Task 9 Reader profile

This is Julia! She is a perfect Pop-mouse reader. She is 17 years old and live in London. She is from a good financed family. She like to use her money on music, Magazines, cloths, make-up and on cafes whit her Friends, this is also what she is most interested in. She love to read exclusive interviews whit big pop-stars. And she would like to be famous one day as well. Her favourite colours is pink, red and yellow, but she also like the standards

Transcript of Task 9 Reader profile

Page 1: Task 9 Reader profile

This is Julia! She is a perfect Pop-mouse reader. She is 17 years old and live in London. She is from a good financed family. She like to use her money on music, Magazines, cloths, make-up and on cafes whit her Friends, this is also what she is most interested in.She love to read exclusive interviews whit big pop-stars.And she would like to be famous one day as well.Her favourite colours is pink, red and yellow, but she also like the standards colours, black and white.