Tcu Package

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Transcript of Tcu Package

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package



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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


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    C Ov,"R 2-_ALIGNi\

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    oi------ 1- 00 o O--~--LE

    D rop M id dleWall #2Vert #3

    ..PRO SET

    Cover 2

    IS : !J : ~ g D e e p#3



    Inside 1/2M an Clue

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    II[5 II IM W/S I

    Hook to cu:\ Curl-Flat~WaIl #2 Weak Swing Deep


    Vert. #2F

    Vert. #2 Strno Vert. rob curl toPost of#l(R ob be r R ule ) Inside 112M an Clue

    "'FS always robs to the 2 WR side. 1 back set, FS robs to the field side or leEtwhen in the m iddle ofth e field. The LBers handle vert. #2 Weak and #3 Str. respectfully.


    IIIS I SFlat

    Swing Deep#3k

    C ( Robber ~ ech\l;

    Inside 1: ':M an C lue

    0oo0 00 Q)--_S:IE II-oI


    Swing Deep#2

    s-\Hook-Cur lV ert #2 W eakWall #2 c

    .. 4 ._:::s :ce . _

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    (3 )@ 0 ( )oooo\v9

    kS I S M =s} W I S Curl-Flatl tngDeep- Vert #2 WeakC T a : b : e r r ~ . ~1 Swing Deep.u . . . . 'V. . . ,Inside 1 12 Inside 1 /2

    Trips Check Roll

    @ 0o OOO9OO@S I S WalkOut ,M W/S

    ~ Curl-Flat F r Curl ~Ve #2 WeakCl . SwingDeep # t r C Curl-FlatSwing Deep#2114 1I4 Inside 1 120 00 0 0 0 0 00000000 OOOOOOE T T E E T T E

    ~SIS /~S M 1 W/S,-- SIS S ? - . - W/Sc1 [I-F/S . [ C C F/S CDouble Twins 0 0

    ooOOOOMotion to No Backs 0o 0 00069000o o ,0

    /Pound /r I~f Call tJ \V!S i \";5"_,/' SIS /'- S

    C l-F/S"S,'6I~

    ,'fIi\-"J, . .'-

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package




    -i,ttr : ~ ~

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    - - . - - - ~COVER BLUE

    Alignment BuresLBers Align to Front C2lL LBer to read side is the m iddle drop LEerCorners B lue Tech - A lign on the #1 "VRFree Safety Blue 1 12 align to strong side of passing set. Align is lO -1 2 yards deep. Never w iderthan the hash m arks.

    Pro Set - Ou ts id e should er ofTEPro Twins (Twins Side) - Ins ide shou lde r of#2 ViR, never crossing the hashPro S id e - S plit differen ce of2 \-V Rs, n ev er p lay in g w ide r th an Z yd in sid e th e h as h

    Strong Alig n to s tre ng th of passing formation. U se Tw ins and Pro alignment rules to align inth e r ight pos it io n.W eak S afery Blue 1 1 2 align to W eak of passing form ation. S pecific foot alignm entsare the sam e as strang safety "Disquise alignm ents w ill be v ery im portant to c r u scoverage

    Change of Strength RuleF / S w ill check to C av er 2 to the read side with CO S m otion

    o oo -------000000 oc ! c!


    S I S S M./2 Read Rt W/S

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package



    C D1IIICL Ar'V

    @ C D1 01- - i!J 00 00I

    B lue T ee:" ELI[JS/S

    vt\ ='it' _Force -


    "M e CaU""

    M iddle D ropVert. #3

    Blue 1 1 2 Teeh

    B lue Tech

    . . .Important: Willie ';., 11 1a lig n to stre ng th o f passing form ation, and handle change of strength m otion. TheLEer to W illie side is the m iddle drop backer.

    Blue Tech - is the same as our R obber Tech, except with an arrow release by #2 he then is o ver th e i : O ? oif#1. The Cloud Tech verticals #1 reaction back to any outside route by #2 within 8 yards.

    V i i SSliceCud

    -vBlue 1/2 T e ch

    .rwrxs SET

    C D fII [C S IS~ueTecv'f"

    "M e C all"Slice

    Blue 1 1 2 Tech

    o \o0 00 --~-- I} tE :-IVSossible "Sky CaU " w fI

    " T f c h . backs\Y

    M S -!"f iddl: W/S \

    Vert ;:;:_ ) \ Slice CurlVBlue 1 12 Tech

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package




    CJ)~ Bluet Teen

    ~ / S~I1 Slice i Y I~~Drop '+ '

    - ";\-fett= Cail Fi Vert #3Blue I i2 Tech

    ' + _ ~

    s~ CBlue /JTeeh - 1tice \V/S

    )~. . . .

