Task 9 reader profile

Reader Profile By Tina Therese Rustadstuen

Transcript of Task 9 reader profile

Page 1: Task 9 reader profile

Reader ProfileBy Tina Therese Rustadstuen

Page 2: Task 9 reader profile

This is Julia! She is a perfect Pop-mouse reader. She is 17 years old and lives in London. She is from a well off family. She likes to use her money on music, magazines, clothes, make-up and on coffees with her friends, this is also what she is most interested in.She loves to read exclusive interviews with big pop-stars. She would also like to be famous one day as well.Her favourite colours are pink, red and yellow, but she also like the standard colours, black and white.

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Pop-mouse is a new magazine aimed at a typical 15-24 year oldTeenage girl. The readers are likely to be a white girl that go To school and like to have fun.

It will cover the things most teenage girls like, like; make-up, Fashion, boys, pop-music and celebrities.

The magazine will not have lots of text, since that can but off the Riders. My focus will be on the photos and the layout.

The style of Pop-mouse is simple, classy and girly.

The double page spread will be an interview whit my main model,Discussing her new album and tour. The interview will be supported By photos taken in a studio.