Taxi of Tomorrow

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  • 7/29/2019 Taxi of Tomorrow


    Ta x i o f To m o r ro w W h e r e a r e w e g o i n g ?


    Green Accounting

    Spring 2012

  • 7/29/2019 Taxi of Tomorrow



    Team Members:

    Stefano Vrespa

    Jessica EspositoScott Miller

    Chuck Samul

    Carlos Coella

  • 7/29/2019 Taxi of Tomorrow


    Background 5

    A Cab history 5

    PlaNYC and the Taxi of Tomorrow 6

    Financial Analysis 8

    Whats under the hood 8

    e analysis 11

    Our results 13

    e Medallion lease model 14

    A different proposal 14

    Environmental Analysis 15

    A non explosive phase out 15

    Our results 16

    Taxi of Yesterday? 17

    e real deal 17

    Food for ought 17

    e Wild Car(d) 18

    An electric future 18


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  • 7/29/2019 Taxi of Tomorrow



    In May 2011, Mayor Bloomberg officially

    announced the Taxi of Tomorrow nalist

    vehicle model that will be replacing all of the

    current eet of 13,237 NYC taxis. However the

    Nissan NV200 hitting the streets in 2013 has

    implications for the environment that make it

    look more like the Taxi of Yesterday. In the

    following report, we discuss a nancial and

    environmental analysis of the current NYC taxi

    eet and the future Nissan NV200 minivan.

    e primary objectives of this analysis were to

    understand if there are economic factors driving

    the current vehicle-type mix, to identify the

    economic advantages between hybrid, non-

    hybrid and future eet vehicles, and to

    determine environmental impacts over the ve-

    year Nissan NV200 phase-in.

    In l i gh t of ou r ec on om ic an d

    environmental analysis we question some of the

    decisions the current administration made in

    regard to the Taxi of Tomorrow. We have

    proposed and evaluated a new type of

    ownership model that could foster the adoption

    of hybrid vehicles, thus decreasing the taxi

    eets green house gas (GHG) emissions.

    Finally, we end our report by briey discussing

    the challenges and the uncertainties of a

    potential future electric taxi eet.

    A Cab history

    New York City has had motorized public

    taxi service since 1897; ironically those original

    taxis were the electric vehicles of the Electric

    Carriage and Wagon Company. However when

    the company went bankrupt in 1907, the citys

    taxi eet was quickly converted to gasoline-

    powered vehicles imported from France.

    Within a decade, American companies like

    General Motors, Ford Motor Company, and

    the Checker Motors Corporation quickly began


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    manufacturing and operatingeets1. New York

    Citys iconic yellow taxis have been petroleum

    fueled ever since.

    By the 1930s, the number of cab drivers

    soared over 30,000. During this time, the taxi

    medallion system that is in place today was

    introduced to mitigate concerns about the

    proper maintenance and reliability of vehicles

    and drivers, as well as the surplus of vehicles on

    the citys increasingly congested streets. e

    Haas Act signedby Mayor La Guardia in 1937

    introduced a formal medallion system of taxi

    licenses, limiting the number of licenses

    available and thus restricting the number of

    cabs on the road2. is quantity has uctuated

    between roughly 11,000-17,000; today the Taxi

    & Limousine Commission (TLC) has limited

    the number of licenses to 13,237 medallions3 .

    is mandated supply restriction has caused the

    cost of a medallion to rise considerably over the

    decades, with medallions that might have cost

    $10 in 1930 now reportedly selling for as much

    as $1,000,000 in 20114 .

