Task 8

Research Into 6x Film Magazine Front Covers Task 8



Transcript of Task 8

Page 1: Task 8

Research Into 6x Film Magazine Front Covers 

Task 8

Page 2: Task 8

I am going to produce a magazine front cover for my film I am going to create. This is part of one of my ancillary tasks and in order to create an effective and attractive magazine front cover I must research into them.


Page 3: Task 8

The main function of a film magazine is the image. The image must be eye catching and interesting in order for an audience to gain attention to the magazine.

The title is also a main function as the audience need to know what the film is called in order for them to actually then go along and watch it.

Overall I think the image is the most important function of the magazine. it takes up the majority or the space and is in general much more interesting than the title of the film. Therefore it is important that I create a magazine front cover with a image that sticks within an audiences heads.

Furthermore, the Masthead, coverlines , price, date and barcode are all stereotypical functions of a magazine front cover so it is important for me to include these so that it looks realistic.

What are the main functions of film magazines?

Page 4: Task 8

The layout of the magazine is quite busy. The mass of people within the image also adds to this busy image. The masthead is placed as suspected at the top so an audience are aware of the magazine name and they can easily recognise it. The main cover line is the biggest and links to the image. It is also yellow which is generally used to draw attention to it. Two other cover lines are used which are smaller and are “dotted” around the page. I think this layout links to the target audience; a young audience as there is lots of different things happening in different places and an older audience would expect more of a structure to the layout; smarter.

The main cover line is yellow which is generally used to catch attention. Due to the fact that the image is rather bright and colourful, it is also important for the main cover line to be eye catching otherwise the name of the film loses its importance as it cannot be easily recognised. The text under the cover lines vary from being left, right and centre aligned which makes the magazine from a young persons point of view more interesting to look as its not just a boring chunk of text.The date it placed at the top of

the magazine indicating immediately to an audience that this is the “latest issue”. The placement of the date is also typical for a magazine so an audience would automatically look there to find the date.

A variety of colours have been used to catch an audiences attention. Due to the fact that the target audience is of a younger generation, including a variety of colours is a great way to catch their attention. Its bright, colourful and cheerful which links to the genre and as a whole draws your attention to the


“Super geeky...Super horny”This links to the genre of comedy and would attract its target audience of a young generation. “Super geeky” challenges the stereotypical view of “Superbad” which links to the genre and would interest an audience as its different to what you typically see. “ Super horny” then links to the age of the target audience and may draw in “typically” younger males. There is a link between “horny” and the image of the girls exposing most of their bodies, this again would draw male attention as the female body is something they “crave”.

The same font has been used throughout (except the typical font for the masthead). I think using the same font is important as the magazine is very busy therefore if different fonts were used it would make the magazine too busy and look


The two main characters are shown on the front of the magazine. These characters are unique selling points as they are well known for their roles in comedies. The females are not identified but link to the film and the idea of these geeks challenging the typical idea of “bad” ie “cool” people.

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The layout is neat and simple. The main cover line and masthead are placed at the top so an audience can easily recognise the films name and the name of the magazine. there is a continuous orange and white theme that works well together and looks professional and eye catching. The cover lines have been placed accordingly around the main image so that the main character/unique selling point is not over crowded my text or the text distracts an audience from the image; as the image is the main part of the poster. The cover lines range in sizes accordingly to the importance of them and importance. The bigger the more eye catching and are the pages within the magazine the producers of the magazine think would persuade a reader to purchase the magazine. The date is placed at the top of the magazine. This is the stereotypical placement for the date, making it easy for a reader to point out.

The colour orange has been used to catch an audiences attention quickly. The orange writing also links to the orange part of the main characters clothing which works well as the magazine then looks smart and professional. The white writing contrasts to her black clothing which also then makes the magazine stand out more.

A variety of different fonts have been used which works well on this poster because its quite simple and clean cut. Adding the different fonts makes the poster more interesting as the text isn't a boring chunk of writing.

The main image is large and central drawing an audiences attention firstly on the character. As well as being the main character she is also the unique selling point for the film, so it is important that an audience can see her clearly. Having an attractive person is also a good way to draw in an audience especially on a magazine. If the person on the front is attractive it is more likely that a reader will purchase the magazine. As well as having the character as the main image, the background is also important as it reflects the film. Along with the bow and arrow, her serious facial expression and the green wood it creates the effect that the genre is of a action type and there is going to be some sort of fight. This then also links to the name of the film The Hunger “games” and the idea that it is a “game” reflects this fighting aspect.

