Tasks 1 4 and hwk 2

Front cover Typography: The font styles used across this front cover are all serif which makes it look angrier and it suits the mood for this magazine. The title font is in bold and used to catch the reader’s attention, this will make them want to read the magazine. This decides where the audience will look first. There is a wide variety of font sizes as well this is to draw the reader to a specific area before it is drawn to another. This in turn will broaden the audience of the magazine because if the reader is only interested in one artist then they might still buy the magazine because they were drawn to the text in the first place. The typography is very typical for the genre of magazine typically aimed at an older audience of teenagers between the ages of the 14-20, they use dark colours like black and reds to connote death, anger and sadness. Colour: The main colours used within the magazine cover are blacks and red, this gives the feeling that it’s not a cheerful magazine. The colours make it feel like it is a magazine genre that is aimed at teenage boys. The black background of the image is expanded to the whole cover and the white face is really emphasised because of it. The red isn’t used as much as the black and is only used to outline the masthead and the other stories that aren’t as important. The colours clearly outline important things on the cover and is used to really get


tasks 1-4 and hwk 1

Transcript of Tasks 1 4 and hwk 2

Page 1: Tasks 1 4 and hwk 2

Front cover


The font styles used across this front cover are all serif which makes it look angrier and it suits the mood for this magazine. The title font is in bold and used to catch the reader’s

attention, this will make them want to read the magazine. This decides where the audience will look first. There is a wide variety of font sizes as well this is to draw the reader to a

specific area before it is drawn to another. This in turn will broaden the audience of the magazine because if the reader is only interested in one artist then they might still buy the

magazine because they were drawn to the text in the first place. The typography is very typical for the genre of magazine typically aimed at an older audience of teenagers between

the ages of the 14-20, they use dark colours like black and reds to connote death, anger and sadness.


The main colours used within the magazine cover are blacks and red, this gives the feeling that it’s not a cheerful magazine. The colours make it feel like it is a magazine genre that is

aimed at teenage boys. The black background of the image is expanded to the whole cover

and the white face is really emphasised because of it. The red isn’t used as much as the black and is only used to outline the masthead and the other stories that aren’t as important. The colours clearly outline important things on the cover and is used to really get

Page 2: Tasks 1 4 and hwk 2

the audience’s attention. A lot of these colours would fit into the psychographics of the audience, such as hobbies like hunting and rituals; things to do with death.

Images: The main images used within the cover are to do with artists that suit heavy rock and the

latest in there celebrity scandals. The artists featured are: Metalica

Tenacious D

Papa roach

Dita von teese

Alice cooper

Pearl jam The vandals

Slipknot Guns n roses

These are all artists that have great influence of the rock n roll world and over the audience the magazine is aimed at. Because they are a more influential presence they can encourage the audience to follow their lifestyle and clothing choices. Layout: This magazine layout is very neat and ordered. There is a very formal approach towards the reader even though the genre depicts a certain level of rule breaking and a bad attitude. It would appeal to the audience because of what it connotes; bad attitude towards life and that there is no fun to be had due to the very formal layout of the magazine cover. The route of the eye is defiantly used in this magazine because it draws you to the masthead and then across to the artists to encourage you to pick it up and read it and then it moves towards, the exciting promotions and adverts at the bottom. Language /mode of address: The language on this front cover is fairly basic and there is not much use of slang, but they do use words in bold such as “naked!” this makes the reader wonder what it is about and makes them want to read the information that comes with it. The mode of address is formal

and there is no use of slang terms, however this is not conventional for a rock magazine

because you expect them to be shouting and yet they use hardly any aggressive punctuation and the words don’t seems to creating a negative tone. They do however say on the

masthead “life is loud” which makes the audience think that it is a rock magazine.

Conventions: The colours are very conventional to a rock magazine, showing how the magazine with its

blacks and reds can relate to death and sadness. The image is very conventional for the the magazine itself, kerrang, as they seem to have the main image in the middle of the page in every magazine issue they have done. The masthead is as well conventional as it shown at the top left hand corner of the magazine.

Page 3: Tasks 1 4 and hwk 2


Typography: The fonts used in this contents page are mainly serif but there are a few very mild pieces of

san serif text. This text is used to make the reader focussed on the stories and not looking at how the text curls. The font typically appeals to a masculine audience, a less chatty style of

writing and more formal. There is a clear contents title in the top right corner of the page, it is clearly written and the font style is very easy to read.