    Blue 1 12 Tech

    C Doo0 000--~-l~ tS [ICJ BlueI


    c = S{ S~ -Curl-Flat~-

    1 I4 I F Check RoH' >YU4Treyce

    otcoo 0

    OOOOOOSIS ~S M_..t~ C{ - I t1 .{ F /S W /S. J _ 1 .

    s\' Hook-Curl'y SliceW/S L P ossib le " So lo C all"

    B lue T ech

    oo 0 0000000 0C S I S S M C1~ r 1 l Y \ _ ,1 1 4 I"Roll FS ~\V/S

    114 1BlueDouble Twinso oo 0OO~OOO

    5 M C.i..\J.. _ , . ~'"-.~ y, '> . . -)

    C SI Sl ~I\. . . . ,o

    Motion to No Backs~o

    OOOOO/~ ?--1 S ----:., C ~

    o oS I S>c/

    \ - '. .i !:-; .lKoil. . . ; . , . ?S : - !,~

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package



    0 \ \ @)0 00 00C Di; r.s: "C S I S

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package




  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


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    COVER 5


    o(000000 jC GaudS I S

    { \VaLi #2Ve~#2

    s) M\loudTech Tech.YfiddleVert #3 WaH #2Vert #2

    F \VTrue TrueCover ~ -- This is a true 5 U nder & 2 D eep coverage. T he safeties gee vertical help from the inside w allplayers. This coverage gives us good flat support versus ;:he pass. This is not good versusvertical. :



    IIS I S: \l)Wall #2I Vert #2I

    M S1iddleVert #3 \VaU #2Vert #-2{Fi I\VS~_ , ; . ,. /..~-_


  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    Cloud.Swing Deep #2


    ......... . _ . .. -~ . . . . _ . " _ , . " .. . " - : ' _ . : : - " _.... . . . . .

    CQv"ER 5Rules:

    BaH ~Gddle: 2 yards outside hashBall on Hash: Boundary. 3 yards outside hash

    Field 1 yard outside ;,ash

    IfChina Call"

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    F i S

    ~SI S~Deep li2'i-'

    IIICI;.I'\ :'.a1':, .. ,---

    V Sky-. D"'.\'ng eepsz

    (6 )tC D . :Cloud ; J S/\VaIlSwing Deep #.2 Vert #2

    C DoOOOO

    B L - rWail

    11'\__: : J _ _\.Y I, 15IS I S


  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    0 0 0C D 000000t jC S IS B B CI FS ( \V/S

    { 1 1 2 L I 2

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    t = - - ( 1 ) 00 (2) 00 @I 1)C

    Lr\ II51IC S I S B B 1F /S

    ~ J V i i SL I 2 ~ ~ 1/2


  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    . . . . . - - - - . . . - . . . . _ . _ . . . _ + _ . ~ . _ .;'.'_T

    Vert #2


    Deep 1 1 2

    ~ ~ ~ : - .

    _ -~.. '~ - _ - - _ . -:;. .

    (9oOO.OO@\ \


    /W /SVert;';:3Strong V' Solo CaU

    "Solo Can" - Allows F / S versitility to stay with c ov era ge c alle d

    S wing D eep#2

    G I S~~a[[Vert #2

    F / S1Deep 112

    . 'C D\QOOQ\QOl


    WISV ert / Solo Call. . . . . ' ";;..)


  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package




  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    Horned Frog Blitz Scheme

    Blitzing defenses are a sore spot for m ost offensive schem es. The biggestad va nta ge b litz in g gi ves us is the th reat of blitzing . We need to be m ultiple enough Larake advantage of opponent' s weakness, but simple enough [hat the term ino logy andactions are repetitious. This fits our philosophy of m ultiolicitv but sim nlicirv .Coverae:

    Zero (0) is our term fo r man cov erage. T his is the coverage we use w hen blitzing.W e use the terms "bail", "press", and "bu mp" fo llo win g 0 to tell u s th e tec hn iq ue ourcomers w ill use when playing man coverage. The basic count system is as follows, wecount from o uts id e in 1,2,3. Only the read side can have a ~3. C orners have #1 \v 'K totheir side. If there is no \v~ then he w ill nip over and count the next available W "R(counting outside in). The strong and weak safeties have ~2 respectively to their sides.The L inebackers have:;} strong. ~2 weak, if#2 is in the backfield, The Free Safety isfree at this paine w ith no one blitzing. A lignment for the linebackers is determ ined by thefront call. The safeties follow their zone alignm ent rules. The hardest point for thesafeties L O learn is that the Free Safety may not be reading to the passing strength. He isreading to the blitz side in mo st c as es.B li tz Tenn ino lo !!v:

    Bullets - L inebackers both blitzDOQS - Linebacker and Safety from the sam e side- .Smokes - Safety blitzM ob - Both Linebackers and both Safeties at the same timeLions - Safety blitzBullets Thunder - Both Linebackers and Tight End side safetyBullets - Tells both L inebackers to blitz. W e signify in the call which gap theywill run through .

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package



  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package





  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


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    t I .UoJJs .~ ( . e . f l ~ s c . . - e + : e s ~ ~.C{:~t.l1d.*.-rk~ $r.d

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package



  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package




  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package



    MOB o COP

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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    MoB ~ C c . c . ~,'S p < .; _QC


  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package



  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    iii iIII III ~ ~f J f i ~i I~i t II1 I I J I !Ilf r ~ j ! t r f pdH; I I i iJ J II! r f I i . .( ! I 'IIi i-t I I

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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package



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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package





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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package



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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


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    -A ... ';ril"(

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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    ./3 S GAi... r I.!s /1..$; J~.i~ ~ / J 4 ! - ~ "1tJ3"' T A _ I o o I . ' E ' J t 0,,-. T-4.-p ALiz.

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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    #-J ~ T 1 % , > ( ' 3') T4 ; ;: rI' .z , 4e .o .k ~BLS~#k~?,

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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    Coyerage5 (Solo)(Bronco)o PressSilverFiddleBanjo"Show Call"


    Em .n t snmt CoyeragePractice #1 Eagles Aim-Toro 2Friday - morning "G" Tank-Army RollAug. 13th Loose Take-Fire FreezeShade Tag-Nose SkyUnder-Blast

    Peak - Pinch

    Practice #2evening

    Et:2n1TimOutlaw(3 man slants)

    ~Twist-Twist ITex-Ex (opposite)BulletsA-B-Okie (Cross)Mike-SarrrMow-Sow"c"Smokes/LionsfThunder/Ughtning

    Practice tl3Saturday - morningAug. 14th

    Emn 1Cobra- Tom-SprintTex-Ex-Eat-HooTigerPower (DBL)


    ~Dogs (Wlde,Short, T-Dogs)S-DogsZone Biltz

    Practice #4evening

    FrontPractice #4a -Nickel PackageSunday Flex


    CoyerageBluelRed (Choice)o BailRebelDouble(Cop)Coverage3 (Strong)FlipSpecial

    SlWltTackJes-Backer (3 man Games)Dirty Dogs

    CoyerageClamp Hole DimeDrop "I callPop Wildcat

    Practice #5Monday - morningAug. 15

    IDlm.tDBlOwIFlick - Flea

    - Mike Out

    Practice # 6evening


    S1u.n1MobBullets ThunderWaco

    Coverageo Pitchc \ > aCoyerageo Cop Switch

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    ID. Get off - attack and closeA. Key (tiP of ball or finger tip of O L)B. Explode with hands (band placement)

    I. A im ing Point - hands on OL jersey number and deltoid pad2. Thumbs up and press (touch it - grab it)

    .- 3. Elbows insidec. Explode with eyes (see hands press target) V of neckD. Explode from stance - set point - heel line of OL1 . Drive off fro nt fo ota. 1~ step replaces hand - straight ahead

    2. 200 step balance step (step - replace = base)a. First person that get 2M step down - w insE. Accelerate feet on contact

    1 . Run your knees - power2. Get upfield


    l Stance (Stem - active alignment)A. Feet are shoulder to arm pit widthB. Down hard in front of beadC. Hips slightly higher than shoulders (weight forward)D. Feet staggered - heel to toe (toes straight ahead)E. Crowd the ball - as tight to LOS as possible

    II. Pre-Snap ReadA Know run/pass by OL stance

    I. Weight forw ard - run (long distance from head to toe)2. Weight back - p as s ( sh or t distance from hand to toe)

    B. Know run/pass formation with down and distance tendenciesC. Communicate to defenseI. Light - pass (flash hand to alert Lber's and DB's)2. Heavy - run alert3. Combination -light, heavy, heavy - pull alert

