Teacher of the Year

Kentucky Community & Technical College System 2013 Teacher of the Year STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION AND STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE West Kentucky Community & Technical College


Final copy

Transcript of Teacher of the Year

Kentucky Community & Technical College System

2013Teacher of the





West Kentucky Community & Technical College

WKCTC is an equal educational and employment opportunity institution.

West Kentucky Community and Technical College (WKCTC) has been recognized by The Aspen Institute two

consecutive years as one of the top 10 community colleges in the nation. WKCTC was recognized for excellence in

providing strong job training and continuing higher education, achieving high completion and transfer rates and

providing strong employment results for graduates.

An Honored Tradition

The Teacher of the Year award is a great honor and tradition at West Kentucky Community and Technical College. To be eligible for the award, a nominee must hold the rank of Assistant Professor or above and have been a member of the teaching faculty for the past three years.

All current students were encouraged to nominate candidates through an online form featuring the eligible candidates. The response was overwhelming with 144 nominations and abundant inspiring comments submitted. Students then voted online for the nominee they felt was most deserving. The top nominees from each division will be recognized along with the 2013 Teacher of the Year.

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2013 WKCTC Teacher of the Year Program April 24, 2013


AmberLee Douglas Student Government Association President and Kentucky Community and Technical College System Student Regent

Dr. Barbara Veazey President West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Recognition of top nominees from each division

Announcement of the 2013 WKCTC Teacher of the Year

Please join us in celebrating all of our nominees!

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The Mission of West Kentucky Community and Technical

College is to provide excellence in teaching and learning, promote student success, and support economic development.

“A teacher’s purpose is not

to create students in his

or her own image, but to

develop students who can

create their own image.”Author unknown

Nancy Turner “I wish to nominate Ms. Nancy Turner for her remarkable teaching

and support for all the nursing students. She is a wonderful and great

instructor and great supporter of all the nursing students and should be

recognized for all that she contributes for success of the Department and

the community has a whole. Her continuous educational abilities have

contributed so much for my strong performance in 2nd semester and

she should be recognized for all her contributions. Ms. Turner is a great

asset to our department and to WKCTC.”

John Vos

“John Vos has made my semester go by very smoothly. Not only has

he surpassed my expectations as a teacher, he has also done so as my

advisor. Mr. Vos is always willing to answer questions in and outside of

class, even if I stop him walking down the hall. He is a very intelligent

teacher who has no trouble controlling and teaching the class. I’ve never

had a better teacher.”

Gerald Watkins

“He is always there to help current & former students no matter what

they need help with. He is a great role model to students & a great friend

to them after they are no longer in his classroom!”

Norm Wurgler

“Mr. Wurgler is an incredible teacher with a clear passion for what he does. He is

responsible for reigniting my interest in pursuing music as a potential career, something I

had simply given up on prior to my experience in his classes. In addition,

his passion does not stop at students with a pre-existing interest in music.

In my classes, I noticed students who would normally have little to no

interest in the arts, actually enjoying and appreciating his class. Because

of Mr. Wurgler, I believe that students at WKCTC have the opportunity to

be exposed to quality liberal arts curriculum, which is crucial for a well-

rounded education.”

Norita Youngblood

“Mrs. Youngblood is one of the best teachers I have ever had. I have

never met a teacher that wants her students to succeed more than

she does. I have had her both in class and online and her methods in

teaching are unforgettable. I am doing well in other classes because of

what I learned in her class the semester before, and am able to recall

the information because of the way she taught it. She truly deserves this


Dr. Felix Akojie “Dr. Akojie is an amazing teacher. I have struggled my entire life with

VFKRRO�DQG�FRPSUHKHQGLQJ�VWXGLHV��+H�LV�WKH�ÀUVW�WHDFKHU�,�KDYH�KDG�VR�far that has taken the time to help me one on one. He also made sure that

I understood everything we were doing in class. He leaves no one behind

and he is hands on with all his students. Just an amazing person.”

Sherry Barnhill “Mrs. Barnhill is an amazing teacher in every way possible. She takes

time to explain anything that you may not completely understand yet, until

you do understand. She is very caring and listens to your problems and

will tell you honestly what the best thing is for you to do. She wants only

the best for her students and makes that very clear on a daily basis; she

never lets us slack off

and keeps us on our toes so we can be the very best.”

Larry Bigham

“Mr. Bigham is extremely passionate and fascinated by what he teaches.

,W�LV�H[WUHPHO\�EHQHÀFLDO�WR�KDYH�D�WHDFKHU�WKDW�WHDFKHV�VRPHWKLQJ�WKDW�they like. He reviews and helps in anyway that he can to better help the

student. Mr. Bigham goes out of his way to help and make sure everyone

learns, not just some students.”