Colour: The colours are very closely similar because they have dull colours, situated on the page. But

they have used yellow to outline important key areas on the contents page. There is no noticeable background colour, only a dull white. The edging along the left hand side is the

same as the mast head on the front cover. This shows how the contents is related to the front covers contents. The yellow also gives the impression that there is happiness but when

we look at the genre of the magazine it has no such connection and in fact it is only used to outline certain points such as headings.


The main images use the contents pages are either repercussions of the ones on the front cover or they are pictures that are related to the ones that are used on the front. This

reinforces the audience’s want to read on. The images are also numbered to show you want page that particular topic would be on, this I very helpful and will allow the reader to have

the freedom to go to whatever topic they want to go to. The mise en scene is basically the microphone that the artist is using in the picture.

Layout: The general layout of the contents page is simple but it does not follow the route of the eye. The layout is fairly ordered and the use of numbers to clearly mark out the way you are

Page 4: Tasks 1 4 and hwk 2

supposed to look at it. This will make the audience of the magazine feel relaxed when reading it because they won’t have to search for the right topic they want to read. Language:

The language used for the contents page is the same as the language used for the front cover, this will keep the reader engaged in the magazine.


The uses of different sized fonts are very useful because they add emphasis onto the title image. The rest if the font is relatively normal keeping to a strict serif form. The use of a

slightly tilted and enlarged text on “the best mcr” makes it stand out, and really outs emphasis on what the magazine is trying to tell you, for example in this text it is trying to tell

you that they are the best MCR around and no one else is better.

Colour: The colours on this double page spread are exactly the same as on the front cover, they

depict anger and deep emotions. The image is in black and white which also creates a sense

of mystery. The use of the red to outline different pieces of text really makes them stand out from the rest of the page. Due to the genre of the magazine the typography needs to be dark and soulful and I believe it does this very nicely. The title of the page is also outlined in red which makes it stand out, so you clearly know that you are looking at the news page.

Image: The image(s) featured on this page are all related to the front cover, and are all in black and white. For example the artists “my chemical romance” are featured on this page and are all

mostly medium close ups of the band, this shot type really helps to focus in on their expressions and helps the reader understand what the article will be about. The image also shows the band wearing a latest fashion style which would encourage the readers to dress like them and generally be like them.


Page 5: Tasks 1 4 and hwk 2

The layout of this page is very ordered and only the title of the article is put at an angle. The text is put into columns in the top corner of the page, this maximises the room for the images which the audience are naturally drawn to first anyway. Along the edge on the page,

there is a column which does a detailed review of the songs in the featured album. The route of the eye is used in a way because at first it draws you towards the title and the

image and then across to the main article, and then finally it brings to the column of songs from the album.

Language / mode of address:

I would say that this page has a formal address and it uses the images to captivate the audience. They use proper English language and there is only one abbreviation “we’re”.

Task three

Brand identity: How a business wants a brand's name, communication style, logo and other visual elements to be perceived by consumers. The components of the brand are created by the business itself, making brand identity the way in which a business wants consumers to perceive its brands, not necessarily how it is actually perceived.

Page 6: Tasks 1 4 and hwk 2

The brand identity of this magazine is

clearly defined using the masthead and its

font style and size. The font size is much

bigger than all the other text on the page,

this is to clearly emphasise the magazine

masthead. The colour of the masthead is in

black and white so the audience know that

the magazine is about dark rock and heavy


The house style is very typical of a rock

magazine, the dark colours and less cluttered

design mean that it is typically focussed on

dark emotions and people who enjoy the

genre of rock.

The mode of address is moderately formal

because the layout is very ordered and the

main image takes up most of the page. The

masthead is the only thing that I could

consider being violent and informal

because the text resembles cracked glass

and that’s usually a bad thing. Also the

colours are black and white which

resemble death and unhappiness. The language in the magazine is fairly

formal but does have some dark and

depressing things to stay, this backs up

the typical stereotype of a rock

magazine and its fan. The only thing is

that there’s nothing to display the

publishers of the magazine, so people

would not know who the publisher is.