Tax Procedure in Spain

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Transcript of Tax Procedure in Spain

  • 8/9/2019 Tax Procedure in Spain


    Procedure started by atax return: Declaration

  • 8/9/2019 Tax Procedure in Spain


    Table of Contents



    Procedural stages Start




  • 8/9/2019 Tax Procedure in Spain



    Tax declaration (Art 119 !T" A docu#ent presented to the Ta$ ad#inistration where it is

    established%recogni&ed that a specifc thing had to be done inorder for ta$es to be applied

    't does not require acceptance fro# the ta$paer towards the ta$

    obligation )odi*cations will onl be allowed during the ta$ period (never


    Sel assessment (Art 1++ !T"

    A declaration where ta$ paers provide the docu#ents andinfor#ation to ta$ authorities but the also ,uantif and ,ualifthe ta$es in order to deter#ine the ta$ liabilit or the ta$ credit

    Ta$ paers can onl present co#ple#entar declarations ( notsubstitutive"

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    Speci*c articles related to the declarationprocedure-

    Art 1+./10 !T and Art 10/102 3!AT

    !eneral articles co##on to ta$ procedures- 94/114 !T and .5/112 3!AT

    0 procedural stages

    'nitiation Handling%Tramitacin

    Ending Point

  • 8/9/2019 Tax Procedure in Spain


    '/ Start (1+. !T"

    'n general6 the ta$paer presents a declaration that-

    Con*r#s the ta$able event and co##unicates the dataneeded to co#pute the debt6 for Ta$ authorities to,uantif the ta$ obligation and do a provisional

    assess#ent (1+.71 !T"

    'n so#e e$ceptional cases6 ta$ authorities reinitiate theprocess ex ofcio/ after dul noti*cation6 within theprescription ti#e/ for those cases where the process has

    e$pired (1+.7+ !T"

  • 8/9/2019 Tax Procedure in Spain


    ' / Start

    Other #atters to ta8e into consideration

    3e,uire#ents if initiation ex ofcio

    Art .570 and 9571 3!AT

    a#e6 ':6 ob;ect of the procedure6 obligation of noti*cation6etc7"

    Possibilit to present co#ple#entar or substitutive declarations /onl previous to the assess#ent of the declaration (Art 11. 3!AT"

    'f the pre/established period has elapsed6 the ta$paer will haveto #odif his declaration in light of Art 10 3!AT

    Presenting such declarations will never be interpreted as adela attributed to the ad#inistration when calculating the#a$i#u# ti#e for resolution (Art 1

  • 8/9/2019 Tax Procedure in Spain


    ''/ Handling Period (1+9 !T"Actions that can be done b ta$ authorities during the process

    Clarif or%and investigate certain declarations (as8 for proof"

    =suall in 1 das (Art 100 3!AT"6 e$tended under certain conditions (Art 91 3!AT"

    As8 for infor#ation to third parties

    >erif the correctness

    Ta$ authorities can use the data provided b the ta$ paer in his declaration

    )a$i#u# ta$ period oti*cation of ta$ assess#ent in 6 months

    fro# the last da of the ta$ period (nor#al situation"

    fro# the da of noti*cation (if we refer to Art 1+.7+"

    fro# the da when the declaration was presented (e$te#poraneous declarations"

    The 4 #onths period will have to ta8e into account the delas that #a be caused bwhat is established in 10 1< del 3!AT

    oti*cation will be e?ective when one atte#pt of sending a docu#ent with the entireresolution will be done 1

  • 8/9/2019 Tax Procedure in Spain


    ''/ Handling Period

    or#al Process

    'f the data coincide with the one in the declaration6 ta$ authorities willi##ediatel #a8e a notice specifing the paable

    Allegations (1+970 !T" @hen the data or the values given b the ta$ paer in the declaration

    are #odi*ed b ta$ authorities6 the latter should notif the ta$ paer anddescribe the reasons there was a change(facts and legal argu#ents"

    Therein6 the procedure of allegations will open6 which according to Art997. !T6 cannot be superior to 1 or 12 das

    :uring the allegation process ta$ authorities will be able to obtaincertain docu#ents for# the ta$ paer as far as the do not a?ect theinti#ac of third parties

  • 8/9/2019 Tax Procedure in Spain


    '''/Ending Point

    Causes that *nali&e the process (10 !T"

    Provisional assess#ent- @hen ta$ authorities #a8e there,uired operations and ,uanti*cations and deter#ine the

    ta$ liabilit or the the ta$ return E$pir- Once the #a$i#u# ta$ period has elapsed (4

    #onths"6 without dul noti*cation of the assess#ent6 andwithout pre;udice to ta$ authorities re/initiating the processwithin the prescription ti#e

    The ta$ assess#ent will be of a provisional nature7 Ta$authorities will not be able to verif again the sa#eprocedure unless so#e new facts or circu#stances arisefro# di?erent origins than the ones established in the

    declaration ( Art 10070 3!AT"

  • 8/9/2019 Tax Procedure in Spain


    Ending Point

    oti*cations will have (1+ !T"

    Ta$ paer identi*cation

    The ele#ents that deter#ine the ta$ debt

    The reason wh certain ele#ents are present6 when the

    do not coincide with the data provided b the ta$ paer )eans to contest and the ti#e period to do so

    Place6 ti#e period and wa of satisfing the ta$ debt

    Provisional or de*nitive character

  • 8/9/2019 Tax Procedure in Spain



    !rounds for challenge (Title > !T"

    3einstate#ent (Recurso de reposicin" acultative and previous to the *ling of an econo#ic/ad#inistrative

    clai# 1 #onth after noti*cation

    Econo#ic/ad#inistrative clai#

    Special procedures initiated b ta$ paer-

    3evision of null acts within full rights

    3ecti*cation of #ista8es

  • 8/9/2019 Tax Procedure in Spain


    @or8s Cited

    Ley 58/2003, de 17 de Diciemre, !enera" Triutaria#$i%ente &asta e" 01 de 'unio de 2015(

    Rea" Decreto 10)5/2007, de 27 de *u"io, por e" +ue seapruea e" Re%"amento !enera" de "as actuaciones y "osprocedimientos de %estin e inspeccin triutaria y dedesarro""o de "as normas comunes de "os procedimientosde ap"icacin de "os triutos

    %encia Triutaria6 3enta +107 7p76 n7d7 @eb7 ++ Oct7+1