    PlaNYC and the Taxi of


    In 2007 Mayor Bloomberg introduced

    PlaNYC, a long-term sustainability plan for

    NYC which set the ambitious goal of reducing

    green house gas (GHG) emissions by 30 % by

    2030. With passenger vehicle emissions

    making up approximately 18% of all GHG

    emissions in New York City5, a key piece of this

    plan was phasing in more energy efficient taxi

    models than the highly inefficient Ford Crown

    Victoria that dominates the taxi eet. To

    encourage the adoption of hybrid vehicles, the

    Mayors Office offered incentives in the form of

    reduced prices on medallions for hybrid taxis,

    and attempted to impose a 30-mpg fuel






    5 City of New York,Inventory of New YorkCity Greenhouse Gas Emissions, September 2011,by Jonathan Dicksonand Andrea Tenorio. Mayors Office of Long-Term Sustainability, New York 2011
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    economy requirement for new taxi vehicles

    licensed in 2009. At the time, only hybrid

    vehicles fullled this condition, which were

    more expensive than conventional taxi models

    and manyeet operators were skeptical of their

    reliability and durability as a high mileage taxi

    vehicle. As we will discuss in detail in our

    nancial analysis, another key piece of this issue

    is that while individual hybrid taxi owner-

    operators realized cost savings immediately at

    the pump, eet operators (whose contracted

    drivers bear the cost of gas) do not. As a result,

    eet operators led suit against the Mayors fuel

    efficiency requirements and hybrid incentives,

    which was eventually upheld in the US 2nd

    Circuit Court of Appeals. at court ruled that

    the citys attempts violated the pre-emption

    clauses of the Energy Policy Conservation Act

    (EPRC) and the Clean Air Act (CAA), and

    blocked the City from enacting these initiatives.

    As a result, the Mayors Office and TLC

    considered another way to increase the

    efficiency of their taxi eet that focused on

    phasing out the gas-guzzling Crown Victoria:

    the Taxi of Tomorrow project. Introduced in

    2009, the project was aimed at developing a

    new, uniform blueprint for NYCs iconic yellow

    taxi eet that incorporated the priorities of key

    city stakeholders including taxi drivers, owners,

    passengers and city residents. e TLC

    surveyed taxi passengers and solicited design

    proposals from vehicle manufacturers, which

    resulted in three nalists. In May 2011, the

    Mayors Office and TLC announced that the

    Nissan NV 200 was officially selected as the

    Taxi of Tomorrow. Our analysis compares the

    nancial and environmental implications of the

    current taxi eet and the Nissan NV200.

    We have cons ide red seve ra l key

    stakeholders impacted by this initiative. TLC is

    interested in administrative ease and a stylish


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    replacement to the iconic Crown Victoria. e

    Mayors Office has aggressive GHG reduction

    goals and is eager to replace the inefficient

    Crown Victoriaeet.

    Su rvey ed t a x i r i d e r s p r i o r i t i z e

    sustainability, passenger comfort and safety.

    And perhaps the most notable of these

    stakeholders, particularly in our nancial

    analysis, are the taxi owners and drivers

    themselves. Owner-operators are especially

    interested in operating costs, while eet owners

    are most concerned with acquisition and

    maintenance costs.


    Analys is

    Whats under the hood

    In following section we discuss and

    evaluate the results of a Net Present Value

    (NPV) analysis performed for the varying

    models of the current eet, and future Nissan

    NV200 eet. e analysis highlights some of

    the potential factors that drive the vehicle

    choice in terms of fuel efficiency across four

    medallion ownership types, and the

    environmental implications in terms of GHG

    emissions, particularly in light of PlaNYC

    2030s GHG emissions reductions goals.


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    For our analysis, we evaluated ve

    different vehicle models from the current eet.

    ese ve models, which include three

    gasoline-powered and two hybrid-electric

    models, were selected for the analysis because

    they represent a high percentage of the current

    taxi eet, their variations in fuel efficiency, and

    other factors such as ADA requirements. e

    eet sample considered in our model includes

    the following vehicles:

    Ford Crown Victoria, 58% of the total

    current eet (16 mpg city);

    Ford Escape Hybrid, 26% (33 mpg);

    Toyota Sienna, 9% (17 mpg);

    Toyota Camry, 4% (22 mpg);

    Toyota Prius Hybrid, 2% (51 mpg).

    e future Nissan NV200 eet will

    consist of a single, non-hybrid model, rated at

    25 mpg city, which will replace the current eet

    over a 5-year phase-in period starting in 2013.

