Task #4 Timeline

1635 - The Boston Latin School founded Massachusse tts Act of 1642 1647 - Old Deluder Satan Act 1745 - Arithmetic introduced into Latin Grammar Schools 1770 - Philadelphi a African School founded The purpose of education at this time was overall to promote the reading of the Bible and the support of religion. This was especially important to American colonists because they came to America to practice their religion freely; therefore it was a cornerstone of their society. This is especially seen with the Puritans. Education was a privilege to the white and wealthy, though there were some Quaker schools for Native Americans and African Americans. Of course, schools remained segregated at this time. There was no separation of church and state in these times. Parochial schools were established for different creeds, so there was segregation of schools even by religion at these times. S Dame schools (run by widows or housewives), reading and writing schools, and Latin Grammar schools (equivalent to today's secondary schools) were the institutions of the time L Schools were reserved mainly for the wealthy white males, Although, the lower class could attend through the elementary level, learning reading, writing, and math. P The Massachussets Act of 1642 promoted universal compulsory education by fining towns for having children unable to read. The Old Deluder Satan Act soon followed, mandating the establishment and support of schools. These acts greatly supported universal literacy L Important subjects during this period indluded: the classic languages (Latin and Greek), reading, writing, and arithmetic E Colonial Period

Transcript of Task #4 Timeline

Page 1: Task #4 Timeline

1635 - The Boston Latin School


Massachussetts Act of 1642

1647 - Old Deluder Satan Act

1745 - Arithmetic introduced into Latin Grammar


1770 - Philadelphia

African School founded

The purpose of education at this time was overall to promote the reading of the Bible and the support of religion. This was especially important to American colonists because they came to America to practice their religion freely; therefore it was a cornerstone of their society. This is especially seen with the Puritans. Education was a privilege to the white and wealthy, though there were some Quaker schools for Native Americans and African Americans.

Of course, schools remained segregated at this time.

There was no separation of church

and state in these times.

Parochial schools were established for different

creeds, so there was segregation of schools

even by religion at these times.


Dame schools (run by widows or housewives),

reading and writing schools, and Latin Grammar schools

(equivalent to today's secondary schools)

were the institutions of the time


Schools were reserved mainly for the wealthy

white males,Although, the lower class could attend

through the elementary level, learning reading,

writing, and math.


The Massachussets Act of 1642 promoted

universal compulsory education by fining

towns for having children unable to read. The Old Deluder Satan

Act soon followed, mandating the

establishment and support of schools. These acts greatly

supported universal

literacy L

Important subjects during this period

indluded:the classic

languages (Latin and Greek),

reading, writing,

and arithmetic


Colonial Period (1600-1750)

Page 2: Task #4 Timeline

History of Education TimelineHannah Foster

EFC 310

Theme Symbol Key:

P = Public Education

L = Universal Literacy

E = Essential Subjects

S = Secular Education

LC = Local Control

C = Comprehensive Education

Page 3: Task #4 Timeline

1751- Benjamin Franklin's

Philadelphia Academy opens

1779 - Thomas Jefferson proposed education ideas to


1783 - Noah Webster's Speller is


Schools in this era started to progress more toward the secular side with the development of academies and new importance of subjects besides

purely religion. The beginning of the push for public education started with Thomas Jefferson as well.

Private secondary schools thrived with Benjamin

Franklin's foundation of the Philiadelphia Academy. Academies replaced Latin

Grammar schools and began to focus on subjects seen as more relevant to

the present day . They used public funding and

were secular institutions. Considered public since

anyone could attend regardless of creed, as long

as they could pay the

tuition. P S

New subjects to surface in academies:

English grammar,modern foreign languages,

science, geography, agriculutre, mechanics.

Some of these subjects are found today in secondary

schools, though some clearly don't apply to

society today E

Sarah Pierce established female academies,

beginning the growth of opportunities for the education of women.

Another option for girls was a female seminary,

aimed at training women for service to the public


Thomas Jefferson pushed for elementary schools controlled by the state

focusing on writing, reading, and math and

offered for free to all white children. Also supported

enrollment of poor children in grammar

schools. Though Jefferson's

revolutionary ideas didn't survive Congress, his ideas

started the thought process for providing free

education P

Noah Webster was important for

writing one fo the first American

textbooks which became extremely

popular in education. This

widespread circulation helped

to promote universal literacy. L

Early Nationalization (1750-1820)

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1821 - Boston English Classical School


1839 - First normal

school in the US opens

1855 - First kindergarten opens in the US

1862 - Morrill Land-

Grant Act

This period was characterized by great gains in the growth of public education. Teachers were also expected to hold higher training, further improving the education


State supported "common schools"

began to emerge, kick starting the beginning of widespread public education. Common schools have lead to

the school system we have today (free, public, and locally



Horace Mann said "Education is the

great equalizer of the conditions of men".

