tb( BU TIN srrsTICBistrita-N5sbud 18312 9372 5487 1779 7147 177 4022 13.1 '3.8 Oobsaei 36376 15417...

NUMARUL OMER!LOR* Another hf u, i en iployed* La30 septembrie 1998 La 30 sestembrie 1099 (September 30, 1990) (September 3), 1999) din care: femei din care: feme TOTAL (out of which: TOTAL (nut of which: women): woolen): NrmiOrul somen:lor - total 857196 (Number of unemployed - total) be'ief,ciazO de ajulo: de somaj 233284 (roceivin9 of unorrrpbyrrront borisf:te) prrnesc ajutor de Integrare prOteSionata 60301 (receiving vocational integration allowance) primesc alocat:e do sprijin 342939 (receiving support allowance) bersefuciari do plOti compensator i potrivit of onaetei do Urgon!A a Guvornului or. 9811999" (severance pa1'menl beneficiaries according to tie EMergency OrdInance or he GovernMent no, 98/1999") 419986 1073586 490291 116'55 315068 144509 28216 66376 28943 1-4447 437335 205870 12246 4660 s000ri rroindonnizati"' 220675 (unemployments without paymeit") 111190 241701 112300 /iiiç::t't:l lit 0/ti tilt /titftit/etitii1t ii. ,) Per Vt:, tsr/c :/t,jn,ttiIttli:ate .'tnr/icittOt d . I: ::te tn ntt:tte,i 1,, jurt:ttulat rtetttrttt ate p-titter: jtltittt:tttt/ret'v:t(:ist. /tattt: 1:: rrin.adn:r ::lt::iltn:/t: /n,':n::r:inarr IC. 0,,1,:, ,,,,:lrn,1,vn%.: Gntcrnnl,:i : tr tiit'/t)Wi (Peror:nt Iatd.o/f here/il front lettilh link term-c J- I/ic/tentH! of it, :imtig Vet era:,, C /titpttt:ttl.: u, itt rite re-ct::jr/tn met? tat tt'Ittr xrw,aht'ti Jnma it/c-,! i-v i/u unit Ic 45 'date Lnt. -ttie:t, r Ordt,:a,,t-c'.tf the &io,i-r ,,u',:? nt CS'! 999). Vi: !:etre/n-ta:a i/C ant 7:?ttr' Panel: crrtqrtrttt L. -g:t ,:r 1, 199/ ci O,d:tnantrt ii, nc't:ti it (htt,-rttttitti ,:r, CV! 999. iNt:tt-r-ct-i:'ing tt/ cnitle,,:,trtt it, ram/c a, ttit /:tig it: ti,, Lou- ii::. 111991 it::! !ir:rq:: -tt:r - Ot:ljnan,c':t/ the Gin ct,ttt-:tt to:. 98'l999j. S:,rv,: Agot(itt Nair nnntta pettt:t Or pare 71 !- ttrn.nte l'::tje.tit:Ra/ti (.V ax Nwit::tt: Age /::r Lit:jtitrtntt rtti at:,/ Ii:: a:it:tta! Trcrrtt:tg) tb( BU TIN srrsTIC IN DOMENIUL MUNCH SI PROTECTIEI SOCIALE STATISTICAL BULLETIN IN THE FIEL OF LABOUR AND SOCIAL PROTECTION 'H 1(28)/i99 Puhficatie a M,nisterithn Munch si P,otectiei Sociale - ROMANIA Publication of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection - ROMANIA NUMARUL PERSOANELOR CUPRINSE IN CIJRSURI DE CALIFICARE, RECALIFICARE I PERFECTIONARE PANA LA 30 SEPTEMBRft 1999* Numbers of peIs'o1zs who attend quali/icalion and rcquulificathm courses, September 30,1999* din total s-au din care: some:, incadrat TOTAL (out of which: in activitato ur:nutptoyed) (from total, Pc-rsoarm cup:inse in pregOtire. :otal (Persons, included in training, total) 358990 din care (out of which) a) au incheiat pregit:irea in cursuri organizato (accomplished the training in organized 318937 180760 69912 courses) -Ia cereroa agentilor economic 64319 23866 17871 (at the request of companies) - pe baza stuliilor, crognozelor de porspeclivd pr:vind pia(a muncii 121737 100795 30201 (on the basis of the labour market pro(ectisns) - ta cererea persoanelor intoroaato 132911 56099 21643 (at the request of nersons) - 9) la cursurile in derjlaro 07fl55 0967 (under the training) c)au inS-erupt cursor/s 12155 (stopped the training) • C ttt:tt:-iM,ie ca/i/i, it:,. ci ali/i:,:ic t, p -t/: -: fits: ti - , : , :tiL'tn , :,- a_:iin, : -/vn: , l ci: ti:! / 1'2 in 1'::: i:,'''' / / t.51 - iii:::! /:, -: t:,-: pa ct:, ti:!,: ,: cta:,:-til:,,',:rr::ttet,'',-:i / 1tttt/,-j:i ii i ,::t,-:,t::/::::: 255 1911 - ith,ntti. j:::citr,i , alt/i,-,:ie,i. ri, ic/i/i, tin,:: ::/ten/r-: t-tttr,,tV-a /u_-g,::rr,: /t :t/ertrin,:/:-,t::,,t,,-t,ha (71"'1 g. re:r,iiitt:ig ,:rt,: ::/tç':-,cl:::g ,:t,ii::er:crrr:r_,i,,,:,-J :0,,,- 1992 tt:r,:-t:ti/trttt -. till: :1:,- /.:,,,n::.:-/99/ 1" I'll a:,, .t.t, ii:! /ort:,-c i:::: ,:f :nretti/:/at cd jiri r::tt: :tt::/ :h - ta - W r r: -:nn-t:t:'n .::,,i the 0'-,-:-,:irr:4 e,r::-:-r:r,rrt-r:l ::i 2YX-199/ t:--,r:ii/:!.t/teii :itt i:,,icl:tttttti :n,:,r:::tg. mItt: :t,:::' ii:,! :ti:,'tmhrg ::/ t:n-:t:ph-dl ... .......) prt-,i::t2ii 1.1 - 311/V. 1999 cu, /t:.:l ,ii/rtitii' it, /tieg,tlite 7.11211 1 o: it,,it,,,:i /::,g,i:t: it 43266 pc -ru:,n:: - 9h:t,-,:,-- 19716 t::ti:tr:), 0-a:: i:n-,mr/t:::i:t ii, it :t,:t, - 5-PIS (it, / 1. - . 1(1./V 1l99 /teiiii/ tb. :,t:,,:i:r t:/ /ti -t.::::tm :tt,/:::1:,i a:: ,:,:tr::ii c' ,,:: r/ 731 :4 . : i:,::::q:l: ./:,-,i tile nnt:g 45266 /u-ri,:::v (nsa::,' ::-hic-i-: 197116w p/,:re./), :- n:,:l:1::-,i 5495 ,S'::,:a: ..tg_-t:ft,: ,Vath,::,:I:i ii: O,ttj:i::: :ib:,:r:t,:tc- /9::/i-rt:t::i:i:i (.%:r:r, -:': .VaIt::rt:.l ,tg,:ut /t:r /i:::/i/:e -:r:: - :t? tnt! Ii: i:?i::mr,:l Tn,n:::m::g) NUMARUL SOMERILOR 51 RATA 5OMAJULUI, PE JUDETE, LA 30 SEPTEMBRIE 1999 Number of unenploj'ed and une,nploy,nenl rate by counties, on September 30, 1999 - Numarut someruor (Number of unemployed) din din care lout of which): Rata somajutui - (Unemployment rate) (Cocr,:ty( romol dir, care' BenoficiazS de Primesc ujutorde intograrn Primesc alocatie BeueficiazA de ptitticompensatorim Sm.coie:i :,eit:Ue:oruizati dim care, lewd TOTAL - (out of which: ajutor de somaj -- - profesmonala do sprmjmn OUG nr. 9811999 (Uncmplojmeru: without Total (cut of which: )Rocem v mng (Receiving vocational (Receiving suppor. )Receiv ng severance payments. Payment) unemployment benefits) integration allowance) allowance' ) EGG no. 96(1999) TOTAL 1073380 496291 315800 66376 437333 1224( 241701 100 '0.8 Alba 23223 12977 8579 2819 8622 271 - 293-2 122 '4.8 Arad 20186 8699 6842 950 5645 24 6725 8.5 7.7 Argos 2/548 12114 /2/b 1114 8973 51 9935 9.1 9,2 Bacâu 32265 13043 11909 1878 1582) 175 2463 10.3 9.1 Bib: t6989 6107 736' 1134 0072 290 2071 6.3 4.5 Bistrita-N5sbud 18312 9372 5487 1779 7147 177 4022 13.1 '3.8 Oobsaei 36376 15417 6643 4134 12007 607 12635 18.0 '5.5 Brasov 20127 16629 7730 1910 15405 96 4270 10.2 '2.5 BrOila 25210 10701 5775 1436 10023 17 8849 16.6 '5.2 BusSu 29463 12368 9773 1530 13743 417 4003 12.8 '1.8 r,t,,nn-Sov,rri, 17110 7047 50111 1241 9213 463 520 10.4 '0.2 CitISrasi 13569 5120 4807 735 7474 - 853 10.0 8.6 Cluj 38541 21295 16169 1335 14457 17 13553 11.0 '2.6 Conslauta 28178 15457 9502 1912 9979 292 6793 8.6 '0.8 Covasna 11111 5028 3903 419 4462 , 2327 10,1 9.9 DOmbovila 26582 11148 10003 2339 12392 30 1811 10,9 9.9 Doll 34336 15332 7544 1832 16244 163 8853 10.5 9.7 Galati 39837 21260 9217 2059 11887 3929 12715 14.1 '1.1 Giu'giu 9375 3520 3809 354 3943 12 927 8,0 6.9 Gomj 24512 12027 4726 1178 14999 1 4002 13,1 - 4.3 Ha:ghita 15333 7249 4454 576 6278 46 3979 9.3 9.0 Hunodoaa 54321 27309 18542 2635 19303 , 15041 21.1 23.5 lalcmita 14746 6325 4109 679 6573 319 3069 '1.4 10.6 lavi 41807 10440 924? 3258 16471 200 12701 '2.3 11.2 Ibm 6063 2884 867 163 519 . 454 5.4 5.4 M'mue, 25107 11400 6482 - 1578 10565 460 6022 0.0 103 Menedinh 13346 5613 4126 811 7048 . 1363 9.2 8.3 Muon, 22272 9518 7808 1328 9915 120 - 3101 8.0 7.4 Noanmt 47615 19582 9110 2519 16139 1680 18167 '7.9 15,4 Olt 21415 9662 5921 1365 7565 269 6355 9,8 9.7 Prahova 51606 23762 17294 2260 24070 115 7867 13,8 14,2 Satu Mare 9457 3752 2963 636 4366 7 1485 5,8 4.9 SSlaj 17305 5896 5707 - 1507 6057 224 3810 14,5 10.7 Sibiu 20941 9626 7195 1083 9156 1 3506 11.0 10.9 Suceava 42733 19442 9232 1838 16104 92 15467 13.4 12.9 Tolsormun 13469 5524 4315 1112 4613 . 3434 6.5 5.7 Timis 25021 12493 9448 634 9884 211 4504 8.2 8.4 TuIcea 12385 5534 3828 625 5236 46 2650 11.7 10.9 Vaslal 31917 14135 086' 3766 16006 203 4935 15.6 14,2 VâIcoa 25746 11245 4011 1552 9201 98 10884 11.7 10.5 Vru:mcea 10501 4270 220' 800 5652 I 1832 6.3 5,1 Mon. Bucuresti 46668 26772 21341 2495 18686 986 3160 5.8 7.4 • flit/h c- r/mi,,cn -cm jn-e::,,:,hide 221 :il:. tin r,ta'a:: itt-ic/ic ial,!e ct/aIr d• :'::naj. (ti/Icr tI:' Ic-ri:tl:aii,,t:mf the 270 cl,: , /n-it:tt/ :,- ht, I, :Ii,-n /: - ::u - n':: -:c::/ ta:: -mmi/:/t mu-::! S::ns,n Agei::ia .Vaii::ntdii pnitlr,t 0,,q ci l-:,r,m:,,ne !'rmdrmi,:n:,r lii. (5,,,,,:: .Vicitt,t/.4:::,:/tt. P. y I..it-, ttt t,/ ii ,Ot, , t,tii T::t:tnr:o) Nr. 4 '28" 1999 - Pag. 1 -

Transcript of tb( BU TIN srrsTICBistrita-N5sbud 18312 9372 5487 1779 7147 177 4022 13.1 '3.8 Oobsaei 36376 15417...