    Be fore d i s cus s ing the p r imary

    assumptions and hypothesis that will drive our

    nancial and environmental conclusions, it is

    important to emphasize that our nancial

    model doesnt take into account any initial

    medallion investment. is simplication is

    mainly due to the medallions price volatility

    over the past 20 years most recently

    skyrocketing to $1,000,000 as well as the

    medallions ownership timeframe that varies

    greatly among owners.

    Moreover, this cost would not affect either

    the results or the decision among different

    vehicles if we evaluate the cost of the medallion

    as an occurred expense equal throughout each

    type of ownership model.

    ere are currently four types of

    ownership models that potentially affect the

    medallion owners vehicle choice, and thus the

    fuel efficiency of the vehicle. e four types of

    medallion ownership include the following6:

    Owner operated only: the medallion

    owner drives his own vehicle and pays for gas;

    Owner operated and leased: the

    medallion owner drives his own vehicle and

    pays for gas, and leases it to a second driver

    for an extra shift (who pays for their own



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    Fleet-type: the corporate medallion

    owner pays the drivers (average 3 per car)

    based on the shift length usually 2080

    hours per year, drivers pay for gas;

    Long-term lease: the medallion owner

    leases the car (2 drivers per car on average),

    drivers pay for gas.

    Because we performed an NPV analysis

    from a vehicle-owner point of view, these

    differences among ownership models are critical

    to our assessment. We have assumed annual

    gross revenue per vehicle to be $145,200 and

    an average of 64,600 miles driven per vehicle

    each year.

    Under this assumption, the contractual

    differences among models have a signicant

    impact on the owners gross revenue

    independently from the vehicle choice. us, to

    perform an NPV comparison among vehicles

    and ownership models we considered the

    following parameters:

    a medallion loan of $1,500 total per

    month, split among the drivers;

    tips, 15% of the total gross revenue;

    number and duration of shifts, in

    proportion to a hypothetical 24-hour shift;

    salary, for the eet-type and the owner

    operated and leased model;

    cab lifespan: 5 years for owner-operators

    and long-term leases, 3 years for eet-type


    gross revenue divided between driver

    and owner for the long-term leasing model8 .

    ese differences will impact the cash-ow

    analysis per ownership model and type of car

    and they could potentially affect the vehicle


    Across the four ownership models, gas

    costs always fall on the driver, whether the

    driver is the owner-operator, paid by a company

    (eet-type), or if he leases medallion and

    vehicle (long-term lease). While the medallion

    owner always pays the vehicle expenses, the cost

    of gas will affect only the drivers income. is


    7 Per TLC requirements, cars brought into service as cabs must be new models and must be replaced every 3-5years. Fleet-type cabs are usually driven by unspecified drivers and must be replaced every 3 years. (

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    particular variation across ownership models

    appeared to be the major factor driving our

    results, and potentially the economic driver

    behind the owners choice in vehicle.

    Other minor factors that we considered

    in our models were:

    straight line depreciation;

    zero salvage value after 3 or 5 years,

    depending upon the conditions previously


    ma in tenance and repa i r co s t s

    proportional to the average miles per year9 ;

    drivers license, vehicle taxi conversion,

    insurance costs.

    The analys is

    e tables following include taxi data,

    ownership data and assumptions. e complete

    analysis is an Excel matrix calculating the NPV

    for each of the 6 vehicle types and for each of

    the 4 ownership models, which is attached to

    this document.

