Tea Šango and Tomislav Rajković - Online Gaming Communities in Croatia - BOBCATSSS 2017

Online Gaming Communities in Croatia First author: Tea Šango ([email protected] ) Second author: Tomislav Rajković ([email protected] ) Mentors: Drahomira Cupar([email protected] ) and Josip Čirić( [email protected] ) University of Zadar, Croatia Department of information science

Transcript of Tea Šango and Tomislav Rajković - Online Gaming Communities in Croatia - BOBCATSSS 2017

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Online Gaming Communities in Croatia

First author: Tea Šango ([email protected] )Second author: Tomislav Rajković ([email protected] )Mentors: Drahomira Cupar([email protected] ) and Josip Čirić([email protected])

University of Zadar, CroatiaDepartment of information science

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• Phenomena of video-games.• No strict definition of gamers.• Several approaches.• Attitudes, behavior of gamers in Croatia.• Gaming communities.• Connections.• How do they perceive each other.• Characteristics of players.

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• Research goals:– To see the demographic and psychosocial characteristics of

gamers.– How do they perceive players who play on other game

consoles.– How do they perceive other players of their favourite

games.– To see their attitudes towards gaming in general.– To check if there is any regularity considering personality


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Results• Age: 13-43 (N=166 M=23.90 sd=5.54 Shapiro-

Wilkis=.946 p<.01)• Males – 76,3% ; Females – 20,4% ; LGBTQ - 2,9%.• Median – 23 years ; Mode – 22 years.

• Major grups• Pupil/students – 45.7%• Employed – 36.7%

• Monthly budget• -35€ - 46.5%• 100€ - 17.0%• 500€ - 63.7%• +1000€ – 11.1%

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• Entertainment• Computer games – 85.9% • Gathering with friends – 65.2% • Watching TV – 45.1% • Partners – 34.8%

• Breaking the stereotyse• Having a partner – 44% • Hanging out with their partner – 34.8% • Having a pet – 49.5%

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• Living situation• Own apartment – 64.7% • With parents – 48.1% • With partner – 20.3%

• Most common real life social networks – 5 to 10 people.

• Most common platform - PC (desktop) 75.7%

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• Favorite feature• Gameplay and multiplayer

• Least favorite feature• Community, graphics, brief gameplay

• E-sport - 50%• Getting their fix

• Buying on-line - 70.5%• Piracy - 56.7%• Bargain sales – 46.0%

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Confronting stereotypes

• Disagreement• „Typical gamer has no life beyond video games” -

86.2%• „Female gamers are marketing gimmick” – 60.2%• „Female gamers play video games casually” – 55.3%• „Cosplayers are weird” – 48.9%• „Female characters are over-sexualized” – 34.6%• „Female gamers are as successful as male gamers” –


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Hexaco• Honesty-humility correlated with writting

game instructions.• Extraversion correlated with meeting other

gamers in real life.• Openness to experience related to cRPG• Honesty-humility negatively related with FPS

and action games.

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• Our participants are rather tolerant group of young people.

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References• Arena, D. (2015). Video Games as Tillers of Soil. Theory into Practice 54; 94-100.• Ashton, M. C. & Lee, K. (2009). The HEXACO-60: A short measure if the major dimensions of

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Online Gaming. Cyberpsychology & Behavior 6(1), 81–91.• Krolo, K., Zdravković, Ž., & Puzek, I. (2016). Tipologija gamera i gamerica u Hrvatskoj: Neke

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• Paul, J. (2016, May 16). By the numbers: Most popular online games right now. Retrieved September 21, 2016, from Now Loading, https://nowloading.co/posts/3916216

• Salguero, R. A. T. & Morán, R. M. B. (2002). Measuring problem video game playing in adolescents. Addiction. 97, 1601-1606.

• Seay, A. F. (2004). Project Massive: A Study of Online Gaming Communities. In Proceedings of CHI 2004, April 24 – 29, Vienna (pp. 1421-1424).

• Statista. (2016). Most played PC games. Retrieved September 21, 2016, from Statista, https://www.statista.com/statistics/251222/most-played-pc-games/

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