Page 1: tb( BU TIN srrsTICBistrita-N5sbud 18312 9372 5487 1779 7147 177 4022 13.1 '3.8 Oobsaei 36376 15417 6643 4134 12007 607 12635 18.0 '5.5 Brasov 20127 16629 7730 1910 15405 96 4270 10.2

NUMARUL OMER!LOR* Another hf u, ieniployed*

La30 septembrie 1998 La 30 sestembrie 1099

(September 30, 1990) (September 3), 1999)

din care: femei din care: feme

TOTAL (out of which: TOTAL (nut of which: women): woolen):

NrmiOrul somen:lor - total 857196

(Number of unemployed - total)

be'ief,ciazO de ajulo: de somaj 233284

(roceivin9 of unorrrpbyrrront borisf:te)

prrnesc ajutor de Integrare prOteSionata 60301

(receiving vocational integration allowance)

primesc alocat:e do sprijin 342939

(receiving support allowance)

bersefuciari do plOti compensator i potrivit of onaetei do Urgon!A a Guvornului or. 9811999"

(severance pa1'menl beneficiaries according to tie EMergency OrdInance or he GovernMent

no, 98/1999")

419986 1073586 490291


315068 144509


66376 28943


437335 205870

12246 4660

s000ri rroindonnizati"' 220675

(unemployments without paymeit") 111190 241701 112300

• /iiiç::t't:l lit 0/ti tilt /titftit/etitii1t ii. ,)

Per Vt:, tsr/c :/t,jn,ttiIttli:ate .'tnr/icittOt d . I: ::te tn ntt:tte,i 1,, jurt:ttulat rtetttrttt ate p-titter: jtltittt:tttt/ret'v:t(:ist. /tattt: 1:: rrin.adn:r ::lt::iltn:/t: /n,':n::r:inarr IC. 0,,1,:, ,,,,:lrn,1,vn%.: Gntcrnnl,:i : tr tiit'/t)Wi

(Peror:nt Iatd.o/f here/il front lettilh link term-c J- I/ic/tentH! of it, :imtig Vet era:,, C /titpttt:ttl.: u, itt rite re-ct::jr/tn met? tat tt'Ittr xrw,aht'ti Jnma it/c -,! i-v i/u unit Ic 45 'date Lnt. -ttie:t, r Ordt,:a,,t-c'.tf the &io,i-r ,,u',:? nt CS'! 999).

Vi: !:etre/n-ta:a i/C ant 7:?ttr' Panel: crrtqrtrttt L. -g:t ,:r 1, 199/ ci O,d:tnantrt ii, nc't:ti it (htt,-rttttitti ,:r, CV! 999.

iNt:tt-r-ct-i:'ing tt/ cnitle,,:,trtt it, ram/c a, ttit /:tig it: ti,, Lou- ii::. 111991 it::! !ir:rq:: -tt:r - Ot:ljnan,c':t/ the Gin ct,ttt-:tt to:. 98'l999j.

S:,rv,: Agot(itt Nair nnntta pettt:t Or pare 71 !- ttrn.nte l'::tje.tit:Ra/ti

(.V ax Nwit::tt: Age /::r Lit:jtitrtntt rtti at:,/ Ii:: a:it:tta! Trcrrtt:tg)



'H 1(28)/i99

Puhficatie a M,nisterithn Munch si P,otectiei Sociale - ROMANIA Publication of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection - ROMANIA


I PERFECTIONARE PANA LA 30 SEPTEMBRft 1999* Numbers of peIs'o1zs who attend quali/icalion

and rcquulificathm courses, September 30,1999* din total s-au

din care: some:, incadrat

TOTAL (out of which: in activitato ur:nutptoyed) (from total,

Pc-rsoarm cup:inse in pregOtire. :otal

(Persons, included in training, total) 358990 din care (out of which)

a) au incheiat pregit:irea in cursuri organizato

(accomplished the training in organized 318937 180760 69912


-Ia cereroa agentilor economic 64319 23866 17871

(at the request of companies)

- pe baza stuliilor, crognozelor de porspeclivd

pr:vind pia(a muncii 121737 100795 30201

(on the basis of the labour market pro(ectisns)

- ta cererea persoanelor intoroaato 132911 56099 21643

(at the request of nersons)

- 9) la cursurile in derjlaro 07fl55 0967 (under the training)

c)au inS-erupt cursor/s 12155

(stopped the training)

• C ttt:tt:-iM,ie ca/i/i, it:,. ci ali/i:,:ic t, p -t/: -: fits: ti - , : , :tiL'tn , :,-a_:iin, : -/vn:, l ci: ti:! / 1'2 in 1'::: i:,'''' / / t.51 -

iii:::! /:,-: t:,-: pa ct:, ti:!,: ,: cta:,:-til:,,',:rr::ttet,'',-:i / 1tttt/,-j:i ii i ,::t,-:,t::/::::: 255 1911 -

ith,ntti. j:::citr,i , alt/i,-,:ie,i. ri, ic/i/i, tin,:: ::/ten/r-: t-tttr,,tV-a /u_-g,::rr,: /t :t/ertrin,:/:-,t::,,t,,-t,ha

(71"'1 g. re:r,iiitt:ig ,:rt,: ::/tç':-,cl:::g ,:t,ii::er:crrr:r_,i,,,:,-J :0,,,- 1992 tt:r,:-t:ti/trttt -. till: :1:,- /.:,,,n::.:-/99/ 1" I'll a:,, .t.t, ii:! /ort:,-c i:::: ,:f :nretti/:/at cd jiri r::tt: :tt::/ :h - ta -W r r: -:nn -t:t:'n .::,,i the 0'-,-:-,:irr:4 e,r::-:-r:r,rrt-r:l

::i 2YX-199/ t:--,r:ii/:!.t/teii :itt i:,,icl:tttttti :n,:,r:::tg. mItt: :t,:::' ii:,! :ti:,'tmhrg ::/ t:n-:t:ph-dl ... .......)

prt-,i::t2ii 1.1 - 311/V. 1999 cu, /t:.:l ,ii/rtitii' it, /tieg,tlite 7.11211 1 o: it,,it,,,:i /::,g,i:t: it

43266 pc -ru:,n:: - 9h:t,-,:,-- 19716 t::ti:tr:), 0-a:: i:n-,mr/t:::i:t ii, it :t,:t, - 5-PIS

(it, / 1. - .1(1./V 1l99 /teiiii/ tb. :,t:,,:i:r t:/ /ti -t.::::tm :tt,/:::1:,i a:: ,:,:tr::ii c' ,,:: r/ 731 :4 . : i:,::::q:l: ./:,-,i tile

nnt:g 45266 /u-ri,:::v (nsa::,' ::-hic-i-: 1971 16w p/,:re./), :-n:,:l:1::-,i 5495

,S'::,:a: ..tg_-t:ft,: ,Vath,::,:I:i ii: O,ttj:i::: :ib:,:r:t,:tc- /9::/i-rt:t::i:i:i

(.%:r:r, -:': .VaIt::rt:.l ,tg,:ut /t:r /i:::/i/:e -:r:: - :t? tnt! Ii: i:?i::mr,:l Tn,n:::m::g)

NUMARUL SOMERILOR 51 RATA 5OMAJULUI, PE JUDETE, LA 30 SEPTEMBRIE 1999 Number of unenploj'ed and une,nploy,nenl rate by counties, on September 30, 1999

- Numarut someruor

(Number of unemployed) din

din care lout of which):

Rata somajutui - (Unemployment rate)

(Cocr,:ty( romol dir, care' BenoficiazS de Primesc ujutorde intograrn Primesc alocatie BeueficiazA de ptitticompensatorim

Sm.coie:i :,eit:Ue:oruizati dim care, lewd


(out of which: ajutor de somaj

-- - profesmonala do sprmjmn OUG nr. 9811999

(Uncmplojmeru: without Total (cut of which: )Rocem v mng (Receiving vocational (Receiving suppor. )Receiv ng severance payments.

Payment) unemployment benefits) integration allowance) allowance ' ) EGG no. 96(1999)

TOTAL 1073380 496291 315800 66376 437333 1224( 241701 100 '0.8

Alba 23223 12977 8579 2819 8622 271 - 293-2 122 '4.8

Arad 20186 8699 6842 950 5645 24 6725 8.5 7.7

Argos 2/548 12114 /2/b 1114 8973 51 9935 9.1 9,2

Bacâu 32265 13043 11909 1878 1582) 175 2463 10.3 9.1

Bib: t6989 6107 736' 1134 0072 290 2071 6.3 4.5

Bistrita-N5sbud 18312 9372 5487 1779 7147 177 4022 13.1 '3.8

Oobsaei 36376 15417 6643 4134 12007 607 12635 18.0 '5.5

Brasov 20127 16629 7730 1910 15405 96 4270 10.2 '2.5

BrOila 25210 10701 5775 1436 10023 17 8849 16.6 '5.2

BusSu 29463 12368 9773 1530 13743 417 4003 12.8 '1.8

r,t,,nn-Sov,rri, 17110 7047 50111 1241 9213 463 520 10.4 '0.2

CitISrasi 13569 5120 4807 735 7474 - 853 10.0 8.6

Cluj 38541 21295 16169 1335 14457 17 13553 11.0 '2.6

Conslauta 28178 15457 9502 1912 9979 292 6793 8.6 '0.8

Covasna 11111 5028 3903 419 4462 , 2327 10,1 9.9

DOmbovila 26582 11148 10003 2339 12392 30 1811 10,9 9.9

Doll 34336 15332 7544 1832 16244 163 8853 10.5 9.7

Galati 39837 21260 9217 2059 11887 3929 12715 14.1 '1.1

Giu'giu 9375 3520 3809 354 3943 12 927 8,0 6.9

Gomj 24512 12027 4726 1178 14999 1 4002 13,1 - 4.3

Ha:ghita 15333 7249 4454 576 6278 46 3979 9.3 9.0

Hunodoaa 54321 27309 18542 2635 19303 , 15041 21.1 23.5

lalcmita 14746 6325 4109 679 6573 319 3069 '1.4 10.6

lavi 41807 10440 924? 3258 16471 200 12701 '2.3 11.2

Ibm 6063 2884 867 163 519 . 454 5.4 5.4

M'mue, 25107 11400 6482 - 1578 10565 460 6022 0.0 103

Menedinh 13346 5613 4126 811 7048 . 1363 9.2 8.3

Muon, 22272 9518 7808 1328 9915 120 - 3101 8.0 7.4

Noanmt 47615 19582 9110 2519 16139 1680 18167 '7.9 15,4

Olt 21415 9662 5921 1365 7565 269 6355 9,8 9.7

Prahova 51606 23762 17294 2260 24070 115 7867 13,8 14,2

Satu Mare 9457 3752 2963 636 4366 7 1485 5,8 4.9

SSlaj 17305 5896 5707 - 1507 6057 224 3810 14,5 10.7

Sibiu 20941 9626 7195 1083 9156 1 3506 11.0 10.9

Suceava 42733 19442 9232 1838 16104 92 15467 13.4 12.9

Tolsormun 13469 5524 4315 1112 4613 . 3434 6.5 5.7

Timis 25021 12493 9448 634 9884 211 4504 8.2 8.4

TuIcea 12385 5534 3828 625 5236 46 2650 11.7 10.9

Vaslal 31917 14135 086' 3766 16006 203 4935 15.6 14,2

VâIcoa 25746 11245 4011 1552 9201 98 10884 11.7 10.5

Vru:mcea 10501 4270 220' 800 5652 I 1832 6.3 5,1

Mon. Bucuresti 46668 26772 21341 2495 18686 986 3160 5.8 7.4

• flit/h c - r/mi,,cn -cm jn-e::,,:,hide 221 :il:. tin r,ta'a:: itt-ic/ic ial,!e ct/aIr d• :'::naj. (ti/Icr tI:' Ic-ri:tl:aii,,t:mf the 270 cl,: , /n-it:tt/ :,- ht, I, :Ii,-n /: - ::u - n':: -:c::/ ta:: -mmi/:/t mu-::!

