TE-MP Bk 1 prelims


Transcript of TE-MP Bk 1 prelims



In the texts1 Scan the texts on pages 76 and 77. Answer yes or no in the boxes.

a Do all the texts have titles?

b Do all the texts have illustrations?

c Do all the texts have paragraphs?

d Do all the texts have an opening statement in bold?

2 Are the texts fi ction or nonfi ction? ___________________________________

3 What do you think the topic will be? ___________________________________________


4 Can you fi nd the word I in the texts? ___________________________________

5 Circle the words they, their, you and it in the texts. Done

6 Are the texts mainly in 1st person (I, we), 2nd person (you) or 3rd person

(he, she, it, they)? ___________________________________

7 Are the texts in the present, past or future tense? _____________________________

8 Do the texts tell when things happened and in what order? _________________

9 Do they give personal or factual information? _________________________________

10 Are the texts descriptions or information reports?


11 What non-living things can you see on pages 76 and 77?


12 What do you think the girl is taking photos of? Why?








1 Read What is an Insect? Complete the sentences with words from the word bank.

Word bank exo no shell six small three two


a How big are they? ___________________

b Have they backbones? They have ___________________bones.

c How many body segments? __________________ segments

d How many legs? ____________________ legs

e Have they antennae? They have ___________________ antennae.

f Are their bodies protected? They have a hard __________________ called an

___________ skeleton.

2 Look at the insects on pages 76 and 77. Write how you know they are insects.

a butterfl y _____________________________________________________________________________


b ant ___________________________________________________________________________________


c honeybees ___________________________________________________________________________


d cricket _______________________________________________________________________________


3 Can many types of insects fl y? ______________________

4 Do some insects lay eggs? ______________________

5 Where would you fi nd insects?




Read and learn


6 Complete the following sentences with words from page 76.

Insects use their antennae for ______________________ and ______________________.

Honeybees dance to send ______________________. If a bee fi nds food near the hive, it

dances in ______________________. If the food is far away, the bee dances in the shape

of the _____________________. The more food, the ____________________ the bee dances!

7 Draw lines to match the words with their defi nitions.

a abdomen the middle part of an insect’s body, between head and abdomen

b antenna a long, skinny feeler on an insect’s head

c leathery belly or stomach; last part of an insect’s body

d nectar tough, like leather

e thorax a sweet liquid in many fl owers that birds and insects like

8 On page 77, read the text and look at the photos.

a Which animal is not an insect because it has two legs, and not a reptile because

it is warm-blooded and covered in feathers? _____________________________________

b Which animal is not a reptile because it has no backbone, and not an insect

because it has only one foot? _____________________________________

Your turn

1 Draw and label an imaginary insect and an imaginary reptile.

My animal is called a(n) _______________. My animal is called a(n) _______________.

It belongs to the insect class. It belongs to the reptile class.

2 Research and plan an information report about a

real insect or reptile.

Name of animal: ____________________________________________________________________

It belongs to the _______________________ class of animals.

Features of class: Illustration (draw or paste one in)

What does it look like? Where does it live?

How does it move? What does it eat?

3 What is special about this animal or typical of its class?






___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Illustration (draw or paste one in)

An information report presents information about something. It usually describes an entire class of things, such as planets, rocks or plants. It has:• a general opening statement or

classifi cation• paragraphs describing different

features (each begins with a topic sentence)

• a concluding statement• text in present tense• diagrams and charts.



A clause is a group of words with a subject, a verb (or verb group) and often

an object, eg snakes eat insects. The subject is snakes, the verb is eats and the

object is insects.

1 The subject is the person or thing that does something. It goes before the

verb and can be more than one word, eg snakes, some bees, the black ant.

Circle the subjects.

a some snakes have silver scales

b my blue-tongued lizard eats fl ies

c the orange butterfl y is on the fl ower

d the big snail ate the leaf

2 The verb tells what the subject does, is, says, thinks or feels.

The verb comes after the subject and can be more than one word, eg danced, are,

made, is freezing, was fl ying. Underline the verbs.

a the brown snake hissed at the dog

b kookaburras eat worms

c green ants are carrying the crumbs

d the sun was warming the lizard

3 If the subject is plural its verb must also be plural. If the subject is singular

the verb must also be singular. Cross out the wrong verb in each clause.

a snails is are not insects

b the lizard has have a blue tongue

c they bites bite their enemies

d a skink look looks like a snake with legs

e many insects fl y fl ies


Singular or plural4 Add a verb and an object to each subject.

