Tattoo - a poem on fading beauty

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The ephemeral nature of beauty

Transcript of Tattoo - a poem on fading beauty

The ink has faded awayI wore you on my forearmAll day yesterdayToday youre indecipherable,A faded hieroglyphic.

Wasted lives,Wasted wines,Wasted brownies,&Wasted youth,&Wasted loves.

You love me, dont you?See, a pointless lie,Like a told you.

Cricketers running after you,The Ice Queen of Nalanda.

Bollywood stars covet you,The Ice Queen of Nalanda.

Pretty young boys want you,The Ice Queen of Nalanda.

Five years I have known you.Five years in your arms I have grown old.Five years your tiny implements have pruned me.Five years I had the camaraderie of the Ice Queen of Nalanda.

Give the lust-struck wonder boys a chanceThey have balls, spinners, fast bowlers.The fantasies in your headWill be massacred by them.

They will carry you on a bier one day, Laid low in the Towers of Silence.The temple dog will come sniff you,Then youll give indigestion tothe vintage vultures of Bombay.

What use is this body of yours?What use is this beauty of yours?What use is this grace of yours?Rotting flesh it is,Rotting flesh it will be!

Have fun while you can.Theres no knight for youor for me or for anyoneWonder if they are existin the fairytales too.

Illicit is illicitOnly when the others find out.Be not proud of your fading beautyYoure already past your primetis all downhill past thirty.

Shamita Ramesh Gogia18 307 01 007 354 36

Its a Sham, Go Gia.