S::ns,n Agei::ia .Vaii::ntdii pnitlr,t 0,,q ci l-:,r,m:,,ne !'rmdrmi,:n:,r lii. (5,,,,,:: .Vicitt,t/.4:::,:/tt. P.yI..it-, ttt t,/ ii ,Ot, , t,tii T::t:tnr:o)

Nr. 4 '28" 1999 - Pag. 1 -

Page 2: tb( BU TIN srrsTICBistrita-N5sbud 18312 9372 5487 1779 7147 177 4022 13.1 '3.8 Oobsaei 36376 15417 6643 4134 12007 607 12635 18.0 '5.5 Brasov 20127 16629 7730 1910 15405 96 4270 10.2


Uneinj!oyed receiving uiiernploy,,te,z heitefits, by sex, categories, fetel of educaijo,:, and W1I!I$WS, (J,zcii:ployed receiving 'ocaiw,,al il,tc'i,'ra(ion allotra,tce, hi' .re., ca(e(,'oru's. fetel of ediicathnt and cn u,:ttes, on Septem he,' 30, 1999 60. 7999

Nun,áruI 900er4or tI4n,bor of unenployod( - d ' M 5 h

Judetut (County( ' f Alta categoril de personal

TOTAL t:Iwh,Oh Munsitori (Other ctego'ie5(

worsen' (Workers) cu studii medhi cu studii suparioare

(high school g ra duates) (university graduates) TOTAL T1P1R 141509 220081 82751 11937 Alba 8579 5012 4355 4)99 125 Arad 5842 2574 3145 3144 25) A,go 7270 3085 5073 1(53 33E SMU 119)9 4457 9591 1358 46C Bilica 7354 2406 8959 2124 281 BlstrSa-Nasaud 5437 3760 3740 1615 132 Bolosan, 6643 2426 1966 1302 370 Brasov 7738 4214 iR5 2170 40) 8145ita 5775 2500 3778 1718 275 6oz3u 9773 3787 0950 659 164 lr.Soor,n 6653 2500 2716 2 1 73 161 COIâlas, 46)7 1581 1137 1565 105 Cluj 16139 10506 (657 6194 718 Coonlania 95)2 4042 ,L5) 2051 4113 Cosasna 3033 1659 3235 593 75 O5mbou4a 10043 3702 9046 682 275 Uolj 7544 3251 6959 189 396 GaIat 9217 4344 6753 2034 430 Giuru 3809 1146 3318 381 100 Gorj 4726 1904 3775 773 178 HaIghita 4434 2193 3024 1373 57 l-k.nodoara 10542 7870 8833 8920 781 la(om4a 4100 1588 2544 1208 57 (aSh 9247 4097 7 270 1615 362 11(00 861 376 760 98 9 Mara'nures 6482 3040 3286 3025 171 Mehed,nt, 4126 529 2998 1011 117 Muro7 7808 3392 5126 2460 222 Noarnt 9110 5319 6424 2575 111 09 5821 2006 4602 147 182 Prahova 17294 7381 11159 5670 465 Sa(u Mare 2963 097 (037 950 76 C8lej 5707 893 4156 1366 185 Sibiu 7195 3431 5590 1248 357 Suceava 9232 a399 7320 1134 478 lelecenlan 4310 '530 3750 428 132 Timm 8448 4735 6675 2303 470 TUICCa 3828 '571 3602 '86 30 Vaslu 6867 2850 5109 - 1619 139 VOlcea 4011 1568 3063 794 154 Vranneo 2207 901 572 585 130 ManBocurts(i 21341 11684 14368 5799 1574


(J,,e,,,p!os'ed rc'ceis'i,,,' support aI!oii'a,,ev, by vex, cote,',rie.s, fete! oferhicatioa, ((Ill) C(1fl1011e.6, an September 30, 1999

(Number ofl,flenlpo;ed) - din care (001 of which):

Judetut Coony)

' Muncitori

Alte calogoril personal (Clher categ

de ories) TOTAL (out of which

- - women) )Worsers) CU studu medll cu studul

(hi 0h sOhool graduates) )nioursr'ty Superloare groduate)

TOTAL 437335 205879 331945 56-12 8948 Alba 8622 4780 5873 2630 111 Arod 5646 2382 2751 2790 96 Arges 56'3 4415 5703 2353 127 BacSu 15820 0699 13507 2367 246 B1IUI 60'2 2385 4101 18-60 131 Bislr,ta-NSsaud 7147 3068 5451 1(54 42 Botosarti 12007 5168 11071 (50 286 Brascv 15405 0205 1)421 4641 343 Braila 10023 3838 7153 2,1 94 276 80,5,, 13740 5000 13736 2713 01 Caras-Seve',n 9213 3933 5999 31364 150 CS(Sras, 7414 2976 3182 2229 63 Cluj 11457 '424 7513 5608 1036 Consania 0970 6097 6534 3286 159 Covasea 4462 2063 3921 505 36 LSImCOVlia 12399 5605 11472 754 173 Doll 16244 1 150 15550 274 411 Gala) 11067 5-006 9923 1611 350 Gurgu 3943 1764 3543 277 23 Go! 14699 7519 13087 1120 492 Horgh,to 6278 3010 4421 1028 20 Huee-toara 19303 8978 14423 4205 675 lalomIa 6570 2780 4429 2093 48 lasi 10471 52J 17478 3715 278 (8ov 59 307 485 52 2 Maramures 10565 5014 0802 3647 116

- Mehed,nI, 7048 3031 3617 3357 74 Mares 99'S 4274 6500 3191 134 Nuan'l 16139 6193 12663 3322 204 OIl 7505 3064 6311 1060 134 Prahcva 24070 12769 15709 8060 301 Solo Mere 4300 :015 2927 145 514 SSlaj 6057 2874 5145 912 Sibiu 9156 4131 8154 870 132 Suceava 16154 7213 13400 2274 430 Teleo'man 4673 '974 4178 370 56 Timis 9864 5109 6879 2701 304 Tulcea 5236 2272 5018 188 20 yaslu 1608-6 6922 12730 3223 133 V0loou 9213-I 3931 0012 1025 164 Wan a 56!2 2281 4827 715 110 Mufl.Oucu,est, 186)6 1761 13287 - - 4571 628


CONFORM LEGII NR. 1/1991 $I OUG NR. 98/1999, LA 30 SEP'I'EMIIRIE 1999 Perso,,s registered at C'ou,,t Agency for Einp!oy,,:evt and Vocational Training who have hot he,,e/ited fi'o,,t

the entjlle,,,e,,ls in ens/i according to the Law no. 111991 and EOG no. 9811999 off Septe,,:her 30. 1999 NunSrul pomerhior

(liumber of unemployed) An cam (out of which): Judefol )2ounl) d' care: fe SIte cotegorii do personal

TOTAL (out of which: (lher categorres)

w C , , (high school graduates) (university graduate,)

TOTA_ 141761 1230C 183317 50661 7753 AIb 2932 1615 1045 1213 74 Arad 6725 3346 4373 2276 76 Arges 9935 45013 5034 351 250 Ba5u 2403 111/ 2431 00 2 B,hor 2071 702 1850 156 25 B,slr,ta-NOsSud 4022 13613 2680 1374 10 Sotosan, 12635 58213 6241 560 793 Brassy 4276 2087 4138 129 9 8r3,la 0649 3700 6391 2006 182 BuzSu 4003 2134 2413 15(2 88 CarasSevern 520 259 465 84 1 C616rsi 803 305 583 20 5 Cluj 6503 2257 6410 83 10 Conslanta 6793 3695 4372 2312 109 Covasna 233/ 1166 2188 123 6 DSmbnvita 1811 830 1772 32 7 D011 8853 4547 7647 1038 173 Galati 32715 8097 10474 1759 442 Gurgo 927 493 486 434 7 Gorr 4002 2080 3339 471 132 Harghta 3079 1768 3287 2652 40 Hunedoara 15841 9216 7409 8135 307 1010051,, 3069 1S93 2361 965 43 Iasi 12701 5187 11341 733 27 (too 4514 2121 2321 1526 0177

Mararrrures 6022 2321 2242 3755 25 Mehe13,nhi 1363 608 547 1016 - Moron 3101 1345 1)44 1035 122 Noamt 18167 6300 16312 345 1510

- Olt 6355 3789 5399 432 24 rrahoaa 7007 2371 6-617 1009 44 Solo Mare 1485 724 1)52 371 62 SSIaj 3810 762 3,358 152 SIbIu 3506 1682 3471 35 Suceala 15467 7089 12439 1776 1252 Teleor'nan 3434 1603 3347 376 11 (ms 4584 2120 3236 741 587 Tulcea 2650 1520 2298 342 10

4035 2541 4400 370 170 VSIcea 10884 5121 8404 2204 276 Vranca 1832 769 1615 196 18 200 E4,00li 3100 1574 O'00 303 149

NumSrul somorilor (Number of uIennpluycd( I - Mimi,). ',,'-4'

Judetul dn care' fewoi 11110, caIcgOrii do polsonal

ICounIy( TOTA (001 01 Hitters: My,n,rI Workers)

'- 0thnroatuS0nC) Cu starlit mod,, Cu stud,, supertoaro women)

(high schoolgraduates) )univorsit graduates) TOTAL 063'6 21-9-43 11307 13520 /320 All,; 2819 1468 1726 573 120 Arad 950 384 (73 737 40 Argon 1713 703 789 641 80 Bac3u 1819 638 1762 93 30 Bihcr 1184 533 771 411 64 Bistn)a'NSsSud 1779 1128 1)37 713 28 Bolc.saoi 4184 1710 3645 245 03 Brasoy 00 050 1105 itO 713 BrSa 446 573 834 483 126 Bu

1530 674 '525 856 47 C,,rus-Sounmom 1261 5/8 4/12 737 54 C512mash 735 258 475 241 15 Cluj 1395 609 323 891 178 Conslanla 192 1003 136 59) 86 Covasna 49 140 394 23 5 03n'hnv,Iu 233') 1(05 2876 ml') 114 DoIj 1832 827 1623 63 140 Galyti 2009 897 1684 135 70 Givniu 384 117 340 24 / Gomj 1178 524 1024 98 56 HarohIa 576 249 350 222 4 Hunodoara 2635 1230 1218 1231 180 Ialoniia 659 277 388 270 II la5i 32(8 1544 2673 509 06 (toy 10 80 138 22 3

Maranmuros 1538 861 673 834 71 t,tohrd,yli Ott - 353 248 543 33 Mures 1328 442 866 424 38 NearmS 2519 832 ' 246' 52 Of 1315 599 1028 28' 50 Prahova 2260 1329 1307 880 64 SaluMaro 636 313 113 300 23 SSla (5(7 248 1286 21: to Sibit 1003 382 954 82 47 Soouoa 1838 823 1500 197 711 TeIe',r,nan 1112 407 923 137 52 Timis 834 344 349 410 75 Tulcra 825 /11 805 16 2 Vaslu, 3766 1749 3352 385 20 VSICva 1552 399 1295 194 07 Vrarcea 8(9 258 702 76 31 Mun Buculvsli 2455 1278 1911 43) 151