Peggy Block

“Mrs. Block is committed each and every day to pushing her students to the limits of

what the typical entry level Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) should be capable of.

Through literature references, application of real-life experiences,

and encouraging American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and

community involvement, Mrs. Block is giving students the background

to be not just competent, but excellent clinicians. Not only that, but she

juggles teaching, APTA duties, and is the Dean of Allied Health, without

letting any student slip through the cracks. She goes above and beyond,

just like her students will be able to do in the workforce.”

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2013 Teacher of the Year Nominees

While only one person can be named the 2013 Teacher of the Year, there is no doubt that each of this year’s nominees are remarkable educators, who received many glowing praise from their students. The following pages are just a small sample of the comments made by the students who nominated these faculty members. The list is in alphabetical order.

Britton Shurley

“I have never had an English teacher that challenged me the way he did.

His class was fun, exciting, and I actually looked forward to going to his


Jason Taylor

“Best math teacher I ever had! Great teaching method. Very thorough in

lecture (and entertaining), also attentive and respectful to students in and

out of class.”

Susan Taylor

“Mrs. Susan Taylor is not only a very caring instructor, but a caring

person as well. She shows great compassion for her students’ education

and for the individual’s personal life. The kindness and compassion she

has shown me has literally changed my life for the better and I can’t

thank her enough. For me, Susan Taylor is undoubtedly Teacher of the


Julie Thompson

“She is very thorough and if you don’t learn what she is teaching at the

time, it’s your own fault. She will explain the subject until she gets it into

your head in a way you understand it.”

Ruth Thompson

“Mrs. Thompson is the reason the I entered into the Respiratory

3URJUDP��:LWKRXW�KHU��,�SUREDEO\�ZRXOG�QRW�KDYH�IRXQG�D�ÀHOG�WKDW�,�ORYH�DV�PXFK�DV�,�GR��0\�ÀUVW�VHPHVWHU�,�KDG�WR�KDYH�D�SUHWW\�PDMRU�surgery that could have ended my time in the program. But with her help

I was able to continue. I am so thankful to have her as an advisor and

a teacher. I have found a program that I truly love. I feel this is what I

am meant to be doing. I would not have found this without her help. I

am very sorry to hear that she is retiring. I understand completely but she will be greatly

missed. She has so much knowledge and insight into what we are doing. I feel that she

deserves to be Teacher of the Year. “

Nicole Toon “She is very supportive and a great teacher!”

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Patricia Buchanan

´0V��%XFKDQDQ�LV�YHU\�FRPSHWHQW�DQG�NQRZOHGJHDEOH�LQ�KHU�ÀHOG��Also, she is willing to work with students outside class and is

available anytime.”

Mary Carrico

“In the classroom, Ms. Carrico is very thorough explaining material. In clinicals, she is

YHU\�JRRG�DW�ÀQGLQJ�SDWLHQWV�WKDW�FRUUHODWH�ZLWK�WKH�FRQWHQW�\RX�DUH�VWXG\LQJ��2XWVLGH�WKH�classroom she is a very caring individual. A classmates house burned

down and she lost everything, nursing books, uniforms, etc. I called

Mary to ask for guidance in helping put our classmate on the right track.

Mary spent the next four hours contacting people and together they

arranged a new uniform, books, and everything else the student needed


Heather Coltharp

´0UV��&ROWKDUS�JLYHV�\RX�WKH�FRQÀGHQFH�WR�OHDUQ�WKH�PDWHULDO��6KH�doesn’t give up on you even if you struggle with math.”

Donna Downs “Donna is a great educator. She cares about her students and makes

sure that we understand the material. If we have any questions she

cannot answer, she is always willing to research it and come back

with the answer. She is very approachable and puts you at ease during

clinicals. I feel very blessed to learn from such a caring educator and

cannot say how much I have enjoyed learning from her this semester.”

Laura Durbin

“Mrs. Durbin inspires one to want to be the best through her attitude

that is consistently positive and joyous. She constantly challenges us

and applauds us in our own personal accomplishments within the

classroom. She has a knack for identifying what is special about each

student and encouraging them to pursue what they show a talent for.

Her education of her students does not stop at the curriculum but

includes other resources that will better enable us to understand or

simply cope with the stress of the nursing program. If there were more

teachers like her, high school and college drop out rates would be lower.”

Scott Garrett

“Great example of how to run a classroom. He has a superb knowledge

of subject and high standard of learning.”

Dr. Doug Pruitt

“I have really enjoyed the classes I have taken with Dr. Pruitt. He

understands that all students learn differently and he structures his

classes so that everyone has an equal opportunity to learn the material

and have enjoy learning it.”

Beverly Quimby

“Ms. Quimby goes above and beyond to make sure we know what we are

doing and how to do it.”

