Teacher Education in Norway in light of the Lisbon agenda

Teacher Education in Norway in light of the Lisbon agenda Renee Waara Dean of Cultural and Social Studies Nesna University College 29 April 2010


Teacher Education in Norway in light of the Lisbon agenda. Renee Waara Dean of Cultural and Social Studies Nesna University College 29 April 2010. European Commission 2007. announced proposals to improve quality of teacher training - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Teacher Education in Norway in light of the Lisbon agenda

Teacher Education in Norway in light of the Lisbon agendaRenee WaaraDean of Cultural and Social StudiesNesna University College29 April 2010

European Commission 2007announced proposals to improve quality of teacher training

high-quality teaching is a prerequisite for high-quality education and training and a powerful determinant of Europes long-term competitiveness and capacity to create more jobs and growth.

European Commissionraise concerns about the absence of systematic coordination between different elements of teacher education within and across Member States.

And in response to the Joint report on Progress Towards the Lisbon Objectives in the Fields of Education and Training. The EC communicate that the following areas need to be addressed:

European CommissionImprove the competences and qualifications of teachers and trainersGo further in developing teachers pedagogic professional development, reflective practice and researchPromote the status and recognition of the teaching professionSupport the professionalization of teachingPopular TV program: Class 10B

National campaign Do you have it in you?

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2006)Among EU countries their report confirms striking differences between teacher-RecruitmentEducationSalaryEmployment and working conditionsEvaluation and career structures

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2006)Their research indicates

that raising teacher quality is perhaps the policy direction most likely to lead to substantial gains in school performance.

Quality indicators for European primary teacher educationCertificationInductionContinuing professional developmentQuality assurance

(internationally recognized criteria)CertificationFact or myth? Good teachers are born not made

Studies show that in relation to reading and mathematics certified teachers consistently produce stronger student achievement gains than uncertified teachers.

Induction- the novice teacherNovice teachers face a number of challenges:Communication with parentsClassroom managementStudent disciplineSelf-confidenceProfessional identity a need to qualified mentors

Induction- the novice teacherIn Norway we have:Supervising for novice teachersThe hotline concept Mentoring and training programs for supervisors (15 ECTS) as required with the teacher education reform

Continuing professional developmentIn-service training is not compulsory in Norway, but one of our most common form of studies in Nesna is in-service training.

National program for continuing education and financial support (state/township/teacher): Subjects are distributed on a national basis.Quality AssuranceThe Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) is a direct result of the Lisbon process.

Institutions of higher education are accredited through NOKUT.

The new teacher education entails detailed reports and documentation of learning outcomes.

Norways effort to conformDegree system bachelor/masterCredit system ECTSQuality Assurance systemWe are rewarded in our reporting to the ministry if we have courses in English, exchange students and faculty, both in and out.Diplomas, international format.Qualification system bachelor-master-phdGrading system (A,B,C,D,E,F)Norways Primary Teacher Education ReformNorways previous system of primary teacher education, educated trainees for grades 1-10 in many subjects.In the new primary teacher education, trainees must choose a level: Grades 1-7 OR Grades 5-10Competence requirements are also sharpened. In order to be qualified to teach grades 8-10 in the subjects Norwegian, Mathematics, and English, a teacher must have 60 ECTS.Norways Primary Teacher Education ReformAcademic and professional progression during the initial teacher training must be insured.Fewer subjects in initial teacher trainingThe college/university classroom and practice element are viewed as equal partners.

In order to meet the demands of the integrated primary teacher education, as well as the demands for reports and documentation, we have devised a matrix system. Primary Teacher Education grades 1-7: Integration planning matrixAcademic ProgressionYear 1Introduction to teaching professionYear 2Pupil diversity: challenges and consequences Years 3 and 4School as an organization: cooperation and developmentMain areasPedNorwegianMathEnglishPedNorwegianMathEnglishPed -BA-thesisElective 1Years 3-4 Elective 2Year 4Learning outcomes in all subjects

Professional PlatformTeachers role, professional aspects, and teachers preparation for subjects for grades 1-7 Pupils in grades 1-7, pupil diversity, and pupils meeting with school and subjects - The Professional arena- Cooperation with parents and community- Research and development- Themes from years 1 and 2Primary Teacher Education grades 1-7: Integration planning matrixProfessionalizationLearning theories (pupil perspective)Professional understanding (teacher perspective)Specialization in subjectsDidactic emphasisPED:Norwegian:Math:English:PED:Norwegian:Math:English:PED:Elective 1:Elective 2:Integration of theory and practiceDeveloping teacher identity:Theoretical background for choosing methods in the practice arena. Practice related teaching Varied learning forms in subjects (creative learning processes) Reason for pedagogical and subject choice, organizing and teaching methods (PED:Norwegian:Math:English:PED:Norwegian:Math:English:PED:Elective 1:Elective 2:Primary Teacher Education grades 1-7: Integration planning matrixResearch-based teachingIntroducing scientific work methodsIncluding students in research projectsPED:Norwegian:Math:English:PED:Norwegian:Math:English:PED:Elective 1:Elective 2:Basic Skills Teacher perspectiveWritten and spoken expressionReading skillsMath skillsICT skillsPED:Norwegian:Math:English:PED:Norwegian:Math:English:PED:Elective 1:Elective 2:Comparing 1-7 vs. 5-10Grades 1-7Norwegian and Math are compulsory (30 credits)

Focus on teaching beginnersPractice component 100 days over 4 year studyGrades 5-10No compulsory subjects, but two subjects should be 60 creditsFocus on competence in subjectPractice component 100 days over 4 year study

Creative Learning ProcessesPrimary Teacher Education 1-7, Nesna University CollegeSubjectYear 1.Year 2Year 3Year 4Pedagogics 15stp15stp30stp w/BA-thesisNorwegian 115stp15stpMath 115stp15stpEnglish 115stp15stpNorwegian 2 /Math 2/English 2 *Pedagogics 30stpArts and Crafts 1/Music 1/ Physical Education 1/Science 1School-related subjects (30stp) can be taken (ex: ICT and learning/Drama/Special Ped)30+30stp 4 year teacher education or 5?!Transition to master degree: Students can apply for Master of Education 1-7 at the University of Troms after Year 3. 90 credits in pedagogics is required and will be offered through Nesna University College.

Primary teacher education 5-10, Nesna University CollegeSubjectYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Pedagogics15stp15stp30stp w/BA-thesisNorwegian / Math45stp15stpMusic /Science/ Social Studies30stp30stpMusic/Science/Social Studies 60stpor Music/Science/Social Studies/Arts and Crafts/Physical Education 30+30stpSchool-related subjects (30stp) can be taken. (ex: ICT and learning/Drama/Special Ped)60stp or30+30stp4 year teacher education or 5?!Transition to Master degree:Students can apply to take a Master degree after Year 3, either at Nesna or another institution. The requirements are 60 stp in the subject for the relevant master. Nesna University College offers a Master degree in Science Didactics and a Master in Music.

The Norwegian road aheadTeacher education is situated at the interface of academic and professional practice. = challenges!

Primary teacher education reform and centralization politics = challenges!

Universities in charge of teacher education = challenges!

Developing a master degree in education = challenges!Thank you for your attention!