NUMARLL PERSOANI IA)R CARE 'sU 1IENEFICIVF 1)1-: PI A'11 C -1PF\SV)i)IflI P(iI'RIVFI' ()RDO\'s'sIIIDF LR(L\I& 's(t\IR\IItfl.,R 98/1999 VE SI \I ( 'sII( 0R1 I S1 's INEL Dl

l'Rl'GAIIRE. PE,JUI)I IE. L,'s30 SH"I FNIRR I F. I))) A',,,nher of pel)s'otIs tsho lint's' hetiejited trw,, severance pc',,:e,,ts according 15 the 131/IC, ie,tel' Ot'diuw,7e of

Gow'r,,,,te,,t no. 9911999, by sss-, s'atel3'nrjes l'ttl(/ /('t'('t 0/ ,'th,,'iitu,,,, hi' I'(ItIlltI('S', alt .e/lt('ltilmS'r 373, 1999

NonrSrut 9oweri(or Number of ulempl-)yod) 4' - which):

Jude)ul Coun:y) d ' I - Silo calogor:i do porsonat

TOTAL (out o(ahich: (Oher so sloytS superloarl

(high school graduates) (university graduates) TOTAL 12246 4630 5625 1985 632 AlSo 2,1 1)5 271 - And 24 13 7 11 6 Ares 51 11 91 - - BacSy 175 132 150 15 3 8,hor 258 01 174 114 10 B,ulnla-NSsSod 177 56 134 20 IS Boto3ani 6(7 233 1 428 141 30 Brasov 138 58 68 20 4 BrAlu 17 4 11 4 2 BuzSy 417 195 404 4 9 Camas-Seoeln 463 278 255 132 46 C512,as, - - - - - Cluj 17 9 17 - - cons-onto 272 10 81 tSr 07 Cooaya DSnrbovda 30 5 26 4 - Doll 10 32 134 6 11 GaIaI 3929 1236 3132 351 146 Giurgiu 12 - 12 - 1301) 7 - - 7 - Hargh,Ia 46 21 8 37 - HuneSoara - - - - - 1010w/a 319 37 223 35 11 las, 200 39 142 34 24 Ilfoy - Maranures 460 164 460 - - Mehod,nh - Muss 120 67 /1 44 7 Noarrl 1893 048 1410 211 59

- Olt 269 114 203 54 12 Prahcya 115 12 02 10 4 SaluMare 7 3 2 3 2 SSlOi 224 17 168 30 17 Sibiu 1 - - 1 - Suceava 92 21 8 84 Tolcu-mun Timis 271 99 271 - - Tulcoa 40 tO 26 Ii 9 Vaslu 263 73 200 54 5 V316e3 99 26 90 5 3 V129021t 1 1 1 . -

('lan. Oacurost, 985 455 589 2711 118


SR. 98/ 1 999 DILTA DUIt.vr-\, i,'s 3)) SEl"l'l-',lI6RlE 199) D,stri/,,,tjmt y .f SOtt'l,t!I/OI(''/ 44/Itt h011y' II('Ilv/I/('(/ '/ .sc'lel'wtce /w,t'nu'/lR' ()1'((II'11i1t7 ((I 1/36'

EI,tC,,le/tf Ul'vtl,IaIte' (1/ (,ol -,',-/l,,te,t) Ito, IT/I 999 C /0,1' IlItClIt//II7t'/Itl'II! h'II,Tl/l, 'lot S4'/1telltI/('r 30, /991)

Durata sunlaju)ui cuprinsS mire:

TOTAL (unemployment length between):

1zi.3)uni 3-6lurti 5'9tuni 9.12)uni

day - 3 months) (3 - 6 ,ionths (6 ' 9 mooths) (9 ' 12 tnon8ss( IOIAL 12246 12246

- b8r5ali (men) 7500 7588 - - -

' (emel (women) 4600 4660

Sub 25anu 1117 , (under 25 pars)

- bSrati (men) 031 631

- temel (woolen) 4813 4136 - - -

25-29ani 123 1273 - - (25-29 years) - bOftali (man) 855 855 - - -

-fetoei (women) 416 418 - - -

30-39ani 3527 3527 - - - (30-39 years) -bArhati (moo) 2187 2187 - - -

- tomel (women) 1340 1340 -

40-49 aol 4557 4357 - -

(40-49 years) -bOrbali(m3n) 2713 2713 - - -

- temoi (women) 1844 15144 - - -

50-55ani 1498 1499 - -

(50-55 yooro( - bárbati (man) 9813 906 - - -

- fennel (women) 509 509 - -

Pesle5Sari 277 277 - - - (over 55 years) - bSrbati (nn-an) 24 214 - -

- Oemoi (women) 173 33

• /'i -ec,n,n, -I,' g/I;ltr,lll/mIIlZ,ll,- /60,/I, ,,C(l,/(I('( /1,1??:' II ltt.Itccl l /u'Iufll,hl 79ilUr CuI)' )'mi,II,n, //,iu,00yPelI-

yaSIr,, lkiIlyi St n'wn,/r,oi'-a,,,,b, ynftc,v pn''ou,- ,,,a, 13 45 0y6,n,,,,lu,6-,,,,,3-n,,i a (ndv, ,, '4,6 1990,

7/Soya, /,lu/uI// Ir,';t.'fit /lm,PI 4-05/1 111,1,' 3,0,1,' 1,,, ' 1/:e/s -'-1 ,4 — rIm:.: ,,'li'la'm, - ,u1yo,'tli ,.,mtiI l/t, vs -vt ,s' 46,-,' sltyali,y,, jos/,',I I,, th-, in 4-41 v/il,,'!:--------------- 65 -,!,'', I'',- C". 95 !11 119'

L Pag. 2 Nr. 4(28),11999 4.

Page 3: tb( BU TIN srrsTICBistrita-N5sbud 18312 9372 5487 1779 7147 177 4022 13.1 '3.8 Oobsaei 36376 15417 6643 4134 12007 607 12635 18.0 '5.5 Brasov 20127 16629 7730 1910 15405 96 4270 10.2



$I GRUPE DE VARSTA, LA 30 SEPTEMBRIE 1999 Distribution of uneinplo'inent receiving unemployment benefits, vocational inserlion allowance or income .support allowance, severance pavin cuts according

o the Eat erget: ci' O,'dh,, tilt cc of Go ier,zJ,i cut ito. 9811999, by SOCiU-t'OCatiOlt (ii categories and age groups, on Septcin bcr 30, 1999

U.M. (unit)

Total Sub 25 an) (Under 25 years)

25 - 29 ani (25.29 years)

30 - 39 an)

(30-39 years)

40 - 49 ani )40 -49 years)

50- 55 )50 - 55 years)

Peste 55 an) (Over 55 years)

crsoano (persons) 831825 211325 96585 205950 2241374 73491 9796 TOTAL

% - 00.0 25.4 116 2.8 27,0 8.8 2.4

din care (out of which): er000ne (persons) 383991 99026 44617 99415 108785 20523 3595

- towel )women % - 00.0 25.8 11.6 25.9 28.3 1.4 1.0

Din total sorneri (from to:a( of unemployed): a) Muncitori persoane (persons) 606865 150010 68132 140919 110537 52725 15542

(Workers) 24,7 112 24 ,7 28A 8,7 2.6

din care (out of which): persoane (persons) 253250 62943 27399 66052 76572 17463 2811

- tome) (women lb i 00,0 24,9 10,8 2(,1 20,2 6,0 1.1

58389 24239 49104 47330 13440 3325 b) Persoanecu stud)) medii persoane (persons) 2917

29: 12.1 2.5 13.5 92 (High school graduates) lb 100.0 1.6

din care (out of which): persoane (persons) 118359 34364 14765 29398 29371 10102 659

- fenici (womer) lb 100,6 29,0 12,5 24,8 24.0 8.5 0.6

c) Persoane Cu stud)) suoerioare persoane (persons) 24043 2930 4214 6867 6307 2326 890

(tlniversitvgradijales 100.0 12.2 17,5 28.6 28.3 9.7 3.7

din care (out of which):

porsoane (persons) 12382 1119 2493 3983 3142 958 121 - femei (womer)

lb 100,0 13.9 19,8 32,2 25.4 7.7 1,C

Someri pe pnncipalele ocupa(ii (Unemployed by main occupations) - cnnrhlotori ri modeller) do sin OIIIrI metnlre (rruildio0-workers sod metallic structure filfors) pnrsoanc (persons) - (ucrOlOri (a naomi do polizat, ccli8eat si ascufit (workers on grincing, rectification and whetting

. . . porsosne (persons) machines)

- v9nz2tori in magazine si pio(e (shop-assistants and street vendors) pers0000 (persons)

- o(ectricieni, montatori si reparatori de (mO e)ectrice aeriene Si subterane (electricians-fitters for (

aerial and under çrounc elec:ric lmns) - mecanici montatcri Si reparatDri de autovohiculo (mechanical Otters forcars) -

porsoano (persons) t5mplari Si l.scrOtcni asinilati (oiners and ossim lated workers) persoane (persons)

-sudori 5) debitatori autogoni (outogenous welders and Cutters) sersoano (persons) - mecanici montatcri 51 reparatlti use rnasiri agrrcole or indusiniale

personne (persons) mechanical Otters for industrial and agrucriltura equipment'

- mined SI lucr3toni to caner3 (miners and quarry workers) pursiavie (porsaiiu)

- teuOtori Si tricolor (weavers and knitters) persourse (persons) - contabili (book keepers) peraocnc (persona)

- magazineri (warehouse men) per502ne (persons)

- ofoni do ai.toeamioane si rnnsini do mare tuna) (tracy and high capacity machines drivers) porsonno (pororaric)

- portar>, paz'sic) Si asimi( (doorkeepers, guards and assiraalatod peruoune (persons)

- yriferi do at totuninme si carnionete (motor-car and truck drivers) persoune (persons) - 8)atori (spinners)

- confec(ioneni indLutriali de imbrOcániin)e. pO)drieni si modiste (incustrial clothing, makers hatters 01 (persons)

and milliners) 0

- eloclromecanici, irsontatoni si reparatory do apsrate clectrice Si eosrgolice (e ectromechanical - p p -

fitting and repairirg workers for electrical and power equipment and devices)

- zidari (bricklayers) persosns (persons) - zugrovi, lapit ni, (Scuilori si vopsitori (house painters, paper hangers. (ocquin3-workers and painters)

persoune (persons)

- tunichigru-Cacangru (linkers and boil makers) persoane (persons)

- isistalatori Si mori'atoni do (00: (Otters) pernoane (persons) -ingineri mo.canlci(mechanical engineers) iraisuaiio (pnisuiis)

- bruta'), patberi si cofetari (pastry, bakers and cakes onfectioners( persoane (persons)

- sculeri (too workors) persoune (parsons)

- mancitoni nacaliOca( in agriculturO unskilled workers in ag'icu)tu'c) persoane (persons) wancitori ncalificti in induc:ria protucr5to3ro (uncktlod warkoro in manufacturing induo:ry) poruoano (parsons)

- muncitoni nscalif(cati in constructia de locuin(e (unskilled workers in holding engineering ' persoane (persons) - rnurflnlr'uni nvcalifuca(i In intretrrereO do dr.rmuri 505cc. podisni. tsaraje (unskilled workers in roads.

persoano (persons) highways, eridges. clan's maintenance)

Vu,,,,,: .lcau'u,u'a Nor 1.1 pCshu'i 0, u/u/ut' ii l',,?',,u,,r,' /'uf'sso,,u'a

f,S,,,,,,,,\,r,.a,/ i,', 11,1 /u .1/il 00i,,IiO,,,,/1,.,yU,')