Gary Reese “Mr. Reese should be the Teacher of the Year because he is such a

JUHDW�SHUVRQ�DQG�WHDFKHU��2XWVLGH�RI�WKH�FODVV�KH�DOZD\V�UHVSRQGV�WR�P\�questions fast and accurate. During class Mr. Reese always makes class

fun and explains information to where it’s easily understood. Also, there

is NEVER a dull moment being around him. He truly is the best teacher

I’ve ever had!”

Alice Robertson

“Mrs. Robertson is extremely caring and committed to her students. She

is truly a role model for what a sonographer should be.”

Sally Roof “Mrs. Sally Roof was the most encouraging teacher I have ever had.

Mrs. Sally always had a smile, and a friendly response even when one

of her students did not seem to know what they were talking about...

While I was in Mrs. Sally’s class, she took the time to talk to me about my

reasons for not feeling like nursing was for me, and she ultimately settled

all my fears and questions concerning my ability to become a nurse.

Because of Mrs. Sally I didn’t drop my nursing classes, and I am a more


Kimberly Russell ´7KLV�LV�P\�ÀUVW�VHPHVWHU�LQ�FROOHJH��,�JUDGXDWHG�KLJK�VFKRRO�LQ�������%HLQJ�D�QHZELH��this experience has been overwhelming to say the least. I expressed to Mrs. Russell how

overwhelmed I was and she related her own story of how she and her sister would plan

their escapes from school, usually in the form of joining a circus! I found

that funny and relatable! It helped me to see that I can do this and it

helped to know I was not alone. She didn’t have to tell me that story and

she didn’t have to comment at all. She wanted me to feel at ease and she

wanted me to succeed. I attribute her caring and kindness to my excellent

grade in her class as much as any work I have put into it. I love her class

and enjoy it very much and will actually be sad to see it end.”

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Dr. Kevin Gericke “I believe Dr. Gericke should be Teacher of the Year because he is not

only a teacher by profession; he is a teacher at heart. He teaches with

a style that encourages students to do their best and to take advantage

of the opportunities before them. He is a man of integrity, which comes

across in his teaching style. He teaches students how to be responsible

and contribute to the success of their education.”

Gary Goodaker “I have not taken a math course since I was in high school,

DSSUR[LPDWHO\����\HDUV�DJR��$W�WKDW�WLPH�,�VRPHKRZ�HQFRXQWHUHG�D�mental block that I was unable to overcome all the way through high

school. In fact, I have carried it my whole life. Somehow, through the

instruction Mr. Goodaker has given, that block has been eliminated and

I actually BELIEVE I can do the math that I have quite literally avoided

all my life.”

'DYLG�+HÁLQ´0U��+HÁLQ�LV�WKH�PRVW�RUJDQL]HG�DQG�´VWD\�RQ�WDVNµ�WHDFKHU�,·YH�HYHU�had. He makes the radiography program so much fun though. He always

has a plan and is always on time and ready to go when it’s time to start

class. He tries to make every day different; I think to keep it from being

boring. I’ve never had a teacher who was so encouraging to each one of

his students. He really wants us all to succeed.”

Sueann Hely

“Ms. Hely is a wonderful teacher who genuinely cares about us students.

1R�PDWWHU�ZKDW�\RX�H�PDLO�KHU�DERXW�LI�VKH�GRHV�QRW�NQRZ�VKH�ZLOO�ÀQG�out. She genuinely cares about us succeeding in getting our degrees. She

understands that there are sometimes things that happen outside our

school that we have no control over. She has a heart of gold.”

Dr. Karen Hlinka “Dr. Hlinka is a wonderful teacher in all aspects. I have had her two

semesters for Anatomy and Physiology and it has been great. Anatomy

and Physiology is a very hard course, but she has made it entertaining

and fun to learn. She always tries to teach the material in a way that

ZH�FDQ�UHODWH�WR�LW����2YHUDOO��'U��+OLQND�KDV�EHHQ�D�JUHDW�WHDFKHU�DQG�mentor, and she makes me want to do better as a student.”

Stephanie Milliken

“Mrs. Milliken is a very understanding and caring teacher and a great

person in and out of the school.”

7LIÀQHH�0RUJDQ“Mrs. Morgan is a fantastic instructor who willingly goes above and

beyond for her students. She wants to make sure that each of her students

“get it” while they are in her classroom. She has a fantastic sense of

humor and is easy to understand and follow. She wants to make sure her

students are ready for the career they’ve chosen.”

David Nickell “Mr. Nickell should become faculty member of the year because he is

extremely intelligent but does not bore his students with long lectures.