    As displayed in Figure 1 there is a clear

    economic incentive for the owner-operator to

    chose a hybrid vehicle instead of a non-hybrid

    model even under the current gas price. e

    economic incentive is directly proportional to

    the average miles driven per year and to the cost

    of gas, and is particularly evident for the rst

    parameter due to the high number of miles

    driven each year. On the other hand, for the

    other two types of medallion ownership (eet-

    type and long term lease), there is no clear

    economic incentive that drives the choice

    between vehicles and therefore there must be

    other contributing factors, such as maintenance

    costs or reliability, which inuence the vehicle


    e cost of gas, which is covered by the

    driver, then becomes the primary incentive just

    for one type of owners category owner-

    operated cabsresponsible for roughly one


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    third of the total taxi eet.

    Two additional results driven by

    economic incentive can easily be seen, First of

    all, there is an economic incentive for the

    medallion owner to switch from the eet-type

    to the long-term lease, a trend that is already

    occurring according to the 2006 Taxi

    Factbook10. Secondly, there is a clear economic

    incentive for an owner-operator to lease their

    cab for a second shift and retain part of the

    earnings. In light of these conclusions, we

    propose a potential solution to incentivize the

    adoption of hybrid vehicles by intervening

    on the dichotomy between who buys the car

    and who pays for the gas.



    Additional assum tion for ownershi t es

    Financial data by ownership type

    Vehicle data
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    Our resul ts













    FORD "CrownVictoria"

    FORD "Escape" TOYOTA "Prius" TOYOTA "Sienna" TOYOTA "Camry" NISSAN NV200



    NPV - Owner Operated

    NPV - Fleet Type

    NPV - Long term leasing












    FORD "CrownVictoria"

    FORD "Escape" TOYOTA "Prius" TOYOTA "Sienna" TOYOTA "Camry" NISSAN NV200



    NPV - Owner Operated

    NPV - Fleet Type

    NPV - Long term leasing

    owner operated with extra shift

    owner operated without extra shift

    Figure 1 NPV analysis per type of vehicle and

    ownership model

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    The Medal l ion

    lease model

    A different proposal

    e idea behind this proposed model is to

    merge the responsibilities of car buyer and gas

    payer (the driver) in order to incentivize the

    introduction of hybrid cabs (Prius in primis).

    is choice would be driven by the notable

    NPV (or EBIT) difference among the hybrid

    and non-hybrid vehicle types, even with the

    current gas price. We expect the primary effect

    of this proposal to be the increased adoption of

    hybrid models within the current eet and thus

    the overall reduction of GHG emissions, in line

    with PlaNYC 2030 emission reduction targets.

    To effectively pursue this model the

    medallion owner needs to be incentivized by a

    revenue certainty that will yield a net income

    equal to or almost equal to (due to a lower

    business risk) their current one. e driver will

    only be incentivized to pursue this model by a

    vehicle-based EBIT at least similar to his actual

    gross revenue.

    Even by running our analysis under the

    most favorable conditions using the lowest

    NPV for the medallion owner, using the vehicle

    that would grant the highest EBIT (Prius), and

    using the lowest driver gross revenue (eet-type

    model) there is a lack of nancial incentive

    for the driver to pursue this model.

    Incentives such as a lower tax rate, gas

    discount, or other fuel efficiency-based

    incentives are needed to support the driver and

    inuence the adoption of vehicles with higher

    fuel efficiency. A potential next step for this

    proposed model could be the analysis of

    different incentive options and their impacts on

    the hybrid adoption rate and overall GHG



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    Analys is

    A non explos ive phase


    In light of PlaNYC 2030s GHG emission

    reduction targets, we have analyzed the

    emission levels of the current eet and the effect

    of the NissanNV200s ve-year phase-in period

    beginning in 2013.

    O v e r a l l , t h e

    Nissan NV200

    ph a s e - i n w i l l

    result in slightly

    higher emission

    levels; the current

    average emission

    (weighted by the

    actual vehicle adoption rate) is 425 grams of

    CO2e per mile, and the future average emission

    rate will be 431 grams of CO2e per mile.