He was the 1st secretary of a state board of education

and greatly supported the growth of

common schools.


Mann also pushed for further training of

teachers, sparking the emergence of normal



McGuffey Readers, with 6 total volumes, became even more

popular than Webster's Speller. The

books included positive short stories containing valuable moral lessons. They

simultaneously taught much of the

population to read and live upright.


The Morrill Land-Grant Act "provided

federal land for states either to sell or to rent in order to raise funds for the establishment

of colleges" Huge amounts of

money were raised, and this began the

common practice of the federal

government actively working with and influencing higher

education in


Kindergartens surfaced in the US,

based off of Friedrich Froebel's

theories emphasizing child

growth and development

before entrance into formal

schooling. Format included play,

music, stories,and language activities.

Middle Nationalization (1820-1860)

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Late Nationalization (1860-1900)

1880 - Booker T.

Washington founds Tuskegee Institute

for African Americans

1892-93 - Committe of Ten meet

1893 - Committe of Fifteen


1930 - all states pass compulsory

education laws

Page 6: Task #4 Timeline

Universal literacy and public education made great gains during this period as compulsory education laws were passed. The subjects of

schools were also specifically defined, as well as their main purposes.

With all states passing compulsory education laws by 1930, school enrollments

skyrocketed. Therefore, with more children in the school system, literacy rates

exploded as well.


Special institutions were founded for minorities typically shunned from

public schools. An example includes

Booker T. Washington's Tuskegee Institute for

African Americans.


With the meeting of the Committee of Ten, the core

subjects for high school were identified: Greek, Latin,

English, and other modern languages; mathematics,

physics and chemistry, history, and geography.

High school's main purpose identified as preparign

"intellectually elite students" for life and

preparing them for college. E

Committee of Fifteen met to determine the five basic subjects at

the elementary level: grammar, literature, arithmetic, geography,

and history E

1896 - John Dewey and his

wife found their Laboratory school

1915 - almost 100 Montessori schools operating in the


1944 - G.I. Bill of Rights

Global Presence and Immigration (1900-1945)

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The philosophy of progressivism greatly influenced the development of education at this time. The main principles included learning lead by student interest and a focus on practical needs.

John Dewey embraced the progressive movement and established a "laboratory

school" in which the curriculum was entirely

conducted by the interest of the students.


The Montessori method, originating in Europe,

spread to the US and is still used today. The method focuses on

surrounding the students with materials designed to develop the students' skills and knowledge, but

the choice of what to play or experiment with

is the child's.

By the early 1930s, 2/3 of Native Americans attended

boarding schools which aimed to assimilate them

into white society and bring them "salvation". In the process, these schools

devastated the continuance of Native American culture.

Many public schools forbade speaking any other language besides English.


The G.I. Bill of Rights, passed by President

Franklin D. Roosevelt, provided college money

for veterans. This resulted in a huge growth of colleges and

universities and development of higher education in US overall.


Page 8: Task #4 Timeline

1954 - Brown v. Board of Education of


1957 - Sputnik was launched,

turned the public's eye toward US education

1958 - National Defense

Education Act - the U.S.'s

response to Sputnik

1965 - Elementary and

Secondary Education Act

1975- Title IX

1975 - Education for all

Handicapped Children Act

2001- No Child Left


The Modern era of education has been host to numerous revolutionary changes. An emphasis on quality education emerged in order to keep up with an advancing world. There was a movement for equality in schools, including

desegregation and acts to promote equality across gender and ability.

With the launch of Sputnik, America's eye

turned on the education system and blamed it for the lack of advances occuring

in the US. In response, the National Defense

Education Act placed a push on science,

math, and modern foreign languages as

well as reading, English, history, and

geography. E

Immediate desegregation was

ordered through the court case Brown v.

Board of Education of Topeka.

Desegregation was a long and tiresome

process, whit many fighting the change.

Finally today we have desegregated schools.


John F. Kennedy's War on Poverty

established such programs as

subsidized breakfast and lunch, Head Start,

and Upward Bound, all of which aimed to equalize the playing

field and move towards

comprehensive education.


The Elementary and Secondary Education

Act, passsed by President Johnson, distributed federal

funding based on the number of poor

children in the school districts


Title IX prohibits discrimination based

on sex and the Education for all

Handicapped Children Act guaranteed that

special needs students would receive free,

appropriate education.

These both helped to promote

comprehensive education support a truly public school


No Child Left Behind, passed

by President George W.

Bush, requires improvement

on standardized tests by schools and districts in

order to receive more federal funding LC

Modern Period (1945-Present)