Mr. Nickell also run the Concept zero team, the group created to go

green and help the environment. In addition to his go green campaign he

also runs the College for Living program with another teacher from the

college. College for living helps the mentally disabled people from the

Four Rivers center and Mr. Nickell has been helping with this program

for a very long time. Also, Mr. Nickell is very amusing when he teaches. His sociology

class is the only one I actually look forward to going to.”

Vanessa Norwood-McGregor “Mrs. McGregor has such a passion for what she teaches. I like the fact

WKDW�VKH�LV�YHU\�FRQÀGHQW�ZLWK�KHUVHOI�DQG�ZKDW�VKH�WHDFKHV��6KH�LV�YHU\�good with her students and will go that extra mile to help you if you need

it. Mrs. McGregor is an excellent instructor and I hope she is awarded

Teacher of the Year.”

Carolyn Perry

“Because she wants everyone to succeed. She teaches her class with

passion and she will go above and beyond her general duties to help

VWXGHQWV��,�NQRZ�P\VHOI�WKDW�LI�LW�KDV�QRW�EHHQ�IRU�KHU�KHOS�DQG�LQÁXHQFH��,�might not be in school right now. She always is interested in how to bring

more culture to the city of Paducah, she wants us all to go on adventures,

even if they are small ones. She is just a wonderful teacher, friend,

mentor, and person.”

Christy Petitt

“Christy is an excellent example of what a teacher should be. Her

lectures are informative and interesting. She is always available if we

need something, even outside of the classroom. She helped me reschedule

a day I needed off, making phone calls on her own time to help me out. I

enjoy being in her class and feel that she should be Teacher of the Year.”

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Pat Holler

“I am nominating Mrs. Holler because she is a very motivational and

enthusiastic instructor. I enjoy her classes and look forward to them

each week. She is always very helpful and you can tell by her demeanor

and teaching methods that she loves what she does. Mrs. Holler


Dr. Latoya Jones

“I have had Dr. Jones a number of semesters and she really shows interest in her students. She helps you out as much as she can and takes her time to make sure you remember the information. She isn’t there just to teach; she is there for your future. She has touched my heart tremendously!”

Tracy Jordan “Tracy Jordan goes above and beyond any teacher that I have had so

far at WKCTC. She goes outside the norm and gives us information that

helps us to be more informed students and she always has a smile on

her face.”

JoAnn Knapp

“I had been in the Practical Nursing program but withdrew due to the

birth of a baby. I did not want to “sit out” this semester so I decided

WR�WDNH�D�FRXUVH�LQ�WKH�0,7�SURJUDP��7KLV�VHPHVWHU�KDV�EHHQ�P\�ÀUVW�encounter with Mrs. Knapp. She is very professional and a great

example of what WKCTC stands for. In the classroom, she is friendly

and caring. There is just something about her that makes you feel

welcome the moment you meet her.”

Marilyn Knoth

“Mrs. Knoth has just the right blend of professionalism and warmth.

Watching her in the clinical setting proves a nurse can be compassionate

without jeopardizing patient care. She is approachable and willing to do

whatever she can to help a student be successful.”

Vicki Koehler

“Vicki Koehler is a great teacher. She is never too busy to help out

a student. She cares about the culinary program and is dedicated to

making us good at what we do.”

Joseph Mahoney

“Mr. Mahoney is a very wonderful teacher. I have learned more from him

about math than anyone else. Every day he walks in with a smile and a

positive attitude. Math may not be your favorite subject but it makes it so

much better when someone cares. He is a teacher that truly cares about

our success and progress.”

Pat Martin

“Mrs. Martin’s very caring. You feel very at ease around her. She loves

what she does and it shows. She believes in her students and wants us

to succeed. In clinicals, she’s helpful and gives criticism in a way that is

helpful. In the classroom she is funny and knowledgeable. She is just an

all-around great person.”

Allison McGullion

“While I was in the business program, Mrs. McGullion made sure

WR�PDNH�PH�IHHO�LPSRUWDQW�DQG�ERRVWHG�P\�FRQÀGHQFH�LQ�PDQ\�ZD\V��including complementing my work and telling me not to be so unsure of

myself. Whenever I pass her on campus or stop by to see her, she always

makes it a point to ask me how my classes are going and also how I

am doing on a personal level. She always has a positive attitude and

uplifting advice for school and personal matters that I chose to share.”

Deann McMullen

“Ms. McMullen is the most helpful teacher I have had. She is willing

to go above and beyond to help any student who has questions. She is

well organized with her lessons and grading. She will set aside extra

time if needed to help, and goes above and beyond what is required of

her. She always comes to class with a smile and treats everyone with

respect and as equals, not just as students. She provides a great learning


Rhanda Miller

“Mrs. Miller is by far the best teacher I have ever had in my college

career. She is always helpful and always makes sense as she teaches our

nursing material. If there is ever any question about the material she

is covering, she will always go above and beyond to be sure all of her

students understand. She is an incredible role model as a nurse. She is

who I want to be like as a person, and as a nurse.”