Page 6: Task 8

Personally I don't like the layout of this magazine, I do like the idea that its not a typical structure for a magazine so the uniqueness is eye catching but I don’t like the use of three images and I don’t think it looks professional as it doesn't look like a typical magazine. The masthead is at the top so an audience can easily recognise the name of the magazine and what it connotes. Its big and bold and can be easily read which would dwell well with a reader. The main cover line is the biggest, links to the images and also is bright yellow. Yellow is typically used to catch attention and it is exactly what it is doing here. It creates the effect that its very important and that you should watch the film. The yellow is also used to show an audience that the magazine is a “SPECIAL COLLECTORS EDITION” this then reflects the idea that the film is “special” and it is important that you watch the film and purchase the magazine.

The date is placed at the top of the magazine; this is the typical place for the date to be placed making it easy for a reader to find the date because its in the typical place. Both the price and barcode are also in the typical area; at the bottom. Having the price specially at the bottom creates the impression that the price shouldn't be an important factor in choosing whether to purchase the magazine or not. You should be focusing on the image/images and the cover lines/content of the magazine. Mainly dark colours have been used to reflect the genre and events within the film. The colours create a dark mysterious sense which links to their facial expression also (in the main image). Yellow has been used to gain attention to the magazine in the hope that a reader will take interest and purchase the magazine because they like the film/the characters within the film.

Similar fonts have been used so magazine looks professional yet still interesting instead of the same boring font being used. Bold and italics have also been used to make the magazine more interesting and eye catching.

The main image is large and centred drawing a readers attention directly to the picture. The image is a close up of the two main characters faces creating the impression that you should focus on their faces/expressions because they are important. The use of the close up is also effective as these characters are the unique selling points for the film and are well known loved and therefore it is easier for an audience to recognise them if their faces take up the majority of the page. The other images also show parts of the film, giving an audience more information and luring them in more so because they are presented with images, leaving them questioning what happening encouraging them to purchase the magazine and watch the film.

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The fonts used reflect the genre and typical “blood writing” which is good as it links to the scary image and shows a reader the genre of the film.

The layout surrounds the image and doesn't overlap important parts of the image. I like the idea that the evil character isn't instantly seem as it then creates the impression that the film is full of surprises and that it is jumpy which what a horror audience wants. Personally although the layout doesn't clash with the image I don't think it works very well and doesn't look very

professional. The masthead is situated at the top of the magazine, making it easy for an audience to recognise it. It is also the stereotypical place for a masthead to be so it will be the first place a reader looks to find it.

The colours are scary and scary which relates to the genre of horror. Red is also used to catch a readers attention and it also connotes blood which again links to the genre. The main image consists of three people; which creates the effect that these people are the main characters and their roles are very important in the film. The front two characters faces link to the idea of being scared which links to the genre. The fact that these two characters are in front of the “evil” character creates the effect that they don't know he is there. This creates a jumpy effect as they are obviously running away from the man but he keeps appearing.

The cover lines are of all similar sizes. This is un-stereotypical for a magazine font cover as usually they vary in size and importance. I like the idea that this then creates the effect that all the other sections within the magazine are of equal importance making an reader take note in every cover line. On the other hand, I think they blend in too much and none of the cover lines (except the main cover line) stands out, making the magazine appear to be boring.

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The layout is very busy on the left hand side but it is effective as it gives a reader lots of information about the context of the magazine. It also doesn't get in the way of the image yet I don't think there is the correct balance on the page because of the heavy amount of information/images on the left hand side.

The main cover line stands out the most as it is the largest and boldest. It is also very effective as it links to the main image; making it easy for an audience to identity the image and its purpose. The other cover lines are of a similar size making them all seem as “important” as each other. I personally don't like this and I think they should be of different sizes as otherwise the magazine looks boring. On the other hand the main cover line is bigger and so is a cover line advertising winning DVDs, which creates the effect that it is a important aspect the magazine producers want their audience to take into account when purchasing the magazine. As they think advertising winning DVDs would encourage an audience to purchase the magazine.

