon: 16 Zheng - MIskelleyP u b l i c F o r u m

    P R O :Team Code #:

    P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:

    Judge's School Affiliation:.


    C O N :Team Code #:

    Pro Speaker#!. Con Speaker #1.

    Pro Speaker#2 (r̂ iA>-dŝ pts Con Speaker #2_ pts ̂Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: /

    30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Good27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for eiimination̂unds)

    26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • Bhamidipati, Lakshmi (*3)Round 6 6;00pm Room 1109Pro: 9 Khan - MacllwaineCon: 16 Ansel - ChowP u b l i c F o r u m

    P R O :Team Code #:

    Pro Speaker #1_

    Pro Speaker #2_

    P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t e

    Judge's Name: IJudge's School Affiliation:

    C O N :Team Code #:

    Wa'Kgpts_2̂ Con Speaker #1,Con Speaker #2_ .pts_Z=S

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: /30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = VeryĜd

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for̂mination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor -

    T ^ w ins th is debate .fPRObrCON)R E A S O N F O R D E C I S I O N : ^ ' r ( I - 4 - , - ^

    f \ o - ^ ^ V V ^ A > < ^ ^ I j l ^^ < 2 ^ t — ^u ^ A ^ A fi :

  • Ly, Denise (*14)Round 6 6:00pm Room 1109Pro: 9 Khan - MacllwalneCon: 16 Ansel - ChowP u b l i c F o r u m

    Te a m C o d e # :

    P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:

    Judge's School Affiliation:P R O : C O N :

    Team Code #:

    Pro Speaker #1_

    Pro Speaker #2_

    cuMyPts Con Speaker # 1

    J p t s C o n S p e a k e r # 2 p t s ^

    Please award each speaker points based on the following sc^le:30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Veĵ ôod

    27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify fdr elimination rounds)26-25 = Fair 24-20 = Poor

  • _Wpna, I ily (*1T)—Round 6 6:00pm Room 1109P r o : 9 K h a n - M a c l l w a i n eC o n : 1 6 A n s e l - C h o wP u b l i c F o r u m

    P U B L I C F O R U M D e b a t e

    Judge's Name:

    Judge's School Affiliation:

    Y ^

    P R O :Te a m C o d e # : Team Code #:

    C O N :

    Pro Speaker #1 M-icL I

    Pro Speaker #2 IX hPts ̂7 Con Speaker # I C ̂pts Con Speaker #2_ Ar̂

    Y Y ipts_i^

    Please award each speaker points based on the following scale: /30 = Perfect 29 = Outstanding 28 = Very Gô27 = Good (but possibly not good enough to qualify for elinnnation rounds)

    26-25 = Fair 24-20 ^ Poor rr u

    TEAM CODE #: iG on the C wins this debate.(PRO or CON)

    R E A S O N F O R D E C I S I O N : ^ n

    «; . TV 'rf-i-