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Pat Holler

“I am nominating Mrs. Holler because she is a very motivational and

enthusiastic instructor. I enjoy her classes and look forward to them

each week. She is always very helpful and you can tell by her demeanor

and teaching methods that she loves what she does. Mrs. Holler


Dr. Latoya Jones

“I have had Dr. Jones a number of semesters and she really shows interest in her students. She helps you out as much as she can and takes her time to make sure you remember the information. She isn’t there just to teach; she is there for your future. She has touched my heart tremendously!”

Tracy Jordan “Tracy Jordan goes above and beyond any teacher that I have had so

far at WKCTC. She goes outside the norm and gives us information that

helps us to be more informed students and she always has a smile on

her face.”

JoAnn Knapp

“I had been in the Practical Nursing program but withdrew due to the

birth of a baby. I did not want to “sit out” this semester so I decided

WR�WDNH�D�FRXUVH�LQ�WKH�0,7�SURJUDP��7KLV�VHPHVWHU�KDV�EHHQ�P\�ÀUVW�encounter with Mrs. Knapp. She is very professional and a great

example of what WKCTC stands for. In the classroom, she is friendly

and caring. There is just something about her that makes you feel

welcome the moment you meet her.”

Marilyn Knoth

“Mrs. Knoth has just the right blend of professionalism and warmth.

Watching her in the clinical setting proves a nurse can be compassionate

without jeopardizing patient care. She is approachable and willing to do

whatever she can to help a student be successful.”

Vicki Koehler

“Vicki Koehler is a great teacher. She is never too busy to help out

a student. She cares about the culinary program and is dedicated to

making us good at what we do.”

Joseph Mahoney

“Mr. Mahoney is a very wonderful teacher. I have learned more from him

about math than anyone else. Every day he walks in with a smile and a

positive attitude. Math may not be your favorite subject but it makes it so

much better when someone cares. He is a teacher that truly cares about

our success and progress.”

Pat Martin

“Mrs. Martin’s very caring. You feel very at ease around her. She loves

what she does and it shows. She believes in her students and wants us

to succeed. In clinicals, she’s helpful and gives criticism in a way that is

helpful. In the classroom she is funny and knowledgeable. She is just an

all-around great person.”

Allison McGullion

“While I was in the business program, Mrs. McGullion made sure

WR�PDNH�PH�IHHO�LPSRUWDQW�DQG�ERRVWHG�P\�FRQÀGHQFH�LQ�PDQ\�ZD\V��including complementing my work and telling me not to be so unsure of

myself. Whenever I pass her on campus or stop by to see her, she always

makes it a point to ask me how my classes are going and also how I

am doing on a personal level. She always has a positive attitude and

uplifting advice for school and personal matters that I chose to share.”

Deann McMullen

“Ms. McMullen is the most helpful teacher I have had. She is willing

to go above and beyond to help any student who has questions. She is

well organized with her lessons and grading. She will set aside extra

time if needed to help, and goes above and beyond what is required of

her. She always comes to class with a smile and treats everyone with

respect and as equals, not just as students. She provides a great learning


Rhanda Miller

“Mrs. Miller is by far the best teacher I have ever had in my college

career. She is always helpful and always makes sense as she teaches our

nursing material. If there is ever any question about the material she

is covering, she will always go above and beyond to be sure all of her

students understand. She is an incredible role model as a nurse. She is

who I want to be like as a person, and as a nurse.”

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Dr. Kevin Gericke “I believe Dr. Gericke should be Teacher of the Year because he is not

only a teacher by profession; he is a teacher at heart. He teaches with

a style that encourages students to do their best and to take advantage

of the opportunities before them. He is a man of integrity, which comes

across in his teaching style. He teaches students how to be responsible

and contribute to the success of their education.”

Gary Goodaker “I have not taken a math course since I was in high school,

DSSUR[LPDWHO\����\HDUV�DJR��$W�WKDW�WLPH�,�VRPHKRZ�HQFRXQWHUHG�D�mental block that I was unable to overcome all the way through high

school. In fact, I have carried it my whole life. Somehow, through the

instruction Mr. Goodaker has given, that block has been eliminated and

I actually BELIEVE I can do the math that I have quite literally avoided

all my life.”

'DYLG�+HÁLQ´0U��+HÁLQ�LV�WKH�PRVW�RUJDQL]HG�DQG�´VWD\�RQ�WDVNµ�WHDFKHU�,·YH�HYHU�had. He makes the radiography program so much fun though. He always

has a plan and is always on time and ready to go when it’s time to start

class. He tries to make every day different; I think to keep it from being

boring. I’ve never had a teacher who was so encouraging to each one of

his students. He really wants us all to succeed.”