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    I. Blow Delivery. RunA 6 P oint E xplosion (sled)

    1. Explode out not up2. Roll hips - eyes to sky

    B. O n knees - hand placem ent (sled) (partner)C . 1 - Step w ith eyes and hands (Duke sled)D . 2 - Step - explode and balance (Duke sled)E. H it an d Rip

    1 . Run knees - accelerate feet2. Pad level - eyes through the pad not down at it3. Rip off - C lub and rip (quick and violent)4. Get upfield - fo otb all p os itio n F . S teps w ith blocker1. S traig ht ahead2 . Lead with hands

    ... G . Leverage drill - 1 on 1

    n. Escape ( not taught w ell enough)lA. Punch and Pull - fi t and be violent

    1 . G rab and hold on2. Slide to side

    B. Rip1. Pull hard then rip

    C . A rm - OverD . Combination (R ip/A rm Over - A rm - O ver/R ip)

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    / E N f J S A J J J * U sr. J ~ A c J j . . . ~ - I ~ Cit, + . s 1 TACK L!:-S AIJ.rusr:., ,~ I'*" /- ~ , .;,. ! ell J T..:'~ 1 1 - -~;"'r.J .: ~.~ C f " s; i.:I l_:r~.j~. J" ." ~ . < . 1 :- -- (L;I)0 0.0OC>.00 . 00.:I! T P e E T FE-SS s /'1 S .frt-

    "S ,t~. J, - 2I.~II.(.-d( eJt d T , - " . . , - 1 : 1.. 1 - \ ~ - / 4.c ~ 1J'f A(LI ... . .

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    0 0CD 00.OC) QO.O 0E . T F E t T-- F e

    . s 1'15 "

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


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    S~... I. Ta.1- T,;t!;.f:/~ LO"r 1 3 G 4.p(L;,,)

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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


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  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


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    (Li . )o~~oo! r I' E

    o ,,~.CDOC).~E r p E- --

    'S f - T ( A . . & . - k l C o S exekJ e - r / , 1 . . ( '. ' t ) ~ J . . 'i' o f (..e.~ + G ~ - .s o wrA~Tw,-st I .~~.k)~.r I?,.XdA.I'I4 e -

    ,c ~~ .{ +, .(';. eo.f ' < ~ ,5 -

    CDO~OOE T F CDO~OO;' T;= I E- -


  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    StJ s ,- Ie. 11. ' / Ct,' ri,~/. -., ,.,..It! "1 1 ./ ~ c .J . . . . ~ e , 1:.".dI" j. .t...1

    lo~~~E T ~ s-- C .. I ( J r J l T l t . e / c 1 4 ~,J"., ~"I';...J "4'/ C."c./.~"'fT..~k . / . c I'~

    1 .1+ J,AJ

    o~~oo1E . T r E


    -s J j" " 4 1 . . ~H.s,-Jc c,,1 A,.J j.-.k/~

    1 " . . . t)f c . i _ " " I .J .

    3.v l>f o0.000E T: J I I,-,./J C , . I I

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    f O J f - { o ~S MSAM - Sam LB er thru correspo nding run g ap (A

    G ap) .*C P - T ackle and fifty loosen. E nds alert for flush


    /o~~_ [ 0 ( ) iSET F E


    E - Sam Off E dge - callside end auto "Fire" -n o con ta in .*C P - Fifty end alert for flush



    S M

    i\-"IIK E - M ike L Ber thru corresponding run gap (BGap)* CP - F ifty m ain tain gap integrity , end s alert fo r flu


    4 0~~6,,~~E T F E M


    1\'IOE-Mike OffEdge - Fifty end auto "Fire" (M ayget take call)*C P - C allside end alert for flush

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    BULLETS(Both LBers)

    Z LIZ

    io ( i / 1 0 1S MBULLETS A - both LBers blitzing thru A Gaps. Tloosen and maintain B Gap. F align in 21 and runslant.* CP - Ends alert for flush

    BULLETS B - Both LBers blitzing thru B Gaps. Trun slant.*CP - Ends alert for flush

    LIZLIZ1 O } V ' ; ~ 11S M

    OKIE - I Q LQ will be called with this.*CP - Ends alert for flush BULLETS OKIE CROSS - Im:Q_wilI be calledwith this.

    *CP - Ends alert for flush

    LIZ o

    BULLETS SHO\V - LBers will blitz according toalign. Ends may get Fire call.

    "'ENDS - May get a uSilver" call in huddle .f back flares your side you have man to man

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    . . . .