52505 8802 6118 16382 15764 1521 918

22446 3263 2082 6506 8305 2032 550

21324 4654 3712 5794 5126 1805 233

16265 4538 17c7 4022 4535 1095 368

14947 6820 1242 3128 ' 2574 890 193

13088 215' 1977 3937 3334 881 223

12572 1515 1547 3680 4506 1098 226

12448 3451 1233 2788 2836 1807 333

11395 07' 1755 4801 3349 400 123

10574 1049 1251 3473 4164 574 63

10206 2988 927 1826 2726 1567 262

10131 759 1153 2878 3887 1164 290

9461 1786 865 2125 2939 1831 415

8791 682 969 2459 2860 1188 633

7347 973 724 1687 2428 1253 277

7250 339 767 2904 3362 239 19

7220 4255 667 768 1106 319 113

6322 1903 558 1417 • 160)) 513 13

6133 1173 1008 1445 - 1518 695 294

4671 929 488 1169 1432 522 13'

4558 2680 256 486 011 254 60

4309 1385 378 075 1008 469 94

4102 10) 505 1462 1511 375 149

4150 1333 400 1CO5 1011 349 52

4116 761 377 1185 1421 373 98

38582 10522 4406 703 7093 2525 1023

34805 11653 36)9 7258 8275 2950 1033

22598 5333 34'0 5643 5835 1816 558

6700 7081 244 2011 2769 1026 496


Expenditures of state social insurance budget


LA 30 SEPTEMBRIE 1999 Distribution of unemployment benefits, vocational i,:scrtiu,, allowaicc or ii,conzc support allowance

bi' uiiemnploviiieiit length on September 30, 1999

(unemployment length between)' TOTAL

1 zi.3luni 3-6luni 6-9luni 9-12luni 12.151un) 5-lSluni 18-21 luni 21-24Iuni 24-27kani

(day-3 nno.utho( (3 -6morrths) (6-9 months) (9-12 months) (17- 15nsnnths( (15- 16nnrinths( (16-21 mouthy) (21 .24 months) (24-27 month(

TOTAL 819579 86682 152048 143514 92933 70018 617)4 70906 76597 63177

- bOrbati (won) 440248 44032 89857 7803) /1115/ 38769 33422 37830 36275 33979

- temei (women) 379331 42650 66191 64611 41778 33229 28232 33070 40322 29198

Sub 25 ani 210212 23356 30634 38366 31949 16404 16253 18215 23538 11501 (under 25 years) 'barbatu (men) 111617 12101 1 1 726 21719 15754 9372 9556 9723 10272 5763

-tome) (woolen) 98940 11249 12968 16047 16241 7332 6637 8492 13266 5738

25-28 ant 95312 12718 19074 16430 9163 7873 7023 7805 8094 7132

(25-29 yea's) .b5rbati (men) 51113 6213 12552 9032 534.4 4049 3821 4180 964 3942

-femei (women) 44199 6505 6522 7308 3819 9824 3232 3619 630 3193

30-39 ani 202453 21321 40036 33271 1947z 13240 15549 18276 17947 18339 (30-39 yea's) - bSrbati (men) 104348 10302 20531 17120 1088' 3998 8903 9314 9329 9867

fonnoi (women) 98105 11010 10505 16151 8590 3242 7046 8967 6(118 8477

40-49 an) 220117 20077 43448 40149 23258 10225 16904 18342 20433 18591 (40-49 years) - bOrbati (men) 113176 9504 22424 20088 13275 9598 5865 9011 10983 9628

- ferroi (wcrrren( 106941 10572 21024 1946.1 9903 ,'21 05,03 9331 9450 8903

50 55 am 71990 7200 11020 12156 7262 5920 4870 6,477 6597 5790

(50-55 years) - barns)) (men) 43982 4411 3413 7755 4427 3677 2775 4119 4004 3295

terre) (wcmon) 28014 2861 5563 4401 2835 2852 2104 2362 2533 2495

Peste 55 ani 19489 1930 3830 3142 1831 1747 1436 1791 1988 1824

(over 55 years) -t3arnas)men) 15957 1495 3161 2570 1521 1391) 1172 1407 1003 1434

- fen-e) (women) 3532 435 669 563 310 352 234 304 325 340

.9,,',,' .5 c/U/i ,\uru,,,,,/, j,.,m, 0, 111 , I',,,woue i',./eouub 'I

(Suit,,, r': ,',,5u,u,,iI 'lg,'iu,''/u,;' i:iuijiluis'ait'iit it,! ti,,',iti,uu,i' Tr,,,uu,,uu,)

UI 1.1. - ,.)(/.i/k. I 777 jicsitiu

milioano to) (mill onslei)

Chelti,ipiile as guirOnilor so:iale &s stat - total (Expenditures ofstate soda) mnsirance - total) 28213672,3

As,sten(O socialO. pensii,aiatoaro 5) wdem'lizatii 2764011)8,5 (Social assistance, pensions aids and benefits) . pensli de asigurOri sociole do slat 23777783.2 (stat( social insurance pensions)

' pens de asigurari socisle agecultori 21217094 (social insurance pensions for farmers)

' indenn)za( i pent-u incapacitate (onporouS do wuncàdin cazS de boalO sau de accident 4016096

(temporary Ilsaslement berloths for disease or acckteuil( . indenniza(i pent'u concedii de ma:ernitate si ingrijinea copiilor

2016904 (u,alei oily and to ul ,ilui e,' Lou C allowance)

- concediu pàlit pentru cresterea copilului p5na la 2 ani- Legea nr 1201997 5704170

(paid leave for children, care until ago 2 'Law no. 121u/1997) -. - ajutOOro sociato acordete salaria(i)or pen:ru prctoze Si deccse

17431,2 (social ambIance for o-nployooc prostho;us and demise) -

- ajutoare sociale oordats pensionar>or pentru pruteze si docc'sc 1165239

(cnr)al ascisrance for retired people prosthesis and demise)

- tratament balneor si odihna 433033,8 (watering cure aid rest)

-coirspensab pentru pensii)e refugia(ilor greci

(compensations for greek rof,igoe's pensions) Chellu elide admunustraro a fondului 418929.5 (Expenditures for find's management) - chelljieti ocaziorato use platadrcptunulOr

403017.0 (expenditures web riqts pa yment(

- Ctneltuiell Cu personalul care gostioneaza tondunile 15811.5 (expenditures to' fund management staff)

Cou,tuibutia e e5i(1ur3ri sociale do sOnblata pentru persoonclo o0te in coneed,u

medical ' Le.ea nr. 14511997 42319.9 (Health aocial insurance quota for 5k., persons being durtng I ho,, rnn,licat leave

-Law no. 145/199 7 ) Choltuieli do capital

(Capital expenditures) PlOti de dnh5nzi Si comin)oano 0137 Interest and comnission paynenis)

DobOnda da:oratO trezorenioi statului 510096,0 )ln(erest due to the state troasiry) -

Reparato capitate agricultoni 1715.2 Capital repairs - farmers)

(hi! ,iuiu In) tb ti,,'ii, Si a (1 ,,,'ri ,uu,l ii,iui' .t J '/ 795', i Itt/i 11(11/i' it hi 'i'iu , liii I'tiiioii /15 //fliii'ii /5'iiiiti .'/ijuliuitt'ilt,iu',i

i/it ,i,t,',iui ,,uo:ir,iu':',iu',,,,i,uI,' ,/i ,t,,n r, iiu,!,, ,,h,u',i / uuç'.'i,l/ili l'uir/iul,,u /u,'itui i, 'i/ill,, /y'iutuli.t'iu,i i/fl/i' Iut'//tttlldt'

u.ogoriu'. oi,'u',utt' tilt' 'grit uil',,,'ui,,,: ,quntbtfl p - i iun,ii,'ii /995, t,',,quu'iiu,i lull 1 : . u'eflil'uu I. ti,' i hi

,,,iu,',vou',t,y' ,,,t it, It' 3.' 'it". '.i,',-.'u-.lisy it i/s. "j,,n,,'-,''/ 1.1 ',t/.u. i/i,

the ,v,uj,li,ui,'i,flti'u'in'u,,iiu'u /-ito, 1 /ias, u/,,',i,th'tiu,'u/ ,,niw',su, it 't',u.',.,, ii,,! I),,' ,,i7,,,il,iu', ui I/it' /uii,/_g'i (t-

i/u,- ,,,',/,tiuiiiiiikl 1/i/ic.' ui/i nil iui,,iiciiui'i'y ,'i'4/iI/ ju,iu'uuri'iil /'i,uu,i I,,,' /1'roii'i'r ,uJyn.i'.',i/uu" / 995 ,i,,uiu,/uu,ftd it, hot/i

, ti/t/ tI u',',,'e' s/ the ,l,ii,' its hit ,,niiiu',t/,,'t'.t

* lit s,,tj/,i/ t l,,'lss,'l.l,,,' u,ui iu,,,(,''qs'i',,s',ii',/I','fi' t-,:i'u'iu*'. ,Eii*'u'i'itl ,'n',/uit ,i,,',uu u,','/,i,l,',l in ruoi/

/5,,iu',, ,I t is',,, / h/ii,,,,nsi (Ib,u.',/,ii,'i/uw,,lluuu, u, ,/n' /ialiauu,,',

Nt 4(28) 1999 Pag 3

Page 4: tb( BU TIN srrsTICBistrita-N5sbud 18312 9372 5487 1779 7147 177 4022 13.1 '3.8 Oobsaei 36376 15417 6643 4134 12007 607 12635 18.0 '5.5 Brasov 20127 16629 7730 1910 15405 96 4270 10.2

•tirL .'rL,.k:' ., rr. !j NWA



Average number of retired people and average monthly* pension o/ state social insurance Categoni de pensli U.M La 30 septembne

1 1999 .l.30.lx (Categories of pensions) Unit) - - (On September 30, 1999) 1. Numml medju alpenslonanlor de aslguràr socialce do stat. total

(Average number of statc social insurance people, otal) ml pore. (thou persons) 406,1" 4052.9

a) Pentru munca depus4 si limit) do vitrstit, blat ml pore. thou persons) 28969 2861.8 (For the eerie dote and age knit, total) - cu vechmo ntegral8

(edo full length of ser,ice) mi pore. thou persons)

- csveclemoin(omptotit

2075,8 2038.7

821.1 823.1 (erith incompleteeng:h of service)

ml pore. thou persons)

b) Peetni pierderea capacitâtii sic muncâ, told ml pore. thou persons) 572,7 559.4 (For diverhilily. tout) - itwaliditale gradut I

(1st degree of 'nvatidiy) ml pore. thou persons) 24,9 24,5

- irwatiditate gradul II (tind degree o invalidity)

mi pore. lhou persons) 458,0 4465

- invatiditate gradul Ill )ll rd degree 01 invalidity)

mi pore. :thou persons) 89,8 88,4

C) Deurmas ml pore. thou persons) 636.5 631.7 (Successor allowance)

2. Pensia mode lena'S de usigurthi soaale do stat, toal tel (lei) 614127 563354 (Average monthly pension 01 state social insurance total)

a) Pentnj munca cLepusã si limitS do vSretS. LOal (Id) 703784 647044 (Fo' the sioriedcne and age knit, total) • Cu vechmo integralS

li (lei) 814802 74590 (vith full length of twr/ice) - cu vechrne incompletS 433720 404239

(ado incomplete length of service) ti (tel)

b) Pnt,u pierderea capacit5tll do rormncit, total hi (tel) 455849 420432 (Fo- disability, total) - invaliditete gradul I

(1st degree of nvatidiy( 342 54902u

- inealiditete gradul II (II nd degree o' invalidity)

hI (tel) 472174 435480

- invalidutate gradut Ill hi (lei) 334937 309557

(Ill rd degree of invalidity)

n) Iloiirmniv lel (lei) 334807 308031 (Successor allowance)

• 7,, jr'iii . ,OIOdj .,r,i'i5' •5' .rO,,7,ii.', uo/wn, Lr/i or 1454997

(Su'/Ifc/urg i/i.' 7",, utah/i iusur',wc,' n - c on //rig (cc the '.00 - lie. 143/1997) .