Sueann Hely

“Ms. Hely is a wonderful teacher who genuinely cares about us students.

1R�PDWWHU�ZKDW�\RX�H�PDLO�KHU�DERXW�LI�VKH�GRHV�QRW�NQRZ�VKH�ZLOO�ÀQG�out. She genuinely cares about us succeeding in getting our degrees. She

understands that there are sometimes things that happen outside our

school that we have no control over. She has a heart of gold.”

Dr. Karen Hlinka “Dr. Hlinka is a wonderful teacher in all aspects. I have had her two

semesters for Anatomy and Physiology and it has been great. Anatomy

and Physiology is a very hard course, but she has made it entertaining

and fun to learn. She always tries to teach the material in a way that

ZH�FDQ�UHODWH�WR�LW����2YHUDOO��'U��+OLQND�KDV�EHHQ�D�JUHDW�WHDFKHU�DQG�mentor, and she makes me want to do better as a student.”

Stephanie Milliken

“Mrs. Milliken is a very understanding and caring teacher and a great

person in and out of the school.”

7LIÀQHH�0RUJDQ“Mrs. Morgan is a fantastic instructor who willingly goes above and

beyond for her students. She wants to make sure that each of her students

“get it” while they are in her classroom. She has a fantastic sense of

humor and is easy to understand and follow. She wants to make sure her

students are ready for the career they’ve chosen.”

David Nickell “Mr. Nickell should become faculty member of the year because he is

extremely intelligent but does not bore his students with long lectures.

Mr. Nickell also run the Concept zero team, the group created to go

green and help the environment. In addition to his go green campaign he

also runs the College for Living program with another teacher from the

college. College for living helps the mentally disabled people from the

Four Rivers center and Mr. Nickell has been helping with this program

for a very long time. Also, Mr. Nickell is very amusing when he teaches. His sociology

class is the only one I actually look forward to going to.”

Vanessa Norwood-McGregor “Mrs. McGregor has such a passion for what she teaches. I like the fact

WKDW�VKH�LV�YHU\�FRQÀGHQW�ZLWK�KHUVHOI�DQG�ZKDW�VKH�WHDFKHV��6KH�LV�YHU\�good with her students and will go that extra mile to help you if you need

it. Mrs. McGregor is an excellent instructor and I hope she is awarded

Teacher of the Year.”

Carolyn Perry

“Because she wants everyone to succeed. She teaches her class with

passion and she will go above and beyond her general duties to help

VWXGHQWV��,�NQRZ�P\VHOI�WKDW�LI�LW�KDV�QRW�EHHQ�IRU�KHU�KHOS�DQG�LQÁXHQFH��,�might not be in school right now. She always is interested in how to bring

more culture to the city of Paducah, she wants us all to go on adventures,

even if they are small ones. She is just a wonderful teacher, friend,

mentor, and person.”

Christy Petitt

“Christy is an excellent example of what a teacher should be. Her

lectures are informative and interesting. She is always available if we

need something, even outside of the classroom. She helped me reschedule

a day I needed off, making phone calls on her own time to help me out. I

enjoy being in her class and feel that she should be Teacher of the Year.”

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Patricia Buchanan

´0V��%XFKDQDQ�LV�YHU\�FRPSHWHQW�DQG�NQRZOHGJHDEOH�LQ�KHU�ÀHOG��Also, she is willing to work with students outside class and is

available anytime.”

Mary Carrico

“In the classroom, Ms. Carrico is very thorough explaining material. In clinicals, she is

YHU\�JRRG�DW�ÀQGLQJ�SDWLHQWV�WKDW�FRUUHODWH�ZLWK�WKH�FRQWHQW�\RX�DUH�VWXG\LQJ��2XWVLGH�WKH�classroom she is a very caring individual. A classmates house burned

down and she lost everything, nursing books, uniforms, etc. I called

Mary to ask for guidance in helping put our classmate on the right track.

Mary spent the next four hours contacting people and together they

arranged a new uniform, books, and everything else the student needed


Heather Coltharp

´0UV��&ROWKDUS�JLYHV�\RX�WKH�FRQÀGHQFH�WR�OHDUQ�WKH�PDWHULDO��6KH�doesn’t give up on you even if you struggle with math.”

Donna Downs “Donna is a great educator. She cares about her students and makes

sure that we understand the material. If we have any questions she

cannot answer, she is always willing to research it and come back

with the answer. She is very approachable and puts you at ease during

clinicals. I feel very blessed to learn from such a caring educator and

cannot say how much I have enjoyed learning from her this semester.”

Laura Durbin

“Mrs. Durbin inspires one to want to be the best through her attitude

that is consistently positive and joyous. She constantly challenges us

and applauds us in our own personal accomplishments within the

classroom. She has a knack for identifying what is special about each

student and encouraging them to pursue what they show a talent for.

