Teachers Day Challenge Sheet

Teachers’ Day 2015: 20 Questions! Ever wanted to find out more about your teachers? This Teachers Day, we are launching 20 Questions for you to get to know your Civics Tutors better! During Civics lesson or other free time, have a chat with your Civics Tutor to find out as many interesting facts about him/her as possible. Who knows, your teachers may be more similar to you than you thought! Instructions: Find out the answers to as many questions about your teacher as possible by interacting with them during lesson time, civics lesson or other free time. Warning: Do not harass your Civics Tutors into sharing details about themselves which they are uncomfortable to share. Complete as many questions as possible and submit your class’ completed 20 Questions Sheet to the 20 Questions tray at the Hodge Lodge any time from 24 to 31 August! Before submitting, get your Civics Tutor to sign at the bottom of Page 2 of this sheet to verify that the facts about him/her are authentic! All unsigned sheets will not be entertained. Every 5 questions each class completes in the submitted 20 Questions sheet, the class will contribute 10 points to the schoolwide Throwback Challenge! Classes who complete all 20 tasks will earn 50 points! The 3 fastest classes to complete all 20 questions and submit the Challenge Sheet will receive attractive prizes for both the class and the Civics Tutor! Class: Civics Tutor: 1. Cats, dogs or… other animals? 2. What is your teacher’s favourite food? 3. Find out your teacher’s favourite colour. 4. Which superhero would your teacher want to be? 5. What is your teacher’s favourite band? 6. What is your teacher’s favourite book? 7. Find out your teacher’s birthday (no need for year).



Transcript of Teachers Day Challenge Sheet

Page 1: Teachers Day Challenge Sheet

Teachers’ Day 2015: 20 Questions! Ever wanted to find out more about your teachers? This Teachers Day, we are launching 20 Questions for you to get to know your Civics Tutors better! During Civics lesson or other free time, have a chat with your Civics Tutor to find out as many interesting facts about him/her as possible. Who knows, your teachers may be more similar to you than you thought! Instructions: Find out the answers to as many questions about your teacher as possible by interacting with them during lesson time, civics lesson or other free time. Warning: Do not harass your Civics Tutors into sharing details about themselves which they are uncomfortable to share. Complete as many questions as possible and submit your class’ completed 20 Questions Sheet to the 20 Questions tray at the Hodge Lodge any time from 24 to 31 August! Before submitting, get your Civics Tutor to sign at the bottom of Page 2 of this sheet to verify that the facts about him/her are authentic! All unsigned sheets will not be entertained. Every 5 questions each class completes in the submitted 20 Questions sheet, the class will contribute 10 points to the schoolwide Throwback Challenge! Classes who complete all 20 tasks will earn 50 points! The 3 fastest classes to complete all 20 questions and submit the Challenge Sheet will receive attractive prizes for both the class and the Civics Tutor! Class: Civics Tutor:

1. Cats, dogs or… other animals?

2. What is your teacher’s favourite food?

3. Find out your teacher’s favourite colour.

4. Which superhero would your teacher want to be?

5. What is your teacher’s favourite band?

6. What is your teacher’s favourite book?

7. Find out your teacher’s birthday (no need for year).

Page 2: Teachers Day Challenge Sheet

8. What is your teacher’s happiest memory?

9. If he/she wasn’t a teacher, he/she would like to be a…

10. If your teacher can go to dinner with anyone in the world, who would he/she invite?

11. The craziest fact about your teacher.

12. If your teacher was ever a ruler of their own country, what will he/she name it?

13. If your teacher has the choice of living anywhere in the world, where would that be?

14. If your teacher has the ability to travel in time, which time period would he/she go?

15. Name one thing your teacher has not done that most people have done before.

16. Any pet peeves?

17. How does your teacher spend his/her leisure time?

18. If your teacher could be any age for a week, what age would that be?

19. Find out your teacher’s most embarrassing moment in his/her schooling years.

20. Retrieve your teacher’s baby photo and attach it to the Challenge Sheet!

To Civics Tutors: All the information my students have found out about me are authentic! Signature: _______________________________