    ~~tt> ~ t t > < 1 1: E T - F E- SS S M

    SMOKES(Ends and Srifety)

    WIDE SMOKE - End to wide side will get a "Fire"calL*CP - Boundary end alert for flush


    DOUBLE SMOKE - Both ends will get a "Fire"call. .'- '." .


    *CP Ends be alert for "Cop" call

    uzoIo1f)~~~ .E T-F 'i's M

    SHORT SMOKE - End to boundary side will get a"Fire" call.*CP - Field end alert for flush


    ss s MTHUNDER SMOKE - Call side end will get a,IIIFire"call. ":t'CP - F ifty side end alert fo r flu sh


    LIZ 4 o ( c l -10~\.E T F Es M W/SUGBI'DIdNG SMOKE - Fifty side end will get a"F ire " ca :I!IL*CP - C1!tide end alert f or f lu sh

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    UON$(End and Safety)

    ss S M'VIDE LION End towide side win be responsiblefor contain. 5S will come off your tail. This is auto"Silvern to you. Option shows take pitch .*CP - Loosen your alignment to maintain leverage

    LIZr O f f ) - f o ~lE T F -k l

    S M W /SSSDOUBLE LION - Both ends responsible forcontain. This is auto "Silvern to you. Option showstake pitch. . -

    LIZ 1o~ P~II T F E W/SS MSHORT LION - End to boundary will beresponsible for contain. W /S will come off your tail.This is auto" Silver" to you. Option shows takepitch.*CP - Loosen your alignment to maintain le'YeraS!e-

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    DOGS IDOGS wrru LION(End, LBer and Sarety)LIZ-- -r9~f~Glss S : MWIDE DOGS "A" - End to wide side will get a"Fire" call. nA" tells wide LBer which gap to blitzthrough.CP - Tackle and fifty be alert for Toro, Aim orTwist calls.

    LIZ~r fGlSS S M \V/S

    (1) AIM T-DOGS B - End to call side will get a"Fire" call. Tackles will run an aim.*CP - Fifty end be alert for flush.

    CP - Ends - be alert for a LIONS call.Example - "F G Aim Wide Dogs B Lion"

    .. _


    10 t [ v I ~ 'I-. .- M W/SSHORT DOGS B - End to boundary will get a"Fire" call. "B " tells boundary LBer which gap tblitz through.CP - Wide Side end be alert for flushCP - Tackle and fifty be alert for Toro, Aim orTwist calls.


    S M W/S(T) TORO S-DOGS B - Fifty end will get a "Fircall. Tackles will run Toro.*CP - Call side end be alert for flush

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package


    .~~ ....COBR-\ TW ISTS(Think Pass)


    O().()~E F - T E

    xIti - End tells tackle - (Call Side)On snap upfieJd then exchageundary Call

    IPt 'r '_-; ~:';~ ,1~>~

    E F-.00

    T E

    - End tell tackle (50 side) on snap upfield thenexchange.oundary CallIP'" :_~; fI) -. . . . -. "t;X /oq

    ':.l.\ (I)-> !" --:\l I

    - ''L'0'/0'1/ IT EF -

    . - Ends tell tackles "You" and "Me"CallLeft end make directional caIJEnds telling tackle which one is first in exchangeYou, Me and Edge are boundary callsat, Hog. Sprint and Tom are field caJls

    "LIZ" -o i f ' . - fj:__OE T - F E

    EA T - Tackles upfieJd and exchange. End wrap ar

    "LIZ" .: - .~. ''\'~ - (I> (" (.1

    uo~F TE .. . . < .. .o &-~{)"-a ,E T - F E

    C.. IIHOG - itJ side tackle and end run exchange .tackle wrap around* fid d. B .u ll 8cu~slA.'l C~-'I


    "LIZ" / .,: ; . - 1/ t l '_ f > . . o 0. IE T -- F ESPRINT - Ca Ils id e end run off hip of tackle. Callsitackle wrap around*Field CaU

    " LIZ" - i

    o ~~() 0- IE T - F E

    TOM - Callside tackle run and exchange with fiftytackle*Field Call*We can make directional to off set back

  • 8/3/2019 Tcu Package



    Rush .p{Of )E T


    Man to Man

    SIL V ER - Coverage "alert". Tells both ends they may hax .e man to man on back. The only route you havecoverage on is the flare route. A ll other routes or ifback blocks or goes away you can rush ."O ption - if option shows your way you have pitch.