Her education of her students does not stop at the curriculum but

includes other resources that will better enable us to understand or

simply cope with the stress of the nursing program. If there were more

teachers like her, high school and college drop out rates would be lower.”

Scott Garrett

“Great example of how to run a classroom. He has a superb knowledge

of subject and high standard of learning.”

Dr. Doug Pruitt

“I have really enjoyed the classes I have taken with Dr. Pruitt. He

understands that all students learn differently and he structures his

classes so that everyone has an equal opportunity to learn the material

and have enjoy learning it.”

Beverly Quimby

“Ms. Quimby goes above and beyond to make sure we know what we are

doing and how to do it.”

Gary Reese “Mr. Reese should be the Teacher of the Year because he is such a

JUHDW�SHUVRQ�DQG�WHDFKHU��2XWVLGH�RI�WKH�FODVV�KH�DOZD\V�UHVSRQGV�WR�P\�questions fast and accurate. During class Mr. Reese always makes class

fun and explains information to where it’s easily understood. Also, there

is NEVER a dull moment being around him. He truly is the best teacher

I’ve ever had!”

Alice Robertson

“Mrs. Robertson is extremely caring and committed to her students. She

is truly a role model for what a sonographer should be.”

Sally Roof “Mrs. Sally Roof was the most encouraging teacher I have ever had.

Mrs. Sally always had a smile, and a friendly response even when one

of her students did not seem to know what they were talking about...

While I was in Mrs. Sally’s class, she took the time to talk to me about my

reasons for not feeling like nursing was for me, and she ultimately settled

all my fears and questions concerning my ability to become a nurse.

Because of Mrs. Sally I didn’t drop my nursing classes, and I am a more


Kimberly Russell ´7KLV�LV�P\�ÀUVW�VHPHVWHU�LQ�FROOHJH��,�JUDGXDWHG�KLJK�VFKRRO�LQ�������%HLQJ�D�QHZELH��this experience has been overwhelming to say the least. I expressed to Mrs. Russell how

overwhelmed I was and she related her own story of how she and her sister would plan

their escapes from school, usually in the form of joining a circus! I found

that funny and relatable! It helped me to see that I can do this and it

helped to know I was not alone. She didn’t have to tell me that story and

she didn’t have to comment at all. She wanted me to feel at ease and she

wanted me to succeed. I attribute her caring and kindness to my excellent

grade in her class as much as any work I have put into it. I love her class

and enjoy it very much and will actually be sad to see it end.”

Dr. Felix Akojie “Dr. Akojie is an amazing teacher. I have struggled my entire life with

VFKRRO�DQG�FRPSUHKHQGLQJ�VWXGLHV��+H�LV�WKH�ÀUVW�WHDFKHU�,�KDYH�KDG�VR�far that has taken the time to help me one on one. He also made sure that

I understood everything we were doing in class. He leaves no one behind

and he is hands on with all his students. Just an amazing person.”

Sherry Barnhill “Mrs. Barnhill is an amazing teacher in every way possible. She takes

time to explain anything that you may not completely understand yet, until

you do understand. She is very caring and listens to your problems and

will tell you honestly what the best thing is for you to do. She wants only

the best for her students and makes that very clear on a daily basis; she

never lets us slack off

and keeps us on our toes so we can be the very best.”

Larry Bigham

“Mr. Bigham is extremely passionate and fascinated by what he teaches.

,W�LV�H[WUHPHO\�EHQHÀFLDO�WR�KDYH�D�WHDFKHU�WKDW�WHDFKHV�VRPHWKLQJ�WKDW�they like. He reviews and helps in anyway that he can to better help the

student. Mr. Bigham goes out of his way to help and make sure everyone

learns, not just some students.”

Peggy Block

“Mrs. Block is committed each and every day to pushing her students to the limits of

what the typical entry level Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) should be capable of.

Through literature references, application of real-life experiences,

and encouraging American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and

community involvement, Mrs. Block is giving students the background

to be not just competent, but excellent clinicians. Not only that, but she

juggles teaching, APTA duties, and is the Dean of Allied Health, without

letting any student slip through the cracks. She goes above and beyond,

just like her students will be able to do in the workforce.”

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2013 Teacher of the Year Nominees

While only one person can be named the 2013 Teacher of the Year, there is no doubt that each of this year’s nominees are remarkable educators, who received many glowing praise from their students. The following pages are just a small sample of the comments made by the students who nominated these faculty members. The list is in alphabetical order.

Britton Shurley

“I have never had an English teacher that challenged me the way he did.

His class was fun, exciting, and I actually looked forward to going to his


Jason Taylor

“Best math teacher I ever had! Great teaching method. Very thorough in

lecture (and entertaining), also attentive and respectful to students in and

out of class.”

