Taylor has hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. Hydrocephalus means that the fluid circulating around...

Taylor has hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. Hydrocephalus means that the fluid circulating around his brain and spinal cord is blocked and cannot drain properly. Fluid builds up in his head causing his head to get bigger. Excess fluid also puts pressure on his brain causing brain damage and cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a non-progressive disorder of posture and movement caused by damage to a developing brain. Taylor is two years old. He lives with his mother and extended family on the island of Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia. He is an only child and is well loved by all of his family members. Move On

Transcript of Taylor has hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. Hydrocephalus means that the fluid circulating around...

Page 1: Taylor has hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. Hydrocephalus means that the fluid circulating around his brain and spinal cord is blocked and cannot drain.

Taylor has hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. Hydrocephalus means that the fluid circulating around his brain and spinal cord is blocked and cannot drain properly. Fluid builds up in his head causing his head to get bigger. Excess fluid also puts pressure on his brain causing brain damage and cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a non-progressive disorder of posture and movement caused by damage to a developing brain.

Taylor is two years old. He lives with his mother and extended family on the island of Pohnpei inthe Federated States ofMicronesia. He is an only child and is well loved by all of his family members.

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Page 2: Taylor has hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. Hydrocephalus means that the fluid circulating around his brain and spinal cord is blocked and cannot drain.

Taylor’s hydrocephalus was treated when he was young by placing a shunt- a tube that runs from his brain, under his skinto his abdomen. This tube drains excess fluid. Unfortunately, either the shunt was placed too late to stop any brain damage, orthe shunt stopped working after it was placed. It is too expensivefor Taylor’s government to send him off island to see morespecialist doctors and have surgery. Happily though, his head is no longer growing too fast, and Taylor is learning and progressing in his developmental skills.

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Page 3: Taylor has hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. Hydrocephalus means that the fluid circulating around his brain and spinal cord is blocked and cannot drain.

Taylor is getting services from the Related Services Assistants (RSAs) in special education in Pohnpei who are working with him to develop his skills, and to provide him with appropriate assistive technology. He is beginning to learn to communicate, and is learning to sit up. He wants to learn, and his family members want to teach him with the help of the RSAs.

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Page 4: Taylor has hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. Hydrocephalus means that the fluid circulating around his brain and spinal cord is blocked and cannot drain.

Taylor lives in simple surroundings, and his family does not have much money to buy expensive equipment. His mother carries him most of the time and he is getting heavier. Positioning is important for him so that he can learn to sit alone and to move by himself.

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Page 5: Taylor has hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. Hydrocephalus means that the fluid circulating around his brain and spinal cord is blocked and cannot drain.

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The RSAs designedthree options forTaylor’s positioning. Click on a picture to see how the object was made or used.

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Page 6: Taylor has hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. Hydrocephalus means that the fluid circulating around his brain and spinal cord is blocked and cannot drain.

Making An Adaptive Wooden Chair

1. Get plans for chair from websitewww.hawaii.edu/rsa.

2. You need access to a saw, measuring tape, and a screwdriver. You need plywood.

3. If you don’tknow how to workwith power tools,get help!

4. Pad the chairswith soft fabric or pillows.

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Page 7: Taylor has hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. Hydrocephalus means that the fluid circulating around his brain and spinal cord is blocked and cannot drain.

1. First we break up computer box Styrofoam into small pieces.

2. Then we sew two vinyl table-cloths together leaving a hole.

3. Then we pour the Styrofoam into the tablecloth bag and sew up the hole.

4. Then we enjoy our products!

Making a bean bag positioner

Hint: Old plastic grocery bags work well to fill small beanbags too.

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Page 8: Taylor has hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. Hydrocephalus means that the fluid circulating around his brain and spinal cord is blocked and cannot drain.

This plastic swimming pools was bought at Ace Hardware,for ten dollars. It will last for a long time. Taylor uses it for:1. Positioning (he sits up with the side as a backrest), 2. Sensory play (play in the water), 3. Relaxation (warm water is relaxing to tight (spastic) muscles), 4. Social play (put several kids in the pool!).

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Page 9: Taylor has hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. Hydrocephalus means that the fluid circulating around his brain and spinal cord is blocked and cannot drain.

Taylor does not talk yet. He is learning to point to pictures to communicate his wants. He also uses gestures (pointing), facial expressions (smiling, frowning), and vocalizations like crying, laughing or grunting.

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Page 10: Taylor has hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. Hydrocephalus means that the fluid circulating around his brain and spinal cord is blocked and cannot drain.

Taylor enjoys readingbooks which helpshim identify pictures.

The RSAs chose pictures that have meaning for Taylor. These pictures were mounted

on firm cardboard to make a communication board. He points to pictures to make hiswants known.

Taylor’s Communication System

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Page 11: Taylor has hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. Hydrocephalus means that the fluid circulating around his brain and spinal cord is blocked and cannot drain.

Taylor loves trucks. The RSAs made him two trucks out of Styrofoam with wheels from soda cans that really turn. These trucks are light enough that he can move them by himself. He is learning to identify colors, size, direction, and is getting stronger by moving his truck across the floor.

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Page 12: Taylor has hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. Hydrocephalus means that the fluid circulating around his brain and spinal cord is blocked and cannot drain.

All children need toys and equipment, but Taylor’s toys and equipment are helping him to learn to sit up, move around his environment, interact with other people and objects, and learn pre-academic skills.

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