Average number of' slate ,vocwl insurance retired people and average ,uo,,thI' pension - September 1999

Judetut NuneSr pensioned - pe-soane- Pensia mod e - lCi/persoanS -

)Conty( (Number of pensioners - persons) (Average pension'- Id/person) TOTAL 410646 014127 Alba 74675 6012)9 Arad 95789 570410 Arces 129297 593937 Bacitu 121304 625756 Bihor 134688 5872)1 Bistrita-NSsSud 42445 541453 Bolosani 60350 530951 Braoe 118397 605900 Br/ha 71025 600683 BueSu 88205 507564 Caras-Scverin 75467 621205 CSISrasi 57653 530758 Cluj 141238 640025 Constant) 114962 625010 Covaveer 37864 606859 DSrnbovifa 11482 509603 Oolj 125499 594324 Ga all 94770 673304 Giurgra 54086 526974 Go'j 66273 622408 Haighita 63242 603357 Hunedoaca 113223 715835 lalcmita 47096 538790 io 111300 022095 lIfo', 62651 570740 Ma'amures 86226 915953 Meiedinb 51966 581818 Mu'es 119338 596717 Neamt 101094 594468 Ott 7473 547217 Prahova 181573 043006 Satu Mare 70295 541599 569) 50230 552948 Sibu 88077 030359 Suceava 117543 574055 Teteormari 81714 542912 Timis 129456 621839 Trihp.s 36471 557814 VasIsi 63493 546758 Vitloca 07(02 500367 Vraircea 53752 548766 Mi. Bucurosti 481548 714316

• /,o'/,,,,,'c,,'ri,'i/,,,i,,r,/,' ."'. ,r _'',,/.',/,,,a,,,'/o, !.,'r,or, 145 Ire?

iJcIii'itit(t' ihicli'i/107 5,1,,' hun,, 145 /09 • i

PENSLA MEDIE DEASIGURARI SOCIALE DE STAT, PE PERLOADE DE INSCRIERE LA PENSIE* IN LUNA SEPTEMBRIE 1999 Average pension of state insurance sy.sten, by pension registration year* in September 1999

ci )uitatt' ((ci 111011()1)V)

Ponoada do tnscnero la pensie Asigur/ri socialo - total L mitS do vSretS . total . Invaliditate - total Umiasi

(Pension registration your) (Social insurance - total) (Ago limit - total) vechime integrala• cu vechimo incorngdetS

Ide (Dicability - total) gr I yr II gr Ill

length of service)

din cam (out ofwhich): din cam (out of which):

(with full length of service) ' (I St degree) (If nd degree) (III rd degree) (with incomplete (Succoncoro)

(before 1968) • 4 59092 543842 661296 455663 472664 558082 460703 331551 357854

1968 517519 577104 600929 453328 409650 558901 461133 338175 356832

1969 48317 538732 639049 452328 473290 559305 459040 328932 353537

1970 497557 552752 652751 451873 474867 50960 460887 333981 353796

1971 490451 554099 655524 452153 478572 5134342 462097 332125 354140

1972 520560 575601 671809 453119 477598 569881 462248 329539 354582

1973 516896 869101 672470 450581 474084 564614 459579 328438 353107

1974 521633 566745 665997 449555 471463 566556 459021 332185 353361

1975 544411 591023 683413 449367 476416 572600 460282 337126 353070

191b 535405 592163 682959 450253 478793 569074 461908 327835 3531W

1977 564135 609773 712364 486743 479167 573069 461404 343117 352117

1978 526871 580997 714121 448700 474977 566531 458047 320244 350787

1979 564127 616773 735358 450886 479846 570199 462558 333118 351954

1980 5/3945 525249 745094 453724 416331 508934 46143(5 339210 3515143

1981 558870 90)0840 740564 451691 477114 573164 463043 329477 351496

1982 578732 330754 756108 451681 476520 580203 462559 331830 352327

1983 578145 629560 753612 450907 472946 575826 461345 328563 351810

1984 594 ,142 549043 (/900(5 4488/8 4/15/2 5/315(11 480316 32 1201 3522/0

1985 601572 989234 794930 4510(4 472009 574017 461501 320140 352314

1986 600872 650401 781078 452549 472634 574101 461913 ' 335454 3534C3

1987 609687 674163 792195 456046 470455 580314 461540 324821 354300

1988 502915 571849 789221 455528 407328 580831 4617(2 3248611 355349

1989 594501 658377 765623 452611 402544 579660 460549 325507 357561

1990 667121 68934-) 752417 451557 447040 573434 4603(0 328031 356384

1991 620862 70468) 762362 446101 445260 579193 459475 32 7399 342203

092 560705 588997 782045 435487 443277 5157378 455140 323000 314008

1993 559706 671253 784369 428260 438914 560864 454143 323322 319417

1994 596074 - 722861 810628 430390 438289 571435 456612 323146 323590

1995 576281 701765 786733 423673 428905 573718 458925 32048 321079

996 582805 709483 799722 400763 440089 573190 46030 328027 313934

1997 616380 762443 858350 383462 446939 596202 467706 331502 314162

1998 686370 902105 1027318 388418 470473 651127 492504 349214 323534

1999 (ian - sept) 638743 '116923 1242500 403428 513753 80)654 537112 356197 338744

1,0-h i/o 7',",, /k'iIIi'ii cl,sIt7irc;'i'i Mi'cl/c' c/c ,(iriiiifl'!c', c'OIT/orric Lt'g/l icc 14511997.

(//l:'//vc//u'4 the 70, /i.'aS/i /nc noun/c' ccc'c'ordiuç tic the Let,' in,. 145-1997),

Pag. 4 ' Nr. 4(28)"1999

Page 5: tb( BU TIN srrsTICBistrita-N5sbud 18312 9372 5487 1779 7147 177 4022 13.1 '3.8 Oobsaei 36376 15417 6643 4134 12007 607 12635 18.0 '5.5 Brasov 20127 16629 7730 1910 15405 96 4270 10.2



Average nunther of state social insurance retired people who benefit of

supplelizentary pension and nwnlhlv average supplementary pension *

U. M. La 30soptembrie 1990 1.1-30 IX. 1000 I (Unit) (On Septemuer 30, 1999)

1. Nuni9rul rlediu at persiona'ilor do asigurari socialo

do stat ca'o au benefiiat de penrie su7timentar2i mii pets. 7842

3806,5 (Average number of state social insurance re'ired (thou. pe'sons) - pooDle wo benefit 0' supliienlary pension)

2. Peoria medic tunarâ suplimsntarà 1w 9528 05547 (Mriuthly onern9e niipDlon'Ientary pension) (lei ;

• (iiI/iIInIiiiitr/iIihII i/. 7" pI'nnr.i ILIlgIirdri sin jig/i' It, '!"4(a(I'. ci,II/I,rlI Lei, no 145,79147 (/lit lied' Fig I/n 7",, /111 (F/i INvite 011: -c' III S in/lug is F/I - /., Ii, flI /45/997). ..

.\-wu:nd /n-IIn,II,I' -Flln - c-. FIt,') "A" 1". 1E7/,-,(ji,-n,,,eI'c-,,,f I,'IF,ell j'iyth)


Average nnrnher and monthly average pension for wilr invalids, orphans and widows pensioners*

J.M. La 30 septembrie 1999 1.1-30.[X. 1999

(Unit) (On September 30,199S)

1. Numdrul mcdiu at Densicelanlor I.O.V.R., total

(Average number of war nvalids. or))'olns and mii oers. ('thou. persons) 37,0" 38,0 widows pensioners, total)

- do irvaliditale (invaliddy mi iers. (thou poisons) 10.8 11.0 - do uiuion (nfl.wnfcian) inii DOTS. ((lou. persons) 20,2 27.0

2. Pensia mode lunar/I, Iota)

(Monthly average pension, totall 1' () 149894 724214

- do irvaliditate (invalidity) lei (lei) 193314 1242443 -de umas (successors) lei (lei) 829242 514033

• lII,IiIFli'lIlIui'I/III(,lI III' 7'.. JIi'IIiIuI ,Iluu'IIiSIi'i it, iii. I/I' IIlFFliIIi,' ,IIfl/nI'0F I.-5'I'I5' IIIlVO'

F/Ill ltitiwg due 7".. /it's/Ui iIIIIitIiu,s' ,nIvliI/iin,' (II I/I.' l.tgii so. /45/997) • ,Vnnand 1,,,,i h,,- c-crc' III ('/41 Ui: (l,'//eF -lIVI'InIIil/uer ei/ rg'n'l'I/ plo/I/I).


Average number of social assistance beneficiaries and average monthly allowance*

U.M. La 30 septembrie 1999 1,1- 30 IX . 19 99

(Unit) (On Se3tember30, 1999)

NumruI iredlu at t7eneficiarllor do ajutof social mu pers. (Ave -age rumbor of social a lowarce beneficiaries) ( thou. po'sons) 9.5" 10.0

Ajutorul so:ial msdiu lunar lei

(Average monthly social allowance) (lou: 266221 247442

• I-n (mu IlIiIii./IIi7Iil It' 7'',, //i'IFiiIl iIIIwI,llr, ill. eli/c' In' I,lilUftIFI', I.ulu/IIiiII l.cg,'fl no 1451997. liii, 1111/1,14 Flit- 7'.':, lu, i/u/i jn.,u,-, ne,t - ,,, - g -,s,lo,5 I, , i/I, Lot, - ,,,, 145,'997

IIfluI,l'iIl hint/i, nin/IIu' ('it,' II! c/it ill: (fi/l,-e'ui , ' , m , iin/u, ' i'e ,/

:1/itiiir,ii,i/ii/i' /ic' hiiirii li'g.clmtpi'e I/c IIIn,'ulu'IIII 1111 fri/i' TI

u/i, lilt ill! ii,,,,c-iuu,c-,i,,,l /i.5Srr.rlie1,'I./ruIiI.II).


Average niunher and ,,iOlithII* average pension of social insurance firft:rntelv

Categoni de Fensli U,',i La 30 septembde 1999 11.30 IX 1909 (Categnriev of punnionu) (Urit) (On Sept—bar 30, 1898) ' ' -

asigurári socialO pentru agricultori. total (Average number of social irsuran.e included farmers, total) mot pets. (thou. persons) '720,5" 1707.7

a) Pentru munca depusa $i limfã do v/Irstâ, total (For the work done and age limit, fatal)

Foil poin )itinu persons) 1552.8 1556,4

'Cu oectrin'e integral/I )Mth lull Ieng:h of service: nmi pets. (thou persons) 371.2 366.6

- Cu nechirre incompletO (with incomplete length of service) ml pets. (thou persons) 1181.6 1189,8

b) Pentru pierderea capacitã(l Je muncà, total (Fo' disaflulity, total)

ml pets. (thou persons) 48,7 48,5

- innaletitate 9radal 1(111 degree of u'?valldfy) ml pets. ((boa. persons) 2,9 3.0 - invaliditate gradul It (11 nd deree of invalidity)

in) pets. (thou persons) 458 45,5

c) be urmas )Sueconur allowance)-

rid pets. (thou. persons) 119,0 102.8

2. Persia media lunar/I de asigij'/In soda/fl

peritru agncultori, total (Average monttay pension for (armors, total) lei (ei) 140843 1,361,24

a) Pentru manca depus) Si Iimf/I de vârstâ, total )Fo' the work done an) age limit, total)

lei (di) 155531 144003

- cu vechirre integral/I )with full leng'h of service) lei (ei) 213390 108177 cu sechin'e inccc'npleti (with incomplete length of service)

lei (oi) 137355 127387

b) Pentru pierderea capacil/I)ui de mu,cd. total )Fo' disailllty, total)

In (oi) 172243 122429

- invaliditate gradul I (I rit degree of i'uvalidily) lei (ei) 107202 99173 innoliditatn gradol 11 (11 ad de;rno of inval:diiy)