Susan Taylor

“Mrs. Susan Taylor is not only a very caring instructor, but a caring

person as well. She shows great compassion for her students’ education

and for the individual’s personal life. The kindness and compassion she

has shown me has literally changed my life for the better and I can’t

thank her enough. For me, Susan Taylor is undoubtedly Teacher of the


Julie Thompson

“She is very thorough and if you don’t learn what she is teaching at the

time, it’s your own fault. She will explain the subject until she gets it into

your head in a way you understand it.”

Ruth Thompson

“Mrs. Thompson is the reason the I entered into the Respiratory

3URJUDP��:LWKRXW�KHU��,�SUREDEO\�ZRXOG�QRW�KDYH�IRXQG�D�ÀHOG�WKDW�,�ORYH�DV�PXFK�DV�,�GR��0\�ÀUVW�VHPHVWHU�,�KDG�WR�KDYH�D�SUHWW\�PDMRU�surgery that could have ended my time in the program. But with her help

I was able to continue. I am so thankful to have her as an advisor and

a teacher. I have found a program that I truly love. I feel this is what I

am meant to be doing. I would not have found this without her help. I

am very sorry to hear that she is retiring. I understand completely but she will be greatly

missed. She has so much knowledge and insight into what we are doing. I feel that she

deserves to be Teacher of the Year. “

Nicole Toon “She is very supportive and a great teacher!”

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The Mission of West Kentucky Community and Technical

College is to provide excellence in teaching and learning, promote student success, and support economic development.

“A teacher’s purpose is not

to create students in his

or her own image, but to

develop students who can

create their own image.”Author unknown

Nancy Turner “I wish to nominate Ms. Nancy Turner for her remarkable teaching

and support for all the nursing students. She is a wonderful and great

instructor and great supporter of all the nursing students and should be

recognized for all that she contributes for success of the Department and

the community has a whole. Her continuous educational abilities have

contributed so much for my strong performance in 2nd semester and

she should be recognized for all her contributions. Ms. Turner is a great

asset to our department and to WKCTC.”

John Vos

“John Vos has made my semester go by very smoothly. Not only has

he surpassed my expectations as a teacher, he has also done so as my

advisor. Mr. Vos is always willing to answer questions in and outside of

class, even if I stop him walking down the hall. He is a very intelligent

teacher who has no trouble controlling and teaching the class. I’ve never

had a better teacher.”

Gerald Watkins

“He is always there to help current & former students no matter what

they need help with. He is a great role model to students & a great friend

to them after they are no longer in his classroom!”

Norm Wurgler

“Mr. Wurgler is an incredible teacher with a clear passion for what he does. He is

responsible for reigniting my interest in pursuing music as a potential career, something I

had simply given up on prior to my experience in his classes. In addition,

his passion does not stop at students with a pre-existing interest in music.

In my classes, I noticed students who would normally have little to no

interest in the arts, actually enjoying and appreciating his class. Because

of Mr. Wurgler, I believe that students at WKCTC have the opportunity to

be exposed to quality liberal arts curriculum, which is crucial for a well-

rounded education.”

Norita Youngblood

“Mrs. Youngblood is one of the best teachers I have ever had. I have

never met a teacher that wants her students to succeed more than

she does. I have had her both in class and online and her methods in

teaching are unforgettable. I am doing well in other classes because of

what I learned in her class the semester before, and am able to recall

the information because of the way she taught it. She truly deserves this


An Honored Tradition

The Teacher of the Year award is a great honor and tradition at West Kentucky Community and Technical College. To be eligible for the award, a nominee must hold the rank of Assistant Professor or above and have been a member of the teaching faculty for the past three years.

All current students were encouraged to nominate candidates through an online form featuring the eligible candidates. The response was overwhelming with 144 nominations and abundant inspiring comments submitted. Students then voted online for the nominee they felt was most deserving. The top nominees from each division will be recognized along with the 2013 Teacher of the Year.

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2013 WKCTC Teacher of the Year Program April 24, 2013


AmberLee Douglas Student Government Association President and Kentucky Community and Technical College System Student Regent

Dr. Barbara Veazey President West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Recognition of top nominees from each division

Announcement of the 2013 WKCTC Teacher of the Year

Please join us in celebrating all of our nominees!

Kentucky Community & Technical College System

2013Teacher of the





West Kentucky Community & Technical College

WKCTC is an equal educational and employment opportunity institution.

West Kentucky Community and Technical College (WKCTC) has been recognized by The Aspen Institute two

consecutive years as one of the top 10 community colleges in the nation. WKCTC was recognized for excellence in

providing strong job training and continuing higher education, achieving high completion and transfer rates and

providing strong employment results for graduates.