    While this will not result in a signicant change

    in emissions levels, it is interesting to see how

    the Nissan NV200 phase-in is likely to be over

    the next ve years and the impact of the current

    eets phase-out. Despite the high proportion of

    high-emitting Crown Victoria models that

    dominate the current eet,

    Upon the assumption that every owner is

    willing to maximize their revenue, or that they

    are pursuing the highest NPV value meaning

    that the owner-driver model absorbs entirely

    the hybrid vehicle percentage (roughly 28%)

    the main assumption is a linear phase-out

    starting in 2013. It is important to underline

    the different lifespan between the eet-type

    model (3 years) and the long-term lease model

    (5 years), both based on non-hybrid models.


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    Our resul ts

    As shown in Figure 2, the phase-out rate

    for the non-hybrid eet is accelerated because

    eet-type vehicles, which are assumed to be

    non-hybrids, are replaced more frequently. us

    overall GHG emission levels are initially

    lowered between 2014-2015 as gas guzzling

    Ford Crown Victorias (16 mpg) are replaced

    with the more efficient Nissan NV200 (25

    mpg). However in 2017 when the phase-in is

    complete, overall GHG emissions will rise

    above current levels as hybrid models (33-51

    mpg) are replaced by the lower performance




















    2012' 2013' 2014' 2015' 2016'












    Figure 2 Emissions levels during 5-year Phase-in Period

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    Taxi of


    The real deal

    Based on the nancial and environmental

    results of our analysis, it is difficult to

    understand what factors drove New York Citys

    choice for the future taxi.A public survey of 23,000 NYC taxi riders

    found that the top three priorities were:

    1. environmental sustainability;

    2. passenger comfort;

    3. safety 11.

    e Nissan NV200 is a considerable

    improvement over the gas-guzzling Crown

    Victoria, and did boast the highest fuel

    efficiency of the three nalists. However this

    model is clearly a step backwards from the high

    efficiency hybrid eet that has been gaining

    traction in the NYC taxi eet in recent years.

    Regrettably, the current Nissan NV200 falls

    short of taxi riders top priority.

    Food forThought

    Interestingly, the Nissan NV200 is

    currently sold in Europe with a diesel engine

    rated at 54 mpg, in compliance with the

    current European fuel efficiency requirements.

    Despite the difference in engine (gasoline vs.

    diesel), it is difficult to understand why NYC

    would not pursue this model, with nearly

    double the fuel efficiency.


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    The Wi ld


    An electr ic future

    While the Taxi of Tomorrownalists were

    not explicitly judged on environmental

    attributes, one factor noted in choosing the

    Nissan NV 200 was the anticipated availabilityof an all-electric NV200 model by 2017.

    Nissan has also stated that the NV200 gas

    model can be easily retrotted to an electric

    engine, once the technology becomes available.

    Nissan, who already manufactures the all-

    electric Leaf, is eager to establish itself as a

    leading electric car manufacturer.

    In anticipation of a potential electric eet,

    TLC, city officials and Nissan are piloting six

    all-electric Nissan Leaf taxis beginning in 2012.

    is pilot program is intended to test the

    performance of EVs under typical high mileage

    conditions. e Nissan e-NV200 will have the

    same 24-kWh lithium ion battery and 80-kW

    electric motor as the 2012 Nissan Leaf12.

    e e-NV200 Concept model is slated to

    have a similar range to the Leaf (70-100 miles).

    Using a Level 2 charging station, this would

    require 7 hours of charging time. is is a

    considerably lengthy time requirement for a

    cab, and would severely limit driver shift times.

    To mitigate this potential concern, Nissan is

    currently working on the development of

    quick-charging ports that can charge to 80%

    capacity in 30 minutes.

    e nancial and environmental

    implications of the transition from gas-powered

    to electric-powered vehicles are difficult to

    determine without knowing the future energy

    prole or rates of the electric grid. According

    to the most recent EPA eGRID data, NYCs

    electricity grid mix is primarily nuclear (43%),

    gas (34%), and oil (20%)13. Further analysis of

    the emissions outputs from the grid would be

    necessary to determine whether electric vehicles

    are the right choice for NYC.