Id (ei) 133852 123945

o) be firma,

(Successor allowance: lei (ci) 68389 63883

3. Agrlcultorm asigurati pentru pens) $ alte dreptun do astgurarc sodale

conform Leg) no 80/3992 iiii pets. (thou, persons) 83,5 82,3 (Retired farmers insured for ,eesicna and for o'.her

social insurance benefits acssrdin.7 to Law no 80/1092) ---- --

Ius /inut' I (IF,!? t/irrtimi dl' 7',, /n'Iu.'ru ,lsi'giInh,'i .uum,l,i/.',/c'cmi,udrmgie cie ,ufra'ruc l,i'_gii cuE :43'1e)7. f/uit /u./eung (Ill? " ,, /n',,/i/, iuu,uur'tIuii'l' lcIlsInIieg Se 1% Lai I'iuo 14511097g

• ,-Vt,i,utiu'nI j'c'iitti.mii'iIuir'c'rii' mel c'Ic'ciii:


IN PERLOADA 1.1- 30.1X1999* Rcjm,'t at: the utilisa(io,, of watering cure and rest tickets, b' u.el' categories,

,'ithi,z the social insurances system, in 1.1- 30.IX 1999* period

' llllillltI 01 iClF4 (tICK/IS t)1I110eI') din cam benaficiazi (out of which benehcia4es):

Contractat ReaI'Lzat

a,sigur'i asu9uran sociate tat/I de contract

(Under )Ach'evcd( socele destat pentist aqnculton minnn '

, contract) (state social (social insurances (ntinewod(ers') conlTOcfS(

insurances) tanners)

(Watering an tickets - toW 242720 192724 160497 31296 931 19,4

.Amaa 12401 69E2 4825 2127 ' 56.1 -Bala 3120 2443 870 1573 ' 78,3 -Bazra 789 401 401 ' ' 50,8 . Bâileoglinzi 490 ' OSlt/Itn,b 3000 1292 963 245 ' 40,4 -Bczusa 780 706 212 554 - 98,2 , horteec 3156 1130 1109 21 . 35 - Busters 789 432 167 - 265 54.8 . Boias 8186 6677 51381 996 . 81,6 . Calacea 789 621 368 253 - 78.7 - COciulata 11139 9473 8767 607 04 047 -Covasna 16507 14137 12769 1368 ' 85,6 - Eforie Nord 15577 14240 13356 72' 157 91.4 - Felix 18284 14528 14069 292 167 795

-Geoagiu 6767 4800 3574 1286 - 71.8 - Govora 9468 7837 7290 547 . 82,8 - Hercilane 18142 15790 14591 1142 57 87,0 -LacuS5rat 4462 5528 3318 2210 - 123.9

•l Ma 7162 5778 2243 3535 . 00.7 - Mangalla 5528 4555 4201 31,04 - 82,4

-Moneasa 4695 2652 1557 1095 - 56,5 - Nicolna 2240 2306 1394 902 - 104,9 -OcnsSuga'.ag 3000 2977 1964 1013 - 99,2

01,Snnvri 16176 13173 '1032 124'. - 81,4 -Predeal 1610 989 970 19 - 61,4 -Pi,rnnawc 6393 5435 3904 151' . 84,7 -S/Icdu 1050 448 419 2? - 42,5 - SSra?a Mocleoru 3173

1 893

844 1049 - 59,7 - S/Ingeorz 8/Ii 7109 4112 3690 422 . 57.8 -Sinai) 1807 1645 1584 61 - 91,0 - SI/miD Moldava 6828 5650 5053 594 3 82,7 - Stâni: Pratruva 3710 3635 2798 83? - 98,0 -SovISa 7896 7397 6206 1191 . 93,7 -Sova 2363 557 519 - I Inca

38 - 23,6 1642 1335 848 48? - 81,3

-T/IrgaOoua 3156 4011 2840 1171 - 127.1 - Tocfnrghlol 5950 4393 3619 623 1.3 /2,4 -Turda 789 707 694 13 - 89,6 - To,ri'ud 4738 3664 3184 480 - 77,4 -VatroDotnei 7854 7240 6455 659 126 92,2 .Voinoana 4002 3245 1109 17 29 31,1

Bilnln deodthn/m . letal (Tickets for rest - total)

66600 46/16 'S/lb . - /3,1

-Busteni 900 411 411 . - 45,7 .CSciulata 750 614 64 . ' 61,9 -EfocieSud 1350 2519 2519 . ' 166,6

Saturn 40240 30774 20774 . - 76,5

Sbnic Prahova 450 265 265 . - 589 'Soveia 900 565 565 . . 62,8

TecI'urghiol 990 371 371 . - 37,5 •Voniio 15400 10880 70886 . - 70,7 'Voineasa 5700 2311 2311 . - 40,5

• Pensianari. su/arial, bugetari pent ia trafanrenl balnear Si saturusli lrimyi in vedoroa Iecuperiire cup/mciDdl?i do nttluicit, ponsiorari agricu/tori Si persoare asipurale in baza Logo or. 0011992 cu rnediric/Inle u/tnrmoare.

(For pensioners, lot public employees and for the employees sea in order to F'eCOvDr thor working capacity, for (ho retired iarrno,s and the persons ensured ac;ording to (ho Law no. 0011992 with the 15sf amnnend,-ntents).

Conform Logo or. 170/1999 a Ougolu/ul uulgura7lor 50cm/tIc So stat, art, /. ahu; (1). It. C. (According to the Law so. 11911999 on the slate semi1 rursuraricos budget. oil, 7, paragraph (1). letter c).


liz/tired of tvork, by counties, by rate of labour injuries hil 1.!- 30.1X. 1999 period

NurnSr accidenta(i (Number of Injured)

Accidents cotecrive (Collective injuries)

Rata accidentelor de mi/flea Jude(ul

din care (out of which): Nun/mr acciden:ati

(Rate of labour (County)

Total ___________________________

Mortal l,T,M. Note/mr

(Number) ) Nunber ct injured) ___________________________

dirt care: mortal injuries)

(Falal) (Temporary disability) Total

(out of wt'ich: fatal) TOTAL: 4570 270 4291 30 120 27 0,84 Hunedoara 931 17 914 2 11 - 7,23 din rare (out of w'iich): . Petmosani 814 7 80, 1 7 - 39,03 Mangmiire 107 10 157 2 9 I 1.63 Galati 177 17 160 2 20 5 1,39 Alba 109 8 101 1 4 2 1,22 D/Imbovila 05 9 80 1 3 . 1,15 Neamt 95 9 86 i o 1 1,13 Cluj 184 6 179 1 4 ' 1,13 Ourj 159 6 165 - . ' 1,03 FI.au/ii10 07 3 84 I S - 1,02 Caras-Severin 93 9 84 1 3 3 0.01 Tulcua 59 5 54 I 4 t 0,04 PrahDna 103 10 153 - . - 0,91 Br/Iila 85 6 59 - , - 0,91 Mehedin(i 51 6 45 1 4 1 0,81 Oil 18 3 65 1 .t I 0,83 Bras-v 179 10 169 1 3 . 0,82 A/ge) 172 11 161 3 12 5 0,82 1841 128 9 119 - ' _ 0,81 Doti 116 6 110 2 II I 0,81 Mare$ 74 ii 83 - , 0,75 Satu Mare 53 4 49 - . - 0,73 Suceana 79 6 75 - ' , n.75 Câl/I'.asi 40 2 38 . ' - 0.70 Arad 74 2 72 ' , - 0.7) Buzãu 51 2 49 - , , 0.70 Cov!sna 44 6 38 - , - 0,70 b?slrta-Nasaud lb 1 33 , - 0,63 Sibiu 52 7 75 , - 0,63 Conitaoto 330 5 325 1 4 ' 0,02 Bac/mu 09 14 75 1 4 . 0.62 S/mlaj 7$ 4 38 1 1 3 0,5-) Teleorman 38 1 37 . ' 0,5') Vran:ea 27 3 24 1 3 - 0,54 Vâlcea 14 3 4' . - 0,54 - Mun. Bucutesti 232 20 262 3 13 3 0,53 Bifror 74 6 68 1 3 - 0.51 lalomi)a 32 - 32 - . - 0.5) Tiedri 74 10 04 1 3 - 0.40 Giurgia 18 - 18 - , - 0,41 Vaslu,i 27 7 70 - . - (14 ,) llton 26 2 24 . - 0,23 Botosani 17 1 16 . - 0,22

• Incapacitate lemporar) do muncã)Tomporary disabilty) Date pro moor/i (Provizonal data)

Nr. 4(28).'1999 Rag. 5

Page 6: tb( BU TIN srrsTICBistrita-N5sbud 18312 9372 5487 1779 7147 177 4022 13.1 '3.8 Oobsaei 36376 15417 6643 4134 12007 607 12635 18.0 '5.5 Brasov 20127 16629 7730 1910 15405 96 4270 10.2



Injured by ec,nw,zic activity wild iiy rate of/ahozir injuries, in 1.1 - 30.LY. 1999 period ona ccidnthti Accidente coIocio Rate

(NrnberOt Injured) (Collective injuries) 3ccIdonelr

Sector daactivite din care (out of which):

Nurnãrccidentti demuncã (Sector ol tity)

Tofu, uonr (N-be, of ijuod) (Ruto of

Moral T M. (Number) in care: mortal labour injures)

(Fatal) (Temporary sabilily) Total

(ou: of which : fatal)

TOTAL - 4573 279 4291 30 120 2' 0,94

Erlructiai preparareacárbunelo: 966 24 942 5 22 ) 23.23

(Coal mining aria preparation;

Eetractiapipreparareuminereurilormetalrlere 158 9 149 1 3 - 5,85

(Wetalliferrous ores extraction and preparation)

Melalarge 305 14 291 3 25 2,85

(fi'etalturgy) CeIulozâ, battiest carton

32 - 32 • . . 233 (Pup, paaer and cardboard) Ato or jloaoo do transport

122 9 113 2 7 2 2,01 (alter waans oilranspQI5)

Aije prodrse dir minerale newelalice 153 4 149 - 1.09

(Corer nonmetallic mineral prnducls

ErtractiapetrokIui si agazelct nalurale 8 130 2 6 - 195

(Petruluurrr arid rralurd gas oxtrucuar(

Coostructri nretolrce si )roda$o din metal 8 154 - - - 1.84 (Irrarahlifl -rrnclrrrrricresnnrf moral prorlirrrs(

Mhoacede transport holier 126 1 125 1 4 I 152

(Weans Cl road :nanspnrl) Sihricullurà, enpoatarea foresherS 9iecOeo'nrra vS-rabbi

178 24 154 2 6 I 1,65 (Sloiculture, forestry and honing) t'wboo,orou

1-7-1-inorttarrv nrobibo

108 9 99 - - - 1.64 (Wood processing excluding furniture)

AclrvrtSli oneoe p ausrlare de transcend, aqnntri de plea) 3 - - - 1.02

(Moon and aun liar-p transper activities and Iran.! agencies)

Mnbrlrer si abbe actraitSt aneoe 6 179 - - - 1.62

(Farnrhrure and other industrial activities)

Prnlocrarea catmrucutui pi a rrrasebor plaslice 67 2 65 - - - 1,63

(Riihlrar and plasrirw p'nniersnng)

Able actiol3)i extractive 26 3 23 - - - 1,33

(Other ertraction actiovies) Aparalora Sr rns?rumerie mefrcale de prowler SI Cptice 5'

Ceasorrric3rie - 23 - - - 1,27

)PJedrcal. proocon and opbicr-1 inulnumeobo and appararus

ard watches and clocbrs)

Ctrrrnre pr fibre si nletic.r gi a,l,ticiale 88 3 85 S 1.20

(Chemistry and synthetic and artificial fibres)