The masthead is bold, in capitals and in bright red which catches an audiences attention quickly. It is placed at the top of the magazine cover so an audience can easily recognise the magazine name and is also in red which connotes blood and links to the genre of the film and in general the genre of the magazine; horror.

The barcode and price are both at the bottom of the page which is where they typically are placed on a magazine cover. Having the price at the bottom of the page would suggest that the price shouldn't be a leading factor when purchasing the magazine.

The magazine consists of a dark image relating to the horror genre. As a whole the magazine is very bright and eye catching. Red has been used a lot and is a good colour to use as it catches attention quickly. It is also a good colour to use because it links to blood which links to horror.

A variety of different fonts have been used. The variety of fonts gains and maintains interest as the magazine seems more interesting but at the same time it can be seen as too overpowering and unprofessional. Personally I prefer using three fonts.

The main image is very unnatural and gruesome which would appeal to a horror lover audience and also represents the film well. It takes up the majority of the space which creates the effect that it is an important part of the magazine and that you should take note/look at it. I personally don't think you can see the image as well as you should be able to see it as there is text over crowding it.

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I personally think the layout works very well, it is clean and simple and your attention is mainly focused on the image which is the main part of the magazine.

The masthead is placed stereotypically at the top of the magazine making it stand out and be easily recognisable to a reader.

The main cover line is big and bold and contrasts to the main characters black outfit which looks attractive and stands out. I like the idea that the only thing on the front of this magazine is information about “Batman”. This creates the effect that the producers of the magazine believe that advertising just “Batman” is enough to make a reader to purchase the magazine because “Batman” is such a iconic, popular character.

The date is placed at the top of the magazine which is typical and makes it easy for a reader to identity if the magazine is the “latest issue”.

A dark colour scheme is used which links to “Batman's” iconic black outfit, the name of the film “The ‘Dark’ Knight Rises” and the action genre. Using the white writing works very well as it contrasts to the image and overall colour scheme and stands out making it easier for an audience to recognise what the film is. The typical font for the name of the magazine is used so that an audience can easily recognise the magazine. Four other fonts are used which works well as there isn’t a lot of writing on the page, therefore it makes the magazine more interesting to look at and read because of the variety.

The main image is the most powerful part of the magazine. It is the largest and most eye catching part and is the first thing that catches an audiences attention. It shows the main character of the film and his stance and his facial expression creates the effect that he is a very strong and serious character.

“2012 PREVIEW!...43 NEW FILMS” this is placed in a yellow circle. In terms of colour, this stands out the most and would encourage an audience to purchase the magazine because it is seen to be important as it is in capitals and the idea of it being a “preview” also creates the effect that inside the magazine there is information nobody else has seen. “43 new films” would also encourage a reader to purchase the film as obviously anyone who is looking at this magazine would be interested in “films “ and therefore being exposed to 43 new films would be exciting because the amount and the fact that they are new.

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For all of the posters and magazine front covers you can see a link between them. Although the genre may be apparent in the saw poster/magazine it is not recognisable that it is the same film based on the images. Whereas for Superbad, The Hunger Games, Friday 13th, New Moon and The Dark Knight Rises the link between the two is there as the main characters can be pointed out. The images for Friday 13th and The Dark Knight Rises are especially similar. Having similarities between the poster and magazine front cover helps an audience identity with the film which would then gain more interest in the film and would encourage an audience more so to watch the film because they keep seeing it.

Page 11: Task 8

In conclusion I have found there are many things I should do in order for my magazine to be effective and look like a professional magazine front cover.

Make sure my layout doesn’t over crowd my image and make the cover look cluttered. “less is more”

Use a variety of cover lines, varying them in size of importance to keep an audience interested and make the most important parts of the magazine stand out.

My main cover line must be the biggest/boldest and should link to my main image.

I should place my masthead at the top of the magazine front cover so my audience can recognise it easier.

The date should be at the top of the page and contrasting the price and barcode should be at the bottom.

Colours should be used accordingly to the genre of the film, and using yellow is a good and typical colour to use to draw attention to the magazine.

I should use a couple of different fonts but not too many as the magazine may become too busy and look unprofessional

My main image should be eye catching, cantered, big and not over powered by text.