The subject and verb must agree with each other.

a most reptiles ____________________________________________________________

b the butterfl y ____________________________________________________________

c a nest of ants ___________________________________________________________

5 Add a subject to each verb. The subject and verb must agree with each other.

a __________________________________ leapt

b __________________________________ croak

c __________________________________ are chirping

6 A clause can have other words besides the subject, verb and object.

It may have a phrase that tells how, when, where, why or what.

Underline the parts of these clauses that are not the subject, verb or object.

a most reptiles lay eggs on land (Hint: tells where)

b all reptiles need heat from outside their bodies (Hint: tells where)

c eggs have shells for protection (Hint: tells why)

d a bee fl ies to the hive after fi nding food (Hint: tells where and when)

e insects use their antennae for smell (Hint: tells why)

7 Add words to make these clauses interesting.

a insects are (what?) ____________________________________________________________

b reptiles lay their eggs (where?) _______________________________________________

c the eggs have (what?) ________________________________________________________

d insects have a hard shell (why?) _______________________________________________

e honeybees fl y (where?) _______________________________________________________

Books read


My stuff



Unit 7: The BEST food

Cut and stick pictures from magazines or newspapers.


great websites



Print your name here:

Use a pencil. DO NOT use a pen. If you make a mistake, rub it out and try again.

Assessment: Units 7 and 8

This is a test to see how well you understand what you have read, and to see what you know about using language, spelling and punctuation. It is also a writing test.

InstructionsRead each question carefully. Some questions will ask you to read a text from another page in this book before answering.

There are three different ways to show your answer:• Shade the bubble next to the correct

answer. O • Write a word in a box. • Write a number in a box.

(First name) (Family name)


Start of test

Read the texts on pages 68 and 69, and answer questions 1 to 8.

1 All the texts are to do with O healthy foods. O food. O advertising.

2 Healthy Foods is in the O present tense. O past tense. O future tense.

3 Which statement is not true? O Eating meat helps make muscles and hair. O A diet is the food we eat. O We need the same food all the time.

4 Which text has arguments for and against something?

O Healthy Foods O Market versus supermarket O Kream Brand Corn Flour

5 Markets versus supermarkets is mainly in the

O 1st person singular (I) O 1st person plural (we) O 2nd person (you)

6 The advertisement for which food has no verbs?

O corn fl our O popcorn O crab

7 The sentence Look for the pink packet is a

O statement. O command. O exclamation.

8 The phrase is likely to means O wants to. O would like to. O will probably.

Read the texts on pages 76 and 77, and answer questions 9 to 17.

9 The main topics of the texts are O animals and fl owers. O insects, animals and birds. O insects and reptiles.

10 Which of the following is not a living thing?

O thorax O camera O fl ower

11 The girl with the camera is shown because

O she only takes photos of reptiles and insects.

O her jacket is the colour of the butterfl y.

O she is taking photos of animals in her garden.

12 An information report O tells a good story. O gives facts on a topic. O explains how to do something.

13 The texts are in the O present tense. O past tense. O future tense.

14 The texts are in the O 1st person (I, we) O 2nd person (you) O 3rd person (he, she, it or they)

15 Which one could be an insect? O Something with antennae and six legs. O Something with three body parts

and a backbone. O Something that fl ies and has eight legs.

16 Which one could be a reptile? O Something warm-blooded with no backbone. O Something with a backbone and scales. O Something cold-blooded with two antennae.

17 Insects use their antennae to O listen, taste and smell. O touch, taste and smell. O touch, listen and look.

18 An adverb adds meaning to O only verbs. O a verb, adjective or other adverb. O a noun.


Assessment: Units 7 and 8

19 What is the adverb in the following sentence? You can cook the fi sh later. O You O cook O fi sh O later

20 What is the underlined part of this sentence? The scary-looking lizard is probably an iguana. O subject O verb O clause

The spelling mistakes in these sentences have been circled. Write the correct spelling for each circled word in the box.

21 A liqwid is something runny, like water.

22 Bees gard their hive.

23 Those fl owers are trooly beautiful.

24 The subjects and verbs insects are, they use and the scales make are O 1st person plural. O 3rd person singular. O 3rd person plural.


Plan your reportWrite keywords about your food, eg fruit, tropical, breakfast.Organise keywords under headings such as:• the class it belongs to,

eg fruit, meat• where you get it from• what it looks like• what it tastes like.

Write your reportBegin with a title.Name your food and the class it belongs to.Use 3rd person, present tense.Write a paragraph about each heading from your plan.Use adjectives and adverbs to describe.

RememberWrite in sentences.Check your spelling and punctuation.Make changes if it doesn’t make sense.

25 Write an information report about your favourite food.