Corrstrucl,r 388 45 351 6 - 19 1 1.12


Pwbucrarea tileijlui, cocsifrcarea cArbunelur 91 Iratirea

corrrboStbihrlor nucleari 9 - 9 - - - 1,06

(Crude petroleum processing coal okrng and nuclear

luob treatment) Recupenarea deseontcn: matersale recactabte

10 2 8 - - - 1.02 (Waste recovering; recycbeal>e materials) M rrrrrSrnuhrparrronbo

212 6 206 - - - 0.92 (Machines and eqrriprrenls(

Sahrrbr,la'e, activi ISI, 5,witare 25 1 24 0.80

(Salubrity and smrtar activities)

GospodOrirea resnrsebr de ogS. carplarea. lnalarea Si drsbrrbulru aper (Warm resorirunu rrrarrarjnrrrnrrl ,watar r.,olleI IreaIrrrerrI arid 27 'I 23 . - -

. - '


distribution) Trrepndriri purrepS

13 - 13 0.82 (River ard sea trarrsporls)

Alnrerrta'S p1 bOuluri 193 12 141 - - -

(Food and beverages)

Enlractiapi prep ararea wineroalui rndioaclw 2 - 2 - - - 9.74

(Radioactive ore extraction and preparation)

Moper sraparate ehecbrrce 37 - 37 - - - 0,73

(Electric machines and appliances) Piodoctia. Iransporlul sr distribsitia do energie eteclricS pilermicá,

gaze p1923 catdS 87 10 77 2 8 1 0.72

(Eler3rruarrd the energy gas arid hut outer pruriu&Iiurr,

transport and dutvbutotn( Transportorr, tereritre banspertrrri jrroo coirdircte

15 150 h 3 - 0,09 (Railway and rnatoa trarrspOrll. transport though aipelines)

PostS pi relecorrunicati 90 2 48 - - - °

(Post and tebecommunrcalrons)

TeutiLi Si prodose leolid 81 1 60 - - -

(Tootibos and rerlibo products)

VSnzarea, lebretinerea Si reparorea autovidricutebor SI a moto cicletetor.

ccrrrerl co arrr.Snuntal at carburaetrtor peetru autoaehicule 23 0 24 1 4 0. 1 4

(Sale, mainlefl0000 and reparation of motor vehicles and

mobocycins. lad retail rade) PhISIjO p irrchl.Srrrivle

31 1 30 - - - 0 52 (Leather goes and too -wear)

Adwln,st'utre publicS 39 9 30 1 4 3 0.39 (FribhiC aiwrnis?ralron(

Ir2e aclrsrtStr do servica prestale In principal intreprindenibor 032

(Other services mainly 101 enlreprises) - Cercelaru-dezsollare

8 - 8 - 032 (Pouoarnlr doveboprrrevr)

Corrtectride irrr)rScSoiste - 46 1 45 I 3 - 0,31 (Feady-made cbotehs) Ed,lurr Sr pobigrafre - - - - - 0,27 (Fublishi'ig houses and polypraphy) isdenuRl Pescoltu SI pisocutlora

2 1 1 - - - 328 (fishing and piscicutbure) Trasrvrrt in aeridno

3 - - - (Ar transports)

Act:vilSti recrea'.ive, culborale vi sportive 024 )Amusenent, catlural and sporting)

AgricufitS. servile auv,lrare 99 '2 87 - - - 0.24 (Agrioaltirro, aarihrary connives)

C4mert so ridicala - Ca eocey)ia au'onehiculeloq ii mobccicletebr 22 4 18 1 3 1 0.21

(Whole lade excepIing motor vehiceS arrc motocycles) lrxlustrratalunrioi . - - - 0.18 (Tobacco industry) PJIe irCbvrbSll do seroli:i

8 - 8 - - - 0,16 (Other activities of so'vices) 4'l'rrahriri r revrarrranlo - 4 9 I 3 1 0.18 (Hotels and res:auranls)

SSnSlabe 5l aslsbenid sOCrald 24 1 25 - - - tIll

(Health and Social assistance)

A4liortSti ale insbtotrilor finanoare SI oancare, cu enceptia urrio.rAt,br do nuigur3nr 9i 010 ouuoln, do pvflSi•

5 1 4 - - - 0.07 (Financial rnsbitulions and banking activities. excepted

Insurances and pensions houses activities, Atlis/bSli asocralive diserse

1 1 - - - - 006 (Associations and others)

Irribusrria do rriil ease ale belorrcii Ito uatcuI It

r o taruu 1 - 1 - - - 0,06

(Compulers and bureautrcs)

looS)Smanl 8 I 7 - - - 0.00


Cc,nrertul Cu amSnunlul - so excepba autcoehicolelor pi rnotocicb.rtolor - repeal bununbOr pensoeale 91 3ospodarestr

8 1 7 - - 092 (Retail trade - excepting motor vehicles ard motncycbes ecruovu and n'arraou 00040 rocareliont

ui,kii'i. I. \I'I'.V i'II.OI( ('I ('AI9'I-I. I'RIVVF iNRI-x;!s'rIt-I'I-; SI A('Ov'( R-crl:IA)R 1111: MUNCA INCIII-;I.-vrE

1.,' CAMERA 1W Mt'NCA LA3)) sl.;IcI'EMItRII.: (994)

'i/ic' ,,t,,nbcr of ,''t,'ind1'rc'eI j)I'lr'eIk 0,11/s aiieI 11/ /ahereel' (It,'l'(dflr('lltb erotrc'/ueke/

UI 1/IC! CilflIIIIbC'I ()J baoour Oil ,be.?/)tellII)Cl .11!, 1111

Nunrian existent

(Existent number)

Unitditi Cu lapilal privut. 101db

(Private units. Io:aI) 396(09

din care (Cut of which):

- so:relStr comerciale 33099

(trading companies)

- persoane fizice autonjzale Sb deslSsoare 0 adlioilale indepvndenlS 22112

(iniiuirli ralO with independent artisity)

- asxiatii farl 24(97

(domestic asso;ia)iorrs)

- onganiza'ii obptosli nonpnofr: vi allele as milale acest3rd 4(79

)unprofitable ccmmor organisations and other similar)

- so:ietatu agricoe 2251

(agrucullsral companies)

- per000ne fizice cure foloaetc nolariati 7(96

(natural persons hiring employees)

- avyriatO -10 tr'rnatarr 395

(lodger's assocalrons(

- a(lnle 2040


Corlracle indivi0uale inrngistrate to Camera do worsS, total (Individual agreements registered to the Chamber of Labour total) 4b M40

din ,are (Out 01 which):

- er,irnl,acte ate rrr,irrsS 4503387'

(labour agreements)

- contracto do arlourar zocia 170r,53

(Social Insurance agreements)

Cortracle cuvite irnreqlslratv to Camera do muncS conform Legii or. 8311995.


(Civil agreements registered -o the Chamber of .aboir according to the. Law 3003252

no. 83/1995,10101)

din aare (out of which):

- &urrlrairnr Lnyij I r, 03/09541.2 purrutul a 25109

(according 10 the Law no. 8311995 alt. 2 point a)

- conform LogO nr. 831905 art.2 panctul /1/-1/1 (according 10 the Law no. 8311995 art. 2 point b)

- conform Leqii rn. 831995 art. 2 puvclul 22Go72

(uccordirg 10 the Law no. 83/1995 art. 2 point c) ('ir.rlruu ri/c- i/i' rinirrr(r'i rL rir/,lrrrlrr/rlr inn ri'tr'ilrlrrr irrrrri -,'r rrilr'rirrir/r.brr( in gril/ 11111 /r,iitlrr/ /ir!i'ir lriri'_grrflrlri' 10 1 Orniri r' III' n unrr .1 fIfth li'll'

v'Irlrri'iir Cc /nr'/rrrI.,' 11, h/rn cr11/I/nil,:) n/ri' 11,5/i i nrrr/r,IrrI',Ir,n/',r,l, 'if mr r,i,'Ir,,l /rr'nr'rrr


The tien'k ('(lf)(iCllf C!.V(filUlIjillOII

II- 30,IX 1.1 - 30,lX1999 fatS de

1.1 - 30.IX,1958

'998 '995 (ratio 11-30 IX.1999/

If - 30 IX1908) - 12 -

1, Persoane eapertidabe - clIdUbi 001, to'al 66743 68914 1033

bEvaninod fOr-SOflI nvwcasos - bold)

der carc, incalf rate 'ii:

(ii II of which iirr.lijced in)

- g'adu) I do innabdilate (I It degree of nva)rdrty) - 7311 1793 103,6

- g'adul It do inva)iditale (I) od deoree of invalidity) 50149 53131 105.9

- g'adul 8) do invandilabe (I I rd degree of lsvalidily) 13512 12667 93,7

- respinS (declined persons) 1351 1323 97,9

2, °onsoune revizuitfi - total 350040 356524 101.6

Reexamivnd persons- :0(a))

a) Incadranea persoane)c-n (nainte do rovizuino in

(Examined persons belono reoxam nation incluSOsI In)

- g-adu( I de irssalidilale (I St degree of invalidity) 7 202 7 014 97.4

- y'arclul II tic, in viclidrlrxlu (lb 1 in duyrrurr of irivurlidily( 261000 203219 1000 - g-adut lode hva(idilato (III rd degree of invalidity: 82681 86291 104,4

L) )ncadnorea pernoanolvn dupS revizuinc in,

(Examined persons after reexamination included in

- gradul I do ire-,abidibnte (1st degiee of invalidity) 3939 4099 101,7

- gradu) I) do irvatidibalo (Sod degree of invalidity) 260629 264557 101,5

- gcadul Ill do i'rva)idrtate ((I) rd dggree of invbudily' 73796 8)481 102,1

- apte do muncb (able of work) 2585 2390 92,5

3 NuniSnuf cnrtificuto)or do havdicapal elnterate. 25311 24840 962

(Handicap certificate delivered is looping): - - cnfcrnm Legi on 5311992 (tinder Lane no 5311992)


23719 70091 80.2

conform Legi t it. 35.1991 (under Law no 3511993) 1592 1755 116,2


ADRI-:SA'i'E tiC'eiS'l'ERtl.t I .'slt'\CiI


i/ic' /tIfIlIllC'I' o/ feTe lb /1/Id pelilioiI.e lOt' iliIiIIflhiI.S ajid ffl'el/rleIII.S eul,'e'.sezl

tel th .9JirIisiI3' e?t IA/Ir/Ill' ciietf Social PI'(tth'C'tI(lil

ill I.!- ./(ofV l)99jx'i uxl

NumUn ncnisori' Ponde'e in Iota)

(The weight in total )Numben of tatters'i number) 'A


(Letters and petitions, - to:ai) 38656 100.0

din care. pe brincifalebe domeno. lout of which, by main dornainSi

- legislatia nruncii - 3072 8,0

(labour leg i slation)

- for-ta do muncS p SOOn/i 2384 6.2

(labour force and unemployment)

- pohdca sabarialS 31 geShune personal 28134 7.4

(wage policy and Staff management)

- poole do csigur5ri socia)e de Mat 21989 57

(slate social insu-ance pevsncvs)

- asigarari sbcrate do Stat 1451 3.5

(Mule Social insu rances)

- asisonta sociata 2751 7,1

(Social assistance)

• graCe ion runcS 3527 5.2

(molts-groups) -

alto domenii 518 1,3


/lI11',irn' /11 0 n'hvi,nnbnlmmninrn1jinm1rn1n/n

(Em-nail /i n/ic's glIrinirmirl nih/ri '1


IUI'flIIFIt1.-t iTUo'.u.-

Grfir9 si (phnnrolerclarc rmprrteri7er -b R6gia Autonorna (mprnieria Nat ona(ã'


MINISTERUL MUNCH SI PROTECTEI SOCIALE Serviciut Studil, statisticã si documentare in domeniul muncii si protectiei sociale

Str. Dem. I. Dobrescu 2, sect. 1 Bucuresti

tel. 315.02.00; 315.03.00

. . . . ......... .

Pag 6 Ill 4(28)/1999