TBN Response to Jack Van Impe - Office of the President TBN - 110617 (2)

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Transcript of TBN Response to Jack Van Impe - Office of the President TBN - 110617 (2)

  • 8/6/2019 TBN Response to Jack Van Impe - Office of the President TBN - 110617 (2)



    June 17, 2011

    An Open Letter to Jack Van Impe:

    Dear Jack:

    It is with sadness that I read the statement posted on your website announcing that you have

    decided to withdraw your program from TBN.

    When I learned that there was a potential disagreement between us, I reached out to you in an

    effort to resolve your issues with TBN in a manner recommended by our Lord in Matthew 18. It

    was my belief after our telephone call that we had resolved this matter with a mutually agreeable

    understanding and that your program would continue to air on its regular schedule.

    Needless to say, I was disheartened to learn that you had yet again changed your mind and are, in

    fact, determined to cancel your program on TBN. Even more disappointing is that I had to find

    out about this decision through your website rather than from you personally.

    A disagreement among Christian brothers and/or ministries is not an unusual occurrence.

    Historically, disagreements among men of faith can be traced back to the Apostles. However,

    Scripture is clear in how we should deal with these disagreements and with each other. (Matthew

    18:15-17, Romans 14:10-22, Galatians 6:1-10, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15, Ephesians 4:15.)

    It has been my position for TBNs 38 years of ministry that TBN preach Christ only and that itdoes not become a bully pulpit for endless debate and/or criticism on/of various doctrinal issues

    among denominations, churches, ministries or individuals. Specifically, it has been TBNs policy

    not to allow its broadcast air time to be utilized for personal attacks by one Christian brother

    against another or to call them out by name. (Luke 9:50, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.)

    Although I understand, and actually agree with, your position that you will not allow anyone to

    tell me what I can and cannot preach, I trust you understand that TBN takes the same position

  • 8/6/2019 TBN Response to Jack Van Impe - Office of the President TBN - 110617 (2)


    with its broadcast air time as well. As such, contrary to the title of your website statement, TBN

    has done nothing to censor you or your program but rather, following its policy, has chosen not

    to air those programs at issue. TBN is aware that you have other forums in which to voice your

    opinions on this topic and welcomes you to do so.

    In closing, your program has been a blessing to our TBN viewers. Your interpretation ofScripture as it relates to the End Times and your application of that Scripture to the latest world

    events is both enlightening and educational. I, for one, will be sad not to be able to view your

    program on TBN. Be that as it may, I likewise bear no personal animosity to you, but sometimes,

    we simply must agree to disagree and move on with our respective ministries. As such, I have

    great respect for you and your ministry and trust that God will continue to richly bless you in all

    that you do.


    Paul F. CrouchPresident and Founder

    